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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Obidimma Okobi, 40, born on January 19, 1977 and passed away on April 3, 2017. We will remember her forever.
April 3
I can't believe its been 7 years without you Obi. I miss and think of you daily. Keep watching out for me up there. Love you
January 19
January 19
Happy birthday, my dear old friend. I had always imagined we’d grow old together. Share a long lifetime fulled with joy and sorrow, successes and loss, quiet moments and belly laughs. It wasn’t as long as I’d hoped, but it was full. I think of you every day and I’m grateful I had you for the time I did. Thank you for everything.
July 16, 2020
July 16, 2020
I’ve known Obidimma’s mother, Elsie Halliday Okobi, from our childhood days in Port Harcourt, Nigeria but it was just yesterday, July 15, 2020 I learnt of the passing of Obidimma. What a bereavement!

Obidimma I love you even though I have never seen you. Jesus had said to His disciple Thomas, who came to believe after touching the resurrected Christ: "You believe because you have seen me. Blessed are those who believe without seeing me" (John 20:29).

Peter, having heard those words, repeats them here in (see 1 Peter 1:8), "You love him even though you have never seen him." That faith brings both salvation and the promise of a day when pain will end, and perfect justice begin. Faith will be rewarded, and God will wipe away all tears.

But what should we do until then? The Bible's answer is simple but not easy: Because we know the future, we must faithfully serve God here and now. If today that means resolving a conflict, mending a hurt, working a dull job, confronting a belligerent child, rebuilding a marriage, or just waiting for guidance—we must trust our Lord Jesus Christ, who will return with His reward!
October 31, 2018
October 31, 2018
You were a light that shone through my darkest days. Requiescat in pace.
April 3, 2018
April 3, 2018
Obi, continue to rest in peace. God is in charge!
January 19, 2018
January 19, 2018
Happy birthday, Obi!!! LOVE YOU ALWAYS. <3
April 30, 2017
April 30, 2017
I got to know you only last year. I heard a lot about you from your mum and aunties over the years. I felt I knew you very well. You were a forthright, purposeful and loving woman. You have left only good memories with all who knew you. You came, you saw, you partook and slayed.. It's time to go now. Painfully, we say "goodnight"!
April 22, 2017
April 22, 2017
Obi, one of your last Facebook posts in which you linked a Tribe Called Quest song with so many people and memories (both positive and not-so-positive) to me summed up who you were: someone who took the time to acknowledge and appreciate all the people in your world and all the small moments of life, and also your utter honesty. You were such a beautiful soul, and my God, that smile of yours could light up any room. Your positive energy and love are what I will forever remember and cherish. So very grateful to have known, loved, and been loved by you, Obi.
April 16, 2017
April 16, 2017
The Lord gained a very kind person, it was such a pleasure to have met you. God bless you and your family.
April 16, 2017
April 16, 2017
There are people that God sends into your life for a reason. Obi, you were one of those people for me. You were so fearless in the way you embraced life, you did everything in full measure. The way you lived in today, inspired me to remember that life is sweet and I should savor it. Your guiding light was always your love for others and it showed in the way you found time and were in the moment with each person. You knew that life was sweet and everyday should be cherished. I was often amazed at how much you did and how you put all you had into everything you did. If we were out at dinner you had the dessert, if we were at an event you met new people and recognized pieces of yourself in them so that within a few interactions you made a new friend. The way you opened your heart to people and brought them close to you was inspiring. You reminded me that there are so many things in life to be excited about. So many things filled you with joy, a new book, a new piece of technology, a new person, a new meal, a new drink, a new pair of shoes, you took joy in it all. I will miss the way meeting a kindred spirit would inspire and animate you. I will miss the way your voice got loud when you felt something passionately. The way you lived and loved in your life, inspired me to sometimes buy the shoes, to have the dessert, to leave everything out on the dance floor. Your presence was so big it could fill a room and at the same time you were connected to the people in the room. Through your thoughtfulness you reminded me to be more thoughtful, to open my heart and connect and relate to people even more. Your empathy helped me find more empathy and understanding for people in my life and in the world around me. You were unselfish in sharing the people in your life with me. There were times when I would tell you to slow down and not do so much but it seems you knew that your time on earth was short and in that time, you were going to fulfill your purpose. Selfishly I want more time with you, more time to share an amazing meal or have insightful conversation or just share a laugh, but it seems your purpose has been fulfilled and you have no more to give to this world.  Thank you for being so generous with your time, your mind, your spirit and your heart. To bring so many people close to you and impact so many lives is evidence your work is complete. I will always miss you my friend, my chosen sister who gave great advice and perspective while at the same time living with such fire that your flame lit the minds and hearts of many. Having known you had changed my life forever and because of you I will never forget to savor, enjoy and be fearless in life.
Thank you for all the joy, laughter and inspiration,
April 14, 2017
April 14, 2017
Obi, It is still hard to believe that you are gone - you were someone who was just so alive - so determined, strong, brave. Your presence was always felt so deeply.
I feel so lucky to have worked on the fourth grade team at Park with you - I learned so much from you and wow - you were so smart, so articulate, so thoughtful! Your words packed a powerful punch and you were so committed to your students.
When you decided to go into educational leadership I was not surprised at all - it was definitely your calling. When you wanted to achieve something there was nothing that could stop you and that tenacity was infectious.
I will never forget when you encouraged me to run my first half-marathon. We went together to Charm City Run and you stood by my side as I signed up for a training group. On the day of the race, I was so nervous and when I started running, my mind was not in a great place--I was in the process of asking myself, "What were you thinking?" when I heard someone say, "Hey stranger! Can I run with you?" It was like you had read my mind . . . You stuck with me, even though you could have left me in the dust, and we ran together.
Obi, you did a world of good in your short life. Rest in peace, my friend.
April 13, 2017
April 13, 2017
Just gone way too soon. I know how much you did for so many people. Sending love and support to friends & family.
April 9, 2017
April 9, 2017
Obi, May you rest in peace. You will be sadly missed. It was a pleasure to have known you and shared good times.
April 8, 2017
April 8, 2017
Obi, your mom spoke to me about you and your siblings a few weeks ago, and I had hoped to meet you one day. She was very proud of all of you.
Your passing feels like a winter day, nightfall came too quickly.
April 8, 2017
April 8, 2017
Heavy hearted... A rising star. An amazing woman. A leader. An educator. A friend. A model woman. A proud African. My Wesleyan 'Little Sister ' Obi Okobi has suddenly passed away...I pray for all of your family, loved ones, colleagues and particularly your students... I know your smile has made the Heavens even brighter... I MISS YOU!!
April 8, 2017
April 8, 2017
No words will ever be good enough, no phrase can even express what a gift you were to everyone that was lucky enough to have the pleasure of meeting you. I will be a champion of your causes and be certain to live up to every expectation that you set for me. I love you so much, thank you for your light, your love and your enduring friendship. Rest in peace my beautiful friend.
April 7, 2017
April 7, 2017
Obi,may the good Lord bless your soul. Rest in peace dear one.
April 7, 2017
April 7, 2017
Obi, you live forever in the hearts of all those whose lives you have touched. May your memory be for a blessing.

