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August 6, 2023
Pat's love of flying was no surprise to all that knew him as a child. He built an airplane out of wood, had wings and a seat. He then talked Tootie(sister) into "piloting " it down across the field. We all gave her a running push, and the plane hit a terrace and proceeded to flip, threw Tootie out, and tore off a wing! He was always "creating" things and talking one of us into being the "guinea pig" to try it out! Lol! And we loved it!! We built "furniture" out of boards and pine straw, houses out of the same materials, the "swimming hole" in the creek, threw rocks at cars from the "big rock" on the side of the hill. Til we got caught by a person with a convertible. And denied throwing ANY rocks! And stuck to that story!! We had so much fun as kids! We fought at times, but, we loved each other, even through the fights! I had a great childhood because of Pat and Tootie and Debby! Pat was the ring leader, except when he made Tootie "leader" cause it might hurt! Lol Going to miss him bigtime!big time!! And love you always!!❤️

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