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This memorial website was created in memory of our wife, mother, daughter, sister, niece, aunt, cousin, colleague and friend; Dr Nnenna Nkeiruka Ihebuzor. She was aged 52. Nnenna passed away peacefully on March 24, 2018.

Funeral events have come and gone but Nnenna still lives on in our hearts. We thank you for all the love and support; God bless you.

As we move on from day to day, we continue to look back in remembrance of the wonderful life you lived. Rest on.

May 7, 2018
May 7, 2018
It was how nicely she called my name every time we met in the corridors, offices anywhere... Even though a junior staff, she made me feel known, wanted, appreciated...
It was the fire, the determination, the knowledge and strength in her words, her smile, her poise and gait, she commanded attention without having to demand for it.
She made me proud of being a woman, she stamped clearly in my heart and in the hearts of many at making a difference, standing out is possible regardless of gender.
To those she left behind:2 Cor. 1: 2-7, Rev. 21:4 & 5.
May 7, 2018
May 7, 2018
I still have not recovered from the rude shock I got when the news of your death was broken to me. Well that is life. What can I do? Nothing but to accept it as the will of God.
You achieved so much in a short time. Glory be to God for the eventful life you lived though short.
Nnenna, you were very intelligent, hard working and above all,kind and compassionate. You had a heart of gold. You helped people in need. You loved people irrespective of where their tribe.
You were a typical three times a lady. I know you are already with our Lord Jesus Christ.
Rest In Peace.

Okey Ogala.
May 6, 2018
May 6, 2018
For Nnenna
By Amma Ogan
Saturday April 14, 2018
Charlotte NC

This exercise of looking back on a life is something we must simply acknowledge as part of the business of living. We come and we go and there is no choosing as to how or when we go. What matters is what we make of our stay.
My grandmother put it most succinctly 38 years ago, when her son died at age 61: “Each person must answer their own call. No one can answer another person’s,” she said stoically.
My memories of Nnenna are marked by 3 stages and looking back at her now is akin to watching through three windows, each one superimposed on the other, building up into the full multilayered image of the whole person.
When you break it down, the word that we in Igbo use for love, is just that: seeing a person fully, recognizing the essence of their humanity and loving that. Nnenna made it easy to do.

She was born 1965 at the start of the crisis in Nigeria, so Nnenna was not really what we used to call a Win-the-War baby, but the joy she spread and the happiness she exuded, was enough to make one think that. To the five families clustered in Amukabi, Amaokwe, Item, driven to our ancestral home by the Civil War, she was a ray of sunshine: A lovely, lively, chattering bird, filling the house with her voice, ignoring all admonitions not to run in case she fell. She was in love with just being alive. And she had the classic response to every question, ‘’now, now, (“Tonwa Tonwa!”) I ‘m on my way!” She was nicknamed Nnenna Ocho To Ocho. She was always talking! 

The Ogan family house at Amukabi was big with two storeys. Rooms had been added on to accommodate as many branches of the clan that sought refuge under its roof. With his own hands Nnanna’m Oga had laid the foundation for this homestead. In those days Item was almost pristine in its natural beauty. A river ran alongside Amukabi. Under the bridge that marked the beginning of our home its waters were sparkling and clear. You could hear it gurgle as it did so. The air was fresh and clean, the evenings quiet and sultry. The town crier delivered the itinerary of the day from the heights of Elunta and this lovely little girl made us laugh and smile as her voice rang through the compound.
In my mind she was Nnenna De’Kalu just as her mother was Auntie Ori De’ Kalu. That was a quality she inherited from her mother and her father: a constancy, the assurance of a quality of excellence in her person which she applied to everything she did.
I did not believe Auntie Ori De’ Kalu would ever die or even grow old and. She always seemed the same, year after year, ageless and unfailingly good. That was the second stage of my memory of Nnenna when I attended Auntie Ori’s funeral. Here was a mother, wife and ada, (first daughter), completely dedicated to the care of her father in the face of the sudden and devastating loss of his wife and companion.
Last September my sister Chima and I were here in Charlotte to visit Nnenna, hoping all the time as we made our flight bookings and sorted out hotels that we would arrive to find that all would not be as we feared.

In the years that I had lived away from Nigeria, Nnenna had followed my father’s profession, that of caring for the sick. She had made maternal and child mortality her specialty and chosen the path of working to improve the public good. My mother had kept me updated with accounts of her graduation, her wedding, her growing family, and her outstanding professional achievements. Until today I had forgotten she was also named Nkeiruka, what is before us is greater. She has lived up to both her names.

At that visit, I saw all those qualities in a Nnenna who was battling an aggressive and puzzling lung cancer, (she had never smoked) but doing so with hope and grace and faith and with the spirit of that little girl who exuded love in a time of war and devastation.
We must cherish knowing her and enjoying her, even though there is no way to assuage the pain of her loss. She was very special.

She passed through our life and made it better. She is out of pain and suffering and at peace.
May she so rest.
May 6, 2018
May 6, 2018
Forever you will be missed, Rise in power Nenna. I can only imagine how busy you are in heaven now with your gift of Medicine that you shared with many including me and Jemie.

The very first time I met you at illupeju in 1999, we clicked straight away. You made me feel completely comfortable in your home with Reg your husband. I kept in touch and saw you when you came to study in London for one year, we spoke often. advising me on Jemie’s health. 2008, I visited you in Abuja. Then when you came to Hull at your children’s university, we were in touch.
The last time I saw you was at Daddy Imos funeral ( my father in-law) at item.

I find it difficult to accept your passing to glory. You touched me in a special way.
I did not have the opportunity to say goodbye. Death is so cruel.
You left an indelible print in my heart. Your legacy lives on in your Wonderful children, all young men now and your husband. Sun re Nenna!  odigbaose. 

