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March 27, 2018
March 27, 2018
Patrick reminds me so much of Uncle Ed, Humble & Kind☘️
November 13, 2017
November 13, 2017
Met Pat ten days after HS graduation. Lived in the same fraternity until 1965. A truly noble, decent, wonderful friend and Brother.
September 24, 2017
September 24, 2017
We had the pleasure to meet Pat on a few occasions when we visited California. Right away we all felt very welcomed by Pat. He was so kind to us and we immediately felt like part of his extended family. We send our love and prayers to his very special family.
With love,
Cheryl, Jennifer and Robyn
September 24, 2017
September 24, 2017
Joyful. Kind. Warm. Big hearted. Funny. Peaceful. Loving. I'll always be grateful for having known Pat and fortunate to have been included as a member of his family. Love always to Kathy, Kristy, Michael, siblings, grandkids and all family members. 
Love, Allie Kofford
September 23, 2017
September 23, 2017
We knew Pat through his daughter Kristy. The times we shared dinners together are nice memories. There could not be a sweeter, kinder and more generous person than the lovely daughter Pat and Kathy raised. They can both be proud of her and I am sure Pat was (and is) very proud of her. Our loving thoughts are with this special family.
September 22, 2017
September 22, 2017
Pat was a man of great integrity. I appreciated his kindness, his patience and his sense of humor. I consider myself very fortunate to have worked with him and I know that the many students and colleagues whose lives he touched feel the same way.
September 21, 2017
September 21, 2017
What a gift it has been to know Pat - truly one of the kindest and most loving men I have ever met. He has a way of instantly making you feel a part of things - making you feel included. This summer, we took a family trip to Yellowstone - Katie B. and Judd has little stuffed wolves to take on the trip - he made sure that our son Cal has one too - so thoughtful. I know that he will live on in his beautiful family - I see so much of him in Kristy. I will be forever grateful for the way that he welcomed my brother Michael into the Wagener family - what a tremendous mountain of a man. With much love, Courtney, Eric, Hannah, Hank & Cal Olson
September 20, 2017
September 20, 2017
I am so grateful I had Patrick as a big brother - he was a quiet rock, a deeply loving soul who had a big ol" Wagener hug for everyone. He was there in tough times and the joyful times - He will forever a be a presence for us as we walk on any beach. He taught me a little about Jazz and a lot about spirituality. He loved fresh salmon dinners and a really nice glass of wine. Sweet Patrick - your smiling eyes are forever in my heart...
September 20, 2017
September 20, 2017
Pat was a man who valued family and community above all else, lessons in life he not only passed on to his children but also encouraged in so many others he touched throughout the years.

One of the greatest joys in my own life has been my lifelong friendship with his daughter Kristy, and by extension the entire Wagener family. Across all these decades, Pat and Kathy have welcomed me into their home as one of their own, sharing the great warmth, kindness, and hospitality that is the hallmark of their family, always without hesitation or limit.

It is with gratitude that I remember the countless dinners I’ve shared at their family table, evenings of spirited laughter, delicious food, and meaningful discussion on topics spanning the heart and globe. No matter what life decision or teen angst might have troubled or inspired me at the time, with Pat at the helm there was sure to always be a kind word or a silly joke to lighten my day and encourage me forward. His gift for genuine connection, critical thought, and limitless compassion (and of course his bountiful humor!) are qualities I will forever admire and aspire to. He made it all look easy.

