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April 30
April 30
I did not know you when you were young
And yet, I can picture it now
An innocent girl with eyes of wonder
Lips a perpetual smile.

I did not know you as a wife
After marrying your true love
The many adventures you had together
The gifts from God above.

I did not know you as a mother
Raising your children well
Giving them so much of yourself
Raising them up when they fell.

I knew you as a grandmother
Doting, loving, and kind
It was time for them to take care of you
You'll always be on their minds.

I got to see you as a great-grammy
Holding a baby in your arms
He will be raised with your teachings
To keep his soul from harm.

You've been there for your family
Always putting them first
Looking for the good in all
Making the best of the worst.

You'll always be remembered, Grammy
You will always be loved
Someday we will meet again
At the great feast prepared above.

April 30
April 30
She was a strong Christian, a good example of a Proverbs 31 lady, a great role model for her family, and a sweet woman with an overflowing love. To all young folks who knew her, she was always "Grammy", and after meeting her it was easy to see why. She embraced everybody; we were all like family.

Right now, she's meeting up with all her lovely family in Heaven, surrounded by her brothers and sisters in Christ, both known and unknown. She truly is in Paradise right now. Let's rejoice and be glad for her. She's been building up treasures in her Forever Home, and now she has eternity to enjoy it.

We all love you, Grammy.
April 29
April 29
Nina was my sister in Christ and prayer partner. I never knew a woman more dedicated to her Saviour Jesus Christ or to her family. We often prayed together for her husband, children and grandchildren and other family members and friends. My maiden name is Scholl and Nina packed apples in the fall on our farm known as Scholl Brothers down on what was then called Creek Road, but now, Woodland Avenue. She and my Mother, Betty Scholl, would encourage each other in the Lord. My Mother got right with God when I was 6. Me, at age 37. Nina was a mentor. She and my late husband Edgar were kindred spirits in the things of the Lord.
April 29
April 29
Dear Nina, May the Lord recieve you with open arms, and say "well done thou Good and faithfull servant!" We will always miss you and our wonderfull conversations. Thank you for all your encouragement, and inspiration to do better in life! May you be at peace with your Lord and savior and Loved ones God bless you Nina, Your freinds Anthony and Carol

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