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July 22
July 22
Hi Auntie Odema
Visited your resting place yesterday. I know you're having a feast with the angels. I will always remember your lovely smile
Isaiah 57:2 NLT
[2] For those who follow godly paths will rest in peace when they die.

I believe this scripture and I know you're having a blissful rest. See you in that day
June 15
June 15
Still feels surreal. You had a great personality and you were always in positive spirits whenever we bumped into each other. I pray that God will continue to strengthen your family and all your loved ones to bear this painful loss
May 20
I've been trying to write this for a while now but no better day than today to write this. This is one of the few days in the year we will get to talk and catch up, after I would have sent you a message to wish you a happy birthday. Of course I got up this morning and the first thing that came to my mind was it's Odema's birthday and ran here.

Over the years we have drifted and drifted apart but I never forget the wonderful smile and you dancing a particular time at uni.. I'm sure you remember. You were such a pure and rare soul and you left a mark on everyone you came in touch with. That is who I will always remember.

Keep smiling dancing with angels beautiful one.

Happy birthday Odema with lots of love
March 3
My Dearest Odema,

I stumbled upon a picture of you, and it was so unbelievably sad to find out it was a goodbye message. I remember meeting you for the first time on a bus ride to my internship in London in 2008. We sat next to each other and got talking - you told me all about SEO London. I was super excited because my dream at that time was to start my career in investment banking (how times have changed), and you were already doing just that.

Odema, I was a complete stranger, but girl, did you take me on – you emailed me all the information I needed, recommended me, helped me in preparing for my interview, checked up on me constantly, invited me to your house days before my interview for final preparations, and sent me scriptures and encouragement while I was waiting to hear back. Who does all that for a total stranger? Only you, my dear, Odema.

I would later find out that you were friends with some of my friends from secondary school, and it was so good to see you at Ada's wedding after so long.

I remember sending you an email with the subject, "Where are you?" 

I am so glad I found you again after a long time and got to say thank you one more time.

You are light, pure, loving, and a great example of God's love for us here on earth. (You continue to be).

Thank you for everything.

I pray that God comforts your family, friends and loved ones.

You are loved.

With all my heart, thank you.

Toluwalola Kasali
February 22
February 22
You will be missed Odema. You were one of the kindest people I have ever met. I remember how many times you bailed me out when I was in Derby. I remember plenty laughs from our time at Edexcel. I will always remember your gorgeous smile and laugh. Rest well beautiful Odema. May God comfort all those you left behind.
February 21
February 21
This is so sad and I still cant get over it, I cried on my way to work when I heard the news, Odema was such a beautiful soul, ever-smilling , kind, friendly and concerned about people.

I will miss her dearly and pray to God to grant her soul a peaceful rest in Jesus name

My prayer goes to her immediate and extended family
February 20
February 20
Dear Snr Odema,

You were such a sweet soul in school. Never got to see you afterwards but your kind nature still lingers. We can’t question God but believe that you are in a better place now.

May your soul rest in the bosom of the Lord. Amen
February 20
February 20
You have fought the good fight, you have finished the race, and you have kept the faith.
May the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, guard the hearts and minds of your husband, children, parents and siblings in Jesus Christ.
May your beautiful and angelic soul through the mercy of God rest in peace .
February 20
February 20
Dear Odema,you have such a warm character. I remember you from school. Never failed to make me laugh or bring sunshine to the room
May God grant you eternal rest. And give your family comfort at this time
. ♥️♥️
February 19
February 19
My sincere condolences goes to Pa Audu Ogbei's family for the demise of his daughter,May her soul find solace in the bosom of our Lord saviour and give fortitude heart to bear irreplaceable her exit may caused to her loves one! Adieu
February 19
February 19
I was so shocked and deeply saddened to hear this news. Odema, you were such a gentle and beautiful soul. I remember when you moved in to share our flat with us in Jos… You were so calm and gentle living with such lively roommates ( if you know you know!) and I remember it all with a smile. You were all like my little sisters and I feel so very sad that you have gone so soon. Reading through all of these lovely tributes is a testament to how wonderful you were. I pray that all of these beautiful words will be a source of comfort to your family and friends. You were truly loved and will always be remembered. Rest in perfect peace xx.
February 19
Snr Odema, from the moment you found out I was Pamela Sombo’s sister, high school became so beautiful for me!

