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Join us to celebrate a legacy of kindness as we bid farewell to Pastor (Mrs) Oyinade Folashade Florence Thomas who was born on May 9, 1956, and passed away on April 11, 2024.
She will forever be in our hearts.
May 30
"In loving memory of Mrs Oyinade Thomas , a woman whose grace, kindness, and strength touched the lives of all who knew her. She epitomized love, resilience, and generosity during her lifetime, leaving an indelible mark on our hearts. Her unwavering support, warmth, and unwavering optimism enriched my life in particular and she inspired me to be better. We always looked forward to your yearly visit to Canada and also to our home.
I wish I knew you came to bid us bye when you visited us here last year.
When I struggled to explain your sudden demise to my little daughter,she asked to know who will be gifting her pocket money now after your departure to glory?
You are definitely irreplaceable and you will always be remembered in a special place in our hearts ma.
May your legacy of love and compassion continue to shine brightly in our memories, guiding us through life's journey. Rest in peace, dear Mrs Oyinade Thomas ." My heartfelt condolences will always remain with my uncle, bro Sunday and your children who are the most impacted by your departure to eternal glory!
May 9
May 9
I met this wonderful gift of God during my working experience with her husband at Financial Assurance Company Ltd in the 80s. She assumed the position of my guidance when I was experiencing the other side of life. The ever supporting husband was also there two. She never hid anything from me as if we were family. She was a loving and caring mother to all. You will forever be remembered as one of those that stabilised me. Her house was opened to all at Anthony. We loved you but God loves you more. May the Lord grant the immediate family, the extended ones and the associates the fortitude to bear the loss. I know there is another fellowship in heaven where we will meet to depart no more. Continue to sleep in the bosom of our Lord until the trumpet will sound. Adieu
May 9
Today, May 9, 2024 makes it four weeks since you transitioned from our reality.
It is also the day we would have celebrated your 68th birthday. This year, I looked forward to both your anniversary and birthday with more purpose than before. I was just seeing you through my changing perspectives and wanted to show how grateful I am. You left before both of them. Instead, we are heading home to commit your body to mother earth.

This past month, my mind has been in a loop recalling that groan from daddy that instantly set me on auto pilot on that Thursday night.

Mummy, I often praised and thanked you for how you made your home a safe haven, a place of order and peace.
You would giggle sweetly and say it is God.
You were good to my family. You were good to everyone. You were good to me. Even when I wasn't receptive to your close attention, you would call Wande to find out how I was really doing.

I miss you in the worst way - missing the depth of the both us that never was. But even if it didn't always seem that way, I took everything you taught to heart. From one of your favourite verses you shared with me in 2015 about knowing how to be abased and how to abound - the gift of contentment, to all your advice about my relationship with my dad, to how you store and manage food in the house, and how you feared no one but God giving you the super power to be kind to all. You forgive easily and desire the best for all. You would extend yourself to provide a solution to everyone's problems. You loved family and valued every single person as your own.

Your love, deep respect, and reverence for daddy gave me so much hope about being married and happy some day. We've all talked so much about Daddy’s and our dependence on you. But your dependence and comfort in daddy was a sweet example of trust and how to be completely confident in your femininity. You were a picture of submission, yet living fully in your strength.

Wande and Mummy Toun talk about how you mellowed through the years and I remember our conversation in January as well. You said you don't let anything stress you anymore and have learnt to just live everyday in peace and thanksgiving. Your ability to embrace change without losing your essence is something that I will always pay attention to.

The last few days with you in the hospital are unforgettable. I was so sure you'll be out and back to being the matriarch who made everything run like clockwork. I was certain that you would pull through. Weirdly, I was excited about getting to know you afresh. I was so certain, mommy.

Now, while I never lashed out at God, I have definitely felt more subdued than submitted to His sovereignty in this matter. It still feels unreal. We had yam on a Thursday morning and saw wallgeckos in the house. How can? So strange. So strange that you are not here anymore, mummy Thomas.

You loved the Lord and took Him at His words in a simple and easy way. You weren't given to superfluous knowledge, just the sweet gospel and living out God's nature of kindness.

Thank you for all you are. For living fully, in kindness and service. Thank you for leaving behind traces of you in us, all of your many children. May your service to the world continue to yield fruit.

Rest with Jesus, mummy Thomas.
May 9
May 9
Mummy Oyin, I never met you but heard so much about you hoping to meet you soon before the cold hands of death took you away, Daddy will always run to eat from your table, he so much love to be home, most time one try to seek for offial appointments you will hear, my dear Gift I enjoy my home and love to be there early, leave it tell your oga I will see him tomorrow abeg. Next is mummy is waiting for me.

Mummy, I just hope Daddy copes with not finding you when ever he runs home, Adieu the most fascinating woman I never met.

