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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, NNE OHA GRACE UGO OGALA (NEE OGAN), 90 years old, born on June 20, 1926, and passed away on December 28, 2016. We will remember her forever.
June 20, 2022
June 20, 2022
Mama, today is another posthumous birthday. All of us whose lives you have touched positively are in unity in wishing you a very happy posthumous birthday.

Rest on! You remain the best mother, grand mother and great grand mother that has ever been.
June 20, 2021
June 20, 2021
Mama, today is another posthumous birthday. All of us whose lives you have touched positively are in unity in wishing you a very happy posthumous birthday.

Rest on! You remain the best mother, grand mother and great grand mother that has ever been.
December 30, 2020
December 30, 2020
Days has passed and turn into years , but I will forever remember you Mama with silent tears . Missed u so dearly. Continue to rest in the bosom of the Lord.
December 29, 2019
December 29, 2019
Mama, it's been clear three years. Continue to rest in peace.
June 21, 2019
June 21, 2019
Mama, it's been three clear posthumous birthdays. We miss your prayers, warmth and affection.
Your God is still on the throne. Continue to rest in peace.
Nwanne gi Egesi Ogala.
June 20, 2017
June 20, 2017
Nne-oha, your children are living the legacy of love, caring and peace with all men you left behind,
June 20, 2017
June 20, 2017
Mama, I remember, with gratitude to God, that today is your 91st birthday anniversary. Happy posthumous birthday!

Continue to rest in the bosom of God whom you loved, adored and worshiped all through your life time.

We love and miss you.
April 27, 2017
April 27, 2017
Mama, although death is inevitable, we will surely miss your absence. The short periods of time we spent together during your visits to the United States will remain indelible in our memory for various reasons. You exhibited strong faith and confidence in God, relied on prayers and your spirituality to get through difficult times, showered our family with prayers and religious advice. Above all, mama, you admonished us to always believe and trust in God and to never deviate from His ways. Thank you so much for your prayers, endless advise and spiritual counsel. Your spirit and strength will live on.
God is the author and finisher of life. He has called you to His glory and you answered. We are comforted that you are in a better place! We pray that you will rest in God's bossom.
Rest in Peace Mama.

Iheke, Ngozi & family.
April 22, 2017
April 22, 2017
Grand ma. I will always thank the Almighty God for your life. It was a great honour having you as my Grandmother.
It is not a surprise, therefore, that you went home quietly to be with the Lord without causing much stress and burden to your beloved children. It is true that the unexpectedness of it makes it very painful but the fact is that you did prepare yourself before hand is consoling. Indeed, the death of those who encountered Christ in life is always precious to the Lord of Host. So is your death, for the testimony is that you already saw the blissful rest ahead even on your sick bed.
Since that is the case, we should wipe our tears and pray that the good Lord will grant us the grace to so run the race that we shall join you in that perpetual felicity.
Goodbye grandma and continue to rest in the bosom of your maker till we meet to part no more.
Your grand daughter
April 22, 2017
April 22, 2017

You loved and cared for us all, greatly desiring that we live in unity, love God and serve Him faithfully. You were indeed "Mama oha". You will ever remain green in our hearts. Rest from all your labours till we meet to part no more.

Mrs. Chigozie Chukwu.
April 20, 2017
April 20, 2017
“Any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bells tolls; it tolls for thee.” John Donne
John Donne horned it in properly however going through the tributes listed here you will come to to terms how diminished our lives could be and if for one you have not come in contact with MAMA (Nne OHA) you
will immediately know her.
Though I saw her thrice while she was ailing, nevertheless I have ever since realized how good a Mother, Parent, a Guardian, a Mother-in law,a Grandma, a daughter,sister,a Mentor, a Servant of God, a hero, an Inestimable Jewel , a disciplinarian, a care taker and care giver, etc you have been. Yes this are embodied in your Sons and everyone that has something to do with you.
Yes, through your sons, I DO know you. You raised a wonderful family. You raised wonderful men. Spiritual, compassionate, great men. You should be proud. But as you join the Saints Triumphant you will be missed, however in Christ we know a reunion shall happen. Adieu.
April 18, 2017
April 18, 2017
7th April, 2017

Pastor Chukwunenye Uwadinachi & Family

   We, the entire members of The Redeemed Christian Church of God commiserates with our Zonal Pastor and family on the demise of your mother in-law, Late madam Grace Ugo Ogala (Nne Oha). We mourn this irreparable loss because Nne Oha is leaving us at a time her service to God and humanity is most needed.
  It is our ardent prayer that Almighty father offers her a result place in His Heavenly Kingdom for eternal rest.
  May our Lord offer you the fortitude to bear this irreparable loss.
  Please accept our condolence.
Elder Ezeson Iheanacho
April 8, 2017
April 8, 2017
To God be the glory for the life of fulfillment you had here on earth.