Rest in peace! Fondly remembered always!
February 19
February 19
The news of your passing came as a sudden and jarring shock! I felt an immensely deep sadness.

Though we never crossed paths in person, I always read your e-mails and comments with what I believed was what your voice sounded like.

Your unwavering support for the children you sponsored, despite never meeting them or me, is deeply appreciated.

May you rest in perfect peace, ma'am. May God provide comfort to your grieving family.
February 19
February 19
Dear Odema, the memory of you to me, is your contagious smile that brights up any space… my heart weakens every moment when I remember you are truly gone, bleeds for your siblings, who are so dear to me… My imaginations hunt me every day over your departure from this wicked world. Least we know you are in a better place… till you smile at me when we meet again..…  Rest In Peace Dear.
February 19
February 19
My dear friend, Odema.
My heart still aches from your loss. I’m still in shock.
Your beautiful heart, soul, kindness and love will forever be in my heart. You are truly one of a kind and I’m blessed to have had you apart of my life. Thank you for your love.
Rest in Peace love ️
February 18
February 18
OD Baby! as I fondly called you. It’s so difficult to come to terms with your demise. A rude shock it is, and a reminder that we all should be better versions of ourselves in the image of God that we are made from. If the words kindness, humour and wisdom were in human form, it would be you, Odema.

You were such a beautiful soul . You always made sure those around you were comfortable as long as it was within your power. I will forever remember how you reached out to me a few years ago after you heard about my brother’s passing and gave words of comfort and support and we reconnected back to our time at Gidan Crankshaft (UJ) and through the years.

Though you are no longer here physically, your spirit lives on. You made this world a brighter place for family, friends and work colleagues. You will be deeply missed.
May you rest in peace, OD, I hope you find comfort and peace. Your memory is a blessing.

Aibe Dangana
February 18
February 18
May she continue to rest on in the blossom of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I pray that God almighty will give the entire family members the grace and fortitude to bear this irreplaceable loss.
February 18
February 18
I may be least qualified to write a tribute for Odema, but I will. You see, I only met her once - on January 19th. Someone had referred me to her to speak to her management team on leadership. I felt her energy.- while we were chatting and talking leading up to the session. Then we met - she had so much energy and enthusiasm. She was so excited that my session was 'solid and insightful' - and that i didn't 'fall her hand'. After that, we would chat and talk - and we agreed to meet up over lunch to discuss more opportunities. I followed up with her on February 12th and when she didn't respond 'sharp sharp' as she usually does, I reached out to Estelle. That's when I heard. I was in such denial, that the only thing I could say was "that can't be true, we were meant to hang out". If Odema could have formed such a positive, infectious impression to me in my short interaction with her, then I envy the great times her friends, family and colleagues would have had over the years. Its still a shock to me, please accept my warmest condolences. Rest in peace Odema
February 18
February 18
Odema Audu Ogbeh as i fondly know you, your demise still bring tears to my eyes.. i saw you last in 2015 at ebeano supermarket in lagos, you talked to me and atleast helped remind me of who i am..Odema , you were nice and down to earth, i remember how brilliant you were in school too and that made me admire you too...the world is so cruel.... but we all take heart cos God knows best !
Keep Resting in peace...learnt you had twin girls, dont worry, God will take care of them
Ihuoma C Nwagboso
February 17
February 17
Rest in Peace Beautiful Odema.
You left too soon but your light will shine on forever. I will always remember you as the kindest and warmest woman.

February 17
February 17
I've reached the realization that your absence will forever remain inexplicable, leaving a persistent lump in my throat when I think of you.

“ How are you Isabella? You crossed my mind. Thought to check in” was your last message to me. If I took it for granted then, I’ll hold on to it for comfort.

