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His Life
December 11, 2020
我父親陳永建牧師于1948年12月23日出生於台南,台灣。他家原籍江西省萍鄉,因躲避戰亂搬去台灣。父親陳永建牧師幼時因主耶穌奇妙的醫治了他妹妹的病,他母親帶領全家信主.  1964年在台灣嘉義西門貴格會吉兆頎牧師帶領下信主受洗。開始在教會、眷村、野外學習事奉。一九七六年十月與前高雄鹽程聖教會蔡守望牧師之長女蔡黎惠小姐在嘉義結婚. 育有一女。
父親接受過較高的教 育:二十四歲(1973)在臺北,關渡基督書院拿到文學士學位,三年後在臺北,士林中華福音神學院取得道學碩士(M. Div.) , 之後於2002年在美國加州落磯山台福神學院,取得教牧博士 (D. Min.) 學位, 並且在印第安納州Newburgh 三一神學院進修Ph.D.。
1969-1976 在台灣桃園復興鄉山地可愛長老教會、臺北三峽, 勢角、基隆成功等貴格教會兼任傳道。 1977香港頌主堂牧會。1982澳門聖經學院兼任教師。1986-宣道會空中神學院講師。 1987 - 1992美國新澤西州美門華人教會主任牧, 1993 - 1997美國加州Los Angeles南灣 (Torrance)台福基督教會主任牧師,1998 - 2016,擔任美國紐約新城歸正教會主任牧師, 2016年迄今,在新澤西華人福音會主任牧師 。
我瞭解父親對教會是: 盡忠職守、全然擺上、單純謙卑、愛神愛教會、也愛護小羊。由於疫情,教會的祟拜形式有所改變,禮拜天除了講道、還要帶兩堂主日學。他常常是主日崇拜完後,立刻要上慕道班、匆匆吃完午餐又趕著上下一堂主日學。
父親熱愛他的家庭,尊重母親,深愛母親和女兒,以身作則, 勇挑重擔。是一位好父親,好丈夫, 是眾人學習的榜樣。
最後我用提後4:8-9經文與大家分享: “那美好的仗我已經打過了,當跑的路我已經跑盡了,所信的道我已經守住了。 從此以後,有公義的冠冕為我存留,就是按著公義審判的主到了那日要賜給我的;不但賜給我,也賜給凡愛慕他顯現的人。 ”
My dad, Norman Y. Chen was born in Tainan, Taiwan on December 23, 1948.  His family was originally from Pingxiang, Jiangxi Province, China, and moved to Taiwan, fleeing from the Civil War. When he was a young child, his entire family became believers in Christ, who effected a miraculous healing of his younger brother and opened the eyes of his mom, who led the entire family to Christ.  My dad was baptized in 1964 at the Chiayi City Quaker Church by Rev. Chao-Ch'i Chi and began his life-long work of service to the Lord, working in the field, in the Military Dependents' Villages as well as in churches. In 1976, he married my mom, Ruth Tsai at Chiayi City, who is the eldest daughter of Watchman Tsai, a former Senior Rev. of Holy Church of Yen Ch'eng District of the City of Kaohsiung, and my dad’s classmate at Christ's College.  In 1980, they gave birth to me in Hong Kong.

I believe that my dad is one of the most well-educated people I know, having earned his Bachelor of Arts degree at Taipei Kan-Tau Christ College in 1973 at age 24, and then later earning his Master of Divinity at China Evangelical Seminary of Taipei.  He also has a Doctor of Ministry Degree from Logos Evangelical Seminary of Los Angeles, California, and earned a Ph.D. in family and marriage counseling from Trinity Theological Seminary of Newburg, Indiana.

From 1969-1974, he served as evangelist at Mt. Revival Presbyterian Church (Taoyuan City, Taiwan), and different Quaker congregations including San-hsia District, Taipei, Cape Nan-Shih, Taipei, and at Keelung Success Quaker Church. 1977 - 1987: he Rev. at Evangelical Chinese Gospel Church, Hong Kong. 1982 he served as Rev. at Theological Seminary in Macau.  1986 – 1987: Overseas Chinese Mission Airborne Theological Seminary lecturer.  1987 - 1992: Senior Rev. at Monmouth Chinese Christian Church, NJ.  1993- 1997: Senior Rev. at Evangelical Formosan Church of South Bay, Torrance, California. 1998 - 2016: Senior Rev. at Reformed Church of Newtown in Elmhurst, New York.  2016 to present: Senior Rev. at Chinese Evangel Mission Church in East Brunswick, NJ. Simply reading this list of his decades long life of servitude amazes me at how much my father has accomplished, and I am so proud of him.

Growing up, I remember with fondness specific memories of his kindness, love, and sometimes not-so-great tendencies – all of which helped shape my childhood and into the person I am today. I vividly remember I had to write a paper about the USSR in middle school and when I did not know what to write, he basically wrote my paper with his broken English and grammar – just so that I wouldn’t get in trouble. When I wanted to join the dance/drill team in high school and we didn’t have a lot of money, he didn’t hesitate to fork up hundreds of dollars so that I can participate in it. He often paced around the house when he was on the phone (which some of you may have noticed), and I found to be super annoying. But here I am today, constantly pacing around the house just like him whenever I am on the phone.

I can continue on and on, and I am sure many of you can share similar memories. He never hesitated to offer his time, money, and energy for anyone. He reminds me of Apostle Paul as he was bold in his preaching and passionate in loving the church. He often finished his conversations with the phrase -- “keep the faith”, so I want to encourage everyone here to keep the faith as one day, we will meet again in Heaven. I believe when my dad met the Lord, just like in the parable of the Talents, he was met with the Lord saying “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!’ Though our life is short and our sufferings on earth may seem long, I want to encourage you to keep the faith, as my father has encouraged me.

Thank you dad – well done, and good job. I miss you, but I know will meet you again. See you in Heaven. 
My father’s faithful service as a servant of the Lord, where one ministers to the flock in their every need - spiritual, psychological, physical, and practical, even as one perfects one's own witness in the Lord, walking in faith, humility and obedience every step of the way. Every Sunday, aside from giving the weekly sermon, he also took charge of two Sunday School classes: the seekers' class right after the Sunday service, and then he would rush through a quick lunchbefore leading the next Sunday school class.

My father loved his family, respected my mother, loved my mother and his daughter.  He bears the burden of the family, being responsible.  He is a good father, a good husband and a good example for others. 

Finally, I would like to share a bible scripture (2 Timothy 4:7-8) to you: I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.