Mama, you were virtuous and very industrious. You made us realize that hard work and the fear of God should be our guiding principles. You were never short of ideas.

We thank God because you lived long to see your grandchildren and great grandchildren.
You were a mother to all.

We thank you for being a mother to us. You never stopped asking about my children and wife each time we talked on the phone.
We are going to miss you, but we are happy that you have gone to be with your maker.

Rest In Peace mama.

Okechukwu Ogala
April 5, 2017
April 5, 2017
Dear Grandma,

Growing up, you were always a shinning sun on a cloudy day. I don’t remember a time when you were ever sad or angry at something. You just always had a smile on your face. Because of how happy you always were, your visits to New Jersey became some of my best memories as a child. You showed me what a truly good person looks like and because of you, I strive to be kind hearted. You probably never knew the influence you had on me but it was a tremendous impact. I know you’re going to be looking down on all of your grandkids, and I promise that when you look down on me, you will see the boy you used to know trying to become a kind hearted man that you will be proud of.

Thank you for everything Grandma.

Henry Ogala
April 4, 2017
April 4, 2017
Mama Nne Oha Grace Ugo Ogala (Née Ogan) is a mother indeed and a true believer in Christ. She demonstrated a "RADICAL FAITH FOR CHRIST " when she had an encounter with Him and turned her back to the World and her old ways. Her testimony for Christ will continue to Stand For all to emulate even after her exit. SHE WAS A LIVING PROOF THAT WHEN ONCE WE COME TO CHRIST BY FAITH, HE WILL KEEP US SAFE AND SECURE. Mama Nne Oha Grace Ogala will remain A LIGHT THAT SHONE IN DARKNESS, WHICH COULD NOT BE PUT OUT.
April 3, 2017
April 3, 2017
‘My Rock’

Chai, ‘it has just dawned on me that ‘the affairs of this world are for only those who can take heart’.

Nmom Orjugo has passed, indeed an integral part of me has disconnected. Nmom Orjugo was not just my beloved sister and confidante, she was above all ‘my rock’.

I have known my sweet sister all through my life. Not even our husbands nor our children could come in between us. ‘We lived and breathed love for each other’ and nothing dared separate us.
On occasions that we quarreled, the day light never met our differences. Our love was deep and was like a picture and frame – ‘it remained the same’.

As a little girl, Nmom Orgugo never raised her hands on me. On few occasions as a child, in fit mischief that I dared her, thinking that I was stronger, pointless to tell you my surprises. I know you will guess right!! NmomOrjugo never yielded rather our love grew in strength and stature.

I recall when I called NmomOrjugo on 13th December 2016, she didn’t recognise my voice. Even when Egesi – my nephew explained to her that it was ‘Mama Canada’, Nmom still couldn’t recognize my voice. Sickness and death are cruel and heartless. It obliterated my voice from her brain. I was terrified.

I then decided to visit Nigeria to see my beloved sister. Indeed I meant to arrive in Nigeria on 04th January 2017 but on 28th December 2016, Egesi called to inform me that Nmom is no more.

What I had feared is before me. I felt as if the world had collapsed on me. I was heartbroken, devastated empty and cried uncontrollably. I have lost someone that I loved so much!

As a Christian I know that death is a heartache no one can heal but God. I prayed and thanked God for giving me such a loving sister and also to give me the fortitude to bear this huge loss. 
Nmom will long be spoken of and forever remembered. She was a devout Christian and was greatly involved in church activities. She had affinity for children. I called her ‘OchiriOzua’. You never visited her without her offering you food. She was always cooking for her church members every Sunday even when she was over 80yrs.
I miss her greatly and still find it extremely difficult to believe she has gone. She is irreplaceable.

I have only asked God to make it possible for both of us to see each other again in Heaven!!!


