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May 16
Pa Okon, the Patriac of the Enodien family epitomized gentility, sweetness, forthrightness and an impeccable cleanliness.
He genuinely loved his God and served Him with a purposeful heart.
When I first came to Crawford University in 2007, I met him as one of those who led the Thursday prayers, and friends, was he good at it.
May God keep him in good repose.
Gbola Gbolagunte.
May 14
Tribute to my loving Father
I met him first at ilupeju Lagos in 1999, since then Rev Okon Wilie have adopted me be his own daughter, caring for me. When he wanted to move to Ignesa,he call me and said  will you like to move with me, that is how Rev Okon Willie brought me to Ignesa. Rev Okon WIllie is a man that love and serve God Deligently without considering any circumstane around him Rev Okon Willie is a man that love and for everyone that comes his way. Daddy make sure that he train me and make me to achieve success in life. Rev Okon Willie is man that have concerns for others victory and success. This is shown when he was the CSO, Crawford University, when salary is yet to be paid, Daddy will use his own money for the security operative pending when their salary will be paid. I have missed him but I will ever live to remember the impact he has created in my life . May his genle soul rest in perfect peace

May 14
It's indeed an opportunity for me to express that you shall forever be missed! You are a loving individual, you care to appreciate little things done for you....I was closed to your family by chance, mum showed me much interest and care, I followed you to almost every event in your home because it's mum's delight..hunm Dad the last that I can never forget was during mum's burial that there was not enough program, I shouldn't have gotten but to my amazement you listed my name with the family's copy and one was handed to me....just like that !
Rest in peace Dad
May 14
May 14
Tribute to an Icon of Distinction.

Today, in respected memory, I celebrate the life and legacy of a remarkable individual, my beloved father and pal, who left an indelible mark on the sand of time. Though he was firm in his dealings, he had a heart of gold, always willing to lend a helping hand and offer a warm smile.

His strong faith and devotion to his values guided his actions, and his cheerful spirit was a beacon of hope and joy to me and all.

I am especially grateful to have had the opportunity to visit him shortly before his passing, sharing memories of past events that sparked his memory and brought a smile to his face. He always had a special place in his heart for me, often addressing me by my first name with a warmth and endearment that I will never forget.

I will never forget his bravery and loyalty when I was involved in an incident with street miscreants at JRA Gate Despite the chaos, he stood strong and protected me from harm, refusing to let those miscreants embarrass or injure me. His selflessness and dedication to our community's safety was unwavering, and I am forever grateful for his presence in my life.

Though he may be gone, his legacy lives on through the countless lives he touched and the memories we cherish.  May his example continue to inspire us to be better versions of ourselves.

Farewell, dear daddy, farewell till I see you in glory.
You will be sorely missed, but fondly remembered!‍♀️

