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This memorial website was created in the memory of our loved one, Olaronke Ladipo, 49, born on May 3, 1963 and passed away on October 30, 2012. We will remember and miss her forever.

Dr L lived a great life in service to God, the Church, Society and Humanity. We will not mourn like the godless... Her legacies will never be forgotten.

November 7, 2012
November 7, 2012
Right about now Doc, you are being committed to mother-earth! You came, you fought, and you conquered! Rest well in the Lord for you have done a great race. I am pleased to have met you and be your friend. As I write now, the song on the site dedicated to your memory is saying 'I can only imaging'! Doc, if only you can imaging how we feel. You were loved Dr, simply inspirational!
November 7, 2012
November 7, 2012
My dear Ronke. They say God takes those whom he loves early. But wow, this is painful. You were a friend, a dear friend. Loyal to Yinka and steadfast to both of us. There is a gaping hole in our hearts. This is not fair. But who can question God's will? I will miss you. Rest in Peace till we meet again. Funso.
November 7, 2012
November 7, 2012
Olaronke, what a great loss this is.
You have left your mark on the hearts of all who surrounded you and in the sands of time.
We know that you are in the bosom of your Lord, who you loved and served so well. Adieu dear Sister.
November 7, 2012
November 7, 2012
Ronnie, I just thank God for your life on this side of the universe. I also thank God for making it possible for us to meet again after about 20yrs on your birthday this year. You served the less priviledged with a passion & helped to renew hope for the 'hopeless' Adieu Olaronke Arike till we meet at Jesus feet. QSIOGA 1973-78 Set will surely miss you. We love you but Jesus loves you more
November 7, 2012
November 7, 2012
Dr. May your soul find peace with God. It hurts so much but God loves you more. I thought of you all through my vacation, which you encouraged me to take, only for you to leave. If only you knew how much we loved you....Adieu ma!
November 7, 2012
November 7, 2012
Each tear tells a story, each pain says there is a gain somewhere.
In a 'man's world' you proved that hardwork, virtue & comittment can lead one to great heights.
Iya Ijebu, when I learnt today that your last words were, "leave me I want to sleep", I realised you are now resting in the Lord's bosoom. Odaro, great woman. Odaro.
November 7, 2012
November 7, 2012
Ah...Dr Ladipo! This is most shocking! I'm currently on leave, only for my wife to show me her friend sending condolences about your death on her face book! Of course there are so many unanswered questions, but the sure thing is that you're in a far better place devoid of all the stress and "issues" of this life. RIP. May the Lord take care of your boys and condole all your loved ones.
November 7, 2012
November 7, 2012
Quietly, Ronke strolled out of this sinful world into Glory.
Quietly, but too soon?
The Unquestionable One is in charge of our time;The Holy One, is the only One that can answer such a question.
Who can question Jehovah? He knows best.
November 7, 2012
November 7, 2012
It is with a very heart and disbelief that I learnt of your death dear sister in law . Iyawo mi, I remember like yesterday when we came to Ijebu for your wedding .This is really saddening but God knows best rest in peace dear sister. May God look after your mum and children
November 6, 2012
November 6, 2012
What else to add to the testimonies on what Dr Ladipo stood for- excellence, pragmatism and passion. A true professional and a good team player. Very passionate to her job. The last we met, I was fascinated the way she carried and related with her team. An exemplary team leadership. I miss her and sure her immediate and the entire SFH family. May her gentle soul rest in peace.
November 6, 2012
November 6, 2012
Although I never got to meet with you Dr. Ladipo, but from what I have heard about you, I am rest assured that we will meet at the feet of Christ.
God will watch over your sons and I pray you will reunite with them again on the resurrection morning.
November 6, 2012
November 6, 2012
It was a big shock to read/hear about your passing. It is very sad but we still thank God for your life, your influence and relationship with the Lord. May your soul rest in the bosom of our Lord Jesus Christ. May God comfort your immediate family and the SFH family.
November 5, 2012
November 5, 2012
You were the CAPTAIN of the SHIP
While the SHIP was still SAILING
You took a triumphant entry into heaven
You left your SAILORS without saying goodbye
You SAILED to be with the lord
Your rest is assured in Christ
Be rest assured that your SHIP will BERT successfully
Because you ANCHORED the SHIP on sure solid foundation
How can we forget you our candle in the wind
You will be forever missed by all
November 5, 2012
November 5, 2012
My Grand-mother named you "Arike" because you were considered a precious jewel, worthy of all respect, love and care. Arike, you were sweet, and gentle, and kind. You exuded the spirit of a good Christian. You were a good person. Hard working, honest, sweet...just good through and through. I will miss you dearly forever Ronnie. May your gentle soul rest in perfect peace. Amen.
November 5, 2012
November 5, 2012