Ike-Onuigbo Chinyere Gift (Formerly Assistant Clerk, House of Representatives Committee on Insurance and Actuarial Matters.
May 8
My dearest Sister Oyin,
I found it hard to believe that you are no longer with us, hence, I couldn't bring myself together to write a tribute for you. Hmnnnnnnn!!!
You were trying to bring us all together as your father's family, but this thing called death did not allowed you.
When you visited me in Lagos, you gave me a gift of last prayer which has started to manifest, but you are not here to celebrate with me.
I pray God will uphold Uncle (your soulmate), the Children and the rest of us.
Goodnight beautiful soul, we will miss you.
May 7
May 7
I can remember when you came to Umuahia for my traditional marriage in 1990, subsequently you were a mentor to me and my family. You were always there for me and my children. From Lagos to Abuja. I had the twins birthday in your house in 2001. We saw you all in Ogidi in Dec. 2021, with the children all grown. They played tennis in your house. The memories will remain fresh in our hearts. Farewell till we meet to part no more Auntie Oyin. Ngozi Akande
May 7
We met in 2022 when Toba brought me to the house for introduction. I remember how warm and welcoming you were to me.
I remember how you told me I had found a good family and did not have any problem as I would be taken care of.
I remember how you accepted me without any reservation.
I remember how at every time we had a chance to see, you showed me so much love and care.
I remember how you were still worried about Onala staying so long at the hospital even on your sick bed.
Thank you mummy for being a part of my journey.
Thank you mummy for always opening your arms to welcome my family and I.
Thank you for sharing yourself with us.

I'm saddened to know we have parted in this world, but I know that you are now a bride of Jesus and we will see again on the resurrection morning. Keep resting in your Saviour and singing with the angels.
May 7
Mummy words fail me.... Just on Easter day, our son was chattering some baby words with you and you responded with Amen and amen at the hospital we were all filled with hope and joy as you were supposed to be discharged that week.

But here I am writing a tribute, it's disheartening but we find solace in the fact that you touched multiple lives in and outside the family and finally slept in the Lord. Thank you for all the love you showed me, Toke and the entire Alafiatayo family. Continue to rest in God's bossom
May 6
Mummy, words fail me right now. You were a loving and caring person. Always joyful.
You had a smile that says God has got my back. It is so painful to do this now but I hold unto the knowledge that you knew God and exercised practical Christianity. Rest in Christ's arms
May 6
Dear mummy, your exemplary virtues are numerous. You loved your community. You associated with your community. Willingness to serve is your nature. You were the first matron of the glamorousl ladies of Ogidi. Your motherly gestures will be greatly missed. You created an atmosphere for tranquility. God rest your beautiful soul.
Pastor Andy Osakwe
May 6
May 6
A tribute to Pastor Mrs Folashade, Florence Oyinade Thomas (Mummy Thomas), an exceptional woman of God.
We will miss you dearly as a family and as a church. I personally remember the precious times of fellowship that we all shared with you and also the very timely and invaluable counsel you gave me concerning very sensitive issues, which helped me through some difficult seasons. You were always the epitome of wisdom and grace, and a stalwart example of faith, love and stability ever since you became a part of The Summit church family in 2020.
We are consoled by the truth that we will soon all be together with you again and forevermore at the resurrection.
Thank you for all that you did to advance the cause of Christ. Thank you for being a sweet mother indeed to us all.
Till we meet again on the other side! Amen

“Behold, I tell you a mystery: We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed— in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed. For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: "Death is swallowed up in victory."
"O Death, where is your sting?
O Hades, where is your victory?"
- 1 Corinthians 15:51-55

Pastor Andy Osakwe
May 5



Ndidi Osakwe
May 5
May 5
Our dear pastor Mrs. Mummy Folashade, Florence Oyinade Thomas, our queen mother of the THOMAS dynasty, your passing came as the most shocking news, words failed us, tears flowed. You were a legend of kindness, love and compassion, a great woman of faith, a mother to many with such a large heart. The THOMAS home was open to many! What a legacy of hospitality! You loved people unconditionally, you were a solution provider indeed! Thank you for being a sweet, “mother in Isreal” to me and the Winning Women’s fellowship of the Summit Bible Church family. Thank you for the lovely moments shared over “ English tea & banana bread conversations “ . Thank you for your your genuine motherly love and generosity over the 24 years, it’s so hard to say good night, see you dear mummy Thomas on the resurrection morning.
May 4
We called you Aunty Oyin while our children fondly called you Mummy T. We admired a lot of things about you, including the fact that you were very smart and foresighted with incredible energy and passion for life. You were reasonable and passionate. You were a woman of great faith. We have fond memories of the times we got to spend together with you over the years. We miss you greatly and we love you very much.

- Kunle and Nike Ibitayo
May 4
Auntie, it is hard to believe that the angels have taken you home at a time we least expected. Its so hard to believe that you are with your maker now. You are a beautiful flower plucked from the flower bed to be a sweet-smelling savor in the presence of your maker.

Everyone admired your wisdom, patience, kindness and good heart. You were a role model, very accommodating and now we can proudly say that you left footprints in the sands of time. Admittedly, we have lost a precious jewel.

Fare thee well auntie, You fought a good fight and won the race. You left a legacy that will be read through the generations, current and to come. You left a mark in our hearts, and nothing will ever erase. It is indelible in our hearts. Rest on

Yetunde Oyadiran nee Olatunde
May 3
The beautiful moments you shared with everyone that crossed your path will forever speak of the great person that you were.
We shall miss your kindness, cheerfulness and benevolence.
Mummy Thomas, Rest in peace up in heaven.

