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Share a special moment from Oluwaferanmi's life.

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August 9, 2023
Not a day goes by that you are not loved and missed. I will forever hold you in my heart. Continue to rest in heaven's glory.

It's been tough

August 9, 2023
You are still very fresh in our hearts.  It still feels like yesterday. 
August 9, 2023
I miss you Oluwaferanmi but God knows best.
Continue to rest in the bosom of the Lord 

When crystals bleed

August 13, 2020
Living and haven,
We trust your transposed abode.
Yet, in grief we mourn.

Fully persuaded,
Our faith so strong, no doubt.
You're with the father.

Streams of tears abound,
None could match your abundance.
Memories consume our pains.

The bonds we weaved, live
Eternal and crystal plain.
Each proving strands of friendship.

Many labelled us.
Your pseudo-boyfried I was.
School-father, some tagged.

While your smile aren't lost,
Your unique, yet funny voice's
Retained forever.

Like crystalic gems,
Your memories are, but
Our hands bleed grief.

August 13, 2020
Jolly mi, as I fondly call u... Your demise is a misery. Your love for me, my family and everyone around you is indescribable. You were a caring, faithful, gentle, loving and sweet lady, and most especially, a lover of God. Just before you left this world, we were thankful to God that we love the woman we are becoming. I can't imagine my birthdays without you; the roles you play, the messages(first person to send messages and epistles) and love. Till we meet to part no more. I love you Feranmi but God loves you more. You live on, my darling.

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