Mrs. NwannediyaOgba
April 3, 2017
April 3, 2017
Tribute to Mama Umuahia

Death, they say is an enemy!! Mama, you will be greatly missed and long spoken of. Mama it was not until I became an adult that I realised that you were not my biological mother. I could hardly differentiate as I thought, as a little child, that you could have two mothers – Mama Umuahia and Mama Aba (more recently – Mama Canada). You had an affectionate nature and showed everybody love. Your ‘voice’ keeps recurring to me, I guess it’s permanently tattooed in my heart. I will forever love you.

So much love

OgbonnayaOgba (Ogi, as you fondly called me).
April 3, 2017
April 3, 2017
A life dedicated to “Nnam Jesus”

Your testimony has been a powerful testimony Mama Umuahia, you have fought the good fight, you have finished the race and you have kept the faith. I know your Master is saying to you, “Well done good and faithful servant!” Your life was truly dedicated to Christ and we know with assurance that you are seated with Him in Glory, The One you loved so well and served so well.

You were always an awesome Aunt, I cannot remember us ever having an argument or disagreement and your sisterly relationship with my mother was a beautiful example of loving kindness between sisters. You were so close, so loving and so supportive of one another and in all my years I never heard my Mum complain about you as a sister. Your relationship was a true example of true sisterly love.

They say that Death cannot kill what never dies, so we will always love you, miss you and long for you but we will have our precious memories of you which will last until we meet again.
Thank you for being who you were and thank you for being such a wonderful encouragement at all times. My fondest memory of you goes back to the last time when we prayed and your prayer language astounded me, the words you used to praise God reflected a close, deep personal relationship with Him and I was in awe in how you praised Him, my Spirit was deeply moved.

I know that you are with The Lover of Your Soul, so rest in peace sweet Aunty as you take up your place seated with Him in Glory.

Your Niece

Nma Okoroma
March 29, 2017
March 29, 2017

Mama, why have you decided to leave me at this time that I need your motherly care and prayers? Good Mama, may the good Lord who rewards all good reward you abundantly. Amen.

Paulina Agbi.
March 28, 2017
March 28, 2017
It is with deep sadness and immense grief that we write to commiserate and sympathize with you and the entire Ogala family on the death of your most cherished mother, NNE OHA, GRACE UGO OGALA (NEE OGAN), who passed on recently. A tree where birds flock, kind and affectionate to the needy has gone. You have gone to see your Maker where there is no more pain. Our prayer is that the almighty God grant your soul eternal rest till we meet to part no more. Amen. Adieu good mother, Adieu Nne Oha, Adieu O di uko na mba. Laa nke oma.

Mama EBUKA, For the family of Celestine Opara.

Dem Chukwu, it is well.
March 28, 2017
March 28, 2017
,i was shocked when i heard about you demise,mama, i will never forget your kind advise and your words of wisdom,you were the only one that noticed when my completion was glowing and when it was not and you would like to comment on it,you were so much concerned about everybodys welfare,mama my regret is that i didnt see you or come in contact with you in you latar years,God knows why, you were very bold and out spoken,You never haboured any gruges against anybody.ADEU MAMA,GOOD NIGHT NNEOHA UNTILL WE SEE ON THE RESSURECTION DAY.
March 28, 2017
March 28, 2017

It is with great sense of loss and humility that I write of my  beloved mother in-law, mama as I always call you. I had no regreate having you as my mother in-law.
The first time I come close to mama in 1992, you thought me to trust God in everything. Mama was a unique mother, an advocate of peace, an epitome of justice and equality. Mama Ugo Grace Ogala was a bundle of wisdom and a practical and devoted Christian. Nne oha loves giving, she is full of hospitality. It is impossible for anyone to visit Mama without you eating.
Nne oha displace this even at her old age. You exit has created a big vacuum in our family, but our consolation is that we shall meet to part no more on the resurrection morning.
Sleep on great mother
Sleep on nne oha
Sleep on mama
You son –in-law
Pastor Chukwunenye Uwadinachi
March 27, 2017
March 27, 2017
There are hardly ever words enough to quantify the sorrow when we lose anyone. Even more so at such a time when who we lost had a beautiful soul and showed love to everyone whom she met.
Mama embodied beauty on the inside and outward. The last time I saw her in August 2016, I recall being amazed by how much glow she still had. She also always had kind words and advice.
No words would adequately suffice in explaining how heavy a loss this is to us her grandchildren. Nonetheless, we take comfort in the knowledge that "Mama Umuahia" lived a life that glorified The Almighty. Her exemplary life would be a reference to us all.
May The Almighty rest her soul...'till we meet again. Adieu Mama... Gaanu.
 - Emeka (Nwa Chinyere)
March 27, 2017
March 27, 2017
She was an epitome of wisdom . During her life time,  there was no quarrel no matter how difficult she does not settle it.
She was a mother not for her biological children alone no wonder the name Nne- oha took after her real name. A fearless and godly woman.
Memories of our dearly departed stir sorrow but remember that those who have died in Christ are now in place of no more sorrow, pain or death --- rather are now residence in heaven.
Enduring grief becomes an imperative of the Chistian life because we will be resurrected and united with our loved ones in heaven.
Therefore as you mourn , you should take comfort from Bible doctrine that death of your mother, our mother, mother general entered into exalted blessings. Bearing this in mind and recognizing what God does for them who die, then you should continue your life peacefully. Living is Christ and dying is profit. Our eternal future with the Lord is secured.
Through the application of Bible doctrine, we can be at peace when the Lord takes our loved one home to be with Himself. Apart from the Rapture, we would all experience physical death. Therefore, l urge you to take heart, be strong and life continues.

