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April 15, 2018
April 15, 2018
Nnena , you are greatly missed. We miss your smile, your generosity and the good time we shared being around you. May your soul rest in peace. I know you are in good hands in heaven and we will continue to pray for your soul and the protection of all your loved ones that you left behind in the name of Jesus Christ Amen!
Dr Nancy Opara Arlington Texas
April 15, 2018
April 15, 2018
Dr Ihebuzor..Aunty Nnenna,that is what I have always referred her to. The woman i'd always be so proud to say she is my aunty..Working as an adhoc staff under SURE-P MCH,I could remember vividly she would call to know every detail how the job went,and what you learnt from the job,and would as well advice me how to go about the job..The news of your demise got me thinking,cos I had asked my mum a day earlier if you had returned back to the country,only to be told you were no more the following day..A woman with a great smile,always ready to render help. With the little time we spent and talked,i have got a whole lot to say,but I can't question God,cos Him alone knows the best..Adieu my aunty
  Rest on Dr Ihebuzor,until we meet to part no more
April 14, 2018
April 14, 2018
Aunty Nnenna !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The last time me and my family saw you was last year. You came to visit my wife who was then hospitalized for 4 months, you encouraged us, you gave us hope that every thing will be ok. You drove me to my office and you spoke to me with an angelic smile saying '' Ikechukwu dont worry your wife will be fine''. Your words came to pass Aunty NNENNA, My son was born, my wife is fine now and out of danger. Aunty NNENNA my son is your birthday mate which is ''MAY 16''. You have remained a blessing to every one who came across you. You have been a piller and a source of hope and joy to me and my family. Aunty NNENA me and my family are eternally grateful to have you in our lives. I can go on and on, My big Aunty '' YOU WILL BE FORVER MISSED''. Sleep well !!!
Ihebuzor clan will miss you. SAIL ON.
April 14, 2018
April 14, 2018
Fading away like the stars of the morning, losing their lights into the Milky Way, so shall we all pass away one day from this earth into eternity leaving memories of our works on earth to echo therein.
The news of your demise crunched into my chest and my whole body knocked, why? Your desire to stay alive and finished the good work you started. You were an epitome of Gods glory, you were a role model to every woman, mother and the entire health sector. You were hard-working, diligent, ineffable and God fearing. We will all miss you, you have left a legacy that we all will continue to consolidate on. May God give your family the fortitude to bear the loss, especially your wonderful Husband (Mr. Reg Ihebuzor), your Children (Chima, Chizoma and Kelechi). Our greatest consolation is that you died in Christ.
Adieu my guardian,mentor, director, and aunty. Good night Dr.Mrs Nnenna Ihebuzor, rest in peace.
Anyim Chuks
April 14, 2018
April 14, 2018
... Perhaps they are not the stars, but rather openings in Heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know that they are happy ...

“And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Phillipians 4:7

From the 3 Amigos (Choke/FP/Izu)
April 14, 2018
April 14, 2018
In this life, we only know in part, but we have hope of a better place, and it is our faith that you have gone to be with the Lord. Our God has called home his angel. May he receive you into his bossom, and may his grace and love shine upon you and upon the ones you have left behind. Amen.
April 13, 2018
April 13, 2018
You were a compassionate colleague, accommodating , kind and hardworking .You were a medical colossus and carved a niche in the profession. You left us too soon . NPHCDA team will miss u . We cannot question God .your memories will remain evergreen . Adieu Dr Ihebuzor . Rest in the bosom of the Lord. Amen
April 13, 2018
April 13, 2018
Words fail me at this point. It’s been weeks and I still refuse to believe and accept that you are gone. It seems like a horrible dream I would soon wake up from.

I still remember vividly the last Christmas we spent together as a family, the last time you came to Lagos for a wedding. The conversations we had while you traveled out to get medical care. I still remember everything, your face, your smiles, your bits of advice to me and how you constantly ask so many questions to know what is going on in my life.

Your time with us was very short. Indeed everyone should make the most out of life while we all have the chance and this you did to the fullest.