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Recent Tributes
April 3
I can't believe its been 7 years without you Obi. I miss and think of you daily. Keep watching out for me up there. Love you
January 19
January 19
Happy birthday, my dear old friend. I had always imagined we’d grow old together. Share a long lifetime fulled with joy and sorrow, successes and loss, quiet moments and belly laughs. It wasn’t as long as I’d hoped, but it was full. I think of you every day and I’m grateful I had you for the time I did. Thank you for everything.
July 16, 2020
July 16, 2020
I’ve known Obidimma’s mother, Elsie Halliday Okobi, from our childhood days in Port Harcourt, Nigeria but it was just yesterday, July 15, 2020 I learnt of the passing of Obidimma. What a bereavement!

Obidimma I love you even though I have never seen you. Jesus had said to His disciple Thomas, who came to believe after touching the resurrected Christ: "You believe because you have seen me. Blessed are those who believe without seeing me" (John 20:29).

Peter, having heard those words, repeats them here in (see 1 Peter 1:8), "You love him even though you have never seen him." That faith brings both salvation and the promise of a day when pain will end, and perfect justice begin. Faith will be rewarded, and God will wipe away all tears.

But what should we do until then? The Bible's answer is simple but not easy: Because we know the future, we must faithfully serve God here and now. If today that means resolving a conflict, mending a hurt, working a dull job, confronting a belligerent child, rebuilding a marriage, or just waiting for guidance—we must trust our Lord Jesus Christ, who will return with His reward!
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April 12, 2017

Dearest Obi,

I’ve been trying to absorb this tremendously surprising and tragic loss to what I consider an amazing woman.   My heart has been breaking and aching with all sorts of feelings ever since I learned of your passing.  Your character, personality, and presence showed you to be a healthy, vibrant, and strong person.  At only 40 years of age, you touched the lives of so many people. I find myself thinking of you, your family, your students, your friends, and how much we will all miss you. I am comforted to know that I am one and the many whose life was touched by the special women you were.  

