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June 15
June 15
Missing you Opa. Peter and I wish you were here to share in our journey on the boat. We feel your presence though. We know you would have loved it and we now understand why you liked cats so much! Happy birthday, Opa! Love lives forever!
August 1, 2022
August 1, 2022
Happy Birthday St Peter!! Miss you and Stephan tons. Cant wait to laugh and dance with you behind the gates of pearl. Always in my heart often in my thoughts. De Colores!
June 15, 2022
June 15, 2022
Happy birthday in Heaven, Opa! I love and miss you every day!
Love, Toni
April 6, 2022
April 6, 2022
I recently found Peter's book "Painted Lady" and have enjoyed reading it. Please know that although he's not with us anymore, his amazing stories live on, and continue to provide enjoyment. I wish I had found Peter before he passed, to tell him how much I appreciate his talent, but he already knows. I look forward to helping keep his memory alive through reading his other books. 
January 18, 2022
January 18, 2022
Today I have lost two friends and brother Cursiestas. In receiving the information about the passing of Stephan Abresch I stumbled on this memorial site for his dad, St. Peter, as I referred to him.

Peter you've been gone since August and I didn't even know it. I wondered why the poems had stopped and now I know! Double whammy to my heart.  You last post that I received April 26, 2021:

"Anchor Watch"
     I stand alone on deck,
     the universe my ceiling,
     while in the deepening of night
     house lights wink out ashore
     until only God and I remain,
     our shipmates' safety in our hands.
     But all time is God's watch,
     all the world His shipmates,
     He is the masthead light,
     Guardian of the night,
     and when my watch is over,
     my hope against the rocky shore.
          Peter E. Abresch
          October, 2004

Good night St Peter! Your words will be part of my life songs. God love you!
September 25, 2021
September 25, 2021
I am also a member of the writes/friends group that Margaret Blair mentioned, so had the privilege of knowing Peter. But I also edited his last novel, so was in touch with him much more often last year. And he was so much fun to work with. I have to add, too, that although I knew he had a wonderful, loving family, and took great care of his wife, I had know idea of the amazing life he had led for all those years! We will miss him greatly.
September 23, 2021
September 23, 2021
Some of us knew Peter as members of the Washington Independent Writers (WIW). Long after the organization disbanded, a group of us continued to meet periodically and support each other as writers and friends. Peter always enlivened our brunches and lunches with his quirky sense of humor and fun. He was generous with his advice to us as a writer mentor, especially for those of us who who were writing fiction. He wrote a book entitled Easy Reading Writing, still in print, chock-full of suggestions on how to make your prose sing, your plots soar, and your characters spring from the page. His James (aka Jim) Dandy mystery novels always embodied that spirit of fun and adventure as well as Peter did in his life. He will be greatly missed by his writer friends.  
September 2, 2021
September 2, 2021
Pete was a very special person. My husband Ray and myself were very blessed to have known him and his family. Ray and Pete may not have seen eye to eye sometimes but I know Ray respected Pete very much. I send the love of my family, especially Kathy who lived in Calvert for some time in the past. I miss all my friends at St. John and you will be in my prayers at this time of sorrow.

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