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October 19, 2021
October 19, 2021
Hmmm its sad that I did not meet most of you in person but going from their antecedents they are powerful women that worked assiduously for women Inclusion and equity in all ramifications. May their souls rest in the bosom of their creator through Christ our Lord amen
September 30, 2021
September 30, 2021
Adieu, Hauwa. The measure of a life is not so much about how long it lasted but how well it was lived. Yours was a life well lived and there are many who will always treasure their memories of you. Rest In Peace.
September 27, 2021
September 27, 2021
Remembering a Great and Beautiful Soul Hauwa Evelyn Shekarau (nee Luka)

I choose to unearth fond memories of Hauwa in celebration of her life. I have known Hauwa Evelyn Shekarau (nee Luka) since 1986, when we were both at the College of Advanced Studies (CAS) Zaria for our A levels. She and the second Hauwa Evelyn (Yusuf, nee Paul) were close, and she it was who first told me Hauwa had passed. At CAS, literature connected us, as I did a social science course, and the two Hauwa Evelyns did Arts. In CAS, I admired the grace, courage and confidence of Evelyn Luka, as we called her then. She could stand up to anyone, make a solid case without a need to raise her voice. It was just strong and clear. She had an answer for every question, which she would submit with a rueful smile. And she only got better through the years.

I admired Hauwa for all these things. Her physique also excited me. Hauwa was shapely and well endowed. She was a black beauty who proved that beauty comes in different hues and sizes. To skinny me then, she was gorgeous with her sometimes braids, sometimes locks, hairstyle. She had a subtle sense of humour. Once, about seven years ago, at Area 10 old parade ground, we jammed for a Saturday workout. I was fast walking the track circuit solo and came upon her in a cohort that was also jogging- she was a people person. As I passed her and said hello, Hauwa called after me, ‘ah my sister Amina, how now? jeje – don’t break something o. And we all laughed as I continued, counting my skinny steps, determined to finish that circuit before exhaustion won.

Hauwa had a passion for causes. She would seek your option about injustice but only rhetorically because regardless of your opinion, she had made up her mind to do something about it anyway. Hauwa taught us to create our space and own it, but also to share it. Our last conversation in 2020 or early 2021 was about raising resources for Women, Law and Development Initiative (WOLDI). Since she was not a stranger to MacArthur through her past work, we agreed Hauwa would join a virtual conversation to introduce her new work to the team, COVID-19 and all, permitting. That was never to be.

I am ashamed I did not know she had been ill. She had such quiet but effective energy; it is hard to imagine she had that big a battle to fight. Running for office as NBA Abuja Chair – the first female to attain that office, running FIDA-building on the work of her predecessors, leading the team at IPAS- it is easy to imagine this was a superwoman who needed nothing. But feminist sisterhood should always ask questions, prod, inquire and offer support. Are we doing enough for each other?

As I write these lines, I am listening online and inspired by the tributes pouring in from sisters and brothers on the continent and as far as the Caribbean. A beautiful feast of words for a beautiful and great soul. I want to thank the sisters like her namesake and the brothers who were there with her and lent her the support she deserved. May we never walk alone. I pray strength for the family. May Hauwa Shekarau’s rest be complete. May her legacy endure.

Amina Salihu
Sept 27 2021

September 27, 2021
September 27, 2021
Dear Hauwa,
It is indeed difficult to say good bye to you. You left too soon. You will be missed by us, your sisters & your family. May the good Lord who called you home comfort all of us. Good night!
September 27, 2021
September 27, 2021
On behalf of the Management and staff of the CLEEN Foundation, we extend our deepest condolences to the families of Dr Hauwa Shekarau and all those whose lives she had touched during her time here. Dr Hauwa was a strong voice for women empowerment and gender equality. We recognize her sterling qualities and her work which impacted many communities positively. We hope that her works and the values that she stood for will be sustained through a generation of upcoming young women and men yearning for an equal and inclusive world. We love you but God loves you more. Do rest sister. You have fought a good fight. Signed: Ruth Olofin for the CLEEN FOUNDATION
September 27, 2021
September 27, 2021
To Dr Hauwa Evelyn Shekarau; an amazon who lives on. Rest in peace dear sister .
September 27, 2021
September 27, 2021
Aunty Hauwa... words still fail me. I pray the Lord grant your soul eternal rest. He shall comfort everyone.
September 27, 2021
September 27, 2021


