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August 24, 2022
August 24, 2022
Pa, It has been 6 years since you left us. I would always miss you. Greetings to uncle Alphonsus, Te Wabo Dzuwa, Pa Mathias Nkwam, Ma Rufina Quiseu, Pa Mathias Wakam, Mami Angela Wakam, Ma Julie, Te Sa and wife, Pa and Ma Tangie, Pa Emma, Bro Nji, Pa Fidelis Tamfor, Pa Confiance, Pa Ndifor, Mami Sabina Totty, Mami Margarate and all our ancestors. May your beautiful soul Rest in Perfect Peace.
August 24, 2022
August 24, 2022
Daddy my heart is still bleeding since you left. I have gone through hell and I am still in Hanging in there with your strength you gave me. How are you doing daddy? I know you are doing fine. I will always love and miss you daddy. STAY BLESSED DADDY.

August 24, 2020
August 24, 2020
By Regina Wambo
Darling Protus, I can't believe that is 4 years since you left this world.
I miss you very much. I miss your driving and arguing with drivers and pedestrains along the commercial avenue big mankon. I am sure you are happy and enjoying eternal rest in heaven.
                                 I WILL ALWAYS LOVE MY DEAR HUSBAND
August 24, 2020
August 24, 2020
Hi Daddy It has been 4yrs since you left us, daddy i have been through hell and back ,still did not make it to heaven where you are., but i know you are not ready to receive me yet that is why u keep protecting and taking care of me. Thanks a lot daddy love you and miss you. RIP DADDY.
August 24, 2020
August 24, 2020
Happy 4th anniversary with the heavenly host. Thanks for watching over us since your physical departure from this earth .
June 29, 2020
June 29, 2020
Daddy continue to rest in the bossom of the Lord.Missing you much much
August 24, 2019
August 24, 2019
It's 3years today that your mouth covered as you always told me it will only when you die. I miss those funny stories you used tell even though then, I would not like to listen. May your gentle Soul rest in peace.
August 24, 2019
August 24, 2019
Pa Wambo, we are still thinking of you and we know you are resting in the Lord's house. May your soul Rest in Perfect Peace.
August 23, 2019
August 23, 2019
Daddy 3yrs already.This particular date 24August every year since u left this world brings back the memory when aunty Pam got that call at exactly 12pm that u are no more daddy I remember our screams it was shocking but at my final thought U have been taken away from this wicket world to rest in Gods Bossom.Daddy continue to Rest but remember Irene u left behind with nothing.Love u Daddy
March 6, 2019
March 6, 2019
Love you dad.
Happy birthday and continue to RIP.
August 24, 2018
August 24, 2018
I will always miss you dear husband. RIp. I believe you are in the presence of the Almighty God praising Him with the Angeles and Saints. Intercede for me and the children untill we meet one day in Heaven .
August 24, 2018
August 24, 2018
Happy anniversary dad.
I can't see you anymore but still feel your spirit around me.RIP DAD.
August 24, 2018
August 24, 2018
Wow Dad i hope you are really resting in your new home. I will never stop dreaming its still like yesterday Daddy since you left us. I hope you are well taking care of. Daddy my heart has never stop bleeding. love and miss u daddy.
                                                     bye daddy
August 23, 2018
August 23, 2018
Tomorrow will make exactly 2 yrs since u left this world and am still hoping for u to locate that my own garri to me as u usually say .I know ure in a better place.Adieu daddy love n miss u
August 23, 2018
August 23, 2018
Daddy still trying to survive without u coz I still have dreams crying God forbid u cannot die now but looking at u
u're smiling at me.That smile shows it is well with me with time.Janice n Janelle says hi.Rest in peace daddy for life
February 27, 2018
February 27, 2018

                                       BYE DADDY
August 25, 2017
August 25, 2017
One year gone by so fast.. and the memories still remain.
Continue Resting in the bosom of the Lord!
August 24, 2017
August 24, 2017
Time sparingly changes how we feel about the loss of a loved one. You are still sorely missed but thought of frequently and fondly. Rest in Peace till we meet again.
August 24, 2017
August 24, 2017
Happy Anniversary much dear husband.I will forever miss you .RIP I know you are in a good place and interceding for me and children.Until we meet in Heaven one day and jointly praise God forever.
August 24, 2017
August 24, 2017
Hey dad
The fact that you are looking healthy and always happy when you visit me in my dreams,tells me you are in a better place.RIP dad and happy anniversary. Love your
November 30, 2016
November 30, 2016
Daddy it has been 3 months since you me , i hope where ever you are , you are happy and well taking care of.i will always miss you and love daddy.