Your life was a triumph, and now you reside in a place of serenity, free from the evils of this world.

I’m thankful for the hope of eternity, when we are raised with Christ. Till then, Sleep well Odema.

February 17
February 17
Words fail me dearest sister...
Words fail on...
February 17
February 17
Hey Odema,

Remember how we used to play as besties as kids, and we got to do 1 year again in high school together? You always were the light in the room. It's surreal you are gone but the Holy Spirit gives comfort.

Thank God for the gift of you.

Ruth Amuta Aisabokhae
February 17
February 17
Dear Odema,

Hearing of your passing is so heartbreaking. Recalling memories from childhood made me smile and tear up. You were loved and cherished by so many and your amazing legacy lives on through your babies and loved ones.

You will be sorely missed and never forgotten, sweet friend and sister.

Rest in God's peace, power and presence,
February 16
February 16
Odema, words fail me. It has taken me a week to come to terms that you're no more. After reading all the tributes, I can only wish we could all tell you in person how we admired you, your kindness, your smile, your laughter, your charm, your gentleness, your style, your excitement, your emotional intelligence etc. You were a rare gem and perfect in my eyes. Rest well Odemski.
February 16
February 16
We never really get the answers we need to some of life’s toughest questions… but great memories are the compensations we get. Rest in Peace Odema.
February 16
February 16
Dear Odema I met you once at Ogwa’s wedding, you were warm and pleasant when we were introduced as cousins. At your wake keep today, was a common denominator:KINDNESS. Everyone spoke about how kind you were. The tears wouldn’t stop flowing. We’re consoled that you’re in a better place now. Your babies lost a mom and gained an angel. Continue to rest in peace until we meet at the foot of the cross on resurrection morning. Adieu dear cousin.️️️
February 16
February 16
Ody baby....I still remember the first day we met years ago through Sami, we hit it off as if we had known each other in a past life.You were the kindest and warmest soul I have ever met. You knew how to make everyone feel comfortable around you effortlessly.

It still feels unreal knowing you're gone but I guess God wanted you back by His side.

Thank you for being you Odema and showing me so much love!

There will never be anyone like you, you were truly one of a kind..

Rest in Peace my dear friend Ody baby till we meet again.
February 16
February 16
I remember you dear Odema from many years ago. Rest well. I wish your family God's comfort at this difficult time
February 16
February 16
Dear Odema,

It's taken me a whole week to pen down a tribute. I cannot believe we are referring to you in the past tense. We managed to keep in touch after Kent on social media.
All for me to run into you last year and you were still the same old sweet person. Down to earth, humble, no airs no frills...I was so excited to hear about your twins as we exchanged stories and caught up on life.
You were so happy on their birthday. I can only pray to God that He will fill the void of your absence in their lives as they grow older.
Odema we still chatted briefly in December and I can't for the life of me believe it was the last. Its a rude shock that you've departed this sinful world but I know you're in a better place singing with the angels.
May God watch over your husband and children. May he comfort them as well as your parents and siblings. Till we all meet to part no more. Rest in perfect peace dear.
February 16
February 16
OD, as I called you.

You were simple, loving and unassuming. I was drawn to you in university because of how 'down to earth' you were. You were simply kind and a beautiful soul.

I would always remember how you taught me to make funky indomie with onions, peppers and the odd extras during those hungry student days. You were interesting, friendly and captivating. Your bank of smiles never ran dry. Everyone wanted to be your friend and unknown to you, your personality motivated others to be kind and do the right thing.

Thank God and thank you for impacting lives positively.

May your gentle soul rest in peace.

