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May 26, 2016

Throughout my life, I have been known to befriend old folks - Grandad, Ba JK, etc.  Sometimes, you find out that these are the freshest people when it comes to knowledge, just general thinking, and positive vibes.  Bambot was definitely one of these standout individuals.

During my first trip to Cameroon, I spent alot of time staying in Njimafor.  It didn't really feel like vacation at times when Grandmom was pressuring Nina, Sema, Buma, Bola, Bisona, and I to do chores.  Bambot's house quickly became a place to hangout and avoid work lol.  It was always fun to run to his place and have him greet you so whole-heartedly. Hearing his laugh was also really entertaining.

When I was a bit older, I took alot of interest in learning our family's history.  I specifically remember spending a day in Njimafor with Bambot.  He talked to me for hours telling me stories about his childhood and our ancestry.  He went out of his way to even write some of the highlights of our dialouge on a paper that I still cherish till this day- almost 9-10 years later.  

In the past few years, I learned that he was getting sick.  I heard about his India checkups.  However, I didn't see any sign of sickness whenever I saw him.  He was still so good-spirited, happy, and full of life.  His laugh was still hilarious and he still greeted all who came to his house so well. 

I'll forever love and admire my grandfather Bambot for all his knowledge and positivity.  He was a really cool guy I can never forget because of the legacy and impact he has left behind.  His kids are easily some of my favorite aunties/uncles because of their warmness in character.  So, I'll definitely still hang out at his place for good laughs because that's the mood he has set there to stay.

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