Life is so transient and unpredictable. I feel utterly sad to be writing a tribute to my very dear friend Dr. Olaronke Ladipo in death. I am sad not because I ever thought that she or I will live here forever, but because I did not get a chance to say farewell to my friend. You ran a good race and you won the crown.May the good Lord give you peace and rest until we meet to part no more.
November 4, 2012
November 4, 2012
" To a woman who appreciated her colleagues, hardworking, fair and firm. Death is a gate to another life. Fare thee well."
November 4, 2012
November 4, 2012
''May your soul rest in peace Dr. Ladipo''.
November 4, 2012
November 4, 2012
What a terrible & devastating loss. Ronke, I couldn't see you last time you came to London for class 85 reunion in Cambridge. You did a lot of good and great things. I am extremely proud of your achievements. I wish you could have hang around a bit more to finish all the exemplary work you started. God knows best. Bye for now and May your beautiful soul rest in perfect peace.
November 3, 2012
November 3, 2012
On behalf of IPC Conductors Ijebu North East Local Govt.Atan.Our condolences go to ENR/SFH Family @ large.Mama IJEBU,may her gentle soul rest in the bossom of the Lord.
November 3, 2012
November 3, 2012
Ronke, this is hard to swallow, but you are resting in God's blossom. Your unwavering belief in God, made you standout. The postings are a testimony to your hardwork and love for God. I remember 12 years ago as I was leaving you took over and joined our wonderful SFH family, and we will always share experiences. Your boys, family & Nigeria's public health system will miss you. RIP
November 2, 2012
November 2, 2012
Hmm! We’re now living with the reality that you’ve left us, though with pains in our hearts but to a place-a paradise our Lord Jesus prepared for you. You fought a good fight and accomplished your destiny on earth for a life well lived is by how well and not how long. If I could turn the hands of time for just a year, many worldwide would pay millions to see you live again but God love you most. A
November 2, 2012
November 2, 2012
She was a woman of substance, a lover of people, a kind hearted woman, a woman who sees people and would want to put smiles on their faces, an objective woman who never sees white object & says it is black.
Good people never dies, they remain in our memories. She have accomplished her mission & we will forever miss her. May her gentle soul rest in perfect peace, amen.
November 2, 2012
November 2, 2012
From OBILOR ANTHONY.O. CRH Program Manager (Owerri), for SHIPS for MARPS USAID Project .I know you have just been transformed . The last time i saw you at abuja during the NHOCAT/ Mapping of MARPS training , Dr i saw life and courage in you not death. i pray that GOD will give all of us the heart to bear this shock. Good Night Dr Ronke Ladipo. sleep well .
November 2, 2012
November 2, 2012
My very dear Sis! It is hard to accept that you have left us to be with the Lord. You will forever be missed and remembered for your passion, kindness and sisterly love. May the Lord comfort the children and family you have left behind. So long sis until we meet again in heaven. RIP.
November 2, 2012
November 2, 2012
This is unbelievable! However, 1Th 5:18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Dr Ladipo is always willing to give helping hands on the job, she is firm and assertive. We shall definitely missed her. May God console the family and SFH.
November 2, 2012
November 2, 2012
Sis,U came into my office to inform me that you are travelling to Kaduna to seek the face of the Lord, but I did not understand it to mean you are leaving this sinful world to stay with the Lord. Rev 14:13. “Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the spirit, that they may rest from their labors; and their works do follow them”.U live forever in my heart sis.
November 2, 2012
November 2, 2012
My interaction with you was a brief one but I felt the warmth flowing from you heart. Your exit was a shocking one but we submit to the will of the almighty God. May God fill the vacuum you have left in the hearts of your family, children , friends and SFH. Awon omo ati nkan ti e fi sile ko ni baje o.
November 2, 2012
November 2, 2012
Dearest Sis Ronnie.When Mama Sabe named you Arike she knew you were truly special & destined for greatness.You proved her right in too many ways & we thank God for your beautiful life knowing you are resting with Him.Sis, the last time I was with you & you delayed me in your office, little did I know it was because it would be my last time with you.I miss you unbearably.God rest your Soul.
November 2, 2012
November 2, 2012
..............eventhough i never met you in person, have heard great things about you, how motherly you were, how firm and truthful you were and most of knew JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!These am joyous and hopeful about............because I know that very soon we will meet again at the feet of our lord Jesus Christ.ADIEU!!!!!!!!!!!!
November 2, 2012
November 2, 2012
Why? Why?? Why???. At this prime-time. Your words of encouragments, your care and support and mentorship will live on. Adieu My Boss. Rest in Peace.
November 2, 2012
November 2, 2012
Hmm...So sad! Dearest COP, you were such an amazing heroine. Sleep well and may God grant your amazing soul/spirit eternal rest through his mercy.