May 5, 2018
May 5, 2018
Dear Nnena,
Ever smiling ,good bye .
May perpetual light shine upon you and may your soul rest in peace.
May God comfort and console your family and loved ones.
........Dr Adejoke Chukwunenye
May 4, 2018
May 4, 2018
Nnenna, long before government, we would meet after hours in your office and talk for hours about Nigeria and its health sector. On why it was not working and on why it had to work….We would speak about the work that you were doing, on how much you wanted to show that it was possible…to be the change that we sought

Nnenna, you made me walk round OR Tambo airport in South Africa, looking for your bag after a conference. A bag not filled with jewellery or shopping but with papers and conference material, you had collected for your team. Wow I wondered at the time…if only this can enter the popular narrative about Nigeria and its people….

Nnenna, when this government came to power and Nigeria Health Watch organised a conference to define the “Future of Health” in Nigeria – you were of course the first that came to my mind. You spoke eloquently at the conference on a concept you had worked on for year - of PHC under one roof – stating that …one "GOOD" PHC per ward cannot be too much to ask for…. ( - video still online for all to see. Take it as a tribute to your mother. Listen to her speak eloquently and passionately about the work that she loved to do….

Nnenna, when the appointment came, you were one of the first people that I called, full of uncertainty about my energy for public sector leadership. Chikwe, you said …slowly and deliberately. Take it, it is not up to you to decline….
so many people are counting on you.

Nnenna, the many times I felt despondent about our ability to create the change that we so desperately wanted in our health sector, you reminded me of the privilege of service and the responsibility that came with it. On our need to show that its possible, about what you called ...the power of one, of swimming against the tide.

Nnenna – you lived your life at intersections – between clinical care and public health, between professionalism and empathy, between love for your family and love for your profession. We will remember you at those intersections, when we have a choice to make, on how we choose to live.

We will miss you, but we will carry on. The work that you started, is yet unfinished. We will keeppushing…

Rest in Peace
May 4, 2018
May 4, 2018
Dear Nnenna,
You were truly unique and made a mark in the little time you spent. Because of your past active participation and purposeful contributions, in the months before your demise, your absence in NISONM and NRP was quite loud. Your legacy lives on. Rest in the bossom of the Lord.
May 2, 2018
May 2, 2018
I don't know if you really came out to Vancouver as you informed. I wish you came & I could have that memory to keep. It's hard to come to terms with your transition Nnenna .... we, your schoolmates sorely miss you. Words are not enough to describe your worth in our alumni; you were humble, sweet, ambitious, dutiful, dependable & ultimately successful. We celebrate your beautiful though too short life & are consoled that you lived a good exemplary life, you're with the Lord. May God comfort & console all you have left behind especially your husband, children & immediate family. May God be with all & give us the strength to bear this huge loss. Rest beloved, good night.
May 2, 2018
May 2, 2018
My dear Nnena
You were gone too soon
It was shocking news like a bad dream to get the news of your depature to greater beyond. I was at a NISONM forum an association for whom you had toiled so much. Your efforts contributed to putting NISONM on the map because you believed in achieving something for the voiceless newborn. You were committed to up-lifting of the voiceless and to mankind in general.May God who sees everything grant you the crown of Glory having fought the good fight. May God send consolation to your husband and children.
May the angels of God present you to our God the most high and may the good God of infinite goodness grant you eternal rest Amen
May 1, 2018
May 1, 2018
Dear Sister Nnenna,
Ever since I heard of your transition to Heaven, a day hardly pass that I do not wonder and ask myself if it is true. Not that I do not understand what death means, nor do I question God for calling you back to His heaven, but for you at this time, it means much more to me. I wish God had allowed you stay more years with your family and loved ones, but He needed you in Heaven when He did.
I will miss your advices and words of encouragement, your care and good wishes for me and my family. Your aura which sends messages of quality, humility and excellence, always reminds me that with God and hard work, success is sure. You were a special one.
When I relocated to Abuja on the instance of a new job, I visited you and you offered me to come and stay with you and your family. I missed that opportunity because I had already settled somewhere else. For sure I would have learnt a lot more from you.
You were there for us when my wife was hospitalized in Abuja after childbirth. Thank you for your visit at the hospital and at home. Thank you for your care and prayers.
‘’Our death is not an end if we can LIVE ON in our children and the younger generation. For they are us; our bodies are only wilted leaves on the tree of life’’- Albert Einstein.
Sister Nnenna, you have left an indelible mark, you will continue to live in our hearts.
We take consolation that you are now in heaven, at peace with the Almighty God, Our Creator. You will be missed. Rest in Peace, Sister Nnenna until we meet to part no more.

Ibezim Mbaka (Cousin)
May 1, 2018
May 1, 2018
Our dear Nnenna,

We were badly stricken to learn of your passage to eternal glory. It was an unspeakable tragedy that shook our faith to the limit, and we kept mustering wishes that it could just be one of those nightmares.
Alas, it was not to be. The reality keeps staring on our faces(even now)that we have just lost a wonderful lady, a rare source of wisdom, boldness and wit.
Your brief, but well-apportioned sojourn at the NPHCDA, where you served in various capacities as the pioneer Director of Community Health Services, later as Director of Primary Health Care Development Systems Development, and finally as Director, Special Duties, attested to ONE thing: Dr. Ihebuzor a very intelligent lady, highly resourceful, and diligently strict ( of course,an attribute that some might want to regard as UNCOMPROMISING). We all witnessed results of your leadership in the Midwife Service Scheme/MSS, Health Systems reengineering, and as Team Lead on PHC Health Financing. These legacies are living beyond your physical presence.
 To your darling husband Reginald, and wonderful,words may not touch the depth of your personal loss and sorrow. The wonderful memories you have of Nnenna, the joy and pains you shared together; we extend our warmest thoughts , while also praying along with you for consolation and the soothing, healing, comforting arms of the MOST HIGH to continue to be with, and abide in you. We join others in asking our UNFAILING GOD to show you His abiding love, give you strength and hearts to move on at this time of great stress and sorrow.
  Adieu Nnenna, rest in perfect peace till we will all meet on that day where all will be joined in everlasting frenzy with our creator.

