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April 23
April 23
It was a hard day yesterday remembering so much about our friendship.  It is hard to believe it has been 9 yrs already!!! You are missed every day!
April 22
April 22
Aunt Niece… it is hard to believe it has been 9 years!!! You are missed so much. There is not a day that goes by where some little thing reminds me of you!! I love you and miss you!
August 15, 2023
August 15, 2023
I celebrate your heavenly birthday today! It is hard to believe you left this world to join Jesus 8 yrs ago! I miss my bestest friend! But I do have your daughter, Layla, to love on when I get to see her but loving her all the way to Virginia!  Kathy
August 15, 2022
August 15, 2022
Here it is again, another year gone without my bestest friend!!!! Peggy, I miss you so very much! I am living thru Layla's adventures to keep me connected to you! You would be so proud of Layla! She is a strong woman like you! Lots of challenges but keeps going! You will always be with me! I love you my dear friend!!!
April 22, 2020
April 22, 2020
Wow! Five years! I will never forget the friendship we had. My bestest friend! Today would have been my Dad's 93rd birthday. I have two reasons to remember this day. I am think about often. Especially when I get a note from Layla or a picture of your granddaughters. Or, when I am gardening or just because. You made such an impact on my life! You are part of me and always will be. I miss you my bestest friend! I love you!!!!
April 22, 2019
April 22, 2019
It is hard to believe you have not been with us for four years! It doesn't seem you have been away from us that long! There are days when a memory comes to mind and you are right in the middle of it. You were such a large part of my life for so very long. It has been difficult to find anyone that measures up to our friendship. You were always the bright spot in my life.  I miss you Peggy. Love ya my sister, Kathy.
August 15, 2017
August 15, 2017
Happy Birthday Peggy! All the way to heaven! Miss you so very much my bestest friend!!!!!!
April 22, 2017
April 22, 2017
Wow! It has been two years ago that my bestest friend, Peggy left this earth to be in a much better place. She has her new body and will forever be in a joyous state. She was probably the most joyful person I have ever known. She will be forever remembered and forever missed!
August 16, 2016
August 16, 2016
I miss my bestest friend! I spent yesterday reminiscing my time with Peggy. Our wonderful 3 week camping trip through Colorado in 2007. It seems like yesterday we took our trip and yet another eternity ago! I will never have another friend like Peggy. She and I had a unique relationship that began immediately in July 1987. I miss you my bestest friend! I love you!
April 23, 2016
April 23, 2016
Peggy I still think of you and smile thinking of our years working together the stories we shard the laughs we shard the love for our family and how we both enjoyed every moment we could with our grandchildren. I was just telling my husband today that I missed you and was thinking about you and that's before I read my email about your memorial. You are missed god bless your family and loved ones.
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
Happy Birthday Peggy I think of you often and hope your family is doing ok,I 'm getting ready to retire soon ,and very grateful for the 10 years we shared working together .I miss your smile and your wisdom about life. I miss you. Thank You
August 15, 2015
August 15, 2015
Happy Birthday my sweet Aunt Necie! You are missed very much but never forgotten. I just wanted to update you on the kids. Hailee Bug went back to school and is doing great .She won the athletic award for the year for the McNeese volleyball team.. she is the Iron Poke recipient. She just turned 20 and is more beautful than ever. Jameill just played in his first NFL game and did a great job but I know that you know that because you were probably front row watching. Love you very much and just wanted you to know how special you are to my family. Happy Birthday! Forever missed but never forgotten. I love you!
May 23, 2015
May 23, 2015
I am sad. Peggy was my classmate and friend since we were little kids. I always thought a lot of her and will miss her sweet smile and voice.
May 23, 2015
May 23, 2015
When I think of Necie I am flooded with wonderful childhood memories! The Hargrove cousins were my "sisters and brother" until I got my own sister and brother several years later!
Christmases at Bigmama and Bigdaddy's little 3 room house are at the top of great memories... Eating, dancing, and opening gifts! Going to Black Rock Park camping is another fond memory. We girls always took a big sack of gingersnaps and almost made ourselves sick on them! Easter egg hunts at Voca were always fun....acres of hiding spaces!! Making "mudpies" under the big oak tree in our backyard is still another thing that comes to mind!
As we grew to adulthood it became harder and harder to get together, but we still managed to keep in touch. We got a few trips in... Necie, Brent, Ryan and I once went to the Alamo and the Capitol together. Neither Necie nor I had been to LBJ Ranch, so a few years ago we did that together, with the promise that we were going to do such things more often. We just knew that when we retired we would have a chance to be together more.
In about an hour I will be headed to Necie's memorial. It still doesn't seem possible that she is gone and won't be there to give everyone a big hug, and an "I love you"!! I know she will be looking down on us with a huge smile on her face....she loved family get-togethers!!
Necie... Love you, cuz!! Will miss you forever.....kathy
May 22, 2015
I am so sorry for your loss. I remember our mothers canning ,quilting and shopping together. they would put all of us kids (10 all together) in the car and off we would go. Of course when they canned, us kids had to shell & snap beans or shulk the corn ect.
