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December 30, 2023
December 30, 2023
My sweet, funny, loving husband and father and grandfather, you were everything to me. I miss you so much. Thinking of you on your birthday and always. Till we are together again, know how much I love you and wish you were here with me. Hugs and kisses. Love, from your wife.
September 11, 2022
September 11, 2022
I wish that we had more time here in the physical. I miss us so much. You were the love of my life. I know you are watching over us. We were so lucky to have the love we had. I think of you every day and talk to you. You know what we meant to each other. Our love will stay for eternity in the physical and in the afterlife. We will be reunited and never parted again. My wonderful husband, I love you for all eternity.
September 11, 2022
September 11, 2022
It has been 11 years since you left this world dad, but it feels like yesterday. We all love and miss you so much! I know you are making everyone laugh in Heaven, and until we see each other again, may you rest in paradise!!
September 12, 2021
September 12, 2021
Dad, it has been 10 years since you left this world. There is not a day that goes by that we don't think of you and miss you terribly. Until we reunite again one day, may you continue to look over us and rest in paradise. Love you dad, now and forever!!
September 11, 2021
September 11, 2021
You are still and always will be my love. We will reunite when it’s my time and we will spend eternity together. I love you for evermore.
September 11, 2020
September 11, 2020
Hey Gay Ray hope you and Tony are having one hell of a time! Miss you guys! Xxxooo
September 11, 2020
September 11, 2020
I just am so grateful that God placed us together to share our love with our kids and grandkids. I love you as much today as when we first met. You know I miss your arms holding me and the comfort you gave me. I will just have to wait till my time to be with you. 9 years ago my heart stopped beating when yours did. Love you always and forever. Please stay close and keep giving me signs to carry me thru. 
December 31, 2017
December 31, 2017
I cannot believe that you left 6 years ago and here I have to be without you. Happy Birthday, my love. You will always be my one and only love and soulmate. Please stay close to us. I love you always.
December 30, 2017
December 30, 2017
Dad, today you would have turned 74 years old. There is not a day that goes by that I don't think of you and miss you greatly. We all love you so much and thank you for sending us your new granddaughter Anessa. I know you were with her on the other side before she came into this world. We love her so much and know you are around her everyday. Happy birthday dad, and I hope you are enjoying your special day today in Heaven.
September 11, 2017
September 11, 2017
Dad, today would have been 6 years since you left this world. We think of you all the time, and talk to you every day. Life is just not the same without you here, but just know that we miss and love you so much. I know we will see each other again one day, but until then, keep the signs coming and rest in paradise.
December 30, 2016
December 30, 2016
Happy Birthday dad!! I love and miss you so much and hope you enjoy your special day in Heaven with all your family and friends who are there with you. I wish we could have celebrated it with you here, but one day we will see each other again and have many celebrations to enjoy together once more.
December 30, 2016
December 30, 2016
Soon to be 4 years since I met your Wife, wish it was under a different circumstances. There hasn't been one day your name hasn't come up in our conversation. I wish I had the pleasure have met you in person, how ever it seems like I known you from your wonderful Family all ready.Wishing you a Heavenly Happy Birthday RAY.
December 30, 2016
December 30, 2016
A New Year dawns
An old year ends,
But my heart aches
And time can't mend

The hurt and pain
I feel inside
It's never left me
Since you died

But life goes on
It's hard to do,
So in your memory
I smile for you

For in my hand
I keep a list
Of the times we laughed
and the times we kissed

So each new day
I'll read aloud,
the memories
that make me proud
of all the love and
hope we knew
the special moments
deep and true

So, this is New Year,
I'll carry on,
for in my heart,
you have not gone

Because our love
lives in my heart,
It's proof to me,
we're not apart. 