May 1, 2018
May 1, 2018
My dear aunty Nnenna at this point am short of words to express how i feel about your demise, you were a very hardworking and focus-driven woman, you accepted me wholeheartedly into your home when i came into abuja. I have learnt so much from your wealth of knowledge exposure and experience. Your family was very paramount to you and that was one of the things i admired and loved about you. The tune of your voice and your effective communication skills was something i will always remember. Its sad that i wont have another chance to gist with you, but what am sure of, is that you are in a better place (the bossom of our Lord Jesus Christ).REST IN PERFECT PEACE my dear aunty!
April 30, 2018
April 30, 2018
Nnenna evidently came on assignment. She has left the world a much better place than she met it: She has left Reg, her husband, better; She has left strong, healthy, educated God fearing children. And she has also left family and friends with very pleasant memories. She was in a hurry - Hurried through school. We lived together in the same house in 1970/71 immediately after the Civil War. Her Father, Uncle Kalu and my late Dad were friends and brothers like no other. Uncle Kalu was my Dad’s best man at my parents’ wedding in 1958. I remember that Nnenna and my younger sisters all went to the very new Fountain School in Suru-lere. Nnenna was the first person I heard about who was given double-promotion. So she ended up in secondary school well before her age mates. She repeated this in secondary school and entered medical school very young. She was already a medical doctor when she was barely out of her teens. She got married to Reg quickly also and had her boys even more quickly. I never heard anything unpleasant about her. For her and about her, the tales were all good. She was indeed a blessing to the Kalu Ogwo family and I believe to the Ihebuzor’s. She has fought the good fight. She has received the victory. For her, is reserved a crown of honour. Adieu Nnennanta !
April 30, 2018
April 30, 2018

The world can wait, heaven could not wait. These were the words that came to me as you translated to glory. It was such a peaceful translation. Nnenna, asleep in Jesus, peaceful rest.

Holding your hands, praying, singing and crying with you all through your last day on this side of eternity was an honour that I will hold dear for the rest of my life. Thank you for waiting.

Your unfailing trust and belief in God encouraged every one of us. It has taught us to love God even in dire situations.

What did you not do for me? Do I start from cooking that special fried rice during my teen birthdays? Or sacrificing cash and comfort to ensure the comfort of your siblings? Or being my “first-opinion” doctor in all things medical? Or opening your homes to all of us at any time? You never held on to anything.

Nnenna, my confidant. Thank you for always trusting me. Nwannem…. Ada Amaukabi…. Ndewo!!!

Truly, being asleep in Jesus is the most peaceful rest anyone can desire. Your trust in Jesus and acceptance of Jesus as Saviour, Healer, Comforter, Deliverer and Friend is the greatest joy you left us with. We will surely meet again in the everlasting presence of the Lord.

Our dear Reg, Chima, Chizoma and Kelechi; God will console us all. We will comfort others with the comfort that we ourselves have been comforted. God will help us to nurture all the wonderful legacies you lived for.

Ebele, Fechi and Sochi miss you beyond what any words can convey. Your February 2018 message to Sochi was to label her “Doctor Sochi”. Hmmmmm …. big shoes. May God bring it to pass.

You were more than a sister. Laa nke’oma. Laa n’udo.

Her Day:
The other angle is that we do not have all the time in the world. We must make hay while the sun is shining. We must work while it is DAY. Nnenna, you worked in your DAY; achieved so much in your DAY. You have now taught me to value my DAY. My DAY is now. I will do all that God has committed to me while it is DAY; we are not assured of a tomorrow, all we have is TODAY. Nnenna, thank you for helping with that life lesson.

Her Path:
A trot, a dash, a run, a walk or even a crawl;
Our path through life, The Lord knows it all.
Sometimes like a race;
Even then ‘tis still His Grace.
Sometimes there are pains;
At other times, many gains.
All are part of our path.
Nnenna, your path merged with God’s own path.
A glorious path wherein is no end. Asleep in Jesus; peaceful rest.

Okey Ogwo
April 30, 2018
April 30, 2018
Yet another evidence that the best of us, the most brilliant, the main contributors to positive change for mankind, and the sweetest among us tend not to stay on earth for too long. Dear Nnnenna, an anointed child of God on a mission of kindness and love. So hard to believe that your journey here would be so short. No doubt that our God loves you as one His perfect examples. We miss YOU. I pray for God's special protection for your children, your husband, your parents and all the loved ones you left behind,
Rest in peace my dear. Rest in perfect peace.
April 30, 2018
April 30, 2018
My Sis

Accepting your transition has been so hard, so hard that writing this has taken forever, but I accept that God retains the name as the Unquestionable God on this score.
I now script this to thank you for accepting me from the 1st day your brother brought me to the family, thank you for embracing my ‘difference’. I do not recall one single moment that you ever made me feel like an outsider. You remain the best sister in law any woman could ask for.
Thank you for opening your home to host guests and welcome me so warmly after our wedding ceremony, your unreserved acceptance of me remains extraordinary and indelible.
Thank you for giving me your own cookery books that you had saved from over the years just to ensure I got the home-front with your brother right, thank you for teaching me to cook those sumptuous soups in your own kitchen, between you and Mummy, you ensured I had the right utensils and the ingredients to make a good home keeper. I don’t think I ever thanked you enough. Thank you Big Sis.

