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Share a special moment from RALPH's life.

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Happy Birthday Gramps

August 23, 2018

The Williams wanted to wish you a happy birthday. We love and miss you dearly. I wish I could just call or come and see you and ask for your advice about IRA'S you were so smart and always helpful. I think you'd be proud of all of us. I know your still here in spirit. Love you Grandpa

Loyal Son

April 1, 2017

When Ralph was little, he blackmailed his mother into buying him ice cream. She has having her son who did not have a drivers license drive her to the doctor. Ralph told her if she didn't buy him an ice cream, he was going to tell the police officer they passed. She bought him the ice cream then spanked him that night.

Beach Party Vacation Village

April 1, 2017

Uncle Tom and Ralph used to sneak the family into a pool to have extra swim time.

Uncle Tom strikes again

April 1, 2017

Uncle Tom, Ralphs brother worked for the police department. Uncle Tom had a police officer come to the house to talk to Ralph. The officer describes a vehicle they are seeking that was in a crime. He is describing Uncle Toms car. Uncle Tom was hiding next to the house, laughling like crazy, listening to see if Ralph would squeal on Uncle Tom which he did.

Ralph and Uncle Tom

April 1, 2017

One of his favorite mexican restaurants was Nadi. Tom didn't tell Ralph how hot the hot sauce was. Ralph used it and his mouth was on fire. Tom was the jokster of the family.

Roller Skating

April 1, 2017

Ralph loved to take his daughters roller skating. He was a good roller skater.


April 1, 2017

Terry and Linda got bicycles for Christmas. He was up all night on Christmas Eve putting the bikes together. He accidently put Lindas wheels on backwards.

Garage Sale Oops

April 1, 2017

Ralph went to a garage sale. They accidently left Gloria. They quickly realized their mistake and went back for her.

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