We then played. There were many happy hours running and playing.
May 20, 2015
May 20, 2015
God gently brings people into your life knowing you will be strengthened forever by their love and their friendship. Our family was blessed the day "Miss Peggy" came into our lives. She was a surrogate grandmother to our three children, a constant support to my husband at work, and a kindred spirit to me. There wasn't a holiday or birthday that went by that she didn't have a bag of goodies, a gift, and a hug for the kids. There is emptiness in our family knowing she isn't a phone call or email away. I am thankful knowing my children will forever carry Miss Peggy's fun-loving spirit, kindness, strength, and love in their hearts.
May 20, 2015
May 20, 2015
My prayers go out to Reva, Dolan and your families at your time of sorrow. I had not seen Peggy since we were in school together, but each summer we spent many hours together as our Mothers visited, sewed, and put up canned goods. Peggy was always full of energy and fun to be with.
May 19, 2015
May 19, 2015
I am so grateful I saw Peggy a few years back. As children we spent countless hours together. I cherish everyone of those memories. How short a time we have here. My heart goes out to Reva, Dolan and her family. Karon (Clevenger) McWilliams
May 16, 2015
May 16, 2015
Peggy although we did not get to visit as much as I would have liked to after your retirement I thought of you often ,and know that you had many loved ones and friends that thought the world of you,as I did also ,you always had a smile on your face ,and made the park visitors feel so welcome when they came to visit .And I loved and admired the way you interacted with children. I want to thank you Peggy for helping me through some tough times over the years and being a true friend ,you are and were an amazing woman ,miss you,
May 15, 2015
May 15, 2015
Family, I hope you all know how much I loved our Necie.  She was truly special to me. I am thankful for all the many fun times and conversations we shared. Those memories I will always cherish. She left a wonderful legacy in the family that she raised and the way that she lived her life, always full of love and laughter and fun.  She really did enjoy the simple things in life. Necie never failed to say “I love you” during our good-byes whether in person or over the phone. She will be missed by all that knew and loved her.
We all need a time for tears and healing. I pray for each of you to be comforted during this time of sorrow.
I will forever hold her special memory in my heart.
Sending my love and prayers to each of you.
May 13, 2015
May 13, 2015
Dolan, Reva, and family of Peggy Denise. I am so sorry to hear of the loss of "Niecy" and I hereby extend my sincerest condolences to each of you on you great personal loss. We kind of grew up together there in Voca and I remember visiting you all often in the 1950's. She will be missed by all who knew her. May God bless and comfort you during this time of sorrow.
Gerry Wayne Owens
2833 Chimney Rock Lane
San Angelo, TX 76904-7009
May 13, 2015
May 13, 2015
Wow! It is still hard to believe Peggy is no longer with us! She was my bestest friend for almost 30 yrs and that wasn't long enough! She and I shared a special bond as "sisters" and I am so blessed that God brought her into my life all those years ago. We worked together, played, danced, camped, hiked, shopped thrift, antique, junk stores for so many treasures and memories.  I loved sharing my grandkids with her and they loved her for her caring, fun spirit.  She loved them also. She also became another daughter to my parents who loved her dearly. All my family loved her!  I cannot pick just one memory above them all as each moment we spent together was precious and full of life.  Peggy and I found the saying: "Life's not the breaths you take, But the moments that take your breath away" on our 3 week camping trip in Colorado in 2007. She went home and stenciled it on her kitchen wall and I bought a sign and put on my dining room wall to remind us of how precious life really is.  She was my "sister" in every way that counted and I will miss her every day until my God calls me home.  Thank you Peggy for loving me and being my bestest friend!  Kathy
May 13, 2015
May 13, 2015
I could not believe what I had read of Peggy passing away. My heart sunk and tears flooded my eyes. This young lady was such a dear dear friend, pal and next door neighbor ( across) the road. She and her sister Reva, brother Dolan and I would play for hours on end. Oh such wonderful memories as she was my daddy's favorite. He had a nickname for her but the last time I saw her was at her daddy's funeral and she asked me if I remembered it. Unfortunately I said no!
Peggy ( Neicy) Denise Hargrove, you will always be in my heart! My love goes out to your family. 
Dolan, Reva I want you to know I am so so sorry for your loss of you little sister! Sincere condolences and my love,
Margaret June Owens Woodall
501 S. Irene St., Apt. 613
San Angelo, TX 76903
May 12, 2015
May 12, 2015
Our Mothers were best friends and Peggy was always a joy to be with and to play with. I pray that her family will have comfort. She touched many people in her life and they all have a special memory to cherish.
May 12, 2015
May 12, 2015
James, Dad and I were so thrilled to see you last year. We had a wonderful visit. I've been thinking of all the great times we had. Love you and miss you. But I plan to see you again!!
May 11, 2015
May 11, 2015
I am so thankful that we saw you at Susan's service; it's hard to believe that now you are gone, too. We will see you again in Glory!

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