Thank you for taking me along to places I had never seen in the world.Thank you for going beyond Sister in law to caregiver after that painful miscarriage, you opened your own home to care for the girl who had just relocated from abroad, that you were a rock, a support, the organizer and fixer of so much just to make me feel welcome and settled in your brother’s new home is unquestionable. You were just there, encouraging, loving, caring, correcting when it was needed.
Thank you for being paediatrician to your nieces and nephews soon as they came in quick succession, your studious commitment to excellence remains an inspiration to them.

Thank you for the numerous gifts you brought from your many trips, some of which make your presence with us still palpable as we still view them in our corridor and fridge door. Your humour remains indelible, O! The good laughs we shared that I wish could continue but who can restrain His hand?
Thank you for how you assumed the role of Commander in Chief as we Ogwo wives often teased after our matriarch transitioned, thank you for holding forth so gallantly and leading us in such an exemplary way, thank you for the numerous gifts you showered myself. Ebele and Elo so often, it was always a delight to get to choose first but I knew you loved us all so dearly as your own.
Thank you for the generosity of your spirit, of your person, your tailors became my tailors, your favourite shirt maker became mine, your gynaecologist became us, your sisters go to when babies started coming.

You opened your heart, home and life to us and how I now wish we could have done even more when you needed us most. But I make peace that you were the one always encouraging us not to worry, not to be stressed, because that was just you, you loved us to the point of not wanting us burdened, but it would not have been a burden, for your kindness towards us always overflowed.

My Sis, I remain astounded that even in your trying moments of the last few months, you reached out so often with long phone calls to find out how we all were. You shared some of your experiences with so much hope and palpable faith in God, I remember we shared the song ‘Victory belongs to Jesus’ by Todd Dulaney after one of such calls. That was your tempo and spirit to the end. Nnenna, you are simply a gem, a star, the pillar that kept us all organized, it is so tough to imagine how to continue from this point on.
I am thankful for the privilege of being related to you by marriage. I truly cannot thank you enough for your person, your spirit and all the invaluable lessons gleaned from your life and the good friends you had. I recall my last words to you that fateful evening was narrated from Romans 8:11, we are rest assured that though we hurt and miss you so sorely on this plain, the One who loves you most has quickened you into His peace, His love, His eternal glory. Rest on my Sister Dearest. Imela my Sis, IMELA!!
April 29, 2018
April 29, 2018
A Tribute To Nnenna Ihebuzor

The best to say is how much you meant to us
The most heart-breaking being to know you are gone
To many you were a light
And now others in another realm may know your joy.

It is with no small amount of heaviness that we know you must be released
For as much as we wish to keep those we lose
We must embrace that they are not always for us to keep.

You leave behind memories of laughter, tears, joy, sorrow and courage
You leave behind more friends than one can count
You leave behind family that will never forget you
But will always carry the hurt of your all too cruel departure.

But your legacy will not be physical flesh
It is your deeds, your words, your knowledge, your companions and family.

So with this said, we let go of you and into the arms of our dear Lord
For him to know your joy and light as we did
‘Til we are united again in eternity
Farewell mother.
April 28, 2018
April 28, 2018
An Ode To Late
Nnenna Ihebuzor.
(1965 -2018)

The meek and gentle
Demeanour of Reg
Resonated so very well
With late Nnenna,
Who carried same to a much
Higher level of grace.

A lady of impeccable
Character, dutiful wife and mother.
Beloved by her best friend, husband,
And our brother Reg.

Managing Reg in his
Constant travels
And keeping the home
Late Nnenna gave Reg every support he needed
To continue in his ever enduring and demanding quest,
For the very best; thus,
Making excellence
appear casual, in every line of professional practice Reg touched;
Late Nnenna indeed excelled in holding forth.

We sincerely share in the grief of one of our own.
With full assurance of faith; and
Nnenna having passed on from the colony of time, to the realms of eternity.
As posited by Martin Israel that "Death brings with it, final healing." Nnenna in that wise, has received her final healing.

Our prayer to the Good Lord is to grant her
Felicity in paradise;
And comfort all touched
By this bereavement.

Levi Oguike
For The Oguike Clan.
Umuguma, Owerri West.
April 27, 2018
April 27, 2018
The departure of our dear Nnenna is a difficult information to process.
Such a loving soul you were. The quality times we spent together at Paediatric Association of Nigeria and International Paediatric Association meetings are fond memories.
It is not how long we live but how well. In the short time Nnenna was with us, her impact was felt by not just her family, friends and colleagues but by millions of families across Nigeria through her work.
Each time I think of Nnenna, all I see is her beautiful smile.
May the Lord comfort us all especially the immediate family.
Rest in peace our dear friend.
April 27, 2018
April 27, 2018
Dear Nnenna

We met 14 years ago and we met at 6am mass I recall. You and Reg became wonderful friends to me. I will never forget your kindness, poise and diligence. I was stunned to receive Reg's text. I had known you were unwell and prayed you will make it through. God knows best. You have nurtured wonderful young men who continue to do you proud. Your legacy lives on. May our Good Lord grant you eternal rest. Amen
April 26, 2018
April 26, 2018
Tribute to an amazing sister, Dr. Nnenna Nkiruka Ihebuzor (nee Ogwo)

Nnenna words fail me as I never imagined a day would come when I’d have to write a tribute to you like this. Where do I begin and where do I end?

Mum told me many tales of how you cared for me when I was born - being the last born for a while before our last brother was born. Fast-forward to after you got married, can I forget those years in Ilupeju when I lived with you and your family – school drop offs & pick-ups, picking you up after work from LUTH, dropping you off when you were on call etc? Can I forget the encouragement from you to apply for the British Chevening Scholarship which I did and won just like you did several years before mine? Can we forget the care and sacrifice to care for mum when she had to travel for her surgery? There are just too many memories of you which words cannot capture in this tribute.

