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This memorial website was created in memory of our beloved son, Ricardo Padin-Chiha, 2 and a half, born on June 19, 2014, and passed away on February 27, 2017. You were taken away from us too early, Mommy and Daddy will love you for the rest of our lives and beyond sweet baby boy. We will all remember him forever.

My Son
It broke my heart to lose you, 
But you did not go alone
A part of me went with you 
The day God called you home. 
A million times I've thought of you
A million times I've cried,
If loving you could have saved you
You would have never died
Forgive me Lord, I'll always weep
For my son I loved so much 
But yet I could not keep

Sweet Dreams My Angel

   Little Richie (Ricardo Antonio Padin-Chiha) was born on June 19th, 2014 to Rubi Rodriguez-Jaimes and Ricardo Padin at the UNC Children’s Hospital. We knew Little Richie was going to have major heart complications beforehand. His original condition was d-transposition of the great arteries, pulmonary atresia, heterotaxy, dextrocardia, and total anomalous pulmonary veins. After his first surgery, Richie came home to us and we enjoyed a relatively normal few months. Eventually, Little Richie had to go back for another open-heart surgery where he received a bidirectional Glenn procedure. When Little Richie came home to us, we could tell things were not the same. Out of fear that he would not make it, I reached out to the doctors of Bostin Children’s Hospital for a second opinion. Our doctor’s at UNC eventually agreed with us after determining that there was dextrocardia with ventricular inversion. There were also relatively small pulmonary arteries, a complete Atrioventricular canal with a large inlet ventricular septal defect and the aorta appearing to arise off the right ventricle. We were able to have him medically flown through a snowstorm to Boston Children’s Hospital to undergo emergency heart surgery. Dr. Baird did an amazing job and was able to save his life. While at the Boston’s Children’s hospital, we were told Little Richie had pulmonary vein stenosis disease, a rare and serious condition in which there is an obstruction (blockage) in the blood vessels that bring oxygen-rich blood from the lungs back to the heart. It can be isolated to a single pulmonary vein, but most often occurs in multiple veins simultaneously. Initially, we were told there was nothing we could do and that he was terminal. However, a special department working on finding a treatment for the disease approached us and told us Little Richie would be a candidate to start a trial of special chemotherapy that could slow and possibly stop the disease. We agreed and every 3 months would travel back to Boston Children’s hospital to follow up with a catheterization of his pulmonary veins. The medication seemed to work and slowed down the progression of this disease. During that time, we had some close calls but we made every day count. Richie lived a happy life and we celebrated him and made him as happy as we could. He always smiled and loved to love. He was a lot of work, but Rubi and I worked around the clock to give him the medical care, medication, and abundance of love that he needed. We were told Little Richie would need a surgery called a Bi-Ventricular repair to help him. We were told that this procedure may also help with his disease. We were excited and scared; we wanted more time with him but knew it would be risky. Dr. Marxx wanted to postpone the surgery as long as he could because he feared that doing the surgery while Richie was small would make it harder to access his heart for his quarterly catheterizations. While we waited, Little Richie’s disease progressed and his veins shrank threw his stent causing in-stent restenosis. This was a very bad condition and something that we were told was a bad case scenario. Eventually. Little Richie had the surgery. Although Dr. Baird did everything he could, the in-stent restenosis made it difficult and Richie lost too much blood. He was put on an ECMO machine, a type of machine that circulates your blood in place of your heart. While on ECMO, Little Richie suffered numerous blood clots to the brain. Dr. Baird tried to perform another surgery to take him off the ECMO machine so his heart could beat on his own. We were allowed to sit and watch the surgery. We realized that even if Dr. Baird was able to bring our son back, the brain damage and trauma was Too much. Rubi made the decision to stop the attempt and I agreed. The surgery team closed Richie’s chest and prepared him so we could say our goodbye’s. Thanks to Dr. Baird’s attempt, Richie’s heartbeat for a while longer so we could hold him, kiss him and let him pass in our arms. Later, we found out that if Dr. Baird was able to do the surgery before the in-stent restenosis occurred, he could have created a port to make it easier to perform catheterizations. It was an oversight that cost us the chance to have our child a little longer. It was hard, but through all this, Little Richie touched a lot of lives. His life helped me become a better man and through his passing and because of his memory, Little Richie’s Smiles was born. My mission now is to help local families that have children with serious congenital heart defects. Eventually, I hope to grow this into something that can do better and help children with Little Richie’s condition all over the world. For now, I know that Little Richie is smiling down, happy and proud. We love you baby boy, 06/19/14-02/27/2017

June 19
June 19
Happy Birthday in Heaven, Precious.
You are truly loved and missed.
I pray you are happy and healthy
Keep watching over Mommy and Daddy.
Forever Loved ❤️
June 19
June 19
Happy Birthday my boy! 10 years old, it’s just crazy to think how you would be.