Prof Roses Uko
March 23, 2017
March 23, 2017
A woman with strong family ethics and deep Christian faith has passed on.Trusted,admired,respected honoured and venerated by her community and those who know her in her life time.We will remember her for her doggedness tenacity for truth and lover of humanity- a courageous fighter.Though saddened by her passing,we must be encouraged by the fact that she fulfilled destiny.As Christians, we are comforted in the knowledge that we will meet again in the resurrection morning. Therefore, "let us hold unswerving to the hope we profess, for we know He who promise is faithful Heb 10:23.Her death is another reminder of the transient nature of the existence of all homosappiens. May her kind of generation continue to multiply in our nation.
March 21, 2017
March 21, 2017
Mama, though I did not know you too well but I will always remember how you were always very happy to see me whenever I visited you during our annual camp meeting in church. You were lovely and beautiful, even in your old age. Rest on, Mama. - Patience Udo (nee Udensi)
March 19, 2017
March 19, 2017
I am happy I had known you in person and happier for the motherly words you gave me back them may you continue to rest in the Lord.
May your family still here be strengthened by our God amen.
March 15, 2017
March 15, 2017
Mama, I'm short of words, you are a true mother indeed, I can't believe that i wont see u again. I can remember years back when i was a baby in ur arms u cared for me more than my own mother, you showed love to me and my late father that you always call Nna! , you took us like your own children. I Remember when u use to go to market , i will meet you in the market after school just to come and eat fish. My own mama, even the day you passed on ,i saw you in my dream telling me bye but i never knew is real bye. Mama the woman i am today is YOU I lack words to express myself, Mama rest in the bosom of the Lord till we meet again. Adieu onye ocha
March 14, 2017
March 14, 2017
A wonderful woman that acknowledged Jesus Christ and lived for Him"
Beautiful woman of God, gaa nke oma!
March 13, 2017
March 13, 2017

I can payback a loan of gold, but I die forever in debt to my Mother – Grace Ugo Ogala. Therefore, I simply say, “Thank You for being my Mother”.

The blessings you passed onto me I shall hem with thankfulness so they don’t unravel. Thank You Very Much for All Your Blessings.

And yes, I still say Thanks, and Thanks and Thank You Very Much for Everything.

May Your Soul Rest in Perfect Peace.

Azubuike Ogala
March 12, 2017
March 12, 2017

I give glory to God. He’s been good, He’s been so wonderful. Let me use this opportunity to glorify Him, even more, for the life of my mother, Mama Grace Ugo Ogala.

My Mother started from a very humble pedestal, and by the grace of God, she received so much blessings in her life time that she even had the opportunity to travel the world. Most importantly, she embraced Christ and remained steadfast till the end. May God give us the grace to emulate this.

Mama was a quintessential loving mother. She was sacrificial, industrious and hardworking, and never discriminated. She was a cheerful giver and she made sure nobody left her presence without being fed.

Up till today, it is still a mystery to me how we survived the civil war without missing a single quality meal everyday till the end of that war. I don’t know how God used her to do it. All glory to Him. She was a fantastic and creative cook, and I’ll sure miss her culinary skills; I’m sure many will too.

