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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Leonora Peroff (Sametz). Born on Valentines Day, and full of Love, she was known as Nona to her friends and Nonie to her family. 

Nona passed away peacefully in Squamish British Columbia, overlooking the mountains she loved so much, on June 2nd, 2017. Her daughter Lindsay, who resides in Squamish, and her sister Tella were at her side.

She is survived by her husband John (married 50 years to the day of passing), her son Gregory and grandchildren Nathaniel, Zach and Cole, her daughter Lindsay (Graham ) and grandchildren Grayson and Parker, and younger sister Tella (Mohammed).

A loving mother and wife, and cherished friend to so many. A hug and smile from Nonie simply made your day. We will forever miss you, but the memories we all shared with you will make us forever laugh. 

It would be greatly appreciated if you do share a story and photo by adding it to Nona's memorial page.

A Celebration of Life for Nona will take place at the Peroff home on Trout Lake on July 29th, 2017 at 11:30am. Everyone welcome. Please note that Nona's wish was that everyone attend in bright happy colored attire. (no black please).

In Lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Hilltop House Support Society, where Nona resided in her final years. This society provide a loving and enertaining environment for Nona and her family to make the time more enjoyable together.

June 3, 2021
June 3, 2021
Wow! Another year has passed since we lost our beautiful friend. But we still and always will remember the fun times we had playing tennis, skiing, dinners out and lots of parties! Nona was such a lover of life!
June 3, 2021
June 3, 2021
I’m sorry but I shed a tear whenever I hear her song, I’m so grateful that we all were able to sing in loving memory of a very lovely lady.... I will always miss you Nona
February 14, 2021
February 14, 2021
It is a bright sunny day and -17C on Silver Lady Lane as we head out on our walk. We still miss our daily chats with Nona at the mailbox. She was so proud of her kids and grandkids! She always had a cheerful story to tell us!  Cathy and Bill
February 23, 2020
February 23, 2020
There is hardly a day goes by that I, or some friend we shared in common doesn't mention Nona's name or a "Nona-ism", (one of her delightful sayings or jokes) and we laugh, or try not to shed a tear. Needless to say, we will never forget her with her wonderful wit and sense of fun, or kind, caring words if we needed a lift that day. I definitely thought of her on her birthday with a tear, too sad to comment until now. How could we ever forget that wonderful human being who left us far too early!
Love you always Nona
February 14, 2019
February 14, 2019
A Valentine to remember! My only friend who had her birthday on this day!
Remembering your smile Nona
June 19, 2017
June 19, 2017
Dear Greg, Lindsay and Dr. Peroff,

I know it's been nearly 40 years, but I'll never forget the many special lunches, birthday parties and egg decorating occasions Mrs. Peroff organized and hosted for us. These were often between dew worm or crayfish hunts, fishing, biking or swimming adventures in and around the lane and the lake.

She always encouraged and nourished us as Greg's friends to chase our childhood intentions and adventures with a beautiful smile each and every time.

Thanks to each of You and of course to Mrs. Peroff for such incredible childhood memories.

