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August 23, 2017
August 23, 2017
Happy Heavenly Birthday Scott. It's hard to believe you would be 50 years old today. I pray your family is celebrating for you today and remembering the good times you all shared. May God bless you and your family today and always.
Love, Karen
August 23, 2017
August 23, 2017
One of my favorite pictures of Scott, with his younger brothers Jordon & Brandon on brother Marke's wedding day!!!
Happy Heavenly Birthday to my loving son, gone too soon, but aware his Spirit is with me on his special day!!! Happy Birthday Scott!!!
June 28, 2017
June 28, 2017
A week ago, I posted a memory page for my son Scott. I shared his life story (below) I posted it early because I didn't think, I would be able to, emotionally, on this day, one year after his passing from his earthly life to his heavenly life. But I was wrong. Although I will always feel sadness and pain deep within my heart, I can now truly rejoice in the knowledge that I gave birth to an awesome kid who grew up to be an amazing guy. Scott was a talented, loving and compassionate man, who loved his family and friends as much as we loved him. I am truly blessed to be his mom. I live everyday knowing, his spirit is always with me. Thank you Scott, for being my son!!! I miss you and I love you more than words can ever say.
June 27, 2017
June 27, 2017
Sue, That was so beautiful, interesting and sad. You had a most wonderful son and now you have most wonderful memories of him and of your special talks. You've lost a lot of people in your life, but you are so blessed in so many ways. May Good always bless you and yours, Love, Karen
June 21, 2017
June 21, 2017
Richard “Scott” Greene
August 23, 1967 - June 27, 2016

It has been one year, since the passing of my son Scott. There is no pain greater than a parent losing a child, regardless of the child's age. It has been a tough year for my family and I with the loss of Scott, my sister Toni and my sister-in-law Mara. My memories of Scott's life has been a comfort to me and have often kept me sane on the inner emotional roller-coaster, I've been on for the last year. A year ago, I could never have shared the many memories of Scott that I hold in my heart, however at this one year anniversary, I would like to share some of the memories that have been of comfort to me. I could never express here, all memories of Scott, but a few I wish to share.

 On Augest 23, 1967, and after 35 hours of labor, his dad Rich and I welcomed our handsome son Richard Scott into our lives and our family. There also, to welcome him, was his grandpa Harry Potter (yep, his real name) and his Uncle Steven (later changing his name to Gideon.) After 24 hours of sleep, Scott and I began our journey of life together, a life that was cut short far too soon. Scott hit all the baby and toddler milestones of growth and development just as he should. At two and a half years, he joined his dad and I in welcoming his little brother and best friend, Marke into the world. 

He began kindergarten in Florida, where we lived for one year. One memory that stands out during our time in Pensacola, happened in one day and was totally freakish!!! While living in the climate of year round fun in the sun, and spending our days playing on the white sandy beaches, we had a day and a half of a reminder of home. It snowed and filled the air and ground with ice. People in Pensacola, Florida do not know how to drive in such weather and the city does not know how to handle the roads, they probably do not even know what a snow plow is. Scott looked out the window and said, “mom, outside, it looks like home in Portland.” I agreed. The next day we went to the white sandy beach for a day of fun in the sun. True story!!! 

He entered first grade in a small town in Connecticut.  One of my fondest memories of Scott and my relationship, was our ability to talk, to share. One day, at a young age, Scott came to me and ask me if we could “have a talk?” Without hesitation, I said of course, that began our “secret talk time” which continued, in different forms, for the rest of his life. In his young years he would share with me, things that he liked and things that bothered him. He would talk about school, friends and his new guitar. As he was about to celebrate his sixth birthday, he asked his dad and I for a “real” guitar, not a toy, but the real thing. We surprised him with one, and his first guitar lessons, this was the beginning, of Scott's love for music.

While still living in Portland, I had befriended a young girl Jeanette, who became my babysitter and a lifelong friend of our family. During the summer in Connecticut, we flew Jeanette out for a summer-long visit. The East Coast is so rich in history, we just couldn't let it go to waste. Jeanette and I took the boys, to as many places we possibly could, we were definitely tourist that summer. It was truly an educational experience and fun for us all.
During life in Connecticut, Scott again helped welcomed another sibling, baby sister Stefani. After a year in Connecticut, we moved back to the NW and to Marblemount, Wa.

I have so many memories of life in Marblemount. Scott made friends easily, and had way too many for me to count or name here. During our “secret talks” he shared about his new school and new friends and we talked a lot about music, as well as, his dreams for a future in music. Even at this young age, he knew what he wanted to do with his life and our talks gave him the opportunity to share his feelings. 

In the fourth or fifth grade, one evening, Scott was getting ready for his bath, and I noticed a large red blister type mark on the back of his leg. He told me, he had sassed a teacher (very unlike Scott) and received a wack on the bottom/leg. I became very upset and told him, I was going to the school in the morning. He said, “no mom don't, I should not have sassed, I deserved it.” 

As he was entering the teen years, our “secret talks” would often happen, after siblings were fast asleep for the night. The topics became more serious and we enjoyed a deeper time for sharing Scott's hopes, dreams and the future. He, of course, had “the talk” with his dad, but we often talked about girls, dating and the like.  Our talks, were a very important part of our relationship, and as a mom, I am so blessed to have had this with my son.