She was a disciplinarian and never spared the rod when necessary. Our late father, on one hand, was there admonishing, “In whatever you do make sure that your hands are clean; in all situations, keep your hands clean”; and my mother, on the other hand, upheld prayer, the word of God, and of course, the rod. She emphasized the attributes of humility, honesty, and moral uprightness.

She took the things of God to heart and served God, and embraced all children of God that she had the opportunity to meet.

During her dark days in the Reformed Ogboni Fraternity, They referred to her as “The Mother of All”, but it became most elating that when she embraced Christ, the children of God saw through her and christened her “Mother of All”. It couldn't have been coincidental, but it was rather gratifying that this time, it was for Christ. Hallelujah!

I will really miss Mama, Nne Sunday, Mama Ogala, Mama Umezurike, Mama Nnenne, Mama Egesi, Mama 47, Mama Uyo Street, Mama Umuahia, Mother of all. My eyes are beginning to well up (frailties of human nature), but I’m consoled that she has gone to be with the Lord.

Rest in peace Mama.

Chuks Ogala.
March 12, 2017
March 12, 2017
You are One of the greatest mum I have met considering the wonderful Children, Grand Children and Great Grand Children you have; I tend to agree with your children that you are resting in the bosom of the Lord. You sure will be greatly missed by those that came in contact with you while you were in Lagos where you passed away. Rest In Perfect Peace Nne Oha.
March 11, 2017
March 11, 2017

Mama was a good grandma. She showed so much love to me and my siblings.

I cannot forget how she always gave my mum special biscuits to give me whenever she visited her at Umuahia.

Her death was very painful to me.

Mama,  I will miss you greatly.

Rest in the bosom of the Lord.

Adieu Mama, Adieu.

Samuel Chibuikem Nwafor
March 11, 2017
March 11, 2017

Mama Umuahia as we call you, a great woman of love, ever caring. A woman of God, sweet and gracious. You were the finest woman I ever met. You were more than a mother in-law.

Your concern for me and my family was something else. You were always ready to sacrifice all in your possession that others may have a better living.

The vacuum you have left cannot be filled. There is actually no other you.

Oh, we miss you. I can still hear you call me in that loving tone, Vin. We submit to God's will because we have no choice.

Mama Ukwu, Mama Obioma, rest on in the bosom of the Lord. We love you but God loves you more.

Your dear son-law,

Rev, Evang. Vin. S. O. Nwafor
January 13, 2017.
March 11, 2017
March 11, 2017

Grandma, it pained me that I was not able to see you for a while before you passed on to glory, due to distance. However, I take solace in the fact that you have left this miserable world to a better place, for as St. Paul said in the book of Philippians 1 vs 21: 'For to me to live is Christ and to die is gain'.

I also take solace in the fact that you impacted your world positively, for life is not about how long we live, but how well. Your Christian life always challenge me; never have I been in your house and we missed a morning devotion. Every time I spoke with you on phone, you always encouraged me and the conversion always ended with a prayer from you.

You were a strong pillar for me in one of the greatest challenging periods of my life.

You taught me as a young girl then, that food is better than junk, and discouraged wasting of food. Oh! so many good memories of you! I used to hide any food I remained in my bag, to throw it away when i'm going home, because grandma hates wasting food and in that way, taught me to appreciate what God has provided because some do not have such privilege.

Grandma, I can go on and on to talk about you. Sleep on grandma, great mother, grandmother and great grandmother. Adieu Mama Umuahia (as we fondly called you).

We shall meet at the bosom of the Lord to part no more.

Your grand daughter,
Barr. (Mrs.) Faith Cherechi Giadom
March 11, 2017
March 11, 2017

Mama, it has taken me about two weeks to know where to start my tribute to you. When my brother told me about your deteriorating condition, I said to him, that you will recover and become well enough to speak to us before you depart. But God said, you have told us enough already.

Mama, from my primary school age, you were so caring even though you had remarried yet you did all a loving mother would do for her first son. Tinned Gomes Biscuits was a special biscuit then but you were buying it in tins for me. You made sure I had my Christmas suits always.

Mama, after the civil war, when I wanted to go back to school at Enugu, you gave me Two Shillings and Six Pence. You said, 'my son, go to Enugu and do whatever you can do to survive but do not steal, you can push truck, but do not commit evil'. That advise sustained me till I had my City and Guilds.

When I became born again, you thought I had gone mad and that I would not live to marry. But glory be to God that you lived to see my children and grandchildren.
Mama, what can I say about your generosity. It was wonderful. You had a special food flask for me.