Our grief is never-ending but I choose to draw strength and comfort from the knowledge that you have found safe refuge in the Lord and also in our hearts where no pain or darkness can touch you.

Thank you for loving me and leaving a positive impact in my life. I will miss you Aunty Nnenna. Continue to rest in peace with God.

Chiderah Ihebuzor.
April 13, 2018
April 13, 2018
So sad news, I remember you gave me flyers on PBF implementation in Nigeria .Your positive contribution during the workshop still resonates. From Kenya, I say may your Soul rest in Peace.
April 13, 2018
April 13, 2018
Shine on, precious Sis...dearly beloved child of God!
With much love and a fondness that is ever strong, you will forever be in my heart.
April 13, 2018
April 13, 2018
Dearest Auntie Nnenna,

You were an inspiration! If I knew the last I would see you was at my grandma’s funeral, just maybe, I would have hugged you longer and told you how much you inspired me.

God comfort Uncle Reg and your boys, my Dede Kalu and my cousins.

Jajua! La r udo!!
April 13, 2018
April 13, 2018
Dear Dr. Nnenna,
The delay in writing this tribute is a reflection of how long it took me to come to terms with the reality of your demise.

You were full of life, charm and resilience.

You were just getting started, in unwrapping the diverse parcels of expertise you brought to the workplace. Your passion for excellence is unrivalled.

Alas, you had to leave, ahead of us. May you find everlasting peace in the bosom of Our Lord. Amen
April 13, 2018
April 13, 2018
What can we say, a beautiful and friendly soul is gone. My Doc rest in peace.
April 13, 2018
April 13, 2018
What can we say, a beautiful and friendly soul is gone. My Doc rest in peace.
April 13, 2018
April 13, 2018
Sister Nnenna, If I had known a year ago, that I would have to write this tribute today, I would have loved you more, made more trips to Abuja, called you daily, hugged you longer, told you how much you mean to me...

Did you know how much I loved you? Did you know that you were the best sister-in-law anyone could ever have? Did you know how proud I was of you? Did you know I already had my ticket purchased to see you next week? I just have so many questions and my heart is so heavy. What words can I write to ease the pain of never seeing you or hearing your voice again? This is too unreal. We didn't spend enough time together. It has only been 12 years since I've had the privilege of calling you sister. What about the next 50 years??

I remember our last phone call and the way you laughed at my jokes even though it hurt to do so. We had a great relationship and I loved the hours we spent on the phone and how you'd laugh so hard and share great tips on life, health and more. You gave the best advice and were always so supportive of everyone. You were a rock in the family and I was always so proud to let the world know that you were my big sis.

You came into this world and left a huge imprint. Your light shone bright and still shines because I choose to keep you forever alive in my heart. I will remember you for the awesome, smart, loving, caring, sweet and strong woman you were and we will live each day on earth to make you proud and ensure that your legacy lives on forever. Rest in Peace Sis.
April 12, 2018
April 12, 2018
Aunt Nnena,to live in the hearts of those u love is not to die,although i never met u i am assured u r resting peacefully in the arms of Jesus until we meet on resurrection morning!adieu.
April 12, 2018
April 12, 2018
My Dearest Sister,

This is the rudest shock of my life..... Though my mentor you were closer than a sister to me. Your last word to me still echoing...." Joy, you are not serious, while smiling away from the conference hall" Working under you was one of the greatest things that ever happened to me. I'm still in shock, refusing to believe you are done..
April 12, 2018
April 12, 2018
Dearest cuz, what a rude shock. You were beautiful inside and out , we cannot question God but we hold on to beautiful memories to keep us going. Safe trip big cuz no more pain. We are all heartbroken but we take comfort in the Lord. RIP
April 12, 2018
April 12, 2018
It stills remains like a dreams. who who have imagined this? so bright, with so much more to do! Sometimes it feels like the best leave the quickest. But our faith in the Lord Jesus remain resolute that you have done your bit and have have gone to rest in the Lord. May God's fortitude, protection and strength be with the loved ones you left behind. Surely this is one candle that went out way too soon.

