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Her Life

Patricia "Sweetie" Rodriguez

April 8, 2021
Patricia, also known as Patsy, Sweetie, Pat, and Patty, was born and raised in Los Angeles and spent most of her life living on 23rd (and 22nd) Street.  She was the youngest of nine children born to Jessie and Doroteo.  She attended Nevin Avenue Elementary, Carver Junior High and Garfield High School and earned her A.A. from Los Angeles Trade Technical College. She worked for the California State University for many years as a data technician and later served as a caretaker for her mother and dear friends, Josie and Sophia.  

As a young girl, Patsy loved to spend time with her immediate and extended family and her 23rd Street family.  She earned the nickname "Sweetie" and was known for her big personality and huge heart.  She was always full of life as well as THE life of the party.  She loved to make you laugh and was always ready to spend time with her family and friends.  Most importantly, she loved her family and would drop everything to help a relative or friend in need. Although Patsy never married or had children of her own, she truly loved all of her siblings, cousins, nephews, nieces, and friends, and always felt a sense of duty to take care of everyone.  If you needed help, she was there.  It didn't matter if she had to take a bus or walk miles to get to you, she made sure she was there for you.

In her later years, Patsy loved to spend time with her friends and listen to music or go dancing. She also loved to visit the casinos! She did her best to check on all of her brothers and sisters and would often stop by to cook a meal or help around their houses.  She also served on the Rea Family Reunion Committee and did her best to get everyone together and help maintain those family ties.  During her retirement, she enjoyed spending time and eating at new restaurants with her brother Ronnie and she loved to spend time with "her boys," sons of her niece Stephanie, and spoiled them like a grandma.  For many years she lived with her brother, Eddie, and, despite their typical sibling disagreements, she loved him dearly and was always thinking of him. 

In addition to her deep commitment to friends and family, Patsy is probably most known for her love for animals.  She is preceded in death by her cat "babies," JJ and Babes, whom she cared for like her own children.  It broke her heart to see any animal in need and she would give her last penny to help.  She was the pet babysitter for many and took it upon herself to care for the strays in her neighborhood.  

Patsy is survived by her brothers Ronnie, Reggie, and Edward, sisters Dorothy, Bea and Cecilia, many loving nieces and nephews, her "boys," and countless loving friends.

We are still in the process of scheduling Patricia's services and will keep everyone posted as soon as we have more information.  Thank you for your patience and understanding.