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Share a special moment from Patricia Wambui's life.

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My neighbor and friend

January 29
I remember meeting you for the first time in Elgeyo Square during the residents meeting. You spoke to me like an old friend. And when I started my business, you knocked at my door ready to make your order. Since then your door was always open when I needed to chat. 

Oh my, you and the boys loved my fish! You'd ask for the biggest the wetfry served with ugali, and when I told you am relocating to another court your orders never ceased. From you a got many other customers and I remember joking about hiring you as my marketer. You indeed cared.
You recommended me for a few jobs and always reminded me that I got it in me to hack anything I put my mind into. Even when times were tough you were one easy person to talk to. Well, we shared some heart to heart talks and I knew I could pop in for a drink when I needed to run away shortly from the kids. 
You were such a hard worker and I could see that from your desk at home by the main door. Your work ethics was impeccable and from your glass door I could only see a dedicated woman, so disciplined. 
You were my support system when both our dads were ailing from COVID. It was sad when yours didn't make it but you still called to check on my dad, such a selfless act. 
There's a lot to write about how much you came through for me and how you counted on me for updates in Elgeyo Square. I hope to still deliver fish to the boys. I will miss you laughter, the gossips , the reprimands. May you rest well my friend. Such memories bring tears to my eyes. I cry for the boys whom you loved so dearly and spoke so proudly of. We loved you but God needed one more angel up there. 

Our Primary School Classmate

January 19
Pasha it's a shock to get to know that you lie still and won't laugh anymore. We went to school together and in class 7 when you were my deskmate I discovered that there was some one that had one of the most beautiful handrwitings I had ever laid eyes on, that was you. I also discovered that you had a ready smile and a beautiful hearty laugh. The truth is Pasha to us the teenage boys then we had a lot to say to you but were too shy and our tongues were tied I guess it was something to do with you being tall and beautiful. 24 years later at our class of 92 reunion in 2016 it was amazing to see how little had changed with you, after 25 years you were still down to earth and jolly. All your classmates are shocked to hear this news, we all expected that someone was playing a sick prank on us but we were convinced when different sources confirmed the hitherto unthinkable. 
You frame may lay still but memories of you are making us unable to have a still moment. Indeed you have gone too soon. How do we say Goodbye? Pasha, what do we do with  the memories? 
We never rehearsed this and we never prepared for a day that you would not be alive this side of eternity, we will just say what we have heard others say though it won't make it less heartbreaking than we feel. Till we meet again Pasha we will feed on the memories. 
Muthaiga Primary School classmate
Andrew Ambetsa

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