A Special Tribute by Network of Reproductive Health Journalists of Nigeria (NRHJN) at the Night of Tributes by Nigeria Feminists/Womanifesto Group
Read by: Modupe Aduloju Mrs. (Coordinator, Abuja Network)

Dr. Hauwa Evelyn Shekarau, to most people, you were a renown and committed Human Rights                         Lawyer and (s)hero of women and children rights advocate.
To some others, you were the special and ebullient “Madam Chair”.

Indeed, to us at the Network of Reproductive Health Journalists of Nigeria (NRHJN), you were all of these and much more.

To us, you are an “Amazon of diverse parts”.

Even in death, you remain as large as in life. You will always be a great inspiration and resourceful advocate for a friendlier space for Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights of every Nigerian woman and adolescent girl.

You breathed, lived and died working for a safer space for every Nigerian woman to live in dignity and achieve full life’s potentials without her body being violated, sexually abused and assaulted and then made to carry the shame of unwanted pregnancy and, or the agony and morbidity of unsafe abortion; because the society does not allow her to determine what she wants for herself and cannot even protect her dignity when it matters most.

You fought passionately that there should be a safe space for medical termination of unwanted pregnancy occasioned by brutal sexual assaults, rape, incest, gender based violence among others.

You advocated tirelessly with like minds to ensure that the Violence Against Persons Prohibition (VAPP) Act was passed and continued till you breathed your last to canvass for the domestication of the Act as well as child’s Right Law in states so that there would be safe space for all women.

Dear Hauwa, how can we not mention the prominent role that you payed when the foundation of the Network was laid in 2010. At that time, you were the Policy Advisor for Ipas, Nigeria, you were fully committed to the newborn group of media advocates.
We can never forget what you did when you rose to the position of Country Director at Ipas. We recall how your love, commitment and dedication to the Network grew and deepened to the extent that, you committed your personal resources towards its sustenance in addition to commissioning a Legal Officer from your Chambers to ensure the Network got registered with the CAC in record time.
We remember all these and much more and we say, “thank you”.
One amazing experience we had with you, Hauwa when you became Country Director of Ipas, was that, despite not being a medical doctor, you amazingly handled the office of CD with precision anytime you had to speak at providers’ trainings.
In humility, you would invite Dr Ejike Oji, our BoT Chairman and predecessor at Ipas, who you always described as your mentor, to handle professional sessions and as media partners, we learnt about submission to professionalism.

When you realised there would be need to get the Network another experienced guide, you did not hesitate to call on another amazing woman, Dr. Abiola Akiyode-Afolabi to be that able hand to assist the media advocacy group finds its feet.

We are finding it difficult to write this tribute but we know for sure that our beloved sister in reproductive health advocacy, Hauwa, served humanity very well.

Your name cannot be erased because you have reincarnated and cloned yourself in us through the Network.

Our prayer is that we sustain your endearing legacy and continue with the tenets and skills that you taught us about building bridges.

Dr. Hauwa Evelyn Shekarau, you have left an indelible mark in the history of our great nation with many firsts.
We shall never forget you, we remain grateful for knowing you and proud of our association with you for 11 solid years.

You are gone but the memories linger, and how sweet the memories!
As the foundation member of our Board of Trustees (BoT) a position you served till death, a huge vacuum has now been created but we trust in God, He knows best.
Rest on our darling sister in reproductive health advocacy.
It is definitely a long night but surely, there will be a resurrection morning.

Then, we shall meet our Amazon again.
‘Yinka Shokunbi (Mrs.)

Elizabeth Carr (Mrs.)   
National Welfare/Publicity Secretary
September 27, 2021
September 27, 2021
Dear Hauwa,

Gone too soon but what a life!

You packed in many life times with your activism and your always ready to support character. We will miss you.

Your works will outlive you and the lives you touched will be part of your legacy.

Rest well.
September 27, 2021
September 27, 2021
Our sister Hauwa,
A true Amazon.

I call you Amazon because you were a fearless frontline warrior for women’s rights.

