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Steep Ravine 1939-1999

July 15, 2017
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In the late 1930's Pat's family rented a cabin at Steep Ravine which is just north of San Francisco where they lived at the time. They enjoyed driving across the Golden Gate Bridge which had just been constructed to spend time at Steep Ravine and Stinson Beach during the summer. 60 years later in 1999 Pat revisited the cabins which are mostly still there and are rented by the Park Service.


April 25, 2017

2011 Birthday Cruise

April 17, 2017

1990 Great Pyramids of Egypt

April 16, 2017

1990 Athens

April 16, 2017
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Pat had many adventures in her life, but one of the most memorable was her visit to Athens in 1990 in more that one way. In addition to climbing the Acropolis and seeing the Parthenon and other temples, we viewed an inspiring light show depicting the history of the Acropolis & Athens. Afterwards we went to the old area of Athens to have dinner and a show. We were amused by the low lighting in the area thinking it was a quaint tourist effect. Later we found out that actually there was a garbage & power strike going on in Athens(so Greek!). Our hotel, the Athens Hilton, was located next to a hospital and spared the power outage!

1990 Hitler's Eagle's Nest

April 16, 2017

1990 Berlin "Tear down this wall!"

April 16, 2017

1997 Alaska Highway

April 16, 2017
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Pat had many adventures in her life, but this was probably the longest road trip, driving from Pioneer all the way to Fairbanks,Alaska and back(actually we took a car ferry part of the way back). What a shock when we flew to Barrow,Alaska and got off the plane to freezing weather in late August!! Good thing they loaned us these cold weather parkas!

The Venice Birds!!

April 14, 2017

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