I’m sure you would be jumping off the walls, and I would probably be taking you to the beaches of Puerto Rico as a milestone birthday gift.
You would be hitting those growth spirts (hopefully), and would be super involved in your hobbies and sports.
Probably a full fledged preteen, wanting your independence, asking to hang out with friends while you explore and learn.
I’m sure you would start being funny yourself, mastering little one-liners at the right time, making people laugh.

I know “what if”’ thoughts are all I have left of you, but i’m so thankful for them. I’ve always been so proud of you, and I love you so much.
June 16
June 16
Miss you so much buddy, I wish we were grabbing pizza for dinner while laughing at dumb jokes together. I wish we took more pictures together. Son, you will always have made me a proud and loving father. I’m so thankful for you.
February 27
February 27
Primito 7 years ago you got your wings and flew straight to heaven. Miss seeing your beautiful brown eyes and sweetest of smiles.
February 27
February 27
7 very long years....
You are forever remembered Precious.
I know you are giving Heaven a run for it's money.
Watch over Mom and Dad.
Forever Loved ❤️❤️
June 19, 2023
June 19, 2023
Happy Birthday #9 precious boy. I know you’re celebrating with the angels.
June 19, 2023
June 19, 2023
Dearest Precious,
Happy 9th birthday
I pray you are running wild and free in Heaven.
You have forever shed your earthly shackles .
I miss the smile that stole my heart.
Continue to watch over us from Heaven.

February 27, 2023
February 27, 2023
I talk to you every day big boy. I love you so much. You are always tucked tight in my heart. Grammie loves you.
February 27, 2023
February 27, 2023
6 Very Long Years have passed but you are never forgotten.
You live on in our hearts, Precious.
Please continue to watch over Mommy and Daddy.
Always missed, Forever loved.
June 19, 2022
June 19, 2022
Happy Birthday in Heaven, Little Man.
Missed by many
Loved by all
Cherished beyond words.
Love and prayers.
June 19, 2022
June 19, 2022
Happy Birthday in heaven sweet Richie. You’re thought of often, especially when I come across a giraffe the first thing that comes to mind are your big, beautiful brown eyes. I know you’re celebrating your birthday in the company of other little angels. Dios te bendiga
June 15, 2022
June 15, 2022
I had a dream about you last night. We were getting ready to go on a roundtrip across the country together, just you and I. The old feelings of what it was like having you around, taking care of you and watching you smile and depend on me. I felt like I was home after a long time abroad. When I woke up, it took me a few seconds to realize you were gone again.

I know that you want me to do everything I can to move on with my life and find new purpose, but most days I'm still faking it. I Just silently march forward, knowing the only thing keeping my feet moving is still you.

I love you so much, I promise I'll try harder my baby boy. Thank you for the dream.
February 27, 2022
February 27, 2022
Little Richie,
In your short life you touched so many.
I will never forget your big, brown eyes and the smile that stole my heart.
I know you are at peace in Heaven.
Forever remembered, forever loved, forever in my heart.
January 11, 2022
January 11, 2022
This is the hand that I had to let go.
The hand that gripped tight upon saying hello.
The hand that I held as you lay on my chest.
The hand that I poked through your white newborn vest.
The hand that I squeezed when your body took ill.
The hand that I stroked as your body lay still.
The hand that caught tears as you took your last breath.
The hand that I kissed as I guided through death.
The hand that I pine for and so long to hold.
The hand I should comfort through darkness and cold.
The hand I should reach for through nursery school gates.
The hand I should wipe clean from chocolates and paints.
This is the hand that I wish to see grow.
This is the hand that I had to let go

“This is the hand” by One Day Of Winter (Nicola Gaskin)
July 2, 2021
July 2, 2021
Kallie has been with me a whole year. I know she would be the puppy I promised you. You two would absolutely be best friends. Kallie is the sweetest and helps me keep it all together. She knows when I have my weak moments of missing you, and buries her head right into my arms. Nights like tonight hurt extra, but I would never trade this and I'm so grateful for your memories.
June 21, 2021
June 21, 2021
Happy 7th birthday in Heaven, Little Richie.
I will never forget "the smile that stole my heart".
Please continue to watch over your Mommy and Daddy.
Never forgotten
June 19, 2021
June 19, 2021
Happy birthday, Little Richie♥️ Memories of you remain strong, as does my love for you.
June 19, 2021
June 19, 2021
Happy 7th Birthday sweet boy!! Celebrate with all the angels.
February 27, 2021
February 27, 2021
Little Richie,
"The smile that stole my heart" These are the words I use when your beautiful face comes up in my memories.
I pray you are giving the Lord a run for His money in Heaven.
You are forever in my thoughts, my prayers and my heart. Never forgotten, Precious.
February 27, 2021
February 27, 2021
To say "I miss you so much" or how much pain it causes me to lose you does not do enough justice to describe how I feel this week, and particularly this day. We all have pain that we deal with, we all feel a loss. I have always believed every person's story is important, and every person's pain is as real as your own. Today marks four years I had to let my son go, holding him as he passed away in my arms after a failed surgery to manage his multiple congenital heart defects. That was the most painful week of my life, a week I relive every year.