We worked together during your time with FIDA, IPAS, VAPP act and on issues concerning widows. You showed such courage and at the same time humility.

You have certainly left indelible footprints in the sands of time.

We pray for your family to be comforted at this time.

Rest In Peace.

Dr Eleanor Nwadinobi
Medical Women’s International Association
September 27, 2021
September 27, 2021
Dr. Hauwa, You are a Winner even in death. I admired you a lot after meeting you during our (WACOL's) partnership with IPAS and had followed you virtually as much. I am sorry I didn't get to tell you that. You were a great woman and your personality shines through your looks, your character, your purpose and your impact will continue to be harvested in your absence. You are indeed a mortal Angel in this side and I'm sure you have gained celestial immortality with great celebration.
You will be sorely missed .
Rest in power great Amazon

Ijeoma Jessica Uzoeshi
September 27, 2021
September 27, 2021
Dr. Hauwa Shekarau, continue to rest in peace with the Lord! We have indeed lost a rare gem!!

As the National Secretary, Network of Reproductive Health Journalists of Nigeria, NRHJN, I can say for sure how supportive and caring you were to the network. We will surely miss the various valuable counselling and advice of our darling foundation Board member.

I can still remember vividly how passionate you were as usual, in ensuring the passage of Violence Against Persons Prohibition Act (VAPP) into Law.

You were always there for us when I was Chairperson, Nigerian Association of Women Journalists, Lagos Chapter and you were then the Country Director of Ipas. In your usual character, always ready to assist any cause that will benefit women and the society in general.
Rest on our amiable and darling amazon.
By Hajia Sekinah Temitope Lawal,
National Secretary, NRHJN.
0805 510 2995
September 26, 2021
September 26, 2021
Sis Hauwa Shekarau, you lived a life of purpose and conviction. The way you stood up for women and girls who had the odds stacked against them in your various capacities, whether at IPAS or FIDA or WOLDI is priceless. You were an incredible advocate with still much work to do to reform our legal system for all people especially women and children. Every time we met; you had a word of encouragement to give. I do not want to believe that you are gone and that I would not see your beautiful smile again. It is so hard to say goodbye. Rest in power great advocate. May your soul find rest and peace. Amen.
September 25, 2021
September 25, 2021
Dearest Hauwa,
You came
You shone
You left your trail in the sands of time
Thanks for playing your part in the course of eliminating suffering and pain for Nigeria women and children
You will be remembered...
Sleep well
September 25, 2021
September 25, 2021
Thank you so much for living such an inspiring life Dr. Hauwa. It is a profound privilege to have known you and benefited from your mentorship. I pray the Lord continues to grant your soul eternal rest and comforts your family.
September 24, 2021
September 24, 2021
You were willing to provide support for all especially women which was what I knew you for and will be fondly remembered for.
September 23, 2021
September 23, 2021
Aunty Hauwa Shekarau,

You were a true feminist indeed. You accepted the high and low, gave leadership spaces to younger feminist. You built systems, institutions and people. You were an achiever, ground breaker, my role model. Yet, so humble and down to earth. Visionary, bold and fierce, yet cool and calm. Your warm smiles always melts the heart. I love you and will miss you dearly. Good night to a mentor, an outstanding leader and wa
rrior. Earth lost a Heroine, Heaven gained a Saint. God rest your beautiful soul, in His eternal presence.

September 23, 2021
September 23, 2021
Exit of an Amazon-Dr Hauwa E. Shekarau

I have known Hauwa Shekarau for over 25 years and my first encounter with her was a remarkable one which ignited the passion we both have in advancing the rights and interests of women, children and the vulnerable using Fida Nigeria as a viable platform.

Hauwa was indeed many things to us all in the professional, development and human rights communities, she was a friend, colleague, sister, mother, leader and a boss.In whatever way she is remembered, Hauwa was certainly a progressive, a pacesetter and an exemplary leader and an inspiration to many.
To us in Fida Nigeria,Hauwa Shekarau was a big sister, a leader of repute who left a big mark in the organisation as a two timed UN Representative- Fida International, CVP/ National President, Deputy Country Vice President, two timed Chairperson of Fida Abuja.