Wande Osanupin
May 3
May 3
Mummy, I am heart broken but, you live in our hearts forever
Beautiful Soul, Rest In Perfect Peace
May God protect and console your beloved family !!!
May 1
May 1
Dear mama,
Like I fondly call you
It broke my heart to do this …but in alll glory to GOD..Sweet memories fill me anytime I remember the advice you found pleasure in sharing with me ( particularly on the 24th February 2024) and will forever be cherished. I found consolation that heaven has gained a beautiful soul… I love and miss you mummy .
May 1
May 1
Dear Mummy,
Words cannot express how much I feel as I type this , mummy u were my confidant, I could tell you every and anything, your light was so bright you shown it to every one around you, you were everyone's mom , you were the true meaning of how christ loved the church.
I miss you mum, keep resting and singing with the Angels.
Prof Olufunmilola Alabi (Nee Alafiatayo)
May 1
Tribute and Sweet memories of my special dearest friend and sister
Now that it is becoming real that you are gone from this sinful world to be with your Creator the one that I cannot question I surrender totally to His will as I was not there when He created you.
There are no adequate words to express the pain in my heart as each day passes by without a word from you.
We started our journey together in October 1975 when we registered as undergraduate students at Ahmadu Bello University Zaria. We were classmates known for hard work and we graduated with BSc. Botany second class upper in 1978, 
We kept in touch, exchange visits during NYSC and thereafter our friendship continued. You were my best lady at my wedding to my dearest husband, your classmate and friend ‘your water’. 
We have gone through thick and thin together and you were always there for me as you understand me and I do too. Well death thinks it has separated us not knowing that your sweet memories keep you alive forever in my life
As fate would have it you got married to my dear brother and this further strengthened our relationship. You became a part of our family in which you played excellent, fantastic roles as God enabled you to do at different occasions till you were called home.
You left us with love and sweet memories of a special person, loving wife, mother, grandmother, sister, cousin and friend
Sweet memories of a hardworking, creative, intelligent pathfinder of our time that touched many lives.
Sweet memories of one that inspired so much joy in the lives of many that were lucky enough to come her way in life.
Sweet memories of a great woman with great mind, large heart and beautiful soul
Sweet memories of a woman that lived an exemplary life worthy of emulating
Sweet memories of a woman that cares so much for his immediate and extended families
Sweet memories of your special care for your brother Kayode
Sweet memories of the love, support, care and concern for my husband Segun and family especially for the children and I after his demise, we appreciate you.

My dear brother and our dear ones, the children thank you so much for your support and care that helped her to accomplish what she did.
The grace of God will be sufficient for us to accept the holy spirit as comforter into our hearts to help us cope with the new season of life in Jesus name. Amen
Your sweet memories will always be in our hearts because you are a very special person
We love you but God loves you most, remain blessed. Rest on Oyin alabaro mi

Prof Olufunmilola Alabi (Nee Alafiatayo

April 30
April 30
My Mummy, Aunty Oyin, words indeed fail me on what to write.
As long as I can remember, I have always heard the name " Aunty Oyin. Thank you for the love showed to me, my mum and siblings. Doing my Industrial attachment(IT) with you, your love shown to me was immesurable. The house was always full and you accommodated Us all. Everyone always knew his or her duty at home either cooking, cleaning or sweeping and this you still carried on through the years. I will surely miss tieng your headtie when I am around and coming to the house in Kado and meeting you upstairs in the parlour or your room watching the series on zeeworld. We have this hope, that blessed are the saints who sleep in GOD. SUN RE O. By Olubukola Alabi.
April 30
The Lord strengthens the Commissioner of Insurance and the family. He will grant the family the fortitude to bear the loss amen.
Florence Obando
April 30
April 30
Tribute to the woman of Zion.

Anty mi, as I foundly call you. You were a woman of faith, bold to tell anyone the truth in every situation. Words are not enough to tell the whole world your good attitude towards me and my husband. I remembered one day when daddy went on official trip to Ghana. You took me to your bedroom and we had a vigil. You told God to open my womb as he did for you. And after five months,I visited you in Lekki, without saying a word you looked at me and screamed that daddy should come and see Florence. As at that I was four months pregnant . You and your good Husband supported us to the end. Is that all Anty mi did for me? No. Several times you will call and minister to us financially. You told me when you were strong that God should heal you and you will put food on people's table, which you did and I was privileged to anchor the training. Ogidi women are weeping. I can't control my tears too but I know you as are happy where you are now because you lived a fulfilling life. Who should I turn to when I am weak, Anty mi?Missing you is understatement. I know the role you played in my marriage. Even in the grave I can't stop loving you. Flourish and Daniel are missing you already. Sleep on my ever caring Anty. 
April 29
April 29
I’ve held back from writing a tribute for a while now because I’ve chosen to live in denial. I still refuse to believe that you’re gone. I have no idea how to wrap my head around it and honestly, it still seems like a lucid dream. We never saw that often but when we spoke on the phone, you were always so warm and kind and oh so helpful. You loved seeing me win. I’ll never forget your monthly messages or your encouraging comments on all my posts. You were so supportive!

Here’s what I’ll say though. I’ll never forget you, My Big Mummy Abuja, as I fondly called you. You were so kind, generous and loving. You loved as Christ loved. Without reserve. Some of my fondest holiday memories with family were with you and Daddy. You were always so open and treated me like one of your own. An additional daughter.

I’ll miss you, very much and I know that this isn’t goodbye forever. We’ll meet again, once Abba returns for us all. I love you so very much. Know that you’re forever loved.

