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Sweet Mother Anddy

March 5, 2021
Anddy as we fondly call you, your death was emotionally traumatic to me as I watched you go slowly. I cannot question God. I know that you are resting in the bosom of the Lord. You lived a good life, you were kind hearted. You do not host people with just drinks but you alwaysforce people to eat and this is why you are loved by all. My sweet mother, I love you but your creator loves you more and has approved your coming home. Rest in peace Anddy.
Good night! Good night!! Good night!!!

Be courageous

March 5, 2021
The last time I had a proper conversation with Mama was the 29th of November 2020. She would usually end her calls by saying "I love you" but this time she said "be courageous". Little did I know how much courage I would need in the coming months. 

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