Bye Daddy
September 20, 2016
September 20, 2016
21 years ago when you saw me for the 1st time as a family friend, you asked about my dad which i said had died a year before. You said to me: ur father didn't die because Iam one. Daddy you seriously became one to me as you always adviced me, treated me as ur own son. Your home became my second home. Daddy I will never forget this you always told me about life:
Oh my God tears can't stop running down my eyes since I got the sad news. This time around, I don't have a father anymore...
Farewell daddy, I will always miss you
September 20, 2016
September 20, 2016
When i saw Irene's post that u were no more i felt so bad & wept.Pa i had the chance to meet the great icon u were some yrs back through Irene a good friend back in CPC Bali where she took me home and on the few occassions of meeting u,you were such a humble ,kind, a man of few words & wisdom.
Today i give u flowers cuz u are a blessed man,uve lived and still leaving on.RIP Pa Wambo stil we meet again.
September 18, 2016
September 18, 2016
The year 2016 has been a very rough one for the family as it has not only rained but poured. Pa Wambo, on August 24th, the curtain fell and you were called by the Lord to come home. It was a call we did not like and a call you could not refuse. You could not refuse because as a soldier you were trained to give and obeyed commands. You could not refuse because you were ready to go as a good follower of Christ. We took it hard but the Lord had given his command.

Your departure came at a criitical time in the family when your presence would have made a huge impact but God knows best.

I have reflected on the good times we had particularly when I was in class one at Presbyterian Boys School, Down Beach, Victoria. I spotted a Gendarmerie Land Rover and instinctively knew it was you. I walked to it and waited for you to come out of the hardware store. I greeted you and you gave me some money. Though little, it was a lot for a child that age as I enjoyed my puff puff and beans that day. I want you to know that I would always cherish that particular act of kindness and all others.

You encouraged me to go to EMIA (Ecole Militaire Interames) years ago and I still remember you telling me to call you if I made up my mind to join the military. As you were already aware, I did not have Pa Mathias Wakam's blessing. So we could not pursue that dream together. But I thank you for seeing the soldier in me back then when some could not even imagine seeing me in combat gear.

I regret not learning from you how to work on cars. In retrospect, I would have been happy possessing just about half your knowledge on cars as I would have been considered a mechanic's mechanic in today's world. As far as troubleshooting techniques are concerned, you were in a class by yourself. I pray that somehow in the family, there is or would be a Joshua to carry on your mechanical legacy.

Pa Wambo, I would miss you. I would continue to pray for you and I know full well that you are watching. You are not dead as you have merely gone upstairs where the Glory of the Lord has been revealed to you. Please greet Te Wabo, Pa Mathias Wakam, mami Angela, uncle Alphonsus, Pa Mathias Kwam, mami Rufina, Col. Fomuso, bro Nouebi, Pa and Ma Tangie, Pa and Ma Ngu, Pa Tacheukam Edward and mami Anna, Pa Fidelis Tamfor, Pa Boniface Kamgaing and all that you meet until we meet again.
September 18, 2016
September 18, 2016
Those we love can never be more than a thought apart for as long as there is memory they'll live on in our heart.
Daddy Wambo was a very caring, loving and wonderful father to his children and everyone. He was the special kind of daddy who was soo much involved in his children's lives.
I cannot fail to mention I will miss all his funny and interesting stories and jokes. I will miss asking my friend and sister Elisabeth, how is daddy doing today and his health?
Pa was always ready to advice everybody as a father should.
We thank God for your life Daddy Wambo.You were a great man of peace and love and I pray that your peace and love remains in the family forever.
May God in his infinite mercy grant you eternal rest. R.I.P.
September 16, 2016
September 16, 2016
Daddy why did you have to go now? You were rushed to the hospital on several occasions and everyone thought you won't make BUT you always bounced back . Thank you very much for holding on to meet and bless us before your transition. Thank you for raising us to this stardard.

If there was ANYTHING I inadvertently neglected doing to prolong your stay on this earth during your time with us in CANADA, PLEASE forgive me.
The DEVIL is a liar . You will guide and protect us with angelic advise through this difficult moment . I know you appreciate everything anybody did to support you during your last days on earth . Your kindness and generosity knew no bounds.

You really fought a good fight........and transitioned a happy man .
Go well daddy . Your mission here had come to an end .
My heart is bleeding but I will be eternally thankful that true to your unique style, you orchestrated one ultimate earthly bonding opportunity which will be forever engraved in my mind.
Will always Love you to the moon and back.
September 15, 2016
September 15, 2016
Daddy u were a dad most children will always wish to have.Giving advice to all at home including friends who came visiting.Man of discussion and has one 'insult' we will always remember u with "BIG DIRTY" and we will laugh wondering what kind of insult.Daddy u will always remain green forever in our hearts.RIP
September 15, 2016
September 15, 2016
Daddy you fought a good fight and you won your battle, even though my heart and my whole body is bleeding. Daddy you left me with some on answered questions why? Well I will always love and miss you.
September 15, 2016
September 15, 2016
You will forever be missed dad.I know you are an angel resting in the hands of the lord.
With love and pain in my heart..
September 14, 2016
September 14, 2016
We thought of you with love today,
But that is nothing new.
We thought about you yesterday.
And days before that too.
We think of you in silence.
We often speak your name.
Now all we have are memories.
And your picture in a frame.
Your memory is our keepsake.
With which we'll never part.
God has you in his keeping.
We have you in our heart.