Hauwa raised her voice just like Malala Yousafzai said;
    " not so that she can shout, but so
     that those without a voice can be
      heard. We cannot all succeed when 
      half of us are held back"

While we mourn Hauwa Evelyn Shekarau, we equally celebrate her for all her outstanding achievements.

HAUWA lives on! Rest on Hauwa!
September 23, 2021
September 23, 2021
Dear Hauwa,

I thank God for the life of impact you lived. I didn’t not envisage that I will be writing another tribute so soon…….hmmm. You will be sorely missed dearly beloved, keep resting in God’s blossom.
September 23, 2021
September 23, 2021
Aunty Hauwa as I fondly called you, I will miss you sorely. I am glad I had an opportunity of meeting and working with someone so selfless like you. I do recall your many times of coming to answer the call to stand for women and girls. Thank you for the Moot Court, thank you for the brilliant recommendations and taking those forward albeit at your own pains, so many things to thank you for.

Sleep on, beautiful heart. Your light will continue to shine.
September 23, 2021
September 23, 2021
Dear Hauwa Shekarau, I find it difficult to use the word LATE, just last year I sent you my manuscript for review at my book launch, it never came to pass because death came like a theif. O how are the mighty fallen, what a loss to women's cause in Nigeria. May the Lord rest you in his bossom. Amen.
September 23, 2021
September 23, 2021
Aunty Hauwa, as I use to call you; you were a light to a dark world, loving and caring in contributing to gender development in Nigeria. You impacted your world and forever will be missed. 
September 23, 2021
September 23, 2021
Sis Hauwa, you made an impact on everyone that crossed your path... the words of encouragement and commendation you gave me the first time you joined me and team to the field as a board member of my organisation then left an impact. Your constant words of advice went a long way... you will always be here . God loves you more . Do rest on in the Lord.
September 22, 2021
September 22, 2021

Where do I start from! Words fail me. Hmmm we spoke, after Banke left we spoke. We talked about several things. Little did I know you were right on her heels. Another child received back home.

I have too many questions, none that I can get answers to on this side of eternity. My dear sister and friend, you worked so hard, had do many dreams and ideals of how this nation should be. I wish I will wake up and it was just a dream, that I was being served April fool in September. You are loved and appreciated.

Rest on dearly beloved in the Masters bosom!!! Home at last for another warrior!!! Rest in peace!!!
September 21, 2021
September 21, 2021
Amazons don’t die, they pass on the baton…

Dear Hauwa,

I light yet another candle for you, a sister gone too soon but I also rest in the consolation that we will surely meet again on the resurrection morning.
I will miss your calm demeanor and brilliance but thankful for the gift of you.
Rest in power Hauwa for now your watch is over.

March 24, 2021
March 24, 2021
Dear Banke,
My dear sister, I light a candle for you here to remember you always. I thank God for the gift of you and will cherish the memories of you. Our loved ones never truly die, they live on in our hearts always dancing on the stage of memory.
Yes, you have left this world but your legacy will live forever!
Rest in power Adebanke Akinrinmisi!
March 23, 2021
March 23, 2021
Adebanke, Abanky Sho, my darling sister, my confidante, my friend, midnight and daytime gist partner, laughter factory (oh how we laughed, with tears streaming down our eyes, sides aching, giggling all away). A friend that stuck closer than a brother. My love.

Where do I start from, what do I say! Words fail me as I am unable to pen all that is running through my mind. My Partner, I am sure you are laughing so hard, tears running down your cheeks at this our personal joke. O ga o. We were supposed to grow old together, we were going to that resort, we were to spend a weekend in Offa, close to nature, so many planned trips that were not supposed to be work related. Tinuke calm dowwwwnnnn!!! I hear your voice daily; the memories keep coming. I have read our chats over and over, you said ma bo, I am missing you oooooo. Why did I not jump on the plane, I was going to come, wow but way too late. You fought gallantly, I hear your voice as we both gave praise to our God on the phone, praising Him for who He is – Almighty God, Alagbara bi ara. I hear your voice as we walk by the beach at Akodo, looking at the waves, still praising God for His awesomeness. Great is our God.

