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October 27, 2022
October 27, 2022
Happy Heavenly Bday P-You will always have a special place in our heart. We miss you coming over to eat and washing your meal down with milk. Memories we treasure.

Deandre & Tonya (Deandre's Mom)
June 14, 2022
June 14, 2022
P-Can not believe it has been two years. We all miss you very much continue to RIP.
June 14, 2022
June 14, 2022
Miss you more than words can say. You never leave my mind or heart. I tell you my new events - I know you’re with us. I feel you with me all the time. I love you. Mommy
June 14, 2022
June 14, 2022
It's been 2 years and still your smile is remembered as if I saw you yesterday. I pray you're at peace while watching over your firends and family. Not a day goes by that you aren't thought about or missed by the people that know you and love you. Rest easy and peacefully.
October 27, 2021
October 27, 2021
Happy Birthday love! I miss your laugh and thoughtfulness the most. I reflect on the many conversations we had and I just wish we had more time together. You’re truly missed! Continue to rest peacefully.
October 27, 2021
October 27, 2021
Happy BIrthday Priscilla....We all miss you. Your laugh, your stories, your big smile. Hope you making them smile up there. Happy Bday
October 7, 2020
October 7, 2020
Priscilla Gay Benner was born on October 27, 1993, to Christopher and Laura Benner at Alexandria Hospital in Alexandria, VA.

Priscilla gave birth to a wonderful and loving son Sean Benner on September 25, 2008. Priscilla loved Sean with all of her being and always wanted to snuggle with him. Priscilla enjoyed spending time with Sean and often spoke of her love for him.

Pricilla lived life to the fullest. She enjoyed Disney, Tim Burton, tattoos, music, and being with friends. She was viverant, full of life, and alway lit up every room she entered. Priscilla could go at full speed for hours on end, find the beauty in anything, and would laugh all the time. 

In the short time she was with us, Priscilla had a child, bought a home, had a career, and finally fell in love. Like a shooting star, she was very bright, garnered attention, and was gone too quickly.

On June 14, 2020, Priscilla began the next phase of her journey. Priscilla is survived by her Father Christopher Benner, her Mother Laura Stevens, her Brother Erik Benner, her Son Sean Benner, her Aunt Cindy, her Uncle Robbie, numerous Cousins, and her 2 cats Ms. Muffet & Cheeto.
June 21, 2020
June 21, 2020
Priscilla, I first met you at the hotel when you would meet you dad in the morning briefly before going you way. Then you began working at the hotel a while later. From DAY 1, you were so kind and always smiling. I don't recall ever seeing you upset or seeming down. I always will remember your that HUGE smile you always have when saying goodbye when you're heading home. You and I had so many side bar conversations about so many things. I always called you over to watch wild and funny videos posted online. Sometimes you would be afraid to see what was gonna happen and we would just laugh at that. We shared ideas of things to do for our kid/s, and things we could do to better ourselves. I will miss you. I will miss joking with you about sitting in front of the little flag at your desk and telling you it looks like a hostage video with it in the background. So many laughs we had together, it breaks my heart to be writing this. I will always remember you and your smile. I'm sorry I couldn't attend your going away service, but it is quite hard for me to see you off when I expected to see you later. The last day before closing the hotel temporarily, I came back to get some things and you, Eric, and I just talked and talked before leaving and I remember you walking away saying you will miss us, enjoy our little vacation, and we will see each other later. Then you turned back, smiled, and waved. I will miss your beautiful smile, kind heart, funny jokes, and inspiring conversations. You are an angel in heaven now as you were on earth. Keep watch over your family as I know you will. I miss you and will keep your smile in my mind forever. Thank you for everything you have done knowingly and unknowingly for me. You were always so positive and insightful. I know you have the biggest smile amongst the angels up there. Take care Priscilla.
June 19, 2020
June 19, 2020
My Beautiful Priscila
We met at work many years ago and your personality shocked me because you had a spirit and energy that few people have, every day you came to the restaurant to have a coffee, you made everyone happy with your contagious laugh and we always wanted talk to you longer, asking what’s the next design for you amazing nails and always avoiding being seen by the GM
Your beautiful smile will be folded in my heart and in all of us who were lucky to know you forever. 
God give strength to your family for such an early departure, I know that from heaven you will look after to all of them.
Rest In Peace my beautiful friend, I’ll miss you forever
June 18, 2020
June 18, 2020
Priscilla ,