Jamie Barry
June 15, 2017
June 15, 2017
John and my husband Dave met years ago on a fishing/ hunting trip in B.C. Dave got home and said we are going to the airport to meet John's wife before they catch their plane. We are going to North Bay to visit them this summer. I dragged my heels thinking, "why do I want to go all that way and visit someone I really don't know". Well, I soon found out. Nona flashed her beautiful smile and opened her arms for a big hug, and within minutes we were happily planning our first visit. I knew she was my kinda gal. We've made such wonderful memories through the years......the laughter, the lattes, the long chats, the girls' trip to San Francisco, the shopping, and most of all, the wonderful friendship.
Nona will forever be in a special place in our hearts. Dave and I will never forget you.
With love, Terri & Dave
June 13, 2017
June 13, 2017
Dear John, Lindsay and Greg;
From our days at UWO when Nona was our Huron Princess to our days when she was a beautiful friend and tennis partner, Nona was always so upbeat, full of laughter and witticisms. Thank you for the beautiful memories Nona. You gave so much love to so many!
June 11, 2017
June 11, 2017
Dear John,Greg,Lindsay,Graham and the five idols of Nona's eyes.
It's been a long battle for all of you ,and Nona,and now that she has died peacefully we can all be thankful that her suffering and frustrations have finally come t an end.
For the McLean family,we have such wonderful reflexions of summers at Animanip,with the kids learning to waterski,their cozying up on our boat bottoms while parents fished in the evenings,and family gatherings
at our waterfronts for campfires,s'mores and parent's cocktails.Through all of this Nona was always the bright eyed,beaming mom and wife,who took part in any and all things,always posititive and enthusiastic,even venturing into the Tiparillo fad,puffing away with Jane on our deck while sipping wine and taking sun.
In town,as a partner in one of the many "girls" groups in the 70's and 80's,Nona could rev it up with the best of them and,after outdoing herself one day at" lunch" at our place, I found her ( at 5:25) catching some winks on our front hall stairs when I came home from work.Upon waking and finding me staring down, she looked up and said " Hi Edward", giggled ,as only she could do,and readied herself for her trip home.
Just so many memories, and we will continue to cherish and share them with John and the family.
Hugs for you all from Jane,Ted,Mark,Martha and Tayler
June 8, 2017
June 8, 2017
Nona -
A star that burns as brightly as yours sometimes flames out all too soon. You have left a glow that will live in all our hearts.
June 7, 2017
June 7, 2017
"Good morning Nona, it's time to get moving". These are the words Nona heard me say every morning that I saw her. 
It's been the most incredible journey with you in the short but sweet time that I have worked with you. I will always remember your lovely smile and your smiling, sparkly eyes. I Will miss you, Nona. Your memory will never be forgotten. My thoughts are with the Peroff family. Peace to you all!
June 6, 2017
June 6, 2017
Nona, I do not have the words to describe how incredible you are. I had the privilege of working with you for 16 yrs. You only brought positive energy to the clinic each day no matter what was happening in your life. You had a sparkle in you eye and was always quick with a smile or a hug for anyone that needed it. You had a love for life that was contagious and you inspired myself and others to live life more fully! You had a wonderful sense of humor and all our patients loved you. You have and will be missed.

    Keep riding and shooting Nona

With deepest affection, Mark Swain
June 6, 2017
June 6, 2017
Greg and Lindsay, we were so sorry to hear about your mom. Our thoughts are with you. We will always remember her beautiful smile.