November 2, 2012
November 2, 2012
On behalf of the staff of Center for the Right to Health, with deep sadness in our hearts, we sympathize with SFH family on the passing to eternal glory of Dr. Olaronke Ladipo. May her gentle soul rest in perfect peace in the bossom of the Lord. We already miss you.
November 2, 2012
November 2, 2012
Oh no, what a shocking and rude news, this is devastating and pathetic! Dr. Ladipo, sleep on at the bossom of our Lord Jesus Christ, amen
November 2, 2012
November 2, 2012
What a news. It is not when you exit this world, but what you are leaving behind and more importantly where you go when you exit. You have lived a life of service to God and to humanity. You have left a foot print in the sand of times and I am sure the Angels have welcomed you home to eternal rest in the bosom of the Lord, where you will weep no more, sweat no more. Shine on my sister.
November 2, 2012
November 2, 2012
Rest in perfect peace From PATHS2 family
November 2, 2012
November 2, 2012
Your demeanor radiated warmth, gentility and calmness and contentment. May your gentle soul rest in the bossom of the Lord.
My condolences to the family she left behind and to the SFH family.
November 2, 2012
November 2, 2012
Your life was a blessing
your memory a treasure...
You are loved beyond words
and missed beyond measure...
May the Lord give us all the grace to bear this Loss…
November 2, 2012
November 2, 2012
My condolences go to the family of late Dr. Ladipo. May the good Lord give them the fortitude to bear this irreparable loss while praying God to receive her soul and grant her everlasting rest. I join our friends at SFH to mourn our dear friend.
November 2, 2012
November 2, 2012
Doc-keehh, as I called you. I'm still in shock that you are gone but I'm happy that you are resting in the bossom of the Lord. You were more than a boss to me, a mother, an aunty, a confidant and my mentor. Even when my heart was heavy, I ran to you, you would read the word of God to me, you helped me strengthen my faith in God, you prayed for me. Hmmmm what can I say- God knows better.
November 1, 2012
November 1, 2012
God is great and His ways worthy of our Praise. Times like this shows the limits of our language function. What can I say? On wednesday last week we talked on how our work can maximise contribution to lower new HIV infections in the lives of Nigerians, for Work was part of your worship and Tuesday this week like a gentle breeze the news of your passage to Glory. Rest in Peace!!!
November 1, 2012
November 1, 2012
I received the shock news about your demise, difficult to believe and took me a long while to accept that you are no more with us. But Almighty God knows more than us. God almighty creator will care for those beloved ones you left behind. Sincere condolence to your family.
November 1, 2012
November 1, 2012
We know in parts but God knows it all....I'm grateful you were a part of my life,though for a short time. Dr Ladipo or Grandma Ibeji,as I fondly called you,rest in God's perfect peace& may God show up strong for Laolu,Dami and other loved ones.
November 1, 2012
November 1, 2012
Left too soon...but left behind so much. You will not be forgotten. You will forever live on through the good works you have done and in the memories of those whose lives you have touched
November 1, 2012
November 1, 2012
The wish of man is for you to live now and beyond.........but is it God's desire? May be, just may be, man is granted his wish, who knows, you may have set your good records aback. Ronke was such a nice fellow. Describing your worth in words is only limiting your character and love.....Sleep well.
November 1, 2012
November 1, 2012
We wish we could tell you we're not ready to let you go, we would miss that twinkle that used to light up your eyes, your life touched many of us that became your friend along the way. you left at a time when a new phenomenon ''Dr Ronke's interview'' known for its standard was borne! Your candle has burned out, but your ledgend and your lovely memories never will. Adieu dear amiable one!!
November 1, 2012
November 1, 2012
Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints - Of his people; his friends. Luther renders this, "The death of his saints is held to be of value" - The idea here is, that the death of saints is an object of value; that God regards it as of importance; that it is connected with his great plans, and that there are great purposes to be accomplished by it. The idea here seems to be that
November 1, 2012
November 1, 2012
Doc-keee, I got to the office this morning expecting to see and hear you call out "YEYE MAN, WETIN YOU BRING COME FROM YOUR TRIP", but that did not happen. You played multiple roles in my life - colleague, senior sister, aunty, mother, friend and mentor. You touched my life positively and though gone you will remain forever in my heart never to be forgotten. ADIEU IYA IJEBU
November 1, 2012
November 1, 2012
Iye Jebu,
At this trying time, Matt. 24: 35-51 readily comes just not as a reminder but a call-to-action...How I wish RIP meant 'Return If Possible'...We take solace in seeing you someday...GOD knows BEST...Obrigado for the loads of pep talk...You were truly more than an unflagging mentor...Sun re ooo...
November 1, 2012
November 1, 2012
Although we never met before you departed suddenly but heard so much about your forthrightness and integrity which you personified! May your gentle soul continue to rest in peace with the Lord.
November 1, 2012
November 1, 2012
Doc, we are sad at this development, but we take consolation in the fact that you left your mark on cement cast and not on sand. Francis Bacon says, "But, above all, believe it, the sweetest canticle is’, Nunc dimittis; when a man hath obtained worthy ends, and expectations. Death hath this also; that it openeth the gate to good fame, and extinguisheth envy. - Extinctus amabitur idem.
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May 3
Olaronke, It's your birthday today and how lovely it would have been to celebrate with jokes, fun and a good time together with all of us. We miss you but bless God , we are all great and your Boys( now Men) are excellent. We love you dearly.   Ka dupe fun Oluwa. 
November 10, 2023
November 10, 2023
May your sweet soul continue to rest in the Lord's bosom.
Olorun a de tunbo ma ba e foju ke awon omo re.