Whatever my lot, the Lord hast taught me to say
It is well, it is well, with my soul

Words are not enough; words do not cut it. My heart is broken. I miss you soooooooo. Our nightly and midnight gist. Your staunch support for me in everything I did. Your fierce love for my children, I laugh and cry at the same time, remember the guy that was owing senibobo, after you dealt with him, you told him never to forget Seni has an aunty. Too many memories, work has suddenly become a burden, we always bounced off each other, whether CEWHIN or consultancies. My heart hurts, have you seen Dr O?

Heaven has received a worthy child of the Father, a saint has returned home. Your commitment to Gods house and work, the hours spent doing welfare department work, publications, going a fishing, workers meeting. I am sure the Lord is so happy to have His very dear daughter home – You fought the fight, you finished the race, you have done well, now is the time for your glistening crown. Dedicated, caring, loving, kind, giving, consistent, hardworking, perfectionist, and the list goes on and on. I miss how I kept you company on the phone driving back home at night from church, ok o mo ti de gate odaaro and then you call to gist me about something again. I still have the videos and go back to them daily, just that you are not here to laugh with me. Every day I do our dance, it’s no longer complete, without you. Greet my sister Dr O. Hmmmmmm this is so hard.

Rest well dearly beloved in the bosom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. You indeed have returned home with joy.
I love you so much
March 23, 2021
March 23, 2021
Banke, it's so sad to talk about you in the past. But that is the reality we are left to face now. I thank God for the privilege to know you and work with you at close quarters. You were a rare gem, one who was always wanting to make impact. Indeed you have fulfilled your purpose here on earth and it has pleased the Good Lord to call you home to eternal rest. Rest on in the bosom of your maker till we meet to part no more. Adieu sis....
March 23, 2021
March 23, 2021
-          How does one express the amazing essence and spirit of Sis  Banke Akinrimisi . She believe so much in accountability and transparency . We met severally but my association with you on Transparency
And accountability network is unique. We learn a lot from you.

- the training and capacity building for TAN by cewhin and her commitment and diligence were exemplary ( working till late, last person to eat).

+ sacrificial in all ramifications, nominated someone else as BOT Chairman, though she was the visionary.

-          Contributed financially more than anyone else in setting up TAN ad  organization and registering at the cac.

× she  encouraged us all to continue to work- 'e maa se, Prof,  e ma se".

 Happy to tell you Sis Banke that your vision  is working in Ogun State.

We shall cherish and nurture it. 
Rest on!!

March 23, 2021
March 23, 2021
My dear Barr Banke continue to rest in the bossom of your maker whom you loved and served diligently through your service to humanity. You are dear to all of us at NACA. We would continue to miss you but you live on in our hearts. We would hold high your exemplary Christian life. Rest on dear sis till resurrection morning.

Yinka Falola-Anoemuah
March 23, 2021
March 23, 2021
"She was humility and simplicity personified"

Tochie Odele

March 23, 2021
March 23, 2021
Sis Bake Akinrimisi was a dear sister who is really kind and always ready to help with information or resources. I have never seen her angry. She was always wearing a smile. She was indeed a rare gem.

Hauwa Shekarau
March 23, 2021
March 23, 2021
My dear sister, those special memories of you in the A-Team will never fade. Your life was a blessing to the A-Team family and your memory, a treasure we will always keep. Precious memories never die. You are missed beyond measure.
Your actions were always kind, gentle and thoughtful, eager to serve and careful not to offend. You were an epitome of gender expertise, supportive of colleagues, confident and graceful in course delivery. You topped it all with a beautiful inspiring smile.
Across the bridge, there is no more sorrow and no more pain. Rest in peace until we meet again, My Sister.
Rodger Obubo
March 23, 2021
March 23, 2021
Words are not enough to express how devastated we are with Banke’s departure from US ALL. Until her death she remained part of the current team reviewing the National Gender Policy. She left her footprints at the most important points of the gender equality agenda in Nigeria. Banke came as an angel in the human form. She played her part. She won for women. Banke, you will remain evergreen in our hearts. Adieu.

Prof Olabisi Aina.
Centre for Gender, Women and Children in Sustainable Development
March 23, 2021
March 23, 2021
ALL of us at Women's Consortium of Nigeria (WOCON) celebrate the life and times of Mrs. Banke Akinrimisi. She will be sadly missed.