April 29
April 29
Thank you Mummy for being an example of a godly mother. Your kind heartedness, kindness, your warmth, your hospitality to say the least. Your were a true light indeed! You will be greatly missed. Since the first day we met, you have not held back your helping hand. Rest on in the bosom of your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
April 29
April 29
Her scent can be perceived even without her presence
She's an embodiment of virtue, peace, simplicity and humility
She's the mother earth that encompasses all and sundry
Her hands are like a flowing river
Where we drink from to quench our thirst
Which we sail on to places near and far.
Her face is so bright and her smile is radiant
Her unwavering embrace emits warmth and delight
She's unabated in discharging her humanitarian benevolence
So lost to view it as an overladen
A paragon so exceptional of her kind
But then, the unwanted did the unwanted
The mother earth is gone, oh what a painful exit
Our hearts will incessantly weep while we mourn your departure
Olorunyomi Funke (Nee Ajiboye)
April 29
         EXIT OF AN ICON
Aunty Oyin, as fondly called by most of us that were under your tutelage in your younger years, I did not know I would say goodbye so soon.

How do I begin to reminisce on our togetherness from Ilorin to Ilupeju Lagos. I will cherish memorable experiences I had while living with you and uncle during my university days even before you had your biological children.
If I knew our last telephone conversation was going to be the last, I would have made it much longer.
Farewell Anty Oyin. Losing two mother figures in my life within a week is a heavy blow, but what can I say than to succumb to the will of the Almighty God.

Adieu to an everloving and compassionate woman. Sleep on till we meet again.
Pastor Mrs. Adenike Akintayo
April 29
April 29
Oyinade my dear sister, with so much pain I have to write this tribute because I never thought it will be this way.
At every important moment in my life, I always saw you strongly behind me, ever supportive.
Whenever you were in Lagos you ensured you checked on me.
I will miss and always love you. Rest in the bosom of your maker till we meet to part no more.
Pastor Mrs Adenike Akintayo.
April 28
April 28
Mummy with a heart of Gold, I saw you in March, not knowing that is the last time I will see you. I knew you from Fountain Lagos and when I came to Abuja, you became like a Mother to me, I stayed with you from Maitama, Zone 7, Area 11 and Kado, you and Daddy gave me out on my wedding day 2006 April. You're a very down to earth person. Your advice, your mentorship and generosity is next to nothing, you always want to help ease burden of others. You were a real comfort when I lost my Mum and Dad, you and Daddy were there for me and my family even through the very tough times.
You will forever be in our hearts till we meet to part no more at the bosom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I know you're in a better place. It's actually still like a dream but God wants you to go and rest. Rest till we meet again on that Glorious Day ❤️. Love you Mum. Missing you already
April 28
April 28
Grandma, it is still very hard for me to believe that I will never see you again, at least not on this earth. Till this day I question God why he called you home when you have not done lots of things you wanted to do yet but, God has a reason for everything. So, till we meet and part no more.

Love you so much!
April 27
April 27
Big Mummy, I am speechless.
So you are really gone?
Just like that???

You cared for everyone, everyone.
Why do the good ones not last?
Big mummy was always the one we all wanted to go spend the holidays with when we were little. We all looked forward to going to Big mummy and big Daddy’s house to enjoy our holidays. I have never met anyone so welcoming of everyone, so accommodating.
The way you lived your life and the way you built your home and family is what we, your nieces and I’m sure others, look up to and hope to achieve.
You were so generous and such a lover of everyone. No event in the family was complete without you. Your presence alone in every occasion was bliss! To us it meant everything and we would miss you the most!
THIS HIT HARD, mummy you left Daddy oh

We love you but God loves you best.
Rest In Peace big mummy. I may never have told you enough but I love you deeply.
April 27
April 27
Hello mum,
As i write this, words fail to express how I feel at this very moment, it has taken me time to fully express how I feel. I broke down when I heard the news. God has called you home.It is so hard to believe that you are gone. You will forever remain in my heart. The way you showed an example of kindness, strength and honesty imprinted on me .

You will be remembered by many, but I will remember you as my mom who loved your sons and made sure we had every possible opportunity to succeed. I remember the talks we had the last time you visited me. if only i knew that would be the las time i saw you, dropping you off at the airport.

Seeing all the stories of loved one and their fond memories of you and how much respect and love they had for you fills me with so much joy. You are in a better place. I love you mum. We will not say goodbye but until we meet again.