Miss you dear. 
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Never forgotten

February 27, 2019

Thinking of you and remembering all that i observed from you in the really short time i was able to. You were a great woman. I pray that your legacy remains. 

Thank you for being so strong and yet so sweet and kind. Thank you for the lives that blossomed because of you. Thank you for being an amazing person, ma.

I wonder how heaven is... i wonder how amazing the worship and constant hallelujahs are. May your soul continue to rest in perfect peace.

- Nwabundo Okoh

Never met Ronke Ladipo BUT.....

November 29, 2012

I feel so saddened because I'm just discovering that she's deceased. I was just googling her name because I aspire to meet her in person - and I couldn't believe that Ronke Ladipo is dead. She impacted my life without having met her - I emailed her in 2007 and she believed in my potential. I was sponsored "overnight" by SFH to participate in a conference in Germany and that was the beginning of my breakthrough! I would still love to contribute to SFH - as a tribute to this woman that I've long to meet but won't be meeting anymore on this terrestrial plains.

Truly we're grasses...and we wither. 


thanking him always

November 8, 2012

Thanking Him Always


The Gospel according to Luke 22: 14 – 20 is part of the institution of Holy Communion as we know it, being indeed a refinement of the offering of bread and wine by King Melchizedek, a High Priest of God, before blessing Abram, (who later became Abraham) as recorded in Genesis 14:18. What is striking and bears examination and reflection is the thanks given before the giving of the bread and wine by Jesus Christ, and it is on this that the theme of this homily: thanking Him always is found. Today, a young lady, Ms Ronke Odutola, who died suddenly, literally in Church grounds, while pommelling herself for the gospel and Christ was laid to rest. As said in Romans 3:25 Christ, the Sacrificial Lamb was He: whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith.”  In imitation of Him, through faith, with thanksgiving, Ronke was interceding for lost and troubled souls, and in pommelling herself for this purpose lost her life. Angels must have been singing as she passed on, for which reason all of us here must be thankful for her life. Ronke had her fair share of life, its burdens and joys; succeeded in her field of endeavor, and will certainly be missed more by those she labored to the death to save than even members of her family. As with every death it is fitting to remind ourselves of that life is transient and in all situations we must give thanks, and I first consider this from one of the examples our Lord Jesus Christ laid before He laid His life, as Ronke also in imitation of her Saviour and Master did. In instituting Holy Communion and asking that we do this in remembrance of Him with thanksgiving in our hearts, our Lord Jesus Christ first gave thanks to His Father for the bread of resurrection and the cup of salvation. The symbolism in this being giving thanks for His body and more so His blood – and therefore His life. His life because we know from Leviticus 17:11 that “… the life of a creature is in the blood and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for ones life.”  Though the scripture here spoke literally about animals, it is a spiritual peak at the future of the Unblemished Lamb – the propitiation of all sin. Christ’s incarnate life was in the blood He shed for you and me at Calvary so there may be atonement for our sins, and release from bondage of this world – giving us passage to the next: eternal life. The body given for you and me, and the blood shed for you and me thus avails much, and because this pure blood of an unblemished and sinless Lamb is your pass over death, sickness and ills of this world, it must be a permanent mark on the door post of  your life. Christ the Passover Lamb said specifically