Morenike Omaiboje
March 23, 2021
March 23, 2021
Sweet is the remembrance of the righteous. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints. Gone, but incapable of being forgotten because of the lives you touched: lovingly, sacrificially, impactfully, directly and indirectly through your role modelling by your words and actions. The memories we have of you can only be cherished. This professional event confirms how you were an Amazon, even professionally, a trail blazer, a staunch advocate for good causes. Rest in peace, Mummy Banke Akinrimisi. May the Lord keep comforting all your loved ones - family and friends in Jesus name, amen. We bless the Lord for the gift your life was.
Shalom, the Elebijus
March 23, 2021
March 23, 2021
Adebanke Akinrinmisi sun re o, I miss you so much and I still can’t believe you’re gone. Iku doro o, haaa, it is heartbreaking that I can’t reach you any longer. I know you’re home with your maker and we will meet again on resurrection morning by His grace. May God comfort your husband, son, Tinuke and all of us. I love you babe, my sweet sister, “Aunty Banks” as I fondly called you. Sun re o
Adeola Awogbemi
March 23, 2021
March 23, 2021
I met Banke over 20 years ago and with Tinuke, and was honored to have been asked to be a board member of CEHWIN for very many years. Banke and I wrote the last Nigeria Gender Policy in 2008, and also costed the policy, developing for the first time, a policy with an indicative budget of how much it will cost to implement. This was something that was funded by Canada/Esther Eghobamien and technically supported by Funke Oladipo. We developed a friendship - calm, kind, humble. I saw her last in Juba, South Sudan when she came to help me/UN Women facilitate South Sudan's first CEDAW Report. The term, 'it is well' was probably coined by Banke! Every challenge, problem was met with, 'It is well' and a beautiful smile. All the South Sudanese women and men she worked with reached out to me, to convey their condolences. We are saddened that Banke left early but we know this is a celebration of love, of service and of sisterhood. We all know for sure that it is well with Banke. Funmi Balogun
March 23, 2021
Dearest Banke,
Serene, cool and warm hearted...Ready to assist, always cheerfully... A hardcore researcher and advocate... You are missed... my friend, my sister in the struggle... You have dropped the baton... You will be greatly missed... Do rest in the bossom of the Lord.
January 30, 2021
January 30, 2021
Aunty Sumbo the fragrance of your love will remain with us and your passion for God and the mandate of the UN towards serving and advocate for disadvantaged women and girls. I will miss your smiles and energy. May God comfort your husband, children and grandchildren. Rest in the bosom of the Lord till we meet on resurrection morning at the feet of Jesus
January 27, 2021
January 27, 2021
Dr. Sumbo Odebode,

How does one say goodbye when one isn't ready to part yet? 'My Big Sis' as I always called you, and you would respond: 'aburo mi' (my younger sibling). Words fail me but I will forever carry the memories of you in my heart, I am guarding these memories jealously because I am afraid if I write them out, I will lose them. Thank you for being there for me, for always reaffirming me and urging me on, thank you for the good times, for the sharp rebuke and critique, thank you for the gift of YOU! These last fifteen years of knowing you is a gift I will forever treasure.

Adieu! Sun re o!

Barr. Esther Uzoma,

I find it hard to write about you in the past, because its hard to come to terms with the fact that your powerful voice and resounding 'Yessir' and 'Allied Matters' will no longer liven up our gatherings or sour moods in the never ending civic space of meetings neither will your passionate speeches that made us think. I have known you personally for only six years but it feels like a lifetime. The moment you saw me you gave me a nickname 'fine girl' and popularised the second one 'onugbajie boys' and made me blush every time I walked into the Civil Society Situation Room or any other meeting. You were a powerful strong voice for women and human rights, standing against injustice. on all fronts. I will hold dear the lunch times you only always insisted we share during meetings, I wish I listened to you more.... "Funke, eat before you disappear, that meeting can wait!" The civic space will never be the same without you Esther, but we will trudge on and make you proud.