Elo, Chikesandu, Chikamara & Chikamdili are devastated by your passing. Chikesandu has passed all the entrance exams for the schools he discussed and promised you he would ahead of your return which wasn’t to be. Chikamara is ever more determined to become a doctor like her aunty and is sure taking after your footsteps with the records you had at her age which none of us were able to match.

Death! Oh death! You didn’t win this one. This is heaven’s gain and I am consoled and convinced you are walking the heavenly streets of gold.

We have indeed gained another angel to watch over us. ‘’Ga nkeoma’’ dear Nnenna and give mummy a hug for us.

Adieu Nnenna

Chike Ogwo
April 25, 2018
April 25, 2018
Dear Nnenna,
I am still in denial. I struggle to come to terms with the fact that
you have passed away. I was shocked and have not been able to discuss the circumstances of your death further because the picture of you that I have is a young vibrant and forward looking woman who is making the difference in primary health care in Nigeria.
Alas, we can only take consolation that you have gone to be with the Lord. Do rest in peace.
Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon her. May Nnenna's soul rest in peace. Amen.
April 24, 2018
April 24, 2018
Nnenna, One month already? The pain is still raw. God help us.
April 24, 2018
April 24, 2018
Dr Nnenna, You always fondly call me Dr Mabogunje with respect. Last time I saw you was in Apo new the GTB Bank on a Saturday. You quickly came down looking very elegant, asked how I was doing and that I should try and come over to see you in NPHCDA. You have passion for your work and believe in Nigeria Health System that it will improve. Guess our passion drew us together.Always willing to go an extra mile for me.I miss you and go well Dr Nnenna
April 22, 2018
April 22, 2018
Dearest Nnenusk & fellow 'Musketeer'

It's difficult to believe that you've really passed on, despite the fact that I saw you put up a good fight and battle with grace and courage until the very end.

I thank you for the years of true and enduring friendship, from university in Ibadan, house job at LUTH, youth corp and onwards through medical careers, marriage and motherhood.

I remember your love, laughter, generosity, support and kindness. You will live on in our hearts and in our memories.

I thought of you with love today but that is nothing new,
I thought of you yesterday and days before that too,
I think of you in silence as I often speak your name,
All I have are memories and your picture in a frame,
Your memory is my keepsake with which I'll never part,
God has you in His keeping, I have you in my heart.

With love Pansky ×××
April 22, 2018
April 22, 2018
My dearest Nnenna,

I still cant believe this is goodbye. I remember the last time we spoke (that was in February); you were your usual positive, gracious, warm self .... you were certain the worst was over, or was it just your way of putting me at ease? We had such a delighful chat, reminiscing about the good old days when our kids were younger and we had time to play in parks. We spoke for hours about life, health, work, politic; we
laughed so much and that is how I will always remember you.

Nnenna, you were such a sweet, selfless, beautiful soul ... a devoted wife, an awesome mother, a true friend. Your were a resource and a half. Although we didnt see each other often, I knew you were just a phone call away. I wish I could've told you more how much I loved and appreciated you, how much I respected and admired your many virtues. When I think of how heartbroken I am at your passing, I cant imagine how your family must feel. May the good Lord in His infinite mercy comfort your loved ones, especially Reg, Chima, Chizoma and Kelechi. You will be sorely missed, but to live in the hearts of those you love is to never truly die. Sleep tight my dear friend till we meet again; I know you rest in perfect peace with other angels in the bossom of our Lord.

April 21, 2018
April 21, 2018
Aunty Nnenna , when I heard the news that you have left mother earth, I was totally blown away because I always believed you will come home and you were always very hopeful and strong when ever we spoke while you were in the U.S.. it's still a shock to me and this is why I have not been able to fully understand what has happened .. if tears could build a stirway, i will walk right up to heaven, and ask God for a little more time one understands what it means to loose an amazing soul as you. I remember the first time I met you as a corper and how you took me in as your daughter , as time passed, from being my boss to my aunty and eventually my friend because I could comfortably discuss anything with you. You mentored me and taught me the ethics of life .Your family became my family. I will really miss you but I am comforted you are in a better place . God knows best. Till we meet again...............
April 21, 2018
April 21, 2018
Our dear Nnenna,
When your God daughter, Wendy, and I heard of your passing, we were shocked but resigned our faith in God. We take solace in the fact that you lived a very good life. The love you spread around and your numerous achievements compensates for your short life here on earth. Indeed, your work speaks for you loud and clear and so your memory will live forever. Rest in perfect peace, our dear Nnenna.
Winnie and Wendy Obi
April 20, 2018
April 20, 2018
My dear Nnenna,
It is so so difficult to be writing this tribute-it took me a while to get to this point. We had so much hope that you would pull through the illness but alas you had to go so soon. We love you but God loves you most! Like I said in our conversations, your courage, sweetness and faith and tenacity throughout this ordeal thought us great lessons. You fought for your dear life fiercely with every fibre of your being and stayed faithful to your God and creator. You left peacefully when the time came. We know that you are resting in the bosom of God where pain, suffering can never touch you again. You were a friend indeed and kept your friends close and together even throughout the entire ordeal. That your art of true friendship lives on! You were passionate about your roles as a daughter, sister, wife/partner, mother, sister inlaw, friend, colleague, boss and mentor and left clear footprints in the sands of time. As a Paediatrician and MCH Specialist you were a great Adovocate for the health of the Nigerian Mother and child, representing Nigeria at the highest level of Health policy. governance and implementation at home and abroad. May God continue to surround your family with His peace, comfort and sucour at this time. May He comfort all that are mourning your loss.
Ada ukwu e ji a ga mba la n'udo!
April 20, 2018
April 20, 2018

I find it hard to write these words, not because I do not know what to say, but because it is hard for me to accept that I have lost you. It is hard for me to accept that I may never again see your face and your smile, hear your voice and your laughter, and feel your warmth, your kindness, and your arms around me. It is hard for me to accept that I did not get to have any of these before you had to go, before God called you to rest in his bosom.