Tara and Shannon Davis
June 5, 2017
June 5, 2017
My dear Nona, I will always remember your warm smile and encourage ing words when I first came to live in North Bay. You became a lovely friend to me and my family. My kids all have warm memories of you. We still have the special Xmas children's books you gave us each year. 
You have been in my thoughts over the last few years, we will miss your warm, kind spirit. Sending all our love to your lovely family.
Denise Desveaux (Swain) and children
June 5, 2017
June 5, 2017
Nona, how I loved being in your company. You always made us all feel so special. I will always remember Kathy Eckler's birthday when we decided we loved each other with many laughs and glasses of wine. You shall be missed, We raise our glass to you dear friend, Jim & Donna
June 5, 2017
June 5, 2017
My dear Nona... we had five years together and I was blessed to share so many good memories with you , your family and friends who loved you so much. You came into my life for a reason and I feel extremely honoured that I was able to care for you and as I have always said... whatever you think I did for you... you did more for me.
Love you always and forever
Mo xo
June 5, 2017
June 5, 2017
The girls from Niagara and UWO are linked forever, Nona.The many shared laughs and tears over children, book club and our shared love of good food as the epitome of the 'sensual' women we were-- the beat goes on.How fitting that my friend with the most beautiful and kindest eyes was married to John, the optometrist!.Love to all of you from the Swanson clan1 Bunty
June 5, 2017
June 5, 2017
Nona was the best next door neighbour! She was always so interested in Andrew and Matthew's lives and wanted to know all about their children. We have missed her since she moved out west . Our thoughts are with you Lindsay, Greg and John and with her beloved grandchildren! We look forward to sharing happy memories of Nona this summer when you are home! Hugs, Bill and Cathy Brunton
June 5, 2017
June 5, 2017
With a kind heart and a ready smile, Nona was such a positive person. Though I had not seen her in recent years since her move to BC, I will always remember her zest for life no matter what she was doing, even the most everyday tasks. My thoughts and best wishes to the Peroff family. May Nona's memory comfort you at this difficult time, and offer you support in the days to come.
June 4, 2017
June 4, 2017
I will remember the happy times we shared wandering through the woods and beach on Cortes Island while our husbands fished for prawns. Nona, you had a love of reading. The importance of learning from children's books created a sparkle in your eyes
You always dressed your best, a sporty classy style!
I have missed you since your illness began years ago now
But know you would encourage each one of your friends to live in the moment
Blessings to you and all your family
June 4, 2017
June 4, 2017
I have known Nona/John/Lindsay for a few years up at Hilltop house in Squamish. I am lighting a candle tonight in memory of Nona, and wish the family peace one day in their grief of loosing their wife and mother.
RIP Nona  Big hugs John and Lindsay and family
June 4, 2017
June 4, 2017
I have fond memories of meeting Nona almost 40 years ago when we moved to North Bay..we joined the tennis club and I attended the morning ladies tennis skills were fair at best, but Nona was incredibly welcoming and gracious.We then became almost neighbors..,I enjoyed meeting her on the road and chatting. I trust she is now at peace and watching over her family...LS..
June 4, 2017
June 4, 2017
Dear Nona,
Since the late 50's at Stamford CVI in Niagara, we've shared our lives, as teenagers, as newly weds, through babies, grown kids and grandkids to losing Maryanne and then, Jill. I began missing you many years ago when your illness began, and was saddened as well, for your family, because they lost so many years of your fun sense of humor and your vibrant, loving personality. Even so, you gave them of your gentle love.
I will remember and treasure you always,
Jo Ann

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Recent Tributes
June 3, 2021
June 3, 2021
Wow! Another year has passed since we lost our beautiful friend. But we still and always will remember the fun times we had playing tennis, skiing, dinners out and lots of parties! Nona was such a lover of life!
June 3, 2021
June 3, 2021
I’m sorry but I shed a tear whenever I hear her song, I’m so grateful that we all were able to sing in loving memory of a very lovely lady.... I will always miss you Nona
February 14, 2021
February 14, 2021
It is a bright sunny day and -17C on Silver Lady Lane as we head out on our walk. We still miss our daily chats with Nona at the mailbox. She was so proud of her kids and grandkids! She always had a cheerful story to tell us!  Cathy and Bill
Recent stories

Always remembered

June 2, 2022
Dear Lindsay, Greg and John;

Thanks you once again for sharing these wonderful pictures and great memories of Nona with us. i have once again been moved to tears. She was such a force of nature, truly one of a kind! How can we, or will we ever forget her!
She left such an impact on all of us, with her joie de vivre and genuine love and sense of humour,

Love you always dear friend,
Joanne Bernier
June 4, 2017

To John, Greg, Lindsay and family,

I have (tried) to include a picture of the last time I saw Nona...a dinner at Average Joe's with a few friends. She was, as usual, fun, funny and lovable.She was always quick with a comment and a laugh. We all have missed her. She had such a struggle in the last few years, it is a relief she is at peace but we will never forget her and she will always have a special place in our hearts.

We shared many fun times in North Bay,....we were always neighbours and our kids grew up together skiing despite a slight difference in ages. We shared LOTS of parties, shopping trips to Toronto, kayaking and boating. It was fun. Thank you Nona for making us part of your magic!!!

The Valin's


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