Mama, most importantly after a long battle with God over a way and a place you will worship God, and go to heaven, you told me that you asked God to show you the way and place.
On the 20th of June 1988 which corresponded with your birthday, you sent late Egwuonwu Uko to come and call me from Aba with some Ministers of God to pray for you. After the prayer, you renounced the fraternity you belonged to (OGBONI FRATERNITY).
On the 16th of. August 1988, you were wonderfully saved and you became born again as your son and daughter. Mama, your acceptance of Jesus Christ was not mental but spiritual acceptance which manifested in your words and actions. Your Motto was 'Don't give me anything unholy' (Ihe adighi nso, enyelam ya).

Mama, you were happy to see me healed of the hydrocephalus that I carried for 29years which I told you that you will live to see it done. You saw it and you rejoiced before you went to Lagos.

Mama, you said you were praying for me to be the financial light in. Ndi Igwe compound, but it turned out to be spiritual light. You gave birth to the first Reverend Minister in Isi agbo Oji.

Mama, you came, you saw and you conquered
Mama Bekee Isi agbo Oji, gaa nke oma, Osiri-Oha laarudo, Ugo Chituworu I. U. Ogala imeriela.

We will meet to part no more at the resurrection morning. Goodbye Mama, Rest in Peace. Amen!

Sunday Nnanna Ogbonnaya.
March 11, 2017
March 11, 2017

My mother, my friend, a lover of God, MRS GRACE OGALA, death came and took you away when I least expected it, after Christmas.

The last time we spoke, that you invited me for lunch in your son's house, you were so full of life and energy.

You were a woman of independent means, an epitome of virtue. Your children and husband called you blessed as you labored to bring them (children) to attain greatness in life.

You were noted for your philanthropic gestures, gentleness, kindness and.peacefulness that endeared you to many. I will miss you.

At your death which was so peaceful without any pain nor sickness. You felt fulfilled for having planted and nourished trees of trees of life that blossomed and filled the earth.

Mama! My loss, Heaven's gain! Rest on, free from this sinful world, in that land where no shadow falls, where no tears exist. You are now in the bosom of our Lord, Jesus whom you loved and at peace with God.

Your loving friend and daughter

Ndubuka Babara Duroha.
March 11, 2017
March 11, 2017

I always called you 'Mama, the Mama..'
And you would always reply 'N'wam A' dim okay...'
I wish I came earlier.

But all the same, I thank God that I met you and spent time with you.
I'll forever cherish those moments.

Your strong counsel, the wonderful prayers and the jokes. I'd always laugh my head off.

I remember when I was in school (The University) you were my support system. Mama is not one to turn anyone away. I'd come with my friends to the house hungry, just so we can eat your wonderful delicacies.

Mama loved God and dedicated her life to His service in her Church. I believe you are resting in the bosom of God.

Please greet my father for me, tell him we are fine.

Mama, the Mama; Mama Ukwu; Ga Nke Oma.

Your Grand Daughter,
Mercy Ijeoma Ogala.
March 11, 2017
March 11, 2017

Oh! As we look around, we see that it is already dark, so long not hearing from your lovely advice. Have a pleasant night till that glorious morning when we all will certainly meet to part no more.
Adieu.. Mummy.

James Ogala's Family
March 11, 2017
March 11, 2017

We thank God for your life Mama. You stood strong, fought the good fight and finished the good race. I'm happy you lived to fulfill God's promises. Keep resting in the bosom of our Lord.

Your Daughter In-law,
Joy Ogala (Mrs).
March 11, 2017
March 11, 2017

Grandma, why did you have to leave so soon?

Nothing can ever change the fact that though you left, the 'Ogala' family still love you because even if the wind blows off the light of a candle and the wax gets melted, the love we have for you in our hearts is a fire that can never be quenched.

You came and gave without taking, like it wasn't enough, you still loved us till your last breathe.

Thank you so much. May God keep you in the perfect place He wants you to be until when we shall meet to part no more.

Your Grand Daughter,

Amarachi Egesi Ogala,
(U.G. O your Ogbo)
March 11, 2017
March 11, 2017

Mama, I do not really know what to write as a tribute to you, but all I have to say is that you have done well. Rest in Peace.

You were a mother that knew and understood all my needs, hopes, dreams and desires. You had a very genuine interest in everything that I did and you guided and inspired me. This, you did not do for only me, but for all your children both biological and extended, including your children in the Lord. It was this rare quality of yours that earned you the nickname 'NNE OHA'.