Nevertheless I know you are and always will be with me. Always at my side to comfort me, in front of me to shield and guide me, behind me to catch me when I fall. I know I have another guardian angel in you, watching over and praying for me. You've left your love and wisdom in my father's heart, and even being without choice, I could not have asked for a better woman my father to have loved, a better mother to myself and my brothers, a better friend, teacher and inspiration. You've left your compassion and thoughtfulness with my brothers, and I will always see your face in theirs. Your passing hurts my heart, but I feel your intuition bonded with my spirit, your presence in my heart and with the comfort and grace of God, I know you are at peace and in a better place.

I will always remember all that encompasses you, Mummy. I thank God for blessing not just our family, but others and the world with your selflessness, grace, amiability, and your beauty. I will always remember the love you had for me and all of us, and I will always love you as you rest and remain in my heart.

Rest in perfect peace, Mama.
April 20, 2018
April 20, 2018
My Dearest Dr. Ihebuzor,
I remember my last message to you, I remember all the emotions I felt when I wrote it. I remember thinking was the message too much, should I delete it and write something lighter or sunnier. But I sent it to you anyway, it said,” I miss you now more than ever. I miss your wisdom, guidance, your determination and all the tidbits you always have because you read so much. Get well quickly; I still have so much to learn from you.” When you responded it put a spring in my step because I had such hope that I would see you again.

I still have so much to learn from you ! My mind cannot comprehend that I will never get to ask you the questions I was saving to get your unique perspective. That I will never sit in your office after work and talk about everything and anything, sometimes serious , other times laughing but always learning. That I will never see you come down the stairs after church looking impeccably beautiful with your big smile and warm words for everyone in my family.

As I read through all the tributes, I am in awe at how you where so many things to so many people and how for each of us you made us feel that you were just for us. As I say farewell to you, I will say thank you for what you were to me.
Thank you for making me a member of your A Team
Thank you for showing me what a leader should be
Thank you for showing me what a true professional is
Thank you for showing me true strength
Thank you for showing me the power of hard work
Thank you for showing me the value of self-improvement
Thank you for showing me the value of knowing yourself and your worth

Rest in peace till we meet again. I will never forget you Dr. Ihebuzor and I pray I make you proud.
April 19, 2018
April 19, 2018
Dr Nnena Ihebuzor, quite, hard working and brilliant Paediatrician with a sweet firm voice. You taught me during our residency training "never to let an intravenous line defeat me." You will surely be missed. Rest in peace. May God console your biological family and also your professional family.
April 19, 2018
April 19, 2018
Dr Nnenna I can't believe you are gone!! You were such a wonderful and kind woman. I recall the last meeting we had in your office and the pieces of advice you gave me that turned out to be extremely useful to me and my organization. I simply lack the apt words to express my shock over the news of your demise!! Rest in peace until we meet again on that glorious day. My condolences to your family and especially my beloved friends Chike and Uche.
April 19, 2018
April 19, 2018

Words can't describe how difficult it's to gather my thoughts to put down because a part of me is still in disbelief. Auntie Nnenna, I last saw you at Chidinma nee Agu's wedding back in Lagos in 2016, looking very radiant and cheerful. Never knew that was going to be the last time I was going to see you alive.
Never knew that you were sick and you had been fighting to stay alive until February this year. Then I started to put two and two together; occasions that I knew you would attend because of nature of your person, you were conspicuously absent.
When I got the call from my father to come to Dee Kalu's house that Sunday afternoon, I had feared the worst. Oh Auntie Nnenna, the firm embodiment of Mmo Ori on earth, is no more. We have lost a wonderful soul who touched lives directly and indirectly with her grace, pose and kind heart. The person who guided my sister all the years she has been in Abuja till date.
Auntie Nnenna, you have fought the good fight, and ran your race. We all love you but God loves you more. Rest in the bosom of our Lord in Heaven

Chidiebere Egbe
April 19, 2018
April 19, 2018
My dearest aunty,
Yesterday, my mom told me that when I was born, you were excited and hearing that made me cry.
I dont know how to write all I feel down, but even in the next life, I pray you are still my aunty.
Thank you for always being there,for all the hugs you gave me, the advice and for always encouraging me to be better.
I know you are resting with God, but I can't help but wish you got better and came back home so that we could have that conversation as you promised.
You have always been someone I admired, and the only thing I can do now is try to emulate a lot of your ways and make you proud.
I won't ever forget all the visits to your house, what you did for me in July, and the words of comfort you gave me after you sent me that picture. You were so strong and inspiring and I won't forget the impact you had on me.
I love you deeply and I honestly can not wait to see you again.
Love always,
April 19, 2018
April 19, 2018
Dear Nnenna, if only tears could bring you back! It breaks my heart to write you this tribute knowing you’re no longer physically here with us but I’m consoled knowing that you’re resting with the Angels and the pain is no more..::
You were my mentor, big sister and friend... You were passionate about women and children and gave me the mentorship I needed to get me where I am today. There’s so much I want to say but the tears wont even let me....
I’ll miss you sorely Nnenna... I loved you dearly and I always will! Sleep in the Lords bosom till we meet again.
April 19, 2018
April 19, 2018
I never met you but i’m good friends with your brother Uche and I just know you are good stock. Its hard to focus on the you-are-in-a-better-place right now because I hear you were so alive and present. My heart breaks for your family, your kids snd husband. So i’m lighting this candle to illuminate your way to heavens gates, Mama Ogwo and the Angels. Adieu.
April 19, 2018
April 19, 2018

A worthy life is not measured by the number of years one lived on the earth but by the quality and service rendered to God and humanity.
Announcing the demise of our precious jewel got to us with rudest shock, we were all lost in memory but later recovered after sometime through God's grace.
Nnenna, you were a great doctor, your major philosophy about success was hard work which led to raising responsible men. You succeeded in life because of your good qualities, a good adviser on every cross road. You lived a life of integrity, left good legacies and gesture worthy of emulation.
History will always poryray and hold firm your indelible work. A woman with great wisdom, vigor and understanding. You guided your loins with faith and devoted your life, strength and resources to the service of God and humanity.
With heavy heart we bid you farewell and earnestly pray that you rest peacefully in the bosom of the Lord.

