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August 23, 2022
August 23, 2022
I was inspired by Peggy to use sculpting in my work as a therapist which led to me becoming a Trainer, Educator, and Practitioner (TEP) of psychodrama. She changed the course of my career with just one video of her extraordinary work. I will always be indebted to her.
January 26, 2022
January 26, 2022
I knew Peggy during the years she spent on the Bennion family ranch in Manila, Utah. She was an energetic, charismatic lady with a multitude of talents and interests. When Peggy and her husband, Joe Papp, visited the ranch, Joe asked me and another of the ranch hands to dress up like cowboys with six-shooters and wide-brimmed hats while he filmed us running about. I often reminded him that I starred in his first motion picture. Peggy is sorely missed but she remains in my mind as a much loved memory of a colorful past.
December 7, 2021
December 7, 2021
Not many people have the privilege to work under someone as caring and understanding as Peggy, i am grateful for that and if I had to pick a boss again I definitely will pick Peggy.
Each time I try to come to term with the measure of blessings I have working for her, I am left mesmerized the more. It is truly a great privilege to call her my mentor, because she model strength and positivity of the mind.
Her motivation and kindness are few traits that make her the great leader she was.
Going off for the weekend, I can't forget our last conversation, "Paulette thank you for taking good care of me, you has taken good care of me and I appreciate all you have done for me". Going through the door the last thing she said, "SIng a song for me at church tomorrow and write it down so you can remember to sing it for me when you come. I never get the chance for us to sing that song but I will always remember the last song we sung together, Jesus want me for a sunbeam to shine for him each day. That the song we always sing on a cloudy day.
Peggy you life has shine and will continue to shine. You will always have a special place in my heart ❤ .
Rest well Peggy.
December 7, 2021
December 7, 2021
I am very blessed to have had Peggy as a therapist for the past several years. The fact that she was still seeing patients in her mid to late 90s is a testament to how much she loved being a therapist (and she was one of the best in the world). I started seeing her during a very difficult period of my life, and her compassion, encouragement, and wisdom helped me to navigate the challenges I was dealing with. The goal of therapy is to develop the tools and insights to be able to work through problems on our own, and eventually I was able to do that. However, I missed our weekly talk sessions which were always a breath of fresh air. She helped me reframe my thoughts to be more positive, appreciative, and caring. I will never forget one of her homework lessons which was to smile to people on the street - something which can be a bit awkward in New York City, where strangers tend to be curmudgeonly, but can also have some surprising results. Peggy taught me that smiling, being friendly, and having a positive attitude is something that we can always tap into.

It was painful for me to learn that she is no longer with us. I already miss her pure energy, radiant smile, and dancing eyes. But in my mind she will always be there, cheering me on, and I will forever be grateful for our time together. Thank you, Peggy.
December 4, 2021
December 4, 2021
Peggy Papp was one of the most intriguing Individual I have ever met . Even though I had only been in her life for a small fraction of her lifetime she has touched my life in a very special way . Peggy was a people person she loved all races and cultures she saw the hearts of others and not the color of their skin . Peggy often reminisce about growing up in Utah on the ranch ; she spoke about her love of horseback riding . She also spoke about looking out at the mountains and wondering what was beyond . One fine afternoon she decided to take a ride to find out , she road and road yet she was so fascinated that she kept on going deeper into the abyss . She didn’t realize how late it had gotten , she’d went so far away from home that she got a little lost . She decided to turn around and head back to the ranch . All this time she had no idea that her parents we’re out trying to find her . When she finally got back she saw her dad outside… she said she will never forget the look on his face and the sound of his voice when he said to her don’t you ever ever do that to your mother again . She spoke about the delicious rabbit stew that her mother made . And her school house that was only one room divided into four different grade levels . She also spoke about the way women were expected to dress when she was growing up in Utah . Woman had to wear dresses down to their ankles with long sleeves and no color . She hated those dresses and for that reason she loved modern fashion and the wide variety of colors and styles that came with them . She said she was ecstatic that woman finally got the chance to decide what the length of their dresses should be . Peggy also spoke about moving to New York to pursue her love of the arts and the three roommates with whom she shared one room . She spoke about the letters that she wrote to and received from her dad . She’s enlightened me about the fact that her dad always ended his letters the same way . By writing “please take good care of your health because without your health you have nothing “. She loved him dearly and hung onto his gavel in commemoration . Peggy was a talented woman , she was a author , actor and a therapist just to name a few . Her work brought her all over the world to speak at seminars . She collected several sculptures and artifacts from the countries she visited and she decorated her home beautifully with them all . Peggy also met and spent time with my five year old daughter Summer , they read together and played games . Peggy even taught her to dance Ballet . She said spending time with my daughter reminded her of the times she’d spent with her own daughter whom she loved dearly Miranda . Peggy enjoyed going for long walks daily it didn’t bother her if it rained or snowed or if the temperature was cold or hot she had to go for a walk . If going outside seemed impossible she would go for walks in the hallways of her apartment building walking back and forth over and over again until she was satisfied . Peggy exercised every morning when she woke up . She loved reading the New York Times every morning at breakfast even though she only read the front page . At nights when she got into bed she always said good night sleep tight don’t let the bugs bite and then she laughed . Fly high Peggy Papp .

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