My thoughts have overwhelmingly caused me to ask, why did this happen to someone whose life had hardly begun? No one seems to be able to answer the whys for me. I am left with so many unanswered whys.  It's times like these when it is so hard to understand God’s plans, and it make’s me challenge my faith.  However, this is precisely the time when my faith needs to be at its strongest.  I know that God doesn't waste a single moment and that He never makes mistakes.  God used your life in a profound way...and now He wants you home.  I am praying that my faith will help me through this very difficult time by writing this letter to you and that doing so will help me find the strength to get me through the grief and sadness I am feeling.

Obi, we met when Park School partnered with Waverly Elementary and you were Waverly’s faculty liaison.  You made sure to be available once a month to be a present with your Waverly students at our monthly sports clinic.  When I found out that a fourth-grade faculty position opened up at Park School, I knew right away this position was for you.  I remember pulling you to the side at one of our Saturday Sports clinics and said, “Hey girl, a fourth-grade faculty position is open, it is time to make your move and that Park was desperately looking to fill that position with an African American”.  You were excited but you were also concerned about leaving the public school setting and your precious Waverly students. You were truly committed to your students. 

When you were hired at Park School as a fourth-grade teacher, I was so excited!  I have such fond memories of you at Park School. You were always one of the first to ask the difficult questions and wasn’t ever afraid to speak up.  While at Park, you applied your leadership skills into the body of the whole school.  You were a huge presence at Park School.  I remember that we also coached 4th & 5th girls’ lacrosse together and we had a blast.  What I remember the most about coaching with you was your love for the sport and your great knowledge of the game.  You made it fun for the girls.  I fondly remember that as we both walked to introduce ourselves to the opposing team coaches, you would often whisper to me “Yup, we are two black lacrosse coaches.  Watch out, the lacrosse world is slowly changing my friend”.  I also remember, the few times you refereed our games and how I would wink at you to blow your whistle our way if possible so we can get the advantage of winning the game! But, you always had that twinkle in your eye and smiled with a quick “Nope, I can’t do that, my friend”.  Oh well.  I tried!!! 

I remember how we used to get together for our “Park staff of color gatherings”…and girl, what I will remember the most was how much you loved to eat!  I remembered when you shared the purchase of your first home in Baltimore City.  I quickly offered you furniture and anything you might need.  I also remember what a huge loss it was for Park School when you decided to head out to Harvard Graduate School of Education.  Park's loss yes, but what an exciting time for you.  You moved on and soon returned with courage and grace to seize the momentum and build something sustainable at City Neighbors Hamilton…absolutely genius!

As I am reflecting and writing to you a little part of my heart is at peace.  We often saw each other running at Lake Montebello and around in the neighborhood.  Thank you for being so welcoming to my daughter, Christina, when she substituted at City Neighbors and for being a mentor and friend to her.  The last time I saw you was just a few months ago at City Neighbors…I got a text from you in mid-December 2016 and you ask me to come by to observe one of your PE teachers and to help them with class management and curriculum suggestions for the little ones.  After I met with the teacher, I stayed for a bit so we could catch up with each and chat about life.  Thank you for caring so much about your teachers that you were willing to reach out to find someone who could help and for trusting me to be the right person to help this individual

I know that God called you to his regime for a reason.  Now you are with him in his kingdom… There will be lots of children for you to teach, love and pamper.  They will be happy to have you.  Obi, I want you to know that I will remember your laugh, your stories, and your beautiful bright smile. You were a truly beautiful person. You had such a joyful spirit that touched everyone who knew you. I feel truly blessed to have been able to know you and will miss you dearly.

Thank you for being one of the most influential people I've ever met, for accepting and loving everyone, and for being someone that impacted the lives of so many.  I remain grateful for having the chance to know you.  Rest in peace. 

I leave you with two of my favorite scriptures:

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

I love you and I am your friend always,


April 8, 2017

My sister had unique taste all her own I think we can all agree. As a kid growing up a lot of my music exposure came from riding in the car with her or the CDs I'd steal when she was off at school as a little sister does. She taught me no one genre belongs to any one group of people. Music is about unity and is so fluid. So much of my musical foundation and my very favorite band were gifted to me by Obi. I can't begin to share my gratitude to her for this. My first concert ever, Dave Matthews Band, she bought the tickets, the t-shirts, and everything high school kid could dream of that day. Every piece of music I write has a little of her in it. Now, I'm not sure the contribution will be as little. Obi, thank you and I love you more than words could ever say.

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