Nnanna Mankwe Udensi's family
April 19, 2018
April 19, 2018
Hi Aunty,

I read through every single tribute before summoning the courage to write mine. I had so many things to say but after reading through messages and speaking with Uncle Reggie, I am convinced that God had a reason for this.

Never has a passing hurt me as much since my mother’s death in 2007; this, is a close contender.

Aunty you were a bright light; an uplifting voice; an absolute dream to be around. You always went above and beyond for everyone. We all wanted to emulate you; we all wanted to be like you.

After I had Olise, I sent you photos and you were elated. After I had Somachi, I sent you photos. I saw you had seen them, but there was no reply, and I knew why. Unfortunately, I did not have the courage to call you. That, I regret till this very day.

Aunty Nnenna I remember being your flower girl. That remains the only occasion I was given that role to play that I remember vividly. From my outfit to your wedding date, 3rd October, 1992. (I was 6 years old).

Aunty Nnenna, please, say hello to my mom. I know you are together. We love you both so much but apparently, God loves you even more.

Chienyenwa Cynthia Okwudiafor (née Ihebuzor).
April 19, 2018
April 19, 2018
I still cant find the words to express how i feel, i can recount almost every time we met cos it always left a positive impact in my life. Nnenna , your enigma still reigns, a thorough woman who loved her family intensely and always spoke with a soft but firm tone underlined with true love and affection for humanity. Everytime i met you was like an encounter with an angel, i was satisfied with a short conversation as simple as 'how are you ? good..and your response okay!'..the lovely meals at home, i always reminisce the roasted yam with sauce, Mass at the Papal Nuncio and you ever wise counsel...the angels in Heaven surely will rejoice at your presence in their in peace dear Sis...Valentine Okogwu
April 19, 2018
April 19, 2018
Dear Aunt Nnenna,

Words cannot explain the shock I felt when heard that you were gone, I could not believe it. You always looked after yourself well and taught me the importance of eating nutritionally. I remember you teaching an 11-year-old me how to make eggs in a healthier way, turns out that is my favourite way to eat them now... sunny side up. I've always looked up to you and all you have accomplished. I have always seen you as an epitome of strength, class, kindness and hard work. You went too soon but did so much in little time, that is something to be celebrated.
Now that you're gone I pray utmostly for your family, My uncle Reg, and my cousins Chima, Chizoma and Kelechi. I pray that God fills them with peace and support. I pray that the Lord sustains them during this time in their lives. I give glory to God for using you as a vessel in reaching purpose and hope that everyone acknowledges the great you did with your life, there is nothing left but to celebrate the works of your life!

Only fond memories will remain.

May you Rest in Peace.

Uzochi Ihebuzor
April 17, 2018
April 17, 2018
Aunty Nnenna was not just my aunt but my godmother and doctor. She has been in my life as far back as I can remember and she always will be in my heart. She took care of me when I went to camp and always took me around Abuja when I was around. She was amazing. She will always be in our hearts. She will always be missed. I pray that she rests peacefully and gracefully. Dear Aunty Nnenna, I will always miss and love you. God will keep you and bless you and your family.
April 17, 2018
April 17, 2018

There's nothing I would write here that wouldn't come across as cliché but that is the power of death over humanity, as it evokes the same mournful emotions.
Nnenna, the news of your passing brought screams of doubt to all who heard. No one could believe that you would leave at this time but we take consolation in the fact that you are resting with God.
I really have no words to describe how painful losing you is. It still doesn't seem real at all.
You were such a gentle soul, calm in spirit, very generous and always happy with everyone. The Ihebuzors and Ogwos have indeed lost a great pillar. You were always ready to assist even if it meant leaving your comfort zone.
I am forever grateful to God that you were my cousin and sister and I know that you will live forever because you are irreplaceable. Thank you for fighting to stay alive. Now, God has won you to himself so I celebrate the full life you lived.
My earnest prayer now is that God consoles us, your father, your husband, the boys and your siblings at this very trying period. As for you, I know you are already resting in heaven with the angels.
I love you and I always will.
May your soul and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.

Chinyere Egbe née Udeala,
April 17, 2018
April 17, 2018
Dear Nnenna,

The first time I met you was 40 years ago, January 28th 1978 to be exact. I can only imagine how excited you must have been holding your latest baby brother... I never knew then that you would affect my life positively the way you did, you encouraged me to be the best in all I chose to do in life.. look at me now; I have grown up to be the man you always prayed and believed I would be.

Nnenna this is the most painful task I have had to do since mummy passed away, I always imagined my tribute to you would be on your 50th birthday which I and Reg had hoped to have a party for you but as usual work came first and you had to rush off to another assignment on that day.

Reading through the tributes I was comforted to know you affected millions of people positively just as you did to me, rest in the perfect peace of the Lord and give mummy a big big hug from me. I can’t write much as the words are not enough to express my sorrow and tears are welling up in my eyes as I type these few words….

I will always be your baby brother…

This poem eloquently conveys what you would want us to know: grieve for me, but do not be consumed by grief; instead, focus on the love and joy I brought into your life.