February 16
February 16
My darling Odema, a week has not made this any easier. I just can’t believe you are gone! The finality of it breaks my heart over and over. Odema you were so loving, so kind. Your heart was so pure. You were loved by so many, myself included. I will miss you so dearly. I pray for comfort and strength for your entire family and all of us who love you. I pray your daughters will know how amazing you were and that they carry your light within them. I love you sis. I love you deep deep. God rest your beautiful soul. Lots of love Nne
February 16
February 16
Am still shocked to the bone as to what I heard just happened to you. Is it really true that you are gone? You are one of the best boss that I ever work with, if not the best. With my little time at Alaro City, you created a loving bond which will forever be appreciated. Rest on "Ma boss"
February 15
February 15
Rest in Peace Odema, you may not have known this but everytime i met you, i always left in awe of your kindness, warmth and intelligence. Though you are no longer with us, your good heart and the love you shared continue to inspire. You journeyed into motherhood around the same time I did, and your strength and compassion was evident to all. Your memory serves as a reminder of the beauty of empathy and the impact one person can have on others. May God give your family the strength to cope with such a great loss.
February 15
February 15
I’m still in denial and struggle to find the right words. I can still see your big smile and feel your warm hug when I traveled to Lagos for my first time. We were so happy to see one another. I’m forever grateful for your love, sharing your friends & family while making me feel at home. You are missed Odema, rest well ❤️
February 15
February 15
Dear Odema❤️
It saddens my heart to hear that you are no more. Having worked with you, you were a very good boss to me; you treated me like your sister. Even when I made mistakes, you corrected me with love. Although you are no more, you will always be in my heart. Heaven has gained an Angel. Rest well Odema❤️
February 15
February 15
My darling Audemarrs!! My dearest Audemarrs!! It’s taken a while to write this as words fail me. Oh, Odema!! Journey well my lovely. May light guide you home. You were loved and I’m glad you knew. Goodnight love ❤️
February 15
February 15
OD Boo,
It has taken me a little while to write because this has been such a rude shock. You were such a beautiful, lovely, happy person. I remember our 'hair net' days. Only you would understand that. I know you are resting and happy where you are. Obviously God needs you more right now. Love you forever
February 15
February 15
Your candle was blown out too soon Odema.. sigh. Thank you for the warmth and beautiful smile you always clothed yourself with. Rest in peace, knowing you were loved and your memory will forever be in the hearts of those who were privileged to know you. Now, bask in the bosom of our Lord and savior
February 15
February 15
So young, so alive, so sweet.. We will miss you. Say hello to Lovina for me
February 14
February 14
My Darling Odema,

My kind and sweet friend. This is a difficult tribute to write. I am beyond shocked that you are no longer here. We had an instant connection in Uni and for years we always kept in touch. We were both May babies and you happen to have the same birthday as my mum. I loved how focused and ambitious you were.

I’ve seen you more times this past year than since we moved back. I’m grateful to God for that and I’ll always cherish those moments. Your smile was contagious and I always enjoyed our time together.

Thank you for your friendship, your love and for always being there.

I’ll miss you my dear friend. I love you forever.
February 14
February 14
Aunty Odema was the greatest influence and role model I could ever ask for, she always wanted the best for all of us and I can never thank her enough.

RIP Aunty Odema❤️
February 14
February 14
I can never forget any second I spent with you because lessons were always learnt. You were the best when it came to the concern of others. Thank you for always having a listening ear for us all.

Rest on aunty Od
February 14
February 14
Odema the charismatic and energetic boss, was a fun filled big aunty figure with no dulling moment around her, she was open-minded and someone you could walk up and talk to for anything, she would listen, advise and support you personally and professionally.

May the good Lord be with you till we meet again. Adieu!!!! Odema

Dorby Egbedi
February 14
February 14
Everyone has something to offer and Aunty Odema was the best in bringing togetherness in our family. She was the perfect businesswoman in my eyes and in private she always had the most smiles to share. Aunty Od, I hope you move on to brighter places. I miss you.
February 14
February 14
Goday!!!!!! As I would fondly hail you and in response you would say Nanaaaaaaaaa!!! . It seems unreal to me, my beautiful lil Sis, I’ve read our last chats in December over and over again. Know you were loved and will be forever missed. Rest on beautiful, Rest!
February 14
February 14
My Odema, you may have left us too soon but your warmth, your smile, your loving presence will remain in my heart forever.
Rest well my darling.
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