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sharing family time

September 2, 2012

Just  having us all together was somewhat difficult as we got older and it was nice to just to be in on e place and share laughter  and catch up......since this pic was taken alot of changes took place...but strength is through family no matter the distance....

before we knew

September 2, 2012

This pic was taken years before we knew there was ALS. eventhoughhere he looks more like "dad" how I will remember him....jolly and full of life and well that about sums it up.

fading away

September 2, 2012

This pic is the summer before he passed away he tried to get out to spend time with the lil ones...and you could see how much he loved them...but they didnt realize what was happening to them and in a few months he would be gone....he too was dissapearing before our eyes because of the ALS slowly taking him from us....he put up a valient fight and all I can say is RIP daddy...

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