Miss Me But Let Me Go(Unknown Author)

When I come to the end of the road
And the sun has set for me,
I want no rites in a gloom-filled room,
Why cry for a soul set free!
Miss me a little – but not for long
And not with your head bowed low.
Remember the love that we once shared,
Miss me, but let me go.
For this journey that we all must take
And each must go alone;
It’s all a part of the Master’s plan
A step on the road to home.
When you are lonely and sick at heart
Go to the friends we know,
And bury your sorrows in doing good deeds.
Miss me, but let me go.
April 17, 2018
April 17, 2018
Dear Aunty Nnenna, I have begun to write this tribute and stopped so many times. Picked up the phone to call and hung up.Words fail me. I think the last time I saw you was in 2016. I cannot get my mind around the fact that you are no longer with us. I write to honour you. You lived well. I will never forget you. Sleep well till we meet again.
April 17, 2018
April 17, 2018
A Tribute to a Dear Sister and Friend'

Dear Nnenna, the Lady whose name carries all the 'Ns' This is how I used to tease you. I am writing this at this time because I am still in shock & can not believe it is true that you are gone.

You called me when you left the country and we did speak a couple of times after that and then nothing. I asked everyone that I know who knew you and still nothing until on that fateful Sat 24th of March, I drove to your house when I became very worried, but only to meet the gates all locked despite my banging and no sound was coming from within. Little did I know that you had actually passed on that same day.

I cherish the times we've had together since I met you in 2009, the trips we had undertaken together. You were so hard working Nnenna, often working late into the night, so reliable, generous and a perfectionist. I was so very hopeful that you would come back home to us, but now I know that God had something better planned for you.

I pray that the Comforter will be with your husband and lovely children, your father and the other family members.

Sleep well dearest, in the bosom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ until that resurrection morning when Christ will come back again and you will rise with other saints to go with him.
April 17, 2018
April 17, 2018
I’ve tried several times to start writing but what does one say at a time like this?
I’ve gone over our whatsapp conversations we had last October after losing touch for so many years, and you had comforting words for me at my time of grief even though you were going through a major battle yourself. I remember how strong and optimistic you sounded when we spoke. You fought the good fight.
You will be missed greatly Nnenna.
Rest well.
April 16, 2018
April 16, 2018
Dr Nnenna dead @ 52!!!!!!

By any standards, 52yrs is a horribly innocent age to die, way too young and then; not Dr Nnenna.

For a lot of folks life just starts @ 52: when all the staggerings around life ceases and it begins to assume shape, form and character, and you bet, some finally earn their degrees @ 52.

So for someone like Dr Nnenna who purposefully cultivated life's seed from so an early age such that every imaginable challenge has her solution even before it sprouts, I am certain that this one challenge that she eventually succumbed to either crept in on her or gave her very little time to react.

So what becomes of all of us that followed her every step, sought after her ways and tried so hard to emulate her???

And yes, Not Dr Nnenna!!!! But who am I in the scheme of happenings?

To all her loved ones, be proud for your loved one left a really cool legacy.

Rest in peace, Dear Dr.
April 16, 2018
April 16, 2018

In the midst of my grief l face a daunting task of writing a eulogy for you, my friend and sister Nnenna. This is one of those moments when one stoops to wonder at the emptiness of life. l still stare at the message l wrote to you the week of your demise, assuring you that God is in control. The inevitable unfortunately happened! Who are we mortals to question God?

I look back at the decades we have known each other and bonded. Starting from our days at LUTH for the residency program, sharing in our joys and challenges of raising young families, the calls, the paediatric postgraduate membership and fellowship exams, subsequently the MPH programme, cheering each other along! The memories are ever so green!

Nnenna, you were always full of life, with a charm, eloquence, intelligence, passion and commitment that is unparalled. You were the first National Assistant Secretary of the Nigerian Society of Neonatal Medicine (NISONM) 2008-2011, and l was the Secretary. You worked beyond limits to finalize NISONM’s CAC registration at Abuja. You facilitated at various state level and national neonatal trainings, and your passion and energy knew no bounds. I cherish the memories of all the professional national, regional and international travels we made together for Maternal Newborn and Child Health over the years!

The gists, the plans and the laughs! And really we were paired many times!! I remember at one travel when you once told me, “Chinyere, you are worse than me! You must have obsessive disorder!!! You got to the door of our apartment for us to go out, only for you to go back in to arrange throw pillows in the sitting room before we could leave!” Nnenna, so it is all over? So this is where you have ended your earthly toils and sojourn? 

Our prayers are with your husband, children, father and the entire Ihebuzor and Ogwo families, for the grace and the strength to bear this great loss.

Rest in perfect peace Nnenna!

Chinyere Ezeaka
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Recent Tributes
May 17
Happy birthday, Dr Ihebuzor! May God continue to bless you.
With much love always,
May 17
Nnenah dear.
You will forever be loved and remembered. I recall when I had a heath challenge you took over the wahala . Had me checked by one of the best consultants in Abuja thereafter recommended a good hospital for me abroad. I'm remain greatful to u. Continue to rest in peace.
Recent stories
March 25
Rest in Peace Nnenna. Yesterday i was looking at the book you gave me in Mombasa  - Kenya, during the World Bank Supported Workshop. Within me i said" Imagine she is not there " Rest In Peace Nnenna. 

Still remembered

March 24
For some reason I thought about you yesterday. The conversation in my head was like so Nnenna is no longer here, so Nnenna is in a grave somewhere but I quickly reminded myself that anyone who dies in Christ shall yet live again and it was only when today Ekanma sent me this picture of us in London barely 2 weeks after I had started my Masters in UCL that I realized it was 6 years ago today that you passed on. Continue to RIP sweet Nnenna
May 16, 2022
You are missed, wish you were still with us on planet earth. I can only imagine how you would have been on top of things during this overwhelming few years of the Pandemic.
You were one lovely and amazing woman of total excellent and kindness. Your journey here on earth was short but full of great acts of huge kindness and love for so many that crossed your path. Continue to enjoy eternity. God knows all things because through Him are all things and to Him are all things. He knows why you had to leave so early.

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