in Luke 22:15 that “And he said to them, I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer” thus signifying His full knowledge of what ahead of Him. Trial, tribulation, insult, bodily harm, scorn, scoffing rudeness, injustice, wickedness, false accusation, crucifixion and death. Yet He nonetheless gave thanks. This He did to teach you that no matter the situation you must give thanks and praise God always. Beloved of God, you heeded the call to be a soldier of Christ. You have heeded the call to a better life in Christ. For these alone you must be grateful. Full of thanks because it is only by grace that we are called, by greater grace that we heed the call, and by his power that we stay the course. So worry not, rather be thankful, when your loved one passes on, or you face the vicissitudes of life. So in good times and bad times, in sickness and in health, in richness and in poverty, you must give thanks. There is no gainsaying the fact that men, whether or not blessed with provision are buffeted by the difficulties and challenges of this age, especially in these parts. A generation of spiritual indiscipline oiled by love of things material, licentiousness and supposed enjoyment of this life. An age, which but for grace, may have lost the rainbow – the covenant sign of seed and harvest through the ages. An age in which but for grace, (as said in Ephesians 1:7), of “… redemption through His blood … in accordance with the riches of God” superstorm Sandy, the floods we see in Nigeria, and the like elsewhere, would have been like the flood in Noah’s time. Luke 22:20 says “In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.”  It is this new covenant, in and through His blood, that replace the covenant marked by the geographical phenomenon of a rainbow, which is here today and gone the next.  So as the Gospel says though Christ knew He was going to be poured, He still gave thanks. One could say that Ronke knew while fasting and praying fervently in supplication for the spiritual wholeness of others was pouring herself unto death in Christ. It is this same sense of gratitude expected of you that Christ displayed when He wanted to bring Lazarus back from the dead to physical life, as a precursor of eternal life, and in edification of the glory of God - as we can tell from John 11:38 – 44. Beloved of God, Christ knew that bringing Lazarus back to life will be the catalyzing factor that will coalesce the plan to put Him through pain no man had ever seen and thereafter murder Him – for we know from Luke 11:46 – 51 that it was this miracle of resurrecting the dead that led to calling of the Council of Pharisees that unjustly decided that Christ had to die, as suggested by Caiaphas the year’s high priest. What this ministers to you is that come rain or sunshine, even to the point of death you must give thanks. You must be like Jesus Christ who gave thanks in spite of the fact that He knew He had to pour Himself in order for there to be a third era for man, an era of the new covenant. Therefore, beloved of God, give thanks even if you have no child. Give thanks even if you have no spouse. Give thanks even if you have no work. Give thanks even if you have no money. Give thanks even if you have no good health. Give thanks even if you have no house. Give thanks even if you have bad school grades. Give thanks even if you have no promotion at work. Give thanks even if your child is wayward. Give thanks even if you have no good home. Give thanks even if you have no love around. Give thanks even if you all you have around you is strife and jealousy; oppression and all manner of unrighteous conduct. Give thanks because the blood of Christ avails for you, and His body is Bread for you to feed on to give you eternal life. A life free of all ills.

Rev. Prof. Konyin Ajayi

Emmanuel Chapel

The Adunola, Plot L2

401 close, Banana Island,

Ikoyi, Lagos.        



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