Rest in perfect peace Dr Ihebuzor.
April 12, 2018
April 12, 2018
Dear Reg, 

I didn’t know Nnena, but you were like a brother to my big brother Joe Okeahialam. I so sorry to hear this shocking news. Please accept my deepest condolences for the loss of your loved one. I pray for strength and comfort for you and your family. I pray that one day after the tears stop flowing, you will remember Nnena with a smile and gratitude that she shared your life. My heart aches for you and your family, but remember that God gives and God takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord.  

God bless you and again my condolences. 

Atta Okeahialam Abulu
April 12, 2018
April 12, 2018
Dear family,
Am very saddened by Nnenna's passing on. She was a creative spirit and will remain as such with us, for ever... for creative souls never die... Write you also on behalf of the whole Sina Health community for which Nnenna was a strong support and inspiration, as fighter for better health care for all. Dear Nnenna, you will live on with sure you hear this .. warm embrace.. and peace to all who grieve about your passing on...
April 12, 2018
April 12, 2018
My dear sister Nnenna it is very difficult for me and all others that you mentored to come to terms with your death .I was in the village when the news of your death reached me .Still couldn't believe until when I arrived Abuja then it became real.

Nnenna a very intelligent hardworking medical doctor per excellence. A tough woman displinarian .I use to call her bees because she can be very sweet like honey and very tough like sting of a bee . All she knows is excellent work at all times .You can only be her friend in the office if your hardworking and deliver good results ..She has mentored many of her staff that all have excel in their various fields.

This lady called Nnenna many people who do not understand her may think she is a bad officer but once you got to know her well she is a very likable character that everyone will like to work with .

Many of us that know her , will continue to miss her . A wise counselor and mentore per excellence ..She has left a vacuum difficult to fill . .I thank God for her life as she has lived a life worthy of emulation .
May God grant her soul eternal rest and give the family and all of us the fortitude to bear great lost .Adieu Nnenna .
April 11, 2018
April 11, 2018
Dear Dr. Nnenna
Met you on a couple of occassions. But your husband Bro Reg i know well and admire immensely. Your kids,what with your spouse you made out of them one also have a lot to take away from.
What more do we get to know of or ask of you? A beautiful happy family you largely helped in moulding is the greatest tribute you left behind. No need mentioning your generous spirit that is impossible to ignore.
My wife and i prayed for all the way for you. Now we mourn and cherish. We pray fervently for Bro Reg and your children, sure the good Lord will comfort and heal them.
Rest in the peace of the good Lord, Dr. Nnenna.
Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord ..., amen
April 11, 2018
April 11, 2018
Dear Nnenna, always smiling, soft-spoken and caring. I still remember the hope in your voice last time we spoke and it came as a shock to receive the news of your demise. You will be missed but we have the assurance that you are resting in the bosom of the Lord and on the last day we shall meet to part no more. The Lord will be the comforter and stronghold of your family and fill the vacuum that has been left.
April 11, 2018
April 11, 2018
Dear Reg
I hope you and the boys take comfort and strength from all the love we all feel for Nnenna. Our hearts and prayers go out to you, the children her friends and family. We pray to Allah to rest her soul in perfect peace and give all of us whom she touched with her warmth and kindness the strength to bear this loss. Amin
April 11, 2018
April 11, 2018
And the Spirit said, “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on." "Yes," says the Spirit, "they will rest from their labour, for their deeds will follow them."

Surely, if in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most to be pitied. But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the firstfruits of all that are asleep.

For the trumpet shall sound, and Nnenna shall be raised incorruptible, and shall be changed. She will put on an incorruptible body, and become immortal by the victory God has given us through our Lord Jesus Christ.

My beloved Reg and family, please bear this irreparable loss in the knowledge that Nnenna invested each day of life very wisely in the service of humanity and God and was made perfect in love. She did not spare herself till the end, as her good work testifies.