April 26
April 26
Your presence brought warmth and joy to all who knew you. Though you may no longer be with us, your spirit continues to shine brightly in our hearts. Rest in peace, knowing that you are forever missed.
April 26
April 26
Dear Mummy,
It is still unbelievable that you have gone to rest with your father.
I cannot believe that I will not see you when I come over to the house, or when I need all the supplies of food stuff and different things that you are always ready to give me,
Mummy words fail me, I am grateful for all the knowledge you instilled in me, all the morals and the love that you showed me.
Everything I know is from you, organisation skills in and out of the kitchen, you inspired my career drive, you taught me hospitality, you taught me how to make tasty meals, you made me love Christmas because of how memorable you always make the Christmas celebrations, it was because of you I fell in love with drinking teas.
I’m happy that you were able to meet your grand daughter Lena and that you also extended your love to her and spoilt her with gifts and love
Thank you for all the love you showed me,Kenneth and the entire Haruna /Ohiwerei family.
Mummy I love you and I miss you so much.
It is with a heavy heart I say rest in peace mummy.
Till we meet to path no more……
April 26
April 26
Auntie Oyin was so unique and she can never be forgotten, she can never be replaced in my mind. My heart yearns to believe that you are no more with us. Auntie Oyin, will be remembered fondly beyond doubt. Wonderful memories of auntie will live in my mind forever. Auntie, your first fruit(Wande) was chosen to be my ring bearer, during my wedding, few days to my wedding someone told me that you travelled abroad and that means Wande might not present on my wedding day, I was so worried then, fortunately you showed up a night before the wedding with my uncle Sunday and Wande. Joy filled my heart when I saw you walked in. Auntie, you repeated same when my mom passed, you promised to be by my side during the funeral ceremony and you made everything concerning my mom’s funeral ceremony a memorable one. Couldn’t remember if I thanked you enough when you stood by my side during both unforgettable two occasions. I really appreciate all the special things you’ve done for me and our entire family. Auntie Oyin, you’re a very special powerful glittering STAR that always raises our family happiness level. May your soul Rest well in the Lord Bye auntie
April 26
April 26
My relationship with Pastor (Mrs) Oyinade Florence Thomas was that of brother and sister rather than distant cousins. She was a rallying personality within the extensive family system. She was non discriminatory, a helper, a giver, simple, gentle, humble, peaceful and always caring with the love of Christ.

OYIN, as mostly called, symbolises the sweetness of honey. Our moments with her, as relations, were sweeter than honey. Her sudden exit is a rude shock, however we have this consolation - she gave her life to Jesus and served God at pastoral level. We therefore bless God that Oyin was wise by deciding to follow the path that leads to eternal life.

Living a life pleasing unto God is the very essence of man's creation. This is because God created us for His own pleasure ( Revelation 4:11 - old KJV). Let us, with the little testimonies of our beloved sister, re-examine our relationship with God.

Oyin, please rest in peace in the bosom of our Lord Jesus Christ. Looking forward to see you at the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.

Deacon Jacob OLATUNJI
The Redeemed Christians Church of God (RCCG), Abuja
April 26
April 26
Grandma Kado, Aunty Oyin, grateful to God for the gift of you. Thank you for all the numerous acts of kindness. We are comforted that you knew and accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and saviour. Indeed as humans we only know the minute we are in. I never knew that Wednesday night when we talked and laughed was the last we would have like that. The Holyspirit will comfort and up hold the entire family.
April 25
April 25
My Dear Aunty, It with sadness that I received the news of your passing… reading the words from Wande’s text was like a very bad dream. I will remember you fondly for your kindness and your ever smiling face, from my teenage holidays in Abuja to my NYSC year in Lagos, your warmth and kindness was always felt. Your legacy will live on and memories of you will be cherished. Rest in Gods bosom.
April 25
April 25
Anti Oyin, knowing you was to know a rare combination of genuine love and quiet strength. A strength so subtle but assured; a love so open but deep.
I've never seen you without a smile. How can I forget those Ilupeju days? You made your home a haven.
Your passing was shocking but our sovereign Lord knows best.
I truly salute your memory.
Beautiful big sis, rest well.
April 25
April 25
It is with a heavy heart that I bid farewell to a truly remarkable soul, whose presence graced our lives with boundless love, unwavering kindness, and enduring peace. Grandma (as we fondly call her) was more than just a matriarch; she was the epitome of compassion. Her nurturing spirit knew no bounds, as she lovingly raised my wife to embody the same grace, strength, and kindness that defined her character. Through her tender guidance and unwavering support, she shaped not only the woman I love but also the mother of our children, imparting upon her the invaluable lessons of love, resilience, and compassion that will resonate through generations to come.

The memories we shared with her are treasured gems, sparkling with the laughter, love, and joy that she so effortlessly infused into every moment. The last time we saw her was when she visited North America with her sisters, little did we know it would be our final embrace. Though distance may have separated us physically, the bond we shared transcended time and space, as evidenced by the precious moments we shared over the phone, especially when she delighted in the laughter of her beloved grandchildren.

Though our hearts ache with the pain of her absence, we find comfort in the knowledge that she now rests in the loving arms of her heavenly Father, free from pain and suffering, and surrounded by the purest love imaginable.

Rest in peace, dear grandma, knowing that you are deeply loved and profoundly missed. Farewell, until we meet to part no more.
April 25
April 25
Big Mummy,
You were a true definition of a motherhood in all facets, an embodiment of love with a sweet nurturing spirit that radiates and resonates even to everyone found around you.

You were not just a mother, but a confidant and an inspiration in the family.

You had a profound impact in my life that aided me to perceive life differently - all your advice still rings loudly to date. Unfortunately, your sudden departure would not afford me the privilege to get more as you’d liberally offered, still, I would thread life’s path keeping all in mind.

A mother in deed and need, who discerns needs and make provisions even before we could realize we had such needs.

I always love to be around whenever I'm sure of your presence. It is glaring and evident that your presence would be greatly missed as you filled a vaccum that no one would ever fit in.

In compensation, we find solace in the fact that you are in a better place; I trust you rest well pending till we meet and part no more.
April 25
Auntyyyy! My small mummy as I shared with someone years ago.
It's tough to accept that you're gone but what can I say to our maker?
I've always cherished the big and small moments when I sit to think about it. Ese ma.

Rest in peace ma till we meet at Jesus' feet.