Your affectionate Daughter,
Olusola Aina and family.
May 14
May 14
I thank God for the privilege to pay a deserved Tribute to my Dad, the Rev. Okon Willie. That I was adopted into his nuclear family from December, 1990 at Ilupeju in Lagos sometime after I was saved, and had cause to migrate to the West, while he was still serving as a Senior Police Officer in the Nigerian Police Force, remains an indelible fact. That under his tutelage I got admitted into the University for both my B.Sc. and Masters degree, got me a job, got married and now own a family, remain incontrovertible facts. That he bequeathed to us his children a legacy of discipline, obedience, character, respect for constituted authority, integrity, humility, resourcefulness, reputation, and dignity is an undeniable fact. Together with the late Mumsy, they lived godly lives before us children. He taught me how to say, “I am sorry, Sir” – that a soft answer turns away wrath! Whatever I have become in life today, aside the God-factor, are attributable to him. This is an eternal verity. One of the many values I learnt from him – all the while I lived under his roof, I never saw him or heard him once quarrelling with his wife, either privately or in the open – either before us children, or in public! I never ever witnessed anyone coming to settle any dispute in his home. Rather, he was often used by the Church hierarchy to settle disputes for many families – God used him as a balm to many. Though a disciplinarian, yet Baba Willie was affable, generous, and kind-hearted in his disposition. Consequently, he was loved and admired by many. What an admirable life!
Permit me to digress to his last moments on earth, because of paucity of time and space. I hadn’t the slightest inkling that Baba Willie was approaching his last days here below. We were on our way from the Late Professor Samson Ayanlaja’s funeral in Ibadan (former Vice Chancellor of Crawford University) on March 1, 2024, when the Head of Worship at Faith City Church, Brother Toyin Oyeniyi, and I got talking. The only subject of our discussion was concretizing our arrangement to send Sunday School Teachers and Choristers every Sunday to minister to him at home, since he could no longer come to the Church because of old age. Our strategy was to rotate Bassey’s car and my car on a weekly basis, in order to support and convey the Teachers. But while we commenced the assignment with my car that first Sunday, 3rd March, God met me while going into the Rest Room at the University Chapel, and told me pointedly, with joy, that I am the one to lay down my vehicle every Sunday for that assignment. It was a command. I accepted readily. Joyfully, I obeyed. Those of us who were involved in that assignment saw God’s miracle on him in the ensuing days. 
On account of his critical condition afterwards, the night he was being taken in an ambulance to the hospital, I was really burdened and was sending SOS messages to the people of God via Whatsapp that night, requesting their earnest, intercessory prayers for him, that the Lord Jesus should appear to Brother Willie before he enters “Jordan”, God whispered to me, “There will be peace in the valley” That divine encounter lifted the burden! About five hours later, he slept peacefully, and stepped into the presence of his Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ Whom he loved and served so dearly.
I thank the Lord that while others have hope, I have the divine assurance that Baba Willie has gone Home to meet His Saviour. By His grace alone, we’ll meet on the Glorious Resurrection Morning! “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints.” (Psalms 116:15); and, “The righteous hath hope in his death.” (Proverbs 14:32). Amen.
Moses N. Itauma, Registrar, Crawford University, Faith City, Igbesa, Ogun State
Professor Reuben Jiya Kolo
May 14
May 14
As a sequel to the earlier Letter of Condolence forwarded to you and your family dated April 24, 2024, I write on behalf of the University Management, Senate, Staff and Students of Crawford University, to pay Tribute to your Dad, Mr. Okon Willie, CSP®, psc+ who served as the pioneer Chief Security Officer (CSO) of our University. 
From the records, Mr. Willie served the University with unwavering dedication and commitment from inception, and throughout his tenure. He was not only responsible for the setting up of the Security architecture of the University, but also championed periodic trainings and mentoring of the personnel. Under his tutelage, the University witnessed peace and tranquillity, as the safety and security of students, staff and property were emplaced. 
Mr. Willie was fearless, forthright and God-fearing. His commitment and unalloyed dedication to service were quite outstanding. Doubtless, these contributions have culminated in no small measure to the further development and growth of this University, for which we are very grateful. These would ever be treasured by the University Management, and indeed the entire University community.
There is no gainsaying the fact that the entire bereaved family has lost a gem; hence our hearts go out to you, the bereaved family, the Church, as well as far and near relatives. We however, submit to the sovereign will of God, and take solace in the fact that earth’s loss is Heaven’s gain!!
We therefore pray the Great God, the God of all comforts to stand by the bereaved family and comfort the hearts of everyone at this difficult time. And may He grant his soul repose in the bosom of the Lord Jesus!
Professor Reuben Jiya Kolo, Ffs
Vice Chancellor, Crawford University
Happiness Moses Itauma
May 14
May 14

Daddy, I remember when I got married to my husband, your son, Moses "Itaumaco" as you fondly called him, he told me that he is your adopted son. Immediately, I accepted you as my father-in-law; and you also accepted me as your daughter-in-law.

And you have been according me that status, treating me as your daughter-in-law.

Three (3) days before you went Home to be with the Lord, my husband and I and Bassey were at your bedside, praying along with you. I recall vividly that you forced yourself to say, "Amen" by folding your right fist, and cheering us on while the prayer was going on. You were trying hard to open your eyes. Even in your unconscious state you were still rubbing your hands all over my husband's legs when the prayer was going on, encouraging him to pray on. At the end of the prayer, he told us that you will be fine; that they should get you something to eat.