As Christians, we do not mourn like those who have no hope. We know that she has only gone before us, and we shall all be reunited in glory at the presence of The King Who bore our sins and justified us with Blood.

Certainly, of all the Father has called and given unto our Lord Jesus Christ, He shall in no wise lose none, but shall raise us all up on that Day.

We remain steadfast, hopeful, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for we know that our labour will never be in vain in His sight.

May the soul of Nnenna, and the souls of all the faithful departed, rest in the Bosom of our Lord Jesus Christ.

April 11, 2018
April 11, 2018
Dear Dr,

I didn't know you much but the one time I met you, you left a lasting impression on me. I admired your poise and confidence. I saw a beautiful strong woman, a mother, and wife all rolled up in one exquisite presence. Your leaving has really left a void no one else can fill. I believe our loved ones never leave, I believe they continue to live in our hearts. Dr, I believe you will continue to live in their hearts.

I pray God's continual comfort on your family and friends. May God give them the strength to bear this loss. Dr, you have finished your race. Until the day we meet to part no more, ije oma. May you rest in perfect peace.

Sir, please accept my condolences.

Best wishes,
April 11, 2018
April 11, 2018
Nnenna my dear, Ugo kedu kwa nu? That's how we will always greet each other before the gist starts. Nnenna my dear I am really lost for words and it's taken me awhile to visit your memorial page. The first time we met in 2009 we immediately clicked. You started with a smile and asked my name and went on to say that several people have told you we look alike. We burst out laughing and I confirmed that I have had people say the same to me and I always responded that you are the slimmer version. We found out later that we were born in the same month of May just a few days apart. Nnenna you were super intelligent, hard working, full of energy and the face of NPHCDA. You had the ability to turn nothing to something and people often wondered how you did it. Nnenna you have touched a lot of people through being a friend, mentor, mother, wife, sister etc. I cherish the times we travelled to different countries together and the support you always provided. I pray for the Almighty to look after your husband, three boys, your dad and siblings. You will be forever missed indeed till we meet again to part no more. May you continue to rest in perfect peace my dear.
April 11, 2018
April 11, 2018
Oh Nnenna, Is indeed a shock to hear that you have gone home to be with the lord. Well God knows the best. I remember coming to your office last year and the reception and kindness u showed me. My children will not forget how loving u were to them as young girls in primary Sch, u will invite them for some kind of cooking or get together.They always said u cook the best fried rice. Oh Nne you touched lives,u ran a good race and am confident u finished well and now u re wearing a beautiful crown. May God comfort family and friends in Jesus name. Sleep well in the Lord.
April 11, 2018
April 11, 2018
Nnenna! Nnenusky!! Fine girl -no pimples!!! You will truly be forever missed. So so many stories, so so so so many memories, all happy, lots of huggy touchy fuzzy warm feelings; seeing your smiling face before my eyes. If only you could look back and see how you are being celebrated and the out-pour of love and appreciation of the essence of your person. I can hear you saying it repeatedly in my head; how you liberally use the word “ehn?!” Nnenna!!! Rest on in the presence of Our Lord and Savior. My prayers are with Reg and the kids and your brothers, your Dad and the rest of the family for strength to carry on and grace to bear your departure. We, your friends, have gotten closer because of you, we have been one another's support system. Thanks to you. Sleep on in peace Dear Nnenna. Love you loads!
April 11, 2018
April 11, 2018
Continue to rest with God dear Aunty Nena. I’ll miss you so much.
April 11, 2018
April 11, 2018
Dear Reg,
My deepest condolences to you and your family on the passing of your dear wife. My prayer is that the Holy Spirit comforts you and your family. May Nnenna's soul rest in the bosom of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ
April 10, 2018
April 10, 2018
Nnenna, what can I say? Still dumbstruck. My childhood friend and sister. So brilliant and hardworking even as a kid. Thank you for that last quiet call. Even in pain, you reached out. Sleep well my sister. What can I say? God said it all.
April 10, 2018
April 10, 2018
Dear Nnenna,

It's really unbelievable that we are doing this at this time- writing a tribute in your honor, instead of sharing a gist.