Tunbosun Aiyedehin
April 25
April 25
The unifier, gone home too soon.
The inestimable value of the smile on your face, your signature smile, radiates warmth, affection
and love. Your presence at every family function gives an opportunity for closer ties, bonding and friendliness.
In your home, you gave everyone recognition, attention and a feeling of belonging. No wonder, people, job seekers and holiday makers always had a space at your place. Even some of your former housemaids always had a reason to come back for a visit, just because you took them as family.
For all the years in our close-knit family relationship, your character, your attitude and your inter personal interactions have been exemplary; a golden torch and a compass for the younger generations to navigate the terrain of life.
To say I will miss you, definitely is an understatement. You had been the cord that binds the family, the unifier. Who then will step into your shoes or fill the vacuum that you left behind.
Hmmm, I just remembered, the owner and the giver of life has recalled your soul to come back home to rest.
I know you will forever remain dear to my heart. Till we meet again, rest on in perfect peace.
Moses Aiyedehin.
Dipo and Funke Alafiatayo
April 25
April 25
In loving memory of Auntie Oyin, you were a pillar of kindness and love. Your gentle soul touched the lives of all who knew you. You stood by me through thick and thin. I could remember vividly during my wedding and mama's burial (Mama Funke). Whenever I look back you were always there, you gingered and spur me on to move until we achieved close to if not perfection. You left behind a legacy of warmth and compassion. Your laughter and wisdom will continue to inspire us all, and may your memory be a blessing that brings comfort during this difficult time." Continue to rest on Auntie till we meet to part no more - Funke.

" Iyawo Egbon mi, Egbon Iyawo mi" as I use to tease you to which you respond "Aburo Oko mi Oko Aburo mi" , when we throw banters on many occasions. We are profoundly saddened to accept your departure with heavy hearts. May the good Lord be with and give us the spirit and grace to bear this irreplaceable loss. May your gentle soul rest at the right side of the Almighty till eternity.
April 24
It is difficult for me to begin to write in the past about the love of my life of thirty seven (37yrs ) years. Asabi as grandPa used to call you, you came into my life as a friend and a wife, our relationship was peaceful, progressive and blessed. In all our years of relationship we never reported ourselves to any mortal being.
Oyinade, whenever things were tough with me in the office, you were always cheering me to go with words of encouragement. Your usual words “Let us commit it into God’s hand - ko kuku si ohun to ju agbara oluwa lo” I will always remember.
Ayanfe, you chosed to love me when I was probably not the best for your status at that time - Omo Mama Total and you stayed with me to the end.
Darling, You loved my family beyond what anyone could imagine to the extent that whenever we had any occasion in the family everyone will rather that you were the one present than myself. You were a giver which have been variously attested to by our friends, family members and my Community.

My Soulmate, You came into my life and I never knew a better yesterday. Your presence in our home was a frangrance of love, kindness and peace.
Oyinade Folashade my helpmate you supported me to raise Godly children, the successful education of the children were essentially your preoccupation since all I had to do was only funding. You were a committed wife, mother and friend. You were the family “Doctor, Pharmacist, Electrician etc” . You were a home maker. You kept my home.

Asabi, though you left us when we least expected we have taken comfort in the fact that you committed your life to Jesus and you are presently at rest with HIM.

My Sweetheart, Soulmate and Ayanfe mi, members of our family say good night till we meet to part no more.

Pastor Olorundare Sunday Thomas
April 23
April 23
There is an aura your presence brings.

I recalled how things were not as it was when you once traveled for a while.

It feels like the breath of the home has been taken away.

Your presence brought a very high sense of tranquility and order even when you weren't saying anything.

This is a skill that goes beyond my cerebral strength. It still beats my imagination.

I only love to be around whenever I'm sure you are there.

Upon your abrupt departure, I still and will NEVER be able to figure out who else would be able to fill that void.

I promise to tell my offspring about an icon who once threaded our path. It would be a gross injustice not to mention your kindness to the generations yet unborn.

Nevertheless, I judge God faithful as you are in a better place.

I can perceive the glow and smile on your face.

While I anticipate seeing you in the world yonder, I hope you'll continue to rest at God's bosom; you deserve more, Mommy.

You are greatly revered.
Oluremi Daniels a.k.a Remmy D
April 23
April 23
Mummy Abuja, I feel as though I’m stuck in a daydream. I still can’t fathom that you’re no longer with us and that you’ve gone to be with your maker. It’s a painful feeling to lose another sister in the space of eight months. You were a real sister to me, a mother, a friend and a shoulder to lean on. I really don’t know what to write or where to begin. Is it from the way you took me in as you own, as your flesh and blood, and the relationship we built over the years, how you spoilt me and protected me all through, you taught me so much about matrimony and I’ll never forget you. You were my hero aunty, my friend, my gist partner and above all, my confidant. My safe space. This is such a great loss, you were a binding force of this family. Everything Mama Agba stood for, you did as well and upheld that legacy. You have left big shoes to fill Aunty. I’ll never forget the role you played when Kenny and I were going to get married. I say it boldly anywhere that I have the best in-laws money can’t buy especially my husband’s siblings. You never saw anyone as a wife but as another sister. Your arms were always wide open. Although we’ll forever miss you. Our joy rests in the fact that you died in Christ and that the angels are celebrating over you. Thank God for your life. You touched so many lives and you will forever be remembered as one of the greats. O ye Oloun! Sleep well Aunty! Aunty Mi Asabi to n sha dollar! Sun re O! Your sister in love, Oluremi.
Barrister (Chief) Femi Oloruntoba
April 23
April 23
Our paths crossed in 1984 when I was a student at the Nigerian Law School Victoria Island Lagos and I visited my maternal cousin Mr. Sunday Thomas in Ilorin. Mr. Thomas house along Taiwo Road, Ilorin was then like a secretariat for Ogidi Students. Sometimes we were more than ten in the house and sister Oyin as we used to call her, would cook for all of us without any complaint. That was the period Mr. Thomas and sister Oyin were in courtship to get married. We had thought sister Oyin was pretending and that after she married her husband she would change. We were wrong. After she married her husband she was more humble, accommodating and tolerant. She was a mother of all.