From the very moment we met I instantly felt a connection with you. Your laugh and smile could comfort and uplift anyones mood. I surly could always count on you to brighten my day! So many memories I could sit here and write about. All I can think about is the very last time I saw you. We hugged and shed a few tears as I departed the hotel. We promised to keep in touch and I’m happy we did. We just talked a couple of weeks ago. I’m so sad that I won’t physically see you or hear your voice or laugh again.

We have memories that I’ll always cherish✨ .
You’ll forever be in my mind and heart.

May God grant you mercy and forgiveness &
May God comfort and heal your family during this time!
June 17, 2020
June 17, 2020
You was such a cool person we will forever remember you P our hearts And prayers go out to your family And baby boy . Baker Dawkins cook Family .
June 17, 2020
June 17, 2020
My sweet little Angel can’t believe you’re gone baby girl. We loved you so much sweetie our hearts are truly broken. I will miss you enjoying my dinners with a glass of milk. Baby girl RIP DeAndre & Mom
June 17, 2020
June 17, 2020
My sweetheart Priscilla,
You were one of the kind! You had such a positive energy and a very beautiful soul. I remember when you came at the hotel for the very first time to help us out. You made every stressful moment a positive vibe! Aways with a smile and nice to everybody. We were always talking about our nails and I was so impressed about yours! Every time I had mine done I was always coming to your office to show you my nails so you approve them. So many more memories with us working together. I will miss you my sweet Priscilla
Rest In Peace my sweet angel❤️

June 17, 2020
June 17, 2020
Dear P,
Although I knew you for a short time, I was able to see that you were one of a kind. Your personality, your contagious smile when you walked the lobby and your love for cats <3 are just some of the things I will remember. May you Rest In Peace dear Priscilla.
June 17, 2020
June 17, 2020
Priscilla, I can still hear your laughter. You made work WAY better. I don’t think I will ever meet another soul like yours. You were so easy to get along with, and you were always so witty and charming. You left us way too soon. Watch over us, and know you have left a big hole in our hearts. Our new guardian angel, May you Rest In Peace. We miss you.
June 17, 2020
June 17, 2020
I miss are talks when I got off work at 4 and your awake. thanks for being you <3
June 17, 2020
June 17, 2020
My sweet Pricilla ,
You where one of my favorite coworkers and good friend ,always smiling , cracking a joke or telling me about your next tattoo ideas and having a nail contest that you would always win .. being around you brought me so much joy . Your bubbly personality made it so easy to love you ❤️
You will be forever missed .
Rest easy angel . 
June 17, 2020
June 17, 2020
We love you Priscilla. You will be missed so much. I don’t think you knew how much you meant to those around you. I’m glad you are at peace.
June 17, 2020
June 17, 2020
Priscilla. I love you and will always love you more than you will or could ever know. Baby you are free from all this heartache, free from disappointments, free from any and all the worldly trivials. You were and are my bright and shining star. God how I’m going to miss you. Who’s going to go with me to get our nails done? Who’s going to tell me if my butt looks too big. Who’s going to tell me I’m being too extra - Who?! I need you and am lost without you. Although I am your mother, I still confided in you like a girlfriend - probably too much, really. We were best friends and I thought I had a friend for life. I’m so sorry it was cut short, we will be together again one day. Cause I can’t go wondering through this universe alone. You helped guide and teach me more things in life than most children do for their parents. I feel so honored to have been the mother of such a wonderful and beautiful woman that you were developing into. You had finally gotten on the right track. Maturing and productive. Snuffed away. I am so sorry. Soar my Angel. Watch over your baby boy. You’re still and always will be his momma.

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