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February 16
February 16
Rich...Happy 80th!! I know you're missed here but I also know that you'd much rather be in heaven. Hopefully, your huge laugh rings out clearly and often! You'd be proud of how well Paula has managed her life. She truly misses you, as we all do, but we all know that you're where you wanted your journey to end. In the presence of our loving Father. Until we meet "on that beautiful shore"...
February 16, 2023
February 16, 2023
How time is indeed fleeting! Although today (Feb. 16th) was RIchard's birthdate (he'd be 79 now), it's now been over 4 years since he was called to glory. His laughter and brotherhood are still sorely missed by all of us that knew him. Rich is now spending eternity in a perfect heaven. Those of us that are still here are comforted by words such as these, "“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” – Matthew 5:4. If it wasn't for the assurance of God's Holy Spirit and His perfect peace, we'd probably grieve our lost loved ones for the rest of our days. For those of us that are believers in Christ, our true happiness and the best for all of God's children, is yet to come. So, brother Rich...until we meet again. 
February 16, 2019
February 16, 2019
Rich , was such a special man of God. Even though I didn’t know him well, I admired his love for the Lord and what an influence to those who knew him. We , at Prairie Flower will truly miss Rich and Paula and their friendship and ministry to us. Praying on behalf of all who’s hearts are grieving of the loss of their dear loved one and especially Paula. Because He lives we can face tomorrow, Terry Daggett ( Bender)
February 16, 2019
February 16, 2019
We first met Rich and Paula Barnds several years ago in Springfield, Missouri, as they were preparing to serve the Lord in Austria. Over the years of interacting with them as the Lord moved them from ministry field to ministry field, we observed a driving passion for serving Christ and ministering to people. We thank our Lord for that example. 
Dave & Nita Ernst, Prairie Flower Bible Church
January 31, 2019
January 31, 2019
Richard was a dear friend, along with Paula, for over 30 years. He invested in our lives, along with our children, Nathan and Chiree, who were 7 and 4 when we first met him and Paula in 1988. They stayed with us often as they began their deputation work to head to the mission field. Richard taught the Word to us and LIVED it before us…always faithful to do what’s right and always concerned about the souls of others, wherever he was. The wonderful gospel of grace and presenting it clearly was a passion of his. It always seemed that the world and life’s burdens were not to distract him. He was called to serve the Lord, and faithfully he would serve!! Every time Richard and Paula would return from the mission field for their furlough, they would come and stay with us. It was wonderful to watch his spiritual leadership and to see how naturally he loved everyone he and Paula met. He truly was a godly man of integrity that let the love of the Lord flow through him. Our family’s lives are better and richer spiritually because Richard was our dear friend. Thank you, Lord, for Richard!! (P. S. Marriage is a picture of the gospel, and Richard and Paula’s marriage was truly honoring and beautiful as they lived it out everywhere they went. It will be a continual testimony to the world, even though Richard is in heaven…because Paula is his godly widow working by and for God’s grace here on earth and honoring the name, Mrs. Richard Barnds!)
With much, much love for our forever friends, Jimmy and Ann Bollinger
January 22, 2019
January 22, 2019
Rich was both a friend and a brother in Christ. He was a man of faith and he manifested that faith through his love for Christ. He was always quick to pass on the "good news" of Jesus Christ to anyone that he could get to listen. He also was willing to teach others how to do the same through various venues, some of which were, Mission Trips, Church Planting (home and abroad), English as a Second Language (ESL), Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language (TEFL) and support of his local (home) church, Crossroads Baptist Church in San Antonio, Texas. There is so much more that can be said about Rich's life and love of service to God, his family and others but this scripture, quoting the words of Jesus Christ, sums it all up... "Well done, good and faithful servant!" Matthew 25:23

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