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Share a special moment from Nickolas's life.

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My Light

October 25, 2020
when I met Nick, he had just gotten was his first day out and we celebrated. Nick was the light to my world. He showed me that we could live a life much bigger and better. Nick was many things, i could tell you for hours. He changed my life. The night he went to be at peace, he was suppose to of been with me. Life will never be the same without you, RNP. Forever and always in my heart 

Lion King

October 21, 2020
When Nickolas was little he loved to watch together. When he would laugh uncontrollably whenever the hyenas would try to frighten scare by saying mufassa over and over. He would  just have the cuties laugh that a child have and a mother could hear. I will always remember and cherish those laughs. Son you always going to be remembered. I love you always and forever... till we meet again Son..

Love ya always and forever,


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