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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Richie Bennett, 49 years old, born on December 1, 1962, and passed away on April 30, 2012. We will remember him forever.
April 30
April 30
Sweet Richie, it has been a while since I have written to you. You now have beautiful Timmy, Maria and Charlie with you. It has been a lot to handle. Please hug and kiss them for me. Please watch over your son, Dave and Diana. They need your blessings. Love you so much, honey. xoxo
December 1, 2022
December 1, 2022
Happy Birthday Richie, honey. You are missed more than you know. I talk to you often and I look to you for guidance. Sometimes I am aware that you stand close or make your presence known. Thank you. You were the dearest brother in this world and still are from heaven's gate. I love you so very much, honey. Continue to watch over Diana and Dave and Maria. Most especially watch over your dear son. You were such a good Dad. I always knew that. So proud of you for all that you wanted your son to know. I love you honey. Celebrate your birthday with Ma and the angels. <3
December 22, 2021
December 22, 2021
Hi Richie, honey. I was reminded to leave you a tribute for the holiday season - I don't have to be reminded to remember and honor your memory. That, I do every day. I am so proud of you honey. I know you are quite busy in heaven. You always had so much to do. I miss you sweetie. Please watch over Dave and Maria and help them to heal. I am so worried. Celebrate this holiday with Mom and please stay close to us. I know you watch Diana's boys growing up and help to guide them. You were so perfect in so many ways as you still are. I am sure your growth in the spirit world has progressed and you are healed from the challenges of this physical world. The next few years will be interesting as ascension becomes stronger. I love you honey. Watch over your loved ones over your son. <3
December 1, 2021
December 1, 2021
Happy Birthday Richie, another year has passed. Seems like yesterday that you left us. We miss you more than you know. You were such an amazing brother, as you still are. Your quick wit and sweet ways touched my heart when you were a little boy. As you grew into a man, I was so proud of the man you had become. You were a great dad - always teaching your son the things that I am sure you wish you had been taught. You were the bright light in all the lives you touched and most especially mine. I love you honey to the moon and back but I am sure you already know that. Thank you for all you have done for are the best brother I could ever ask for. <3
December 1, 2020
December 1, 2020
Another year has passed Richie since you left us. Our world has gone crazy and I know you watch from afar. Happy Birthday sweetheart as you celebrate another year in heaven with Ma. Big hugs to you honey. Watch over all of us. We so need your blessings and healing. Our world needs heaven's help and prayers. Never thought we would see such loss and tragedy in our life time. We love you honey. 
April 30, 2020
April 30, 2020
Hi sweetheart, it seems like yesterday that you left us and there is such an emptiness in our family. You are missed more than you know. We are living in such a crazy world now but you are safe in the arms of the angels. Watch over all of us Richie in the upcoming months. Our family needs lots of love and healing energy. I love you sweetheart...always have and always will. xo
December 1, 2019
December 1, 2019
Happy Birthday, sweet Richie. Celebrate your birthday in heaven with Ma...we miss you every day. All my love to you sweet brother. Rest in peace honey. <3
December 1, 2018
December 1, 2018
Happy Birthday Richie, honey. I think about you every day, there is not a moment that you don't enter my thoughts. Lots of beautiful memories of you with our family. Events and conversations written deeply within my heart of you. Singing to you when you were a baby and telling you stories. All of these things cross my mind as the best moments of my childhood. Always time spent with you...I love you high with the angels and continue to watch over your loved ones here. <3
December 1, 2017
December 1, 2017
Happy Birthday high with the angels - knowing you are loved so much more than you know...but I know you do you sweetheart...<3
April 30, 2017
April 30, 2017
It is now 5 years since you left us honey, missing our talks...I know you are flying high with the angels. You know the beautiful peace and love of the divine. Always in my thoughts honey, always in my heart. I talk to you all the you so so much...although your body has changed, I wish you could pick me up off the floor like you used to, but I know you would if you you honey...<3
December 1, 2016
December 1, 2016
Happy Birthday honey, wishing you the most beautiful birthday in heaven with Mom and so many are missed so very much you so very much...xoxo
July 7, 2016
July 7, 2016
To sweet Richie...much love to you honey, today as always and forever...xoxo
December 1, 2015
December 1, 2015
Happy Birthday honey...celebrate with Mom and the beautiful angels...xoxo
April 30, 2015
April 30, 2015
Forever in my heart honey, I think about you all the time and the tricks you pulled on me as I still chuckle over them. You were the beautiful light in our lives and now our angel in you., honey...
December 21, 2014
December 21, 2014
Richie I could only wish to have met you in person. You are such an amazing, loving and wonderful person. Keep watching over your sister hun. Love you <3

Ellie this is beautiful tribute to Richie <3
May 1, 2014
May 1, 2014
In memory of my dear brother, Richie, may you rest in peace, honey, ....and only know the love we feel for you in our hearts.... <3
December 1, 2013
December 1, 2013
Happy Birthday, sweet Richie, celebrate your birthday with the are forever in my heart...
April 29, 2013
April 29, 2013
To my dear, sweet brother, Richie, who passed a year ago...we miss you and love you so very much. You are with the angels now and at peace. I love you very much, dear brother, and you will forever be in my heart.
January 11, 2013
January 11, 2013
Sweet Richie, it has been close to 9 months now since your passing and I can still hear your voice in my head and see your sweet expression and smile...I miss you so much and think of you every day...Rest in peace, sweet brother, and know you are loved so so much, honey...
December 1, 2012
December 1, 2012
Happy Birthday Cuz. Enjoy your day with Mom and the other angels in heaven. Rest in Peace sweet cousin.

December 1, 2012
December 1, 2012
Happy Birthday, sweet brother...we miss and love you so much...celebrate your birthday in heaven, honey...
June 1, 2012
June 1, 2012
My prayers and love go out to my cousins in the loss of their beloved Brother. Treasure the memories you have of him. He will always be in your heart.
Rest in Peace Richie.
May 29, 2012
May 29, 2012
To my wonderful brother, Richie. You are missed so much every minute of every day. You were such a special, kind and generous person in this life. You gave so much of yourself to those you loved.  Rest in peace, sweet brother.
Love you, honey. Your sister...Ellie

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April 30
April 30
Sweet Richie, it has been a while since I have written to you. You now have beautiful Timmy, Maria and Charlie with you. It has been a lot to handle. Please hug and kiss them for me. Please watch over your son, Dave and Diana. They need your blessings. Love you so much, honey. xoxo
December 1, 2022
December 1, 2022
Happy Birthday Richie, honey. You are missed more than you know. I talk to you often and I look to you for guidance. Sometimes I am aware that you stand close or make your presence known. Thank you. You were the dearest brother in this world and still are from heaven's gate. I love you so very much, honey. Continue to watch over Diana and Dave and Maria. Most especially watch over your dear son. You were such a good Dad. I always knew that. So proud of you for all that you wanted your son to know. I love you honey. Celebrate your birthday with Ma and the angels. <3
December 22, 2021
December 22, 2021
Hi Richie, honey. I was reminded to leave you a tribute for the holiday season - I don't have to be reminded to remember and honor your memory. That, I do every day. I am so proud of you honey. I know you are quite busy in heaven. You always had so much to do. I miss you sweetie. Please watch over Dave and Maria and help them to heal. I am so worried. Celebrate this holiday with Mom and please stay close to us. I know you watch Diana's boys growing up and help to guide them. You were so perfect in so many ways as you still are. I am sure your growth in the spirit world has progressed and you are healed from the challenges of this physical world. The next few years will be interesting as ascension becomes stronger. I love you honey. Watch over your loved ones over your son. <3
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