Daddy, anytime I set my eyes on your pictures, I can't believe that you're gone!

I love you, Daddy, and will always do.
We will meet one day to part no more. Rest on, Dad.

Happiness Moses Itauma,
Your daughter-in-law.
May 12
You took me in and adopted me as your daughter.

You provided both physical and spiritual covering for me.

Thank you for loving me in a special way.

Your departure is another reminder that this world is not our home.

Rest on Sir till we meet again to part no more.

Farewell Sir.

Abasiama M. Enodien

May 12
Oh Dear Father -inlaw, it still breaks my heart that I will never meet you again on earth, I really wish you could come back.
You knew that I love you, Thanks for the good times we shared together.
I am living peacefully today because of you ,
I will never forget what you taught me among them are humility, peaceful living, unity and so on.
You were compassionate ,you were true, you were selfless
You were my father and friend
Your commitment and resolution to God worth emulating
I will miss your prayers and storytelling. You were didactic! You could never do without telling a story or two to convey a moral lesson.
I will always miss your joke, In the midst of Economy crisis if I ask 'Where are we going " you always answered 'we are going to Heaven '
I will miss your lovely smile, Who will give me that lovely smile if I salute?
No doubt you fought a good fight, you kept the Faith and you finished your course and you are on the bossom of your Lord whom you cherished so much. Good night my loving Papa till we meet to part no more.
May 11
My grandpa I missed you so much. You are always making me happy each time. I missed your salute. Grandpa you are a great man. You were always very strong even in sickness. Sleep on till we meet at the resurrection day.
Victoria Bassey Enodien
May 10
This came to me as a great shock, but to God be the glory for a life well spent and at the service of God.
May God grant him eternal rest.
Rest well sir Great Warrior
May 4
May 4
It was the toughest moment of my life sitting there at the hospital, watching your purse go up and down in an irregular manner, you moved slower and slower and I helplessly watched. I watched the line went flat, I watched your chest moved for the last time and stopped. Helplessly I watched!!!

Sleep peacefully dad!

You raised me to be who I am today! You raised me to be a man!

Thank you dad!

We shall meet again on the resurrection morning….

Farewell dad!!!
May 4
May 4
Dear Grandfather,
I miss you, your death have left a hole in my hear. Anytime I come to your house I am always happy because you cared for me and me laugh all the time. I pray, at the end, I will go to heaven and see you again and that will be for eternity and be happy forever.

May 4
May 4
Dear Grandpa,
I want to thank you for being such a great grandpa to me, your sweet memories will always be remembered in my heart.

Nwan Mma
May 1
May 1
Baba Okon Willie's unwavering dedication to his family, community, and faith was a testament to his strong character and values. He embodied the wisdom, compassion, and generosity that defined my grandfather's spirit, Late Rev. Bassey and he carried on his legacy with grace and humility.