Your peaceful exit from this wicked world on December 28th 2016 was like a dream to me because I never expected it to happen that day. There was nothing to suggest that you were ready to go. However, that proved to me that 'Man is man and God is the Almighty". I said this because, based on scientific analysis and findings, I expected you to live for another 10 years, but It was not to be. My friends in Lagos who you also adopted as your own children were saying that you will live for another twenty years or more and that was because of the way they saw you each time they visited.

My angel, you were full of compassion, generosity, kindness and forgiveness. Your beautiful smile was loving and tender and it added so much gladness to my living. You were the best mother that I could ever have had and I am indeed very proud of you.

Thank you for the training that you gave to all of us. Thank you for the infinite patience. Thank you for your limitless faith and confidence in me.

My jewel, my hero, I will miss you. Your daughter in-law will miss you. Your grandchildren and great grandchildren will miss you, your children and friends in Lagos will also miss you. However we take solace in the spiritual belief that God gives and takes as only He determines.

NDI NNE MAMA! Rest in Perfect, Peace and May the Almighty God keep, bless and protect your soul until we meet to part no more. Amen.

Your Son ( Nwanne gi)
Egesi Theo Ogala.
March 11, 2017
March 11, 2017

Mama was beautiful, strong and phenomenal. Rare qualities in a woman. She is gone but her legacies remains.

Adieu Mama.

Dr. Ihunanyachukwu P. Nwafor
March 11, 2017
March 11, 2017

Truly speaking, tears have never ceased from our eyes ever since your death was announced. Mummy M, what hurts me most is that you left without having a last word with me and my husband. I never said goodbye to you. Well God understands every situation.

My Mummy, I will not fail to let you know that now, I am very very glad, Why?. It is because few days after your death, you appeared to me in a dream and you consoled me and told me that you are true with your creator. You also made it known to me that my ways are opened, that I should go as from now and take all my possessions. You also told me to go and greet every of your daughters and sons that we all should stay very well.

Mummy m, I have been praying to see you back healthy and strong, but it is well. Oh! Life, how unpredictable you are.

God knows the best. He knows why it happened this way and this time. God's decisions are the best.

Mummy m, my only beloved Mummy, may you go well and your soul will rest in peace.

Bye Mummy, Bye, until we meet on that resurrection morning.

Your Daughter In-law
Ogbonnaya Nkechinyere Lucy.
March 11, 2017
March 11, 2017

Mama, the news of your death came to me as a shock because as a human being I was not expecting it now. Having not talked with you nor seen you for a long time makes it so hard for me to believe that you are gone.

I had thought that as your first daughter when the time for you to leave this planet earth comes that I will be the one sitting beside you holding you in my arms until you give up the ghost but it happened otherwise. What can I say, the thoughts of humans are not the thoughts of God. I was far away from the mother I loved so much.

Mama, you were physically and spiritually beautiful. You would wake up every day with prayers and end with prayers, you were indeed a prayer warrior.

You were unique in many ways. You never looked on your own things alone but also on the things of others.

Every child was Mama's child, you never discriminated (Mama Oha). You never eat your food alone, your joy always was to share whatever you have with others.

Mama, you were industrious, kind, outspoken, caring, loving and a good disciplinarian. You were a virtuous woman per excellence, my role model, your qualities lives on.

Rest in peace, lover of the word of God. Rest in peace, a woman with a large heart for God and people. Rest in the bosom of the Lord.

Adieu Mama.

Your Daughter,
Evangelist Ada C. Nwafor.
March 11, 2017
March 11, 2017

I want to cease this opportunity to bid farewell to our late Aunt who was popularly known as Mama Umuahia.

She was an icon who had lived serving the family and humanity. May her soul rest in peace till Jesus comes. We will all see in heaven one day.


Ebere Anyanwu and Faamily (Nee Okereke).
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June 20, 2022
June 20, 2022
Mama, today is another posthumous birthday. All of us whose lives you have touched positively are in unity in wishing you a very happy posthumous birthday.

Rest on! You remain the best mother, grand mother and great grand mother that has ever been.
June 20, 2021
June 20, 2021
Mama, today is another posthumous birthday. All of us whose lives you have touched positively are in unity in wishing you a very happy posthumous birthday.

Rest on! You remain the best mother, grand mother and great grand mother that has ever been.
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