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How I Got The News

May 2
Exactly 25 years ago, just like yesterday! I made a call to check on my brother who came to Lagos and the person who picked the call innocently said, “Buoda Delani, e saa ku ilede Baba.” I replied, Thank you with courage! And a strength went out of me! My earthly father had passed away to go and rest at the bosom of his Lord.
At that moment, I was alone, no one to comfort me. I comforted myself like David and I started making calls to those that I can reach at that moment! O ma se o, Adetona Akanbi ti re iwale asa! Orangun Ariwajoye has joined his ancestors!
Glory be to God, my Heavenly Father who has restored my strength and comforted me.
Here am I after 25 years.
Keep resting till resurrection day! I pray that I will still be alive beyond another 25 years to celebrate your 50 years remembrance anniversary.
O Lord , continue to keep the entire Ayeni family and extended family in perfect love in Jesus name.
Adetona Akanbi, Omo oniyara okankan, Omo Ikoyi Eso, Omo Oyinbo gb’aga la’lu, Omo Orangun Ile-Ila. Sun re o❤️
Till we part no more!❤️
May Baba's soul continue to rest in peace. You will forever be remembered for your braveness.
You were the only one who could disclose to my mother about her husband's demise.May Baba's soul continue to rest in peace. You will forever be remembered for your braveness.
You were the only one who could disclose to my mother about her husband's demise.


April 29
There was an interregnum of seven years [1960-1967] before a new Oba was installed on 13th August 1967. The new Oba was H.R.H. Oba William Adetona Ayeni Ariwajoye I. The race to the throne was between the Prince Adetona Ayeni and Prince Isaac Adepoju Adebayo, the first Ila Graduate.
Oba William Ayeni, was the first Christian and literate Oba to ascend the throne of Ila. At the outset of the race to the throne, there were seven contestants. Five of the contestants withdrew leaving the two celebrities to the contest. On the one hand Prince Isaac Adebayo was the Principal Private Secretary to Chief S.L. Akintola Premier of Western Nigeria. He had earlier being District Officer in the old Western region. He was also the Personnel Manager of Public Relations Manager of the defunct Nigeria Tobacco Company. He was chairman Leyland company in Ibadan and also chairman N.P.N in the old Oyo State.
On the other hand, Prince William Adetona Ayeni as he was then known was a close associate of Chief Obafemi Awolowo, leader of the Action Group and former Premier of Western Region of Nigeria. Prince Ayeni was the leader of Action group in Ila Local Government and on election as a councillor became the leader of opposition in the NCNC controlled Ila District Council in 1955. He was a force to reckon with in the socio-political milieu of his time. In his youthful days he was neatly and smartly dressed, hence the nickname SEVEN GATORS(abbreviated to “Sevengay”).
During the seven-year interregnum, three enquiries were conducted as to the eligibility or otherwise of the remaining two contestants. Prince Adetona Ayeni and Prince Isaac Adebayo. First was the Partridge Enquiry headed by Mr. D.B. Adviser in Osogbo. Second was another enquiry headed by Chief S.O. Adedeji Risawe of Ilesa Commissioner for Chieftaincy Affairs in Dr. Koyejo Majekodunmi Administration when the latter was the Administrator in Western Nigeria where a state of emergency had been declared.
Unfortunately, the two enquiries did not address the issues on hand. The third enquiry was headed by Mr. S.O. Agbaje – Williams a Senior State Counsel in the Ministry of Justice. His term of reference was to identify the role which Chief Alasan should play in the appointment of an Orangun. It had earlier been suspected that Chief Alasan was favourably disposed to the candidature of Prince William Ayeni.
In the end, Chief Alasan was declared the Head of the Ruling Houses in Ila.
On being crowned on the 13th August 1967, H.R.M. Oba Williams Adetona Ayeni set about the developmental programmes of the ancient town of Ila-Orangun.
Several infrastructural developments took place in Ila Orangun which are memorable in the history of Ila Orangun.
- Ila General Hospital was built and commissioned.
- Electricity was installed in Ila.
- New markets were established.
- Osun State College of Education established in Ila.
- Rural and Community roads were opened up.
- Banks were sited in Ila.
- Modern Post Office was built in Ila.
Just to mention a few.
Oba Ayeni enjoyed the love of his people of Ila Orangun (not to mention names) during his reign which made him to live a peaceable long life.
Early in the morning of Sunday 2nd May 1999, Oba Williams Adetona Kolawole Ayeni joined his ancestors.
As a Christian, He came, he saw and he conquered! May his soul rest in perfect peace!

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