She impacted the Ogidi Community in many areas.
Mummy Thomas, you were a very peaceful person who exhibited the fruits of the spirit up to your death. Your death is a big loss to us in the Ogidi community but we take solace in the saying that "There is only one way to happiness, and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will." Your death is beyond the power of our will but we rejoice in the fact that surely we will meet on the rapture day and hug, but until then, Mummy rest in peace at the bosom of our Lord Jesus.
April 22
April 22
You are indeed a definition of loveable, caring, hospitable and a giver. Your kind gesture is second to none. Correcting in love and still the message will be well passed. I bless God that I got the privilege of knowing and meeting you ma. Thank you for making an impact that cannot be forgotten. Keep resting in the blossom of God Almighty. We miss you but we are sure that heaven has gain a gem.
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May 30
"In loving memory of Mrs Oyinade Thomas , a woman whose grace, kindness, and strength touched the lives of all who knew her. She epitomized love, resilience, and generosity during her lifetime, leaving an indelible mark on our hearts. Her unwavering support, warmth, and unwavering optimism enriched my life in particular and she inspired me to be better. We always looked forward to your yearly visit to Canada and also to our home.
I wish I knew you came to bid us bye when you visited us here last year.
When I struggled to explain your sudden demise to my little daughter,she asked to know who will be gifting her pocket money now after your departure to glory?
You are definitely irreplaceable and you will always be remembered in a special place in our hearts ma.
May your legacy of love and compassion continue to shine brightly in our memories, guiding us through life's journey. Rest in peace, dear Mrs Oyinade Thomas ." My heartfelt condolences will always remain with my uncle, bro Sunday and your children who are the most impacted by your departure to eternal glory!
May 9
May 9
I met this wonderful gift of God during my working experience with her husband at Financial Assurance Company Ltd in the 80s. She assumed the position of my guidance when I was experiencing the other side of life. The ever supporting husband was also there two. She never hid anything from me as if we were family. She was a loving and caring mother to all. You will forever be remembered as one of those that stabilised me. Her house was opened to all at Anthony. We loved you but God loves you more. May the Lord grant the immediate family, the extended ones and the associates the fortitude to bear the loss. I know there is another fellowship in heaven where we will meet to depart no more. Continue to sleep in the bosom of our Lord until the trumpet will sound. Adieu
May 9
Today, May 9, 2024 makes it four weeks since you transitioned from our reality.
It is also the day we would have celebrated your 68th birthday. This year, I looked forward to both your anniversary and birthday with more purpose than before. I was just seeing you through my changing perspectives and wanted to show how grateful I am. You left before both of them. Instead, we are heading home to commit your body to mother earth.

This past month, my mind has been in a loop recalling that groan from daddy that instantly set me on auto pilot on that Thursday night.

Mummy, I often praised and thanked you for how you made your home a safe haven, a place of order and peace.
You would giggle sweetly and say it is God.
You were good to my family. You were good to everyone. You were good to me. Even when I wasn't receptive to your close attention, you would call Wande to find out how I was really doing.

I miss you in the worst way - missing the depth of the both us that never was. But even if it didn't always seem that way, I took everything you taught to heart. From one of your favourite verses you shared with me in 2015 about knowing how to be abased and how to abound - the gift of contentment, to all your advice about my relationship with my dad, to how you store and manage food in the house, and how you feared no one but God giving you the super power to be kind to all. You forgive easily and desire the best for all. You would extend yourself to provide a solution to everyone's problems. You loved family and valued every single person as your own.

Your love, deep respect, and reverence for daddy gave me so much hope about being married and happy some day. We've all talked so much about Daddy’s and our dependence on you. But your dependence and comfort in daddy was a sweet example of trust and how to be completely confident in your femininity. You were a picture of submission, yet living fully in your strength.

Wande and Mummy Toun talk about how you mellowed through the years and I remember our conversation in January as well. You said you don't let anything stress you anymore and have learnt to just live everyday in peace and thanksgiving. Your ability to embrace change without losing your essence is something that I will always pay attention to.

The last few days with you in the hospital are unforgettable. I was so sure you'll be out and back to being the matriarch who made everything run like clockwork. I was certain that you would pull through. Weirdly, I was excited about getting to know you afresh. I was so certain, mommy.

Now, while I never lashed out at God, I have definitely felt more subdued than submitted to His sovereignty in this matter. It still feels unreal. We had yam on a Thursday morning and saw wallgeckos in the house. How can? So strange. So strange that you are not here anymore, mummy Thomas.

You loved the Lord and took Him at His words in a simple and easy way. You weren't given to superfluous knowledge, just the sweet gospel and living out God's nature of kindness.

