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My memorie of my little brother, "Patrick Edward Elie

August 11, 2021
1969 Patrick was 10 and I was 12. He was just a boy, but the things he did he acted like a man. From the first moment we stepped of the plane in Cape Pole, Patrick stepped in to keep us in control. We were children. There me, Alisa, 12, Patrick was 10, Nancy, Steve, and Tim. I don't remember their ages, but they were small. We all had to haul our measly belonging up the beach to the place we would call home for the next couple of years. In that time Patrick and "Big Steve Steinke" taught Patrick how to trap, hunt and fish, but not how to swim. Patrick refused to learn and he would not go in the water or he would throw a fit like you never seen him do. To his dying day, he would not go in the water, but he drove the boats like it was his second skin. Never figured that one out!

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