Adieu Daddy
September 14, 2016
September 14, 2016

It is a trite but true observation that a prophet is hardly ever accepted within his immediate milieu. However, when this same milieu's comments and observations are almost exclusively punctuated with positivity, during and after his time here with us, I can most certainly conclude that the man was a great man.
  I had the singular privilege of hosting my beloved father in law, Pa Protus Nkwam Wambo as late as last year. I met a man who selflessly accepted me as his own son and treated me thus. He would repudiate my every wrong doing and laud my every positive move almost immediately.
  Pa, as I came to know him possessed this unquenchable thirst to help everyone around him. Pa could lecture on almost every subject I brought up. I found this really amazing, since he was already ailing in health. In my day-dreaming stupor I would wonder how smart this man had been in his younger days.
  Pa was par excellence the embodiment of the idea of a solid family unit. The togetherness his kids display are a true testament thereof. I would solemnly declare that this has significantly shaped the way I've decided to raise my own family. From thousands of miles away, Pa would feel a telepathic message if any of his kids were in distress and would worry till he was satisfied he had acted in a manner that would alleviate such distress.
  Pa, fare thee well. We, your children and grand children will forever mourn you for you were such an inspiration. We know you watch over us.
Pryde ACHA (son in law).
September 12, 2016
September 12, 2016
By Bernard Tinsley (Tobias & Fabian's dad):
I come before you today to tell you a little bit about Mr Wambo, in my eyes he was an interesting man who like to talk about his homeland of Africa . The wonderful cities and beautiful places to visit . Mr Wambo Gave ME 2 ORIGINAL NATIVE OUTFITS from his home of Cameroon both of which I wore with pride and honor.
He was a good listener who would sit and hear whatever you had to say and then & only then, would he make very careful comments on the subjects that was being talked about .
Mr Protus Wambo was a very observant man , that took in his surroundings before articulating on any subject . I enjoyed my time with Mr Wambo. I pray that he is home in the bossom of God and that he shall know nothing but PEACE and heartfelt happiness as he looks down on earth & watches over his wife ,children and grand children .
"So I say unto you "Mr Protus Nkwam Wambo" may you flourish with the Heavenly Father and know nothing but peace and I pray that you guide your family in the ways of righteousness, until all of you meet again.
Yours Truly
A friend forever
September 12, 2016
September 12, 2016
Farewell to my Love
In 1967, I met a remarkable young man who was intelligent, knowledgeable, confident, eloquent and charming. His name was Protus Wambo. He became the love of my life and one of the best gifts God gave me. It was the Lord who brought us together and He preserved our union till the end.
Oh, I knew what I had! I knew I had a husband who had chalked such immense success that people the world over admired him. I also knew that I was in a position many women coveted. It was a privilege to be a part of his life. The children and I were so proud of his many accomplishments and we basked in the global recognition he received.
Indeed, Pro was a good and loving husband and companion to me and a wonderful father to our children. He was such a great presence in our lives and my heart aches for my loss. Lost many things: time of quarreling with my love “E” as my peer and I usually called our husbands; the voice “Regi, or Mami do not ach your head, I will handle the problem; the time you will run after me with fuel for the car …………, I have lost a fantastic and devoted husband.
Even in his sick bed Pa was still there for us and on the 23rd of August 2016 he shared his food with us and said “Mami you and the children will never be hungry.” Little did I know I will never hear the voice Mami anymore? Wednesday 24th August 2016 was a completely different day for me. A day I could shut the world out and have Pro for myself. But now that day marks the beginning of a painful and aching void that I still cannot come to terms with. How can my love be gone? How can he be forever silent?
And yet that morning when I woke up, my prayer was this: I will trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding. In all my ways I acknowledge Him and He will direct my paths. Lord, I commit my husband and my children into Your hands this day.
So now I lift up my eyes to the hills? Where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let my foot slip, He who watches over me will neither slumber nor sleep. The Lord is my shade at my right hand; the sun will not smite me by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord will keep my children and I from harm, the Lord will watch over o ur lives, our coming and going, both now and forevermore.
Pa was very generous and kind-hearted. Pro and I were meant to be together and I am so thankful that we met. I will never forget all of the wonderful times that we spent together. He was always there when I needed him and I knew I could count on him. Pro. was the most supportive and loving husband and father, my family and I will miss him so much. His memory will live on in our hearts for as long as we live. Pro, you were the best husband anyone could have asked for and I love you so much.
Pro, I will miss your voice. I will miss that well of wisdom and knowledge that the children and I continually drew on. I will miss all the jokes,
Thank you for all you did to make the world a better place for us. We love you and miss you terribly. My only consolation now is that you are with the Lord. Till we meet again,
Pro, my love, rest in perfect peace.

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