What words would ever be adequate to describe you? When I met you 32years ago at the start of our housemanship in LUTH, I immediately took to you.
You were so beautiful, intelligent and very warm. Something else about you made the greatest impression on me: you had a clean heart, a pure heart. I don't mean this in a religious sense. No. You were just good hearted, without guile. You had no airs, you never spoke negatively about anyone or anything. You were always positive, always cheerful, always happy. Wow. I secretly coveted this virtue.
You were such fun to be with, always beaming with a smile and easily breaking into hearty laughter. You were such a vivacious "gister", always telling stories.
Yet you were so hardworking and conscientious. Decades later these traits didn't diminish one bit.
You wrote so beautifully, your cursive writing was like a craft-- I have to confess that I write cursive today because of you.
And then you took everyone whom you considered a friend home and made us all part of your family.

Nnenna, it's so heart rending to write about you in the past tense.

Who would have thought that you won't be here for too long? But we can say "Thank God" for you lived so well. You lived right . You touched everyone who had the blessing of knowing you whether closely or remotely.

Quoting Louis L'Amour - "The trail is the thing, not the end of the trail", I can confidently say that you have made a huge and an indelible trail by your life.
You excelled on all fronts- academically, professionally, maritally, socially and in national service.

We mourn, but we will be strong because that's exactly how you would want us to be.

We trust that you will hear "Weldone, good and faithful Servant. Enter into the joy of the Master"
Rest in Peace, dear friend.
April 10, 2018
April 10, 2018
Nnenna, you and Ifeoma were my mentors at Dr. Ajenifuja’s clinic 1991, it was lovely catching up with you in Abuja 2001-2003 and now you are gone??!! Wow- this wasn’t supposed to happen but God knows best. RIP till we meet again- Dr. Ekuase Sanusi
April 9, 2018
April 9, 2018
If our hearts are this broken, imagine what the family of Nnenna is going through. I pray God give them the strength to heal and the heart to bear the loss of their darling daughter, mother, aunt and wife.
April 9, 2018
April 9, 2018
Nnenna, If I could talk to you, I would say thank you for making me an honorary member of your family. My only connection was being your brother, Ok’s friend and you welcomed me into your home. I ended up living in your house for more than 4 years. It couldn’t have been easy but I was treated exactly the same as your brothers Ok & Chike. I felt nothing but love and kindness throughout the period. I am not sure where my life would be but I can say I wouldn’t be where I am in life without you, Reg and the rest of the family. I am eternally in your debt. Reg, Chima, Chizoma & Kelechi please accept my deepest condolences for your loss, I know you miss her dearly, take some comfort in knowing that her legacy lives on in the people she touched. I leave you with the profound words of Aeschylus:

“Even in our sleep, pain which cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart, until, in our own despair, against our will,comes wisdom through the awful grace of God.”
April 9, 2018
April 9, 2018
My darling sister and friend Nnenna, words fail me! I did not think I will write a tribute to Nnenna. I did not think her positivity and belief will not see her through. My heart is heavy. Tears cloud my eyes as I write. I cannot imagine what Reg and the boys are going through if I feel this much pain and hurt. Nnenna, our pediatrician. Thoughtful, kind, easy going, extremely humble, committed, selfless, passionate, diligent, unassuming, exemplary, a VERY brilliant and dedicated professional, even sacrificial. Kai!!! I could go on and on! Nothing was too much for her to do or too valuable to her to part with. Simply incredible!!! Nnenna, Reg and the boys hosted us in their beautiful home in the village in Dec 2015. It was my first time in the East and we had sooo much fun and planned to go back for another christmas rendezvous. I am thankful our paths crossed. I am grateful for your friendship. I am happy for the times and years we had. I have sooo many good, happy fun memories that we had together. Thank you for being Nnenna. My consolation is that you are in a better place. A place we all are striving to be at the appointed time. Will miss you darling Nnenna. I pray for God’s peace, comfort and strength for Reg, the boys, your dad and brothers. Love and miss you sis. Rest in peace. Deola
April 9, 2018
April 9, 2018
Nnenna, you came, you saw and you conquered. Your sun set much too early but you made a mark. You left your footprints in the sands of time and your memories in our hearts. PANCOF for us will always have an Nnenna-shaped hole. Rest dear till the resurrection morning when we will all meet again at the feet of our Lord. When mortality will have put on immortality and death will die.
April 8, 2018
April 8, 2018
Nnenna ‘my in law’ as we fondly referred to one another from when you visited us in Newcastle.
What can I say! But we cannot question the Almighty. The last time I saw you at the Ibadan reunion you came after me as I was leaving to say goodbye. I did not realise this was the last time I would see you as even though you paid for the UK reunion you could not attend at the last minute. I remember you calling excitedly after you received your souvenir. The warmth and encouragement in your voice.
What can I say about your warmth, your smile, your love. It was evident to all who knew you.
You fought the good fight. It was good to speak to you in the USA. The warmth and strength in your voice was uplifting as you battled and this encouraged me as we uplifted you in prayer. Rest on darling Nnenna as I know you are now resting in God’s bossom free from Pain and worries.
May the good Lord comfort your husband Reg, your boys and all your entire family.
Rest on in the bossom of the Lord Nnenna.
April 8, 2018
April 8, 2018
A Tribute to my Sister inlaw Dr Mrs Nnenna Ihebuzor .

Nnenna Smart my friend, my doctor, Chideras pediatrician, mother of my mascot Chizoma, wife of my Nda Reggie, a sister first before a wife, my diction my love. ...Odi uko! Even in sickness,you encouraged me. Pride of us all, joy to us. Easy going unassuming brain....Nnenna , permit me to remind you of how you moved my son to yours for a few months during my trying days.  As one of us ,you were smart, strong even in pain.

Enyim,nwanyim,odi uko, obi diya, enyin nde ogo, Since you went home, I have never stopped dropping a tear hoping that it will soothe the memories of the pains and aches you went through but today I am assured that you found a better soothing . How can I canonize you . Who will help tell the world of St Nnenna Ihebuzor? 

You preached these words and phrases through the sermon of your lifestyle.... I have chosen the words of Alphabet A because you deserve the best darling Confidant, mother of my lovely nephews.

Nnenna !!!Abiding in love ,Abundant in love,  Accommodating to all,  Accomplished in all for others to enjoy Accordant, Accountable,
Achieving and focused, Adaptable and all accepting , Adept in care , Admirable ,Adorable,
Affectionate, Affluent.
You are alive even though death has used its meaningless sting and truly Grave has no victory. To me and most who encountered you, you were to us all; All ears, All heart, All smiles, All set, All ready, All important, All Allowing, Alluring, Approachable , 
You defined the word.. Alright.

I can feel you holding my hands-looking into my eyes and saying Vera, I am proud of you the way you did 5 years ago. You encouraged me to be Ambitious, Amiable because these were your nature.

Nnenna Smart, I applaud your courage, I cherish the fact that you married us with your whole heart and though not here now , you are here in a most extraordinary way on my mind because your large hearted benevolence lives on.

My Siswife,,my nnena smart, my English speaking intelligent brain and beauty , please rest in Peace .

Loving you and sweet memories of you beautiful Saint.

Dr. Vera Ngozi Osokoya ...Nee Ihebuzor
April 8, 2018
April 8, 2018
A Tribute to my Sister inlaw Dr Mrs Nnenna Ihebuzor .

Nnenna Smart my friend, my doctor, Chideras pediatrician, mother of my mascot Chizoma, wife of my Nda Reggie, a sister first before a wife, my diction my love. ...Odi uko! Even in sickness,you encouraged me. Pride of us all, joy to us. Easy going unassuming brain....Nnenna , permit me to remind you of how you moved my son to yours for a few months during my trying days.  As one of us ,you were smart, strong even in pain.