Now your watch is over. Rest in Peace sisters, amazons, it's not goodbye.. its see you on the other side!
January 27, 2021
January 27, 2021
Dr. 'Sunbo was an amazing and lovely person. Beautiful inside and out. Sad to lose her too early. I am comforted that she contributed so much to improve the lives of women and children. Her legacy lives. May her soul rest in peace. Amen

Everyone that has met Barr. Esther would tell you she was full of life and a vibrant activist. She made advocating for equality and fairness a breeze. She is sorely missed. May her soul rest in peace. Amen
January 26, 2021
January 26, 2021

You came, you saw, you conquered.

May your soul rest in perfect peace
Rest on dearly beloved
January 26, 2021
January 26, 2021

Dr O, our darling Dr. O. Words fail at this time!

Our darling Sister and Friend, Wow! Where do I start from? It is still like a dream to me and I keep wishing I will wake up from this nasty nightmare. How can this be??? This was not part of the plan. We had so many dreams, the three of us (Banke, me and our darling Dr O, Sista wa) Oga o! Who are we to question God? I have read and re-read our last few chats; I have recalled our last conversations. We miss you so much on our Sunday night prayer calls. Both our families are stunned that you have gone so soon.

Our Abuja sister, our phones kept ringing. Can this be true? Is this your Dr O? Alas! It was. Our Dr O, has travelled over the ocean and flown into her father’s arms…

The way you jump up on anything that concerns us, throwing in resources, prayers, words of encouragement – to say we miss you is an understatement. Again Hoowww??? Whhhhyyyyyy?? The eldest of the three of us, yet so humble and loving, we were supposed to have many more years doing our late-night gists.

Banke telling us emi nlo sun ntemi, you two never stop. My mind is just tumbling over, this is so tough for us. Sista mi ma worry, mo ti send gbogbo e si e leko, o ma de park laaro ola, sista mi, I am praying o, all will be well, sista mi mo wa ni Dover………. No more of those conversations.

You loved the Lord, loved your children and husband, you gave so much of yourself. Abiyamo tooto! You children were your sunshine, you did over and beyond for them. We can never forget your love, your resilience, your commitment, your inner strength. Banke and I will continue to cherish your memory and the times we spent together through thick and thin, as I pen these words, I picture us all together in Offa, in Lagos, in Abuja, in Ibadan… so many lovely memories; we will forever remember the laughter, the pain, the victories, the hugs and kisses, the advice, the care, the sharing and lots more. We will not forget our dreams and aspirations as well.

We cannot forget that you were a professional per excellence, always result-oriented. Thank you for the many times you provided professional support to us. Your clarity of gender issues, your commitment to ending sexual and gender-based violence, your wanting things to be done properly and ethically, no wishy-washy programme activities.

You came, you saw, you conquered! We miss you so much it is so hard to put it in words.

Despite this excruciating pain, we choose to set our eye like a flint upon our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ

Farewell our darling sister, may your kind soul rest in perfect peace

Adebanke Akinrimisi & Atinuke Odukoya

January 25, 2021
January 25, 2021
Sistaa Min And My In-Law: Our Family Is Depleted

I stumbled upon the news of Sunbo's passing on two online platforms, but I couldn't utter a word, and then, as feeling was beginning to return to my soul, Esther left. Haba!


Deep, practical, very subtle and logical in her approach to all things. Sunbo was one of the kindest most perceptive heart and head of the Women's Movement. Long before her UNICEF days as a gender and development specialist, Sunbo has been a present and grounded Nigerian feminist and expert, always reaching out and seeking new ways to solve old befuddling problems. The last time we talked, was in November 2020, about facilitation for a UNICEF convening. Somehow, I confirmed with a different date in mind, unmindful of the change in date communicated. When she called, and I rechecked my calendar, it was not possible to participate. My last words to her were, 'I am so sorry, my sis'. And she replied 'don't worry at all, we will reach somebody else'.  Sunbo always called me sistaa min ( {me-do- reh} my sister in anglicised Yoruba), she would say it with a personalisation best imagined in Sunbo's soft, calm voice. She could use those two words to caution, hail, nudge, scold, or just for celebrating the joy of reconnecting. Sunbo was smart and stylish. Sunbo was special.