Rest in peace Baba, Your memory will be a blessing to our family and all those whose lives you touched. May your legacy continue to inspire us to live with love, kindness, and service to others. Asieñde!
April 30
April 30
You are a wonderful father indeed very humble Christian, with great hospitality. I met him in Apostolic Faith WECA Headquarters,I was employed when he was the CSO and was always amazed at his greetings and readiness to always offer a help. We learnt to live and do our work in obedience and full reliance in God.May God help me to leave a testimony in all I do. Adieu great soldier of Christ.
April 29
April 29
Rest in peace baba. I remember your efforts travelling to various police formations with me when my cousin and her friend disappeared during Thier return back to school after a music test during the Camp-Meeting. A selfless service you render. Heaven have the records. Farewell, until the resurrection morning.
April 29
To a great man and teacher who has left an indelible mark on many lives, we will ever remember your smile of love. Your dedication and wisdom have inspired many to reach their dreams and strive for excellence.
You have ignited a love of learning in our heart.
Your legacy will live on through the countless lives you have touched and the generations that will follow.
Thank you for being an extraordinary leader and teacher. Efik brethren in Faith City will miss you and we will continue to love and appreciate you more than words can express." Adieu gallant soldier.
April 29
April 29
Daddy, Ayeni, as you fondly called me, I enjoyed every moment I spent with you because of your Godly wisdom that you used to approach simple and difficult matters. You submitted your life to please others even when it would cost you inconveniences. Now that you have gone before me, tell my father's and friends that I am coming too, beyond the Jordan River, we shall meet to part no more. SLEEP ON like a gallant Soldier.
April 28
My daddy, My daddy I thank the almighty God on your behalf for a well and quality life you lived before us.
Indeed, many didn't understand but you were impercable, resolute and determined in any course you believed that was true .
It is very had to forget those wonderful memories with you.
Just sleep on my great daddy on the bossom of your dear Savoir. Good night .
April 28
Goodnight my dear brother,
The news of your demise came to me by surprise moreso that I didn't learn about your illness.
Thank God for you and the efforts you put forward at the advent of the Crawford University. Arising from your strictness and discipline, it was not difficult for you to establish the security department, so formidable that you were considered as the vanguard of discipline and thoroughness. Quite a number of instances where some recalcitrant and inordinate behaviours by students that we're considered, you stood your ground not minding whose ox was gored.
We were both members of the students' disciplinary committee where your experience as a cops was brought to bear on matters that were naughty.
Countless was the number of times when meetings were held till early the next morning and I remember vividly how you applied your training and discipline to resolve naughty matters such that the committee wasted no time hearing them as they were not necessary to be heard any longer.
You will be greatly missed, particularly within the University Community.
Adieu Daddy, Adieu our beloved brother in the Lord till we meet on the resurrection morning
April 28
April 28
Great man of God has gone to meet his saviour.
First , I heard of him to be a Rev in AFM.
Later I knew him to be the CSO Crawford University. Very humble, he listened and attend to every one including little me. He doesn't discriminate. I can never remember Rev Okon walk pass me without giving me a military order to stand , later, releases me at ease.. many times , I want to pass his way so that he can give me the order.

It was a beautiful memories
Sleep on Daddy , until resurrection morning.
April 28
He was a good Christian, with great hospitality. I met him in Crawford University and was always amazed at his greetings and readiness to always offer a help. Heaven is rejoicing at the home coming of a saint. May we leave a testimony. Adieu great soldier of Christ.
April 28
April 28
Dear Grandpa, you will always be remembered in my heart. You inspired and motivated me to what I am today. This is not what we planned, but God knows the best.

Good bye grandpa.TILL WE MEET AGAIN.

April 27
Tribute to my dearest uncle
I can remember vividly my growing up with you, it's just like yesterday. So sad that we stayed so long without seeing but you were indeed like a father. You stood in gap for me when my parents moved to Eket. You were loving, caring and showed concern in all that concerns me, in my marriage and family.
I will miss you a great deal but there's hope on that resurrection day when we shall meet to part no more. Rest on dad in the bosom of the Lord.
Adieu papa !!!
April 27
Dear Daddy Willie Okon,

You have been a father, friend, uncle, and brother to me. Your open-heartedness and generosity have been a guiding light, nurturing growth and empowering those around you to become better and more productive individuals.

Your life has been a testament to God's grace, and the legacy you leave behind is a treasure beyond measure.

The void you leave behind is profound, yet we find solace in knowing that your spirit now rests in the embrace of Abraham away from troubles, toils and turmoil of this world. We thank God for the life you lived and the indelible mark you've left on our hearts. Your impact will endure, a beacon of light that time cannot dim.

Rest well, dear father, knowing that your legacy lives on in the lives you've touched. Your memory will forever be cherished, a reminder of love's enduring power."

With heartfelt gratitude,

Esther Padonu-Asuquo and Children
April 27
April 27
Dad you were such a wonderful father, a season teacher, an unforgettable gospel worker and minister of God who worked tirelessly till his old age. Your memories stays on and can never be forgotten. I can not forget your discipline, trainings, teachings, admonition and standing firm to your beliefs. I can remember your popular words " FOLLOW PEACE WITH ALL MEN. And Psalm 133: "). Sleep on till we meet again on the resurrection day. Adieu.

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