Enyim,nwanyim,odi uko, obi diya, enyin nde ogo, Since you went home, I have never stopped dropping a tear hoping that it will soothe the memories of the pains and aches you went through but today I am assured that you found a better soothing . How can I canonize you . Who will help tell the world of St Nnenna Ihebuzor? 

You preached these words and phrases through the sermon of your lifestyle.... I have chosen the words of Alphabet A because you deserve the best darling Confidant, mother of my lovely nephews.

Nnenna !!!Abiding in love ,Abundant in love,  Accommodating to all,  Accomplished in all for others to enjoy Accordant, Accountable,
Achieving and focused, Adaptable and all accepting , Adept in care , Admirable ,Adorable,
Affectionate, Affluent.
You are alive even though death has used its meaningless sting and truly Grave has no victory. To me and most who encountered you, you were to us all; All ears, All heart, All smiles, All set, All ready, All important, All Allowing, Alluring, Approachable , 
You defined the word.. Alright.

I can feel you holding my hands-looking into my eyes and saying Vera, I am proud of you the way you did 5 years ago. You encouraged me to be Ambitious, Amiable because these were your nature.

Nnenna Smart, I applaud your courage, I cherish the fact that you married us with your whole heart and though not here now , you are here in a most extraordinary way on my mind because your large hearted benevolence lives on.

My Siswife,,my nnena smart, my English speaking intelligent brain and beauty , please rest in Peace .

Loving you and sweet memories of you beautiful Saint. Adieu

Dr. Vera Ngozi Osokoya ...Nee Ihebuzor
April 8, 2018
April 8, 2018
A Tribute to my Sister inlaw Dr Mrs Nnenna Ihebuzor .

Nnenna Smart my friend, my doctor, Chideras pediatrician, mother of my mascot Chizoma, wife of my Nda Reggie, a sister first before a wife, my diction my love. ...Odi uko! Even in sickness,you encouraged me. Pride of us all, joy to us. Easy going unassuming brain....Nnenna , permit me to remind you of how you moved my son to yours for a few months during my trying days.  As one of us ,you were smart, strong even in pain.

Enyim,nwanyim,odi uko, obi diya, enyin nde ogo, Since you went home, I have never stopped dropping a tear hoping that it will soothe the memories of the pains and aches you went through but today I am assured that you found a better soothing . How can I canonize you . Who will help tell the world of St Nnenna Ihebuzor? 

You preached these words and phrases through the sermon of your lifestyle.... I have chosen the words of Alphabet A because you deserve the best darling Confidant, mother of my lovely nephews.

Nnenna !!!Abiding in love ,Abundant in love,  Accommodating to all,  Accomplished in all for others to enjoy Accordant, Accountable,
Achieving and focused, Adaptable and all accepting , Adept in care , Admirable ,Adorable,
Affectionate, Affluent.
You are alive even though death has used its meaningless sting and truly Grave has no victory. To me and most who encountered you, you were to us all; All ears, All heart, All smiles, All set, All ready, All important, All Allowing, Alluring, Approachable , 
You defined the word.. Alright.

I can feel you holding my hands-looking into my eyes and saying Vera, I am proud of you the way you did 5 years ago. You encouraged me to be Ambitious, Amiable because these were your nature.

Nnenna Smart, I applaud your courage, I cherish the fact that you married us with your whole heart and though not here now , you are here in a most extraordinary way on my mind because your large hearted benevolence lives on.

My Siswife,,my nnena smart, my English speaking intelligent brain and beauty , please rest in Peace .

Loving you and sweet memories of you beautiful Saint.