Esther and I first worked together in 2014 on then NILS, now, the National Institute for Legislative and Democratic Studies (NILDS), gender policy and gender training manual for the National Assembly. She was Nwannem Nwayi ( my sister, in Igbo language). I led the technical tasks, and she led the political tasks. Esther was the solid force, protecting the team. She knew the contours of bureaucracy, and how to get critical decisions we needed to get us moving. Esther would usually preface any strategy she had arrived at with her characteristic, 'Yeess..' and 'that's right!' Esther was a towering force of gender justice and equitable rights. When she met my daughter, she said 'that is our wife!' And we became 'in-laws'. Whenever we met, and she hailed me, 'my in-law!' I would tease and call her, In-law- who-always- promised- yams - I don't - see. And she would say; don't worry a trailer load has been delivered right after the new yam festival. Esther was brilliant. She was fun, she was mature and yet kept that childlike side of her.

Ours is a world where you sometimes question whether you have done enough, a place where you are never fully appreciated just because you are born female. And it is also a place where even oppressed co-travellers, are sometimes derisive of each other; a safe space, and sometimes negatively competitive ecosystem. So, I have come to appreciate the strength, patience, and the doing of good, of sisters like Sunbo and Esther. We are such a small band of feminists, as it were. This fact makes it an even sadder event when any of us leaves. I will remember Dr Olasunbo Odebode and Barrister Esther Uzoma for their passion and compassion, and for showing us that we each bring something of value to the table, in our different ways. And it is okay to sometimes standalone, and apart, upon the power of our conviction, for the greater good. 

That's right!

Amina Salihu
Jan 21 2021
January 22, 2021
January 22, 2021
Dear Esther,

I had a good reason for always addressing as "the General" you had mastery of what you believed in and stood for to the very end and even what looks like an end is not because your legacy lives on. Your physical presence and strength will surely be missed. May your gentle soul and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace, Amen
January 22, 2021
January 22, 2021
May God continue to rest your beautiful souls, great Nigerian women. You ran your race and finished your course in amazing ways. Rest on in glory.
January 22, 2021
January 22, 2021
Dear Late Advocates, I never met you but knew you through your works. You lived your lives to make the world a better place for women and all others. Adieu great women.
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
Dear Esther, your were for the development community, a strong, passionate and energetic icon. Your voice and messages for inclusion of women and the vulnerable was load and clear. You fought with all your strength and might and the legacy you left behind has created a better world for women, girls and the vulnerable. Rest on sister and may God watch over the loved ones you left behind
January 21, 2021
January 21, 2021
Aunty O, your departure leaves us with a lot of unanswered questions. You were full of life, vigor and energy. You did not give any sign that you were leaving but we are consoled in that fact that you had a personal relationship with your maker, and I believe He has prepared for you a peaceful abode where disease, sickness or pain does not exist. I am sure the angels were on ground on the 29th of December 2020, to welcome you home.

Aunty O, you were for me an elder sister, an aunt, a friend, a confidant, and a profession colleague. You inspired me so much with your depth of knowledge, skills, and positive altitude to life. You were hard working, studious and committed to your family and career. You were the ever glamorous and boisterous aunty who was not defined by age, you loved life to the fullest and took very good care of yourself to the amazement of all of us who were much younger than you. You modeled the virtues of resilience and made us see how not to be bugged down by challenges and barriers that life presents.

My family and I will continue to cherish your memory and the times we spent together during the tough times of our lives, we will fondly remember, the laughter we shared when we had victories, and the warm embraces /hugs and kisses from you when we celebrated. We will also remember the advices and directions you gave to enable us navigate tough terrains and dark tunnels.
Professionally, we will continue to remember your technical and professional contributions to the development partners group on gender (DPGG) in Nigeria, the conceptualization, set up and implementation of several projects including the EU/UN spotlight initiative in Nigeria. The story of the EU/UN Spotlight in Nigeria will never be complete, without mentioning the huge role you played to make the project a success.

We miss you already, but we wish you rest dear sister, aunty, friend, and confidant, you have indeed fought a good fight and you have gallantly finished your race and there wait for you a great crown of rewards in glory.

See you in glory aunti mi and lots of love from your aburo!!!
Patience Ekeoba
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