Thank you for all you are. For living fully, in kindness and service. Thank you for leaving behind traces of you in us, all of your many children. May your service to the world continue to yield fruit.

Rest with Jesus, mummy Thomas.
Her Life

The Life of Pastor (Mrs) Oyinade Florence Folasade Thomas

April 25
Pastor (Mrs) Oyinade Folasade Florence Thomas was a doting wife to her husband of 37 years - Olorundare Sunday Thomas. She was a devoted mother to her sons and daughters, while extending her devotion to everyone who was fortunate to experience her nurturing presence. She was an administrator par excellence, the chief organizer of the family, a pillar in her community and a friend who stuck close through all seasons. 

Aunty Oyin, as her numerous siblings, relatives, and friends all over the world called her, lived a life of faith, love, and kindness; one that began in Ibadan, where she was born as the first of seven siblings to the family of Engr. Adebisi and Madam Mercy Famoriyo.

Growing up in the home of two technocrats, an Engineer who plied his trade in England for many years and a mother who worked in the Central Bank until her retirement, Oyinade quickly embraced her responsibilities as the eldest child with discipline, grace and a generous spirit. In 1966, her father decided to broaden her perspectives and worldview by taking her to England where she completed her primary education in Woodthorpe Road Primary School, Ashford Middlesex. Her siblings recall her magnanimity as she always included them in her shopping experiences while in England, ensuring her sisters in Nigeria also had the benefit of similar clothing as she did.

She returned to Nigeria for her Secondary School Education in Crowther Memorial College, Lokoja from 1969 to 1973 where she was the Head Girl. There she earned her West African School Certificate, and continued her post-secondary education at the School of Basic Studies, Ahmadu Bello University, Samaru Zaria from 1974 to 1975.

She earned a B.Sc in Botany from Ahmadu Bello University, in 1978, after which she served out her National Youth Service Corp year as a teacher at the Government Secondary School, Gwale, Kano. After half a decade in the Northern part of Nigeria, she returned to Kwara State to continue her teaching career in the Government Secondary School in Afon. Her passion for administration soon overpowered her enthusiasm for teaching and she left for a Masters in Business Administration (M.B.A) from the University of Lagos, Akoka in 1985 . As part of her final thesis, she worked with Unilever Nigeria Plc, Lagos, on an Industrial Attachment program.

Following the conferment of her MBA, Oyinade began working in Itu Investments Ltd, Lagos, in 1986, as the Deputy Manager in charge of Credit and Marketing. The next year heralded the celebration of her marriage to O.S Thomas who she met a few years prior through her cousin in Ilorin, Kwara State.

The young couple stood a major test of their love and faith as their desire to have children was delayed for a few years. Their bond only deepened and she maintained her aura of joy, keeping their home open as a haven to family from near and far.

Oyinade, which translates to ‘the honey (sweetness) of the crown’ crowned her husband’s life with sweetness and strength, standing as a pillar of support for him and the entire family.

Through her husband’s years in the Insurance industry, she demonstrated exceptional dedication and commitment as she stood side by side with him in his mission to ensure the development and growth of the insurance sector in Nigeria.

She would return to the corporate world in 2001 as the General Manager, Operations, of Dosfot Limited. In 2002, she became the Administrative Coordinator at Startech Connections Limited, and would later become their Head of Administration and Human Resources.

Her administrative skills were not limited to the corporate environment. She was the engine room of her family, coordinating all social events, and keeping everyone connected at all times. Her home was always organized and together with her husband, they built a safe haven that stayed open to family and friends.

Her in-laws describe her as more than a wife. She was a daughter who embraced the Ogidi Community as her own, a mother to all, a counselor to anyone who needed wisdom, and a friend to many. She was a philanthropist who supported local businesses through her foundation - The Halfway Youth and Women Empowerment Initiative (THYWEI).

Her regular visits to Ogidi were always met with joy from all.

She was a devout Christian who lived her life as a reflection of Christ, loving sacrificially and committed to the great commission of evangelism. She was a member of the Summit Bible Church in Abuja where she served as a leader in several departments and was ordained as a pastor alongside her husband.

She held the title 'Ajihinrere of the Diocese of Ijumu (Anglican Communion)', a chieftaincy of responsibility to support the progress of the Diocese and the propagation of the gospel in Ijumu.

Pastor Oyinade was a rock for many and her legacy of kindness and service will live on in the lives of everyone that was blessed to know her.

She will be deeply missed.

Recent stories


April 28
A mother with a heart of Gold, you knew me from Fountain Lagos but coming down to Abuja, you became a Mother to me, I lived with you and Daddy from Maitama, Zone 7, Area 11 and Kado, you and Daddy gave me out on my wedding day April 8th, 2006. Your advice, your mentorship and generosity is next to nothing, you always want to help ease burden of others. You were a real comfort when I lost my Mum and Dad, you and Daddy were there for me and my family even through the very tough times.
You will forever be in our hearts till we meet to part no more at the bosom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, I know you're in a better place. It's actually still like a dream but God wants you to go and rest. Rest till we meet again on that Glorious Day ❤️. Love you Mum. Missing you already

Mummy - The Engine Room

April 15
Mummy was the engine room of the entire family. It is hard to refer to her in the past tense. But I will always be grateful for the legacy of kindness and generosity of spirit that defined her life.

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