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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Prabhjot Kaur. We will remember her forever.
October 25, 2020
October 25, 2020
Prabhjot was very sweet. I remember she was one of my first friend in college. We both have same Ge subject ( punjabi)..and I was too lazy to attend Ge classes so she always helped me with the notes. One time our punjabi teacher got offended by the whole class that some of the students disrespected her.. and told Prabhjot about it.. and even though I wasn't there .. she defended me behind my back .. saying that Amrita was not present at that time.. she didn't disrespect you and clarify the misunderstanding and because of this incident I was very touched. Also teachers only send her notes because of her medical condition..but still she used to share those notes with me. She was really a true friend. Her memories will always stay in my heart. ❤️
October 23, 2020
October 23, 2020
How is it that i never saw your wings
When you were here with me?
When you closedyour eyes and soared to heavens i could hear the faint flutter of your wings as you left.
Your body no longer on this side.
Your spirit here eternally i see your halo shine.
I close my eyes and see the multi-colored wings surround me in my saddest moments and happiest times.
Sister my angel god has given you your assignment always my sister forever my angel.
You fly into my dreams and when I asleep
I feel your wings wiping away the tears I shed since I can no longer hold you in my arms but in my heart.
You earned those wings, dear sister and you will always be my angel eternal.

When I got the news in the morning about my sister's depart to heaven I couldn't believe my ears, even after seeing her lifeless infront of my eyes, even after her funeral I couldn't believe. I thought it must be a nightmare, every time i fall asleep i sleep with a hope that this nightmare might come to an end someday but it never happened, today even after 41 days after her death i still feel she is some where near and I believe she will never leave me alone. I know she is always there with me when I start my day and she is always there with me when I end my day. People never die there memories are forever in our hearts. I miss my angel, I miss her every single day. I wish we had more time together, to create memories.
October 23, 2020
October 23, 2020
It was a sad and shocking day the day I got to know about Prabhjot’s passing. I read the message sometime in the evening and it didn’t feel real. I couldn’t process it then, it just didn’t feel real. I switched off my phone and took deep breaths to calm myself down because I couldn’t understand what I was feeling. I went to my mom and gave her the news, I guess that was the moment it started to feel a little real; the moment it came out from my head to the realness of reality. My mom and I didn’t speak to each for a long time. We were both processing it in our own ways. Prabhjot was one of my first friends in college. I still remember I was so scared of entering this new era of my life, so scared that I won’t have any friends that when I entered the class I sat in the front just to block everyone out. But no one other than Prabhjot was sitting in front of me and her energy was so calm and beautiful that it urged me to take the first step towards our friendship. I won’t deny the fact that the first time I saw Prabhjot, I thought she was a teacher’s child, but when I talked to her, her physical body was overpowered by her steely will and her strong character. She was a like a child in so many ways, full of curiosity and innocence and I think that was one of the reasons we became fast friends. She never judged anyone and accepted them for who they were, just like she wanted others to do that for her. She quickly became someone I was protective over and I started to see her as my little sister.

We had our share of fights, mostly because I was worried that she was depending too much on people and life after college would become hard for her, but we always settled them in the end. I can’t even begin to imagine how hard it must’ve been for her to attend college while dealing with so many ailments and I feel sad that our friendship thinned out during the last year since she wasn’t able to attend college too much. We mostly talked on whatsapp, clearing her doubts and helping her with class notes but I wished we talked more about ourselves.

I hope that she is happy and healthy wherever she is now and that all pain and discomfort has left her. She definitely left us too soon but I hope she knows that she’ll be in our hearts forever. My condolences to her and her family. I wish that they get all the strength and compassion they need to process this tragedy.