In December of 1980, Scott was thirteen and in middle school. We moved from rural Marblemount to the big city of Mount Vernon. It was a stressful time for all of us, and not without ups and downs. In high school, Scott joined the band, playing a mean saxophone. A very proud moment for me, was when the Skagit Symphony invited Scott to play saxophone as a member. He joined, but did not continue, as it was too time consuming with school and his other activities. However, it was a great experience for him. 

At the end, of his freshman year of high school, Scott chose to move back to Marblemount and live with his dad. Needless to say, this devastated me and Marke and Stefani were saddened as well. It took some time for adjustment, but eventually we all did, and looked forward to Scott's regular visits.

Because, I was no longer involved in Scott's daily life, our “secret talks” were less often, but no less important. I loved it when he had time to share what was happening in his life, school, friends and music. We sometimes ventured into talks of a spiritual nature, I knew he was a believer, but it was a private area with him. He knew, I had been hurting with his move back with his dad, so he made sure we connected often.

I always knew, Scott had a very loving heart and cared about family and friends very deeply.

Scott graduated high school in 1985. As a gift, I flew him to LA to visit his Uncle Gideon. Gideon was able to take Scott to many clubs to see Rock n' Roll bands, it was by far, one of the most exciting time of his young life, an experience he talked about for years after.

I had remarried a couple years before Scott was out of school, and as he was literally leaving on the plane for LA, his new sibling Becki was arriving from Korea. Later, he would also welcome two more siblings, Jordan and Brandon.

Scott returned from his trip and settled in Bellingham, where a new chapter of his life began. He now began to form several bands over the years, continuing to expand is friend base, but remaining close to his many friends from childhood. Scott and I continued to have our “talks,” either through in person visits or through long telephone calls. At one point, he had a serious motorcycle accident, and I made sure I was with him, as much as possible, while he healed. I did get a little “preachy” with him, and he laughed and said, I know mom, but I knew he appreciated the words and the fact that the accident hadn't been worse.

At times, he would travel/tour with the band he was currently performing with, he was fortunate to travel to Spain and many cities across the USA. When he would return home, he would call and share with me, the highlights of the trip. What wonderful memories he had from all of his experiences with his bands. He was living his musical dream!!!

He was now well into adulthood, but we continued to have our talks, to keep caught with each others lives. I do not know how I would have coped this past year, if I did not have the memories of “our secret talks” ( a little corny now to say) to comfort me.

In 2009 Scott, Marke and Stefani's dad, Rich passed away. It was a very sad time for them, and for me, in my own private way. The three of them held and very nice memorial for him.

Between the years of 2002 and 2013, Scott shared in the excitement of Marke and his wife Angela, as well as Stefani and her husband Robin and Becki and her husband Dan as they each welcome their children, Scott's nieces and nephews into the family. All of these children were an important part of Scott's life, he was an important part of their lives. They love dearly, Uncle Scott.

In 2013, my husband Jerry passed away, Scott was gracious enough to speak at his funeral.

Throughout Scott's music career, from his golden heart, he has made it a point to give back. He has done numerous fundraising/charity gigs. Which included, Habituate for Humanity, Food Banks, personal friends, and many shows for David Grove. There are too many to list here. I am honored and blessed to have been his mom!!! Not to mention, so very proud. He has had his name (and picture) up in lights.

In the late fall of 2014 my brother Gideon, came to the NW from LA to live with me. Soon after his arrival, he was diagnosed with Hodgkin Disease and began chemo. Scott and his uncle Gideon were very close. His very first chemo treatment sent him into heart failure and he was place on life support for several days. It was while he was in the hospital that I received a visit from Scott, Marke and Stefani. They had come to tell me about Scott's recent diagnosis. My eyes filled with tears and I said, “please don't give me any more bad news.” They explained to me, about Scott's condition, “brain cancer,” describing what it was and how it manifest itself, as well as, the immediate treatment plan. Soon after, Scott began radiation treatments, followed by chemo for many long months. I have to admit, I lived in denial for a very long time. I prayed for a miracle, knowing through faith, that miracles do happen. 

I began to visit Scott in Bellingham once a week. We would go to lunch and have “our secret talks,” sharing our thoughts on life, death and the afterlife. We talked about heaven and other spiritual things, he shared his beliefs and faith, he had a strong, but private faith base from which he grew strength from. He would share with me how frustrating it was becoming to remember lines to song he was singing, and eventually, how his fingers wouldn't work properly on the strings of his guitar. In the beginning, Scott's attitude was a lot more accepting than mine, no mother can ever imagine losing their child. Uncle Gideon (now cancer free) started visiting Scott as well, for lunch and shopping, whatever Scott needed. His health was deteriorating, and we tried to spend as much time as we could with him.

In March of 2016, my sister Toni passed after a very short bout with a brain tumor. Three months later on June 27, 2016 we lost this most loving and compassionate soul, my son Richard “Scott” Greene.
June 21, 2017
June 21, 2017
We love and miss you, Uncle Scottie and think about you often. You're such a beautiful man. ❤️❤️❤️

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