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His Life
April 20, 2015

The Memorial of late Pa Martin


Mr Martin Chi Akor, lovely known as Pa Martin was born in the thirties. He was the second son of Akorboh and Manyi Mambo. He had four brothers and three sisters. When he was twelve years old, he was sent to the city of Douala to live with his grand cousin where he could seize the opportunity to go to school. Once in Douala the exciting dream to attend school was shattered by his cousin's desire to ever sent Pa Martin to school only once he gets married. That did not happen, instead his cousin sent him to learn a trade as a steward (butler) just like him. His new boss who was a colonel in the French army took Pa Martin with him to Yokadouma in the Eastern province of Cameroon. There in Yokadouma the colonel introduced Pa Martin to auto mechanics where he mastered the art of car engineering very well. Pa Martin returned to Douala in the fifties and started working as a master mechanic at the military base named Botalion Blinde de Reconaissance (BBR) at Bassa. Pa Martin got married to Mama Grace Ngefor, daughter of His Royal Highness (HRH) Ndikum 1 and of Manyi Mary Atehfor in 1956 and both raised ten beautiful children.

Pa Martin infused to his kids a sense of responsibility, honesty, integrity, hard work, love, most importantly self-respect and respect for others. These qualities have been his great legacy and we should never forget that it has been the greatest gift he has given to us his kids. Pa Martin was a very sociable man who was a member of the hoc committee that made the decision for the Akum community to build the "Akum Cultural Hall". That communal achievement is and will always be the pride and joy of every Akum citizen mostly the ones residing in Douala. Pa Martin worked for a factory called Tropic for 25 years and during that time he has endeavored to help Akum people get a job there. He was such a dedicated employee that we remembered some nights at the wee hours, he was called to come and save the day when a technical problem arise at the Tropic plant. He was a dependable general mechanic. Pa martin had a good heart and did not care much of material things as he will always let people know that love is worth having and that material things will stay even when we depart from this world. We will remember Pa for his side comments here and there about life. This world is a step to a bigger life, he would remind us. Why endured such animosity of your fellow man knowing fully well that we are not going to be here forever: are just sample of his side comments. Pa was a family oriented man as he took care of his sibling as well as he did for his children and that is why he was so reversed. We would always remember the Sunday Brunch and Sunday dinner, that was when he would give his children and guests advice and we clearly remember how much fun we as a family had with him around. Pa lived a fulfilled life as we are celebrating his memorial we pray to be able to do more than double what he accomplished as his children to make the world a far more better place for All.. His love for others was immeasurable, his respect to others has honored us his family to be well respected amongst our people.

We loved him so much and he would always be remembered.

Let the memory of Pa Martin be with us forever