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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Raymond Melius, 84 years old, born on October 26, 1932, and passed away on March 27, 2017. We will remember him forever.
March 27, 2023
March 27, 2023
Well Dad you have been gone for 6 years oh where has time gone. so much has happened. kids graduated, kids born and girls got engaged. wedding happened life goes on with out you. all the holidays we still think of you and what you would like us to do. miss you and all the phone calls we had. Love you ! March 27,2023
April 22, 2017
April 22, 2017
Dad I miss you ! I know you are with mom in heaven and makes my heart happy. you have waited years to be with her. so enjoy your life in heaven tell I meet with you again. love you ! Audrey

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March 27, 2023
March 27, 2023
Well Dad you have been gone for 6 years oh where has time gone. so much has happened. kids graduated, kids born and girls got engaged. wedding happened life goes on with out you. all the holidays we still think of you and what you would like us to do. miss you and all the phone calls we had. Love you ! March 27,2023
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April 26, 2017

Dad missing you so much. I wish i could pick up the phone and call you. I wanted to tell you things and i cant. I miss telling you what im watching on tv or what im doing. Or who i talked to or what i bought.  Wish you were here but i know the lord has other plans for you. And they didnt include me being with you right now.Just want you to know i love you. I wish i wouldve told you more . I miss you.

Celebration of life

April 22, 2017

This was at Hustontown Fire Hall. Celebrating Life with his sister and brother. As his sister Judy was having health problems. Many people gathered and had a party to tell her how much we loved her before she passed away in November 2016.

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