Pat brought a remarkable light to this world. I do not doubt there will be a great number of us out there doing our best to honor his memory by carrying that light and legacy forward.
September 19, 2017
September 19, 2017
I feel very lucky that I got to meet and know Pat. Being a part of his family for the past 7 years has been so wonderful and I thank him and Kathy for creating such a fun and loving family. I still can't believe he won't be there with us to celebrate next month but I take comfort in knowing he'll be "Cheersing" us in spirit. I will always cherish our time together. Cheers to you Pat, thanks for being you.
September 19, 2017
September 19, 2017
Pat was such a great guy, and from what I saw a wonderful father, grandfather, father-in-law to my brother, and husband. It's often the little things you remember, and I'll never forget his thoughtful gestures: after I visited in California once, he gave me a CD he made with photos from the trip, and he recently sent me a message welcoming me back to the United States. He'll truly be missed.
September 19, 2017
September 19, 2017
Pat was an incredible person. He had the most patience. Many years ago, Pat and I worked on redesigning a small computer lab to assist math students as well as the Voc Tech students...that was when integration of math & English became a part of the Voc Tech curriculum. He was so sweet and patient in putting together all the puzzle pieces. In the end, he was proud of the lab and how well it served many LMC's students. Pat was always at LMC's opening days and college assemblies, acknowledging everyone in attendance. He always wore his "Burks." I used to chuckle to myself as I'd pass him on the walkway near Voc Tech. He will be truly missed. May God bless the family during this difficult time.
September 19, 2017
September 19, 2017
A word or two with Pat
always provided a lift
- it was the iridescent smile in the man's eyes.
September 19, 2017
September 19, 2017
It's difficult to put into words how I feel about Pat but I can say that I will treasure every memory that I have....from the moment that I was blessed to enter into this family my life was forever changed. I will always remember his kindness, patience, commitment and love for everyone that he touched. I treasure his qualities that I will always see in my husband and my son - this will keep him alive for me every day when I look into their eyes.

I too am thankful for Kristy and Kathy for the love that they have given to me and that I know will always be.
September 18, 2017
September 18, 2017
It feels strange to attempt a fitting tribute to Pat in a post to a website, as it feels oddly impersonal for someone as warm and personable as Pat. It has been both heartening and heartbreaking this week to hear from so many of those whose lives were touched by him, as even those who did not know him well felt a strong connection through his compassionate nature.

I feel incredibly fortunate that my children had the time with their beloved “Papa Pat” which they did. I see him every day in the mischievous smile and laughter of his grandson, and the kindness and sensitivity of his granddaughter. So many of the things I love about my wife I realize are attributes directly inherited from her father. 

I am so thankful to him for all of this, as well as to Kathy and Michael, and all of his family through whom his love and kindness live on.
September 18, 2017
September 18, 2017
I know Pat as a great colleague and a righteous man. He was frank, inquisitive and funny in discussions -- and LMC was a place of many discussions! I'll remember his smooth as silk and relentless movement on the basketball court. It's been an honor to witness his life of commitment and service; I always wanted to be a bit more like him. This world's a little less with his passing, but I hope to see him again.
September 18, 2017
September 18, 2017
I loved Pat. It was always a joy to see his tall rangy slightly stooped walk in LMC's hallways! He always was kind to me from the moment I started at the college in 1994. He always stopped to talk to me in the hall, at the mailbox or copy machine. He was one of our most committed and sweet colleagues. May he never stop biking in heaven!
September 18, 2017
September 18, 2017
I was a passing acquaintance of Pat's the many years we both worked at Los Medanos College, and we continued to see each other in retirement on the Lafayette-Moraga trail as he passed me on his bicycle. Pat was always such a ray of sunshine and positivity. I will truly miss sharing greetings on the trail. My best goes out to his family - this is such a great loss.
September 18, 2017
September 18, 2017
I am truly saddened by the news of Pat's passing. He was a genuine and kind person who never failed to say hi whenever I saw him. I knew him through my job at Los Medanos College. I never took a class from him but I do know the students loved him. When Pat spoke to you, his full attention was on that conversation. I enjoyed seeing him at occasional get-togethers at LMC after he retired. Such a wonderful person. The world is a bleaker place without Pat, but heaven has more joy today.
Robin Armour, Director of Admissions & Records, LMC
September 18, 2017
September 18, 2017
Dear Kathy & Family and Cousins, Nieces & Nephews,

Had only a few occasions to meet Patrick. Right away I sensed a calmness and peaceful presence about him, very much like his Dad. We all certainly will pray for Him and the Family but before long you will praying to him as well.
Dennis & Sue Wagener

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