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June 7, 2018

Nkechi, can’t believe I will be writing this for one of my friends so dear. I have a heavy heart. I was very shocked when I heard the very sad news. Though we had lost contact for over 15 years you took it upon yourself to make contact last year and sent me very pleasant and inspiring messages, the last message was a few days before you left us. Since I am not very active on social media, I read them, smiled and most often gave a


May 23, 2018

I'm short of words and am just grappling with the reality that you are no more with us at the side of the divide. Apostle Paul said in Phillipian 1:21 "For me live is Christ and to die is gain". You loved the Lord and that gives me the confidence that the heaven has gained a saint. Adieu NKECHI, sleep on until resurrection morning. Good night sister</span></span>

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