Dr. Vera Ngozi Osokoya ...Nee Ihebuzor
April 8, 2018
Dear Dr. Nnenna,
News of your death came as a huge shock to me, and set a dark cloud the whole week in my family. 10:20am after mass at the Nunciature, on 25th March, I greeted your boys and Chima. I told Chima to please let you know when he gets to speak with you, that you are in my prayers. Little did I know that the premonition I had, that made me want to say more prayers for you, was a sign of you leaving this earth to be with the Angels in heaven.
Even as a Director, you treated and regarded me as a friend and younger brother. My wife and I will miss you, your family will miss you more (our prayers now are with them), but God the Author of our lives knows best.
Adieu my friend and mentor, Adieu.
April 8, 2018
April 8, 2018
Hard knowing you have left us. Despite all the years past I remember clearly your kindness,your smile and just your genuine concern for everyone. Without your notes from class and you three musketeers I don't think I would have made it through medical school! I know you're with our Lord and find consolation in that. I ask and pray strength for your family. I will never forget you
April 8, 2018
April 8, 2018
Dear Nnenna.

It is hard to believe you have gone to rest eternally. God knows best. I remember the smiles when were classmates in FGC Warri. I also remember our last phone call how positive you were while in Charlotte.
I will surely miss you and will always remember you. Rest In Perfect Peace. May the good Lord give your family the fortitude to bear this loss.
April 8, 2018
April 8, 2018
My Dearest Sister and Friend, Nnenna

No words can describe how much I miss you!! My dearest friend. You have taught me a lot in life!! Your life of Excellence, Extreme kindness, Humility, Sacrifice and Love for all around you shone through even through the challenges you faced. You have taught me to be brave and face challenges with a positive attitude. You never changed even in tough times.

We regularly chatted in the last 9 months about the great times we had in Medical school in Ibadan, Residency in LUTH and MSc studies in the United Kingdom. I remember our last discussion in February when we went down memory lane about the good old times. You talked about how great these 'Flashes of Memory' were and how we should write them down for our own children........ Little did I know, this would be our last chat. I remain grateful to God for these times. I will cherish them forever.

We thank God for your faith and we are reassured that you are resting with our dear Father.

We all miss you!!! I miss you dearly

Your Legacy Lives on. God will grant your dear Family the Grace to go through this challenging time.

Love you my dear sis!!

Rest in Perfect Peace
April 8, 2018
April 8, 2018
Nnenna Jokwa,
That's how we greeted when ever we met or chatted. I knew of you ever before we met. During my years in medical school from 3rd year each time I passed an exam Daddy Imo ( Ugonma, my closest friend's dad) who was also like family to you will tell me that Nnenna also passed the same exam so I kept track of your progress although I did not know you until we finally met in LUTH the day we were interviewed for Pediatric residency. We became friends from then on and your warmth and love was so endearing. We would all troop to your house in ilupeju and spend time together studying for one exams or the other. I remember when you were pregnant for Kelechi and was craving for Oha soup that I had to make with Ogiri and bring to you at work. Nnenna you loved excellence and did all your work that way. We basically had the same trajectory in life - did the MPH program together, you preceded me to UCL for the MSc program which you graduated with a distinction.
Nnenna, your thoughtfulness and kindness shone through everything you did and I would never forget the dinner you hosted in my honor when I was about to depart to Namibia in 2009. That singular act, helped connect me to my church family in Namibia who were family friends of yours from Item and that was a treasure for me.
Nnenna, the day i learnt you were ill and here in the US- I was shaken to my roots and could not do any meaningful work - to think of you on a sick bed was unimaginable and when I visited with you I could see you were fighting this wicked disease with all you had in you but in the end the inevitable happened. Nnenna I am consoled knowing you had made peace with Jesus and that you are in a better place. I pray God's comfort upon Reg and the boys and also your Dad and brothers and the whole Ihebuzor family and trust your beautiful and gentle soul is resting in peace till we meet to part no more.
April 7, 2018
April 7, 2018
I am lost on what to say after hearing of your passing away. Your death is one death too many. A painful trajic loss but we are consoled that as a Director in National Primary Health Care Development Agency, you touched many lives and mentored a lot of your staff and they will continue where you stopped.
May you rest in the bosom of the Almighty where there is no iota of pain
You will surely be missed
Dr Oteri Joe as you normally call me from UCH days
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