Happy New Year and Happy Birthday dear husband of mine! This is my message to you in Heaven. You will forever be a part of me. May God keep you in his Grace till we are together again.
September 12, 2016
September 12, 2016
Hey grandpa, just wanted to say that I love you and miss you so much. Still feels like yesterday when we got the news, and it still breaks my heart to this day. I know you're always here because you've been there when I needed you the most, for all of us. Everytime I see a humming bird I know you're stopping by to check up on me, and it makes me so happy. You're always in our hearts grandpa, forever.
September 11, 2016
September 11, 2016
Today is the 5 year anniversary of when my dad left this world. That day was the worst day of my life. You were such a huge part of our family, and your absence has left a large void that will never be filled. We all miss your funny jokes and how you would love to play with your grandchildren. I love and miss you so much dad, but I know you are in an amazing place now. Until we are reunited again, may you rest in paradise.
September 11, 2016
September 11, 2016
I think of all our memories, our children, grandchildren and our love. We had everything we ever wanted and needed. Our children were conceived with our love that we shared. I miss everything about you. You will wait for me there where some day I will join you in eternity. My love you are my heart and soul. No one can ever take away you from me. I love you and will always love you from the beginning till we are joined in the afterlife. Thinking of you on this, your 5th anniversary. How much I miss you, I believe you already know. RIP my love.
December 30, 2015
December 30, 2015
My husband Ray, again another birthday without you. Someday we will be together again. Until then, know how much I love you and always will. I am missing you and your love. You were my everything and nothing brings me as much happiness as you did. I love the family we made together out of our love. You are my soulmate as you once told me and no one can take that away from us. Happy Birthday hon.
September 14, 2015
September 14, 2015
How can time keep going when I miss you so so much. I am so lonely without you. We were not meant to be apart. You are my heart and you and I were connected by our souls. I know you are with us, but I am longing to hold you again. You know how much we all love you and wish we had you back again. This is the circle of life and we will be eternally together in the afterlife.  What a glorious reunion that will be Love you always. Your wife, Norma
December 30, 2014
December 30, 2014
My husband, I miss you more and more each day. Today is your birthday and we can only celebrate in spirit. I know your watching over us and you know that we know it is your birthday. I wish I could hold you and just feel you again. Hope your having a birthday cake and a party with your siblings and mom and dad. Say hi to them for me. Will you still love me tomorrow? Yes, we did love as long as we could. I think of you every day and we will be together again with God. Hugs, and love always and thru eternity. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
August 6, 2013
August 6, 2013
To my friend Norma. We have been friends for over 40 plus years, in all that time there was not one without the other. Ray was always by your side. I can not imagine your pain, I pray for you to be able to go on with out the love of your life right by your side. You are so blessed to have had all those years with your crazy husband who everyone loved. and love, He is forever in my heart.
July 24, 2013
July 24, 2013
Gay Ray, no words can express the hole you have in left in so many hearts, your family especially but many many others that you probably had no idea of your impact on their lives. We miss you at all the family gatherings, especially Father's Day. Keep those messages coming cuz I love hearing about them, every time I look at clock and it's 911 I always say hi to you, hope you hear me. Xx
July 24, 2013
July 24, 2013
Thank you for giving me my best friend, Becky. You always treated me like a "daughter" and the kind, sweet, funny, sporty, talented and supportive legacy you leave continues to live on in your family. Your family is a tribute to all the time you and Norma spent nurturing and supporting them. It feels surreal that you are gone and it saddens me. Love ya!
July 24, 2013
July 24, 2013
Oh Grandpa, not a day goes by or a moment that I don't think about or miss you. You made a place in everyones hearts, and it was just so amazing to see how even people who had just met you would instantly adore you. I miss your crazy jokes, and holidays just haven't been the same without you. Also, thank you for the signs...they really do give us some peace of mind. Love you always <3
July 24, 2013
July 24, 2013
To my one and only Uncle. Thank you for making me laugh and being a part of my life. You got me my first job and cared for me during the tough times of my life; my moms death and my fathers accident. Thank you for loving my aunt and caring for my grandmother. You were a gift.
July 23, 2013
July 23, 2013
My husband of 41 years and my love, partner, soulmate and father of my children and beloved grandfather to Brianna, Christina, Cassidy and Remy passed away suddenly on 9/11/11 from a brain aneurysm. Each day I find is hard to go on, but that is what he wanted me to do. I am trying hard but need the help of my friends and family. He was the most loving, kind and funny person. Love him.
July 23, 2013
July 23, 2013
To my dad, the most loving, caring, thoughtful, funny man that I have ever known. You will never be forgotten and I know you are still with us in spirit. I miss you so much, but I know we will be reunited again one day. Please keep the signs coming, and know that we think of you everyday! Love you dad, always and forever!!
July 23, 2013
July 23, 2013
Ray you are greatly missed by those whose lives you touched. even though our friendship was cut short, you brought a lot of joy and laughter to Olivia's and my life.
July 23, 2013
July 23, 2013
to a kind, loving, compassionate man. we miss you

barb and jack
July 23, 2013
July 23, 2013
I miss you my love. You were everything I ever wanted or needed. I know we will be together again some day. We were soulmates and loved each other deeply. Each day without you is torture. Thank you for giving me our children and grandchildren. We miss you always and know you are with us.

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