I want to instead talk to you about what I feel about this loss. While my son was with me, I knew every day was a gift. I often stopped my ever-drifting mind to "remember this time" with you. Now that you are gone, I have these sweet memories. And although I struggle with the pain I endure, keeping your memory is what I have left. The pain is what makes me strong enough to do it. All of our scars show healing, our despair means we felt joy and the pain makes us resilient. I wear it like armor.
“The world breaks everyone and afterward many are strong at the broken places. But those that will not break it kills. It kills the very good and the very gentle and the very brave impartially. If you are none of these you can be sure it will kill you too but there will be no special hurry.”

― Ernest Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms

Rebuilding myself and my life without you has been a long journey that I have not completed. And I don't know when or if I will reach that end. The path through grief is littered with emptiness and despair. But there among the scenery is the memory of your smile and laughter, which keeps me moving.

And all through it, I would never regret walking down this path. You were worth it. Every day your memory makes me stronger, stronger than I ever was. The scars I wear are beautiful. This pain makes me feel like I have lived a full life.

One day, your memory will rebuild me stronger in my broken places. The color will burst forth and flourish in my life again. And maybe I will be able to paint a picture with my life to describe how much I miss you, which will cover the remnants of this pain.

Four years felt like yesterday and forever at the same time. But I know you are always with me, in my heart as we walk this path together. 
February 27, 2021
February 27, 2021
Thinking of you today, Little Richie, as I do so many days❤ I love you still and miss your sweet smile.
November 26, 2020
November 26, 2020
Happy Thanksgiving my little Turkey, I miss you so much on days like today. I’m sure you would love all the attention and the food. You would be stuffed and ready to be tucked into bed with Kallie. You will always be in my heart.
June 19, 2020
June 19, 2020
Happy Birthday number 6 primito hermoso. I know you're celebrating in heaven, running with all the other angels on streets of gold.
June 19, 2020
June 19, 2020
You are 6 years old today. Old enough to remember the party I would have thrown for you. I would have invited all your little friends over and family. We would have set up arts and crafts stations I would keep everything you made forever. I would have inflated my farm animals slide and let you and your friends play all day. A Paw Patrol bouncy house and a Big Hero 6 birthday cake.

And when it got dark, I would play your favorite movie on the project outside for you and your little buddies. 