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October 25, 2020
October 25, 2020
Prabhjot was very sweet. I remember she was one of my first friend in college. We both have same Ge subject ( punjabi)..and I was too lazy to attend Ge classes so she always helped me with the notes. One time our punjabi teacher got offended by the whole class that some of the students disrespected her.. and told Prabhjot about it.. and even though I wasn't there .. she defended me behind my back .. saying that Amrita was not present at that time.. she didn't disrespect you and clarify the misunderstanding and because of this incident I was very touched. Also teachers only send her notes because of her medical condition..but still she used to share those notes with me. She was really a true friend. Her memories will always stay in my heart. ❤️
October 23, 2020
October 23, 2020
How is it that i never saw your wings
When you were here with me?
When you closedyour eyes and soared to heavens i could hear the faint flutter of your wings as you left.
Your body no longer on this side.
Your spirit here eternally i see your halo shine.
I close my eyes and see the multi-colored wings surround me in my saddest moments and happiest times.
Sister my angel god has given you your assignment always my sister forever my angel.
You fly into my dreams and when I asleep
I feel your wings wiping away the tears I shed since I can no longer hold you in my arms but in my heart.
You earned those wings, dear sister and you will always be my angel eternal.

When I got the news in the morning about my sister's depart to heaven I couldn't believe my ears, even after seeing her lifeless infront of my eyes, even after her funeral I couldn't believe. I thought it must be a nightmare, every time i fall asleep i sleep with a hope that this nightmare might come to an end someday but it never happened, today even after 41 days after her death i still feel she is some where near and I believe she will never leave me alone. I know she is always there with me when I start my day and she is always there with me when I end my day. People never die there memories are forever in our hearts. I miss my angel, I miss her every single day. I wish we had more time together, to create memories.
October 23, 2020
October 23, 2020
It was a sad and shocking day the day I got to know about Prabhjot’s passing. I read the message sometime in the evening and it didn’t feel real. I couldn’t process it then, it just didn’t feel real. I switched off my phone and took deep breaths to calm myself down because I couldn’t understand what I was feeling. I went to my mom and gave her the news, I guess that was the moment it started to feel a little real; the moment it came out from my head to the realness of reality. My mom and I didn’t speak to each for a long time. We were both processing it in our own ways. Prabhjot was one of my first friends in college. I still remember I was so scared of entering this new era of my life, so scared that I won’t have any friends that when I entered the class I sat in the front just to block everyone out. But no one other than Prabhjot was sitting in front of me and her energy was so calm and beautiful that it urged me to take the first step towards our friendship. I won’t deny the fact that the first time I saw Prabhjot, I thought she was a teacher’s child, but when I talked to her, her physical body was overpowered by her steely will and her strong character. She was a like a child in so many ways, full of curiosity and innocence and I think that was one of the reasons we became fast friends. She never judged anyone and accepted them for who they were, just like she wanted others to do that for her. She quickly became someone I was protective over and I started to see her as my little sister.

We had our share of fights, mostly because I was worried that she was depending too much on people and life after college would become hard for her, but we always settled them in the end. I can’t even begin to imagine how hard it must’ve been for her to attend college while dealing with so many ailments and I feel sad that our friendship thinned out during the last year since she wasn’t able to attend college too much. We mostly talked on whatsapp, clearing her doubts and helping her with class notes but I wished we talked more about ourselves.

I hope that she is happy and healthy wherever she is now and that all pain and discomfort has left her. She definitely left us too soon but I hope she knows that she’ll be in our hearts forever. My condolences to her and her family. I wish that they get all the strength and compassion they need to process this tragedy.
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An attempt to process the loss

October 26, 2020

I had pre-planned so many things for me to express here, yet, when now the time has come for me to finally do the same, words are fleeting.
These words only abandoned me the day I got to know about you. These words are abandoning me today as well. I have been gulping my emotions. It took me a lot of time to come in terms with what one unanticipated text about you on our class group did to me. Coming here and writing this tells me that I am still a long way from coming to  terms. I have been thinking about you a lot Prabhjyot. Every night. I had been juggling to find time yet everything came to a standstill when I heard about you. Nothing really mattered post that.
I knew you only as a classmate. Our interaction had been very limited. Yet the fact that we saw each other a week before you passed away, the fact that you texted me few days before you passed away, the fact that I spoke to your mom just a few days before, has wriggled my heart. I am experiencing a loss that has numbed my ability to articulate. A part of you exists somewhere inside my heart now, and so, I hope my feelings are reaching you because my words are unable to make justice to my feelings.
Wherever you are, I hope you are free of all the pain, I hope you are in peace. I hope our love and prayers have reached you.  
You're missed.

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