I hope this would have made you happy, my baby boy.
Daddy love you so much. Forever and ever.
June 19, 2020
June 19, 2020
Happy Happy Birthday Lil Richie Your smile so big and beautiful ❤️..The "Memories" that came up today on my FB page of your sweet face brought tears to my eyes..What we'd give to have you here ..WE ALL MISS YOU SO MUCH
June 19, 2020
June 19, 2020
Happy 6th birthday in heaven, Little Richie. I miss that sweet smile of yours and love you still.
June 19, 2020
June 19, 2020
Heaven is celebrating your 6th birthday little Richie. Here on Earth we celebrate by remembering you ❤️ Happy Birthday
June 19, 2020
June 19, 2020
Happy Birthday Richie! Show your momma that you’re near. We miss you!!
March 1, 2020
March 1, 2020
Dear Precious,
I think of you and pray for you every night. I pray you are happy and healthy in Heaven. Lord, please hold this boy in Your loving arms. Love you, Little Richie
February 28, 2020
February 28, 2020
Thinking of you, Little Richie, with all my heart. You are missed. 
February 27, 2020
February 27, 2020
I wanted to do something special for you and I added your favorite songs. I'm so grateful I have the ability to do this now. I miss you so much.
December 31, 2019
December 31, 2019
Happy New Year little buddy, I know you are watching over me and proud of me for overcoming everything I had to deal with this year. Grandpa and Grandma are with you and I know you will always be behind me as I get through 2020. Daddy loves you Little Richie, with all his heart.
October 31, 2019
October 31, 2019
Happy Halloween baby boy, daddy misses you like crazy this week. I wish I could take you and your buddy Caleb trick or treating today to get all the candy! I love you with all my heart.
August 4, 2019
August 4, 2019
I was thinking of you today, Precious. I pray you are happy and healthy. Loved and missed
June 19, 2019
June 19, 2019
Little Richie,
You are never forgotten, and you are forever loved by your family and by those who have followed your story. We knew about your story long before our own started, and we never thought that we’d lose both you and our daughter to the same disease in the same year. You have an amazing family on earth still fighting to raise awareness in your honor. I know you are being the best big brother to our Rayleigh, and I am so very thankful she has you by her side.
So much love. Xxx
June 19, 2019
June 19, 2019
I have followed sweet little Richie's journey. His smile so sweet.  His dark hair ❤.  I am grandma to a 3 year old heart warrior with that same sweet smile and pretty dark hair.  They are loved beyond words.  Happy birthday in Heaven, little Richie.
June 19, 2019
June 19, 2019
I love you Little Richie, my sweet baby boy, I know you are proud of me and smile down on me. I hold you in my heart and will sing you your favorite lullabies tonight.
Big kisses, stinky feet.
June 19, 2019
June 19, 2019
Our Sweet Little BraveHeart Richie...My granddaughter and I followed the entire time ,Every picture shared with the world of your cute chunky lil face we embraced ...With love and prayers each and every day and night we sent our prayer up for you..We all miss you terribly..We adored your precious smile..Your will to fight each and EVERYDAY...It broke our hearts to lose you sweet boy but you didn't go alone a piece of our heart went with you the day our Lord called you home..You will Forever remain in our ❤ until we all can meet again ...Loved and missed beyond measure...We also love and continue to pray for you both Rich and Rubi..HAPPY HEAVENLY BIRTHDAY LIL RICHIE
June 19, 2019
June 19, 2019
I knew about Richie around the time I became a mom and followed his story through his last months on this World. My heart is with you. Dear Richie you are remembered and very much loved. Happy Birthday, heaven is celebrating today!
June 19, 2019
June 19, 2019
Happy birthday in heaven sweet baby. You're in the arms of our Heavenly Father. I miss your big brown eyes. Forever remembered.
June 19, 2019
June 19, 2019
Happy Birthday, Precious. Dearly loved and missed by many May God hold you in His arms
June 19, 2019
June 19, 2019
Happy Birthday, sweet Richie! I miss your sweet smile and hold you dearly in my heart.
February 27, 2019
February 27, 2019
Dearest Precious,
The Lord has had you in His care for 2 years. I pray you are happy and free of earthly pain. You are truly loved and missed and remain in my prayers. Watch over your Mommy and Daddy and send them comfort.
Love you
February 27, 2018
February 27, 2018
Remembering you Richie, always. I miss your smile and I miss you.
February 27, 2018
February 27, 2018
Remembering you Richie with love and memories. You were on earth for too short a time We know that God had a plan for you so we had to let go for now. You brought so much love and smiles to so many people. You will always have a special place in my heart. Now you are healed and flying free of pain. God bless you and your family
February 27, 2018
February 27, 2018
Dearest Precious, one year of firsts have passed. You are truly loved and missed. I miss your big brown eyes and your captivating smile. I pray you are happy in Heaven
June 20, 2017
June 20, 2017
Dearest Richie your time on earth touched many lives around the world. Now from Heaven your light shines brightly around the world touching many more lives! God bless your mommy and daddy for sharing their precious baby boy with us all! I love you sweet baby boy! Forever in my heart!!
June 20, 2017
June 20, 2017
Happy Birthday to a beautiful little boy...may peace be with you and with those who love you
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June 19
June 19
Happy Birthday in Heaven, Precious.
You are truly loved and missed.
I pray you are happy and healthy
Keep watching over Mommy and Daddy.
Forever Loved ❤️
June 19
June 19
Happy Birthday my boy! 10 years old, it’s just crazy to think how you would be.

I’m sure you would be jumping off the walls, and I would probably be taking you to the beaches of Puerto Rico as a milestone birthday gift.
You would be hitting those growth spirts (hopefully), and would be super involved in your hobbies and sports.
Probably a full fledged preteen, wanting your independence, asking to hang out with friends while you explore and learn.
I’m sure you would start being funny yourself, mastering little one-liners at the right time, making people laugh.

I know “what if”’ thoughts are all I have left of you, but i’m so thankful for them. I’ve always been so proud of you, and I love you so much.
Recent stories
June 19, 2019

Sweet baby Richie God has you in his arms. Rest in peace little cousin I miss those big brown eyes of yours. Happy birthday in heaven Ricardo Antonio.

February 27, 2019

Missing your sweet smile and laugh today more than ever, Little Richie.  Hugs and love to you, Rubi and Rich.

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