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Pictures, Videos, Robby's rap: in Gallery menu, click on photo to view full non-cropped pic

Listen to Robby's voice:   
After clicking below link, then click arrow > to play it    
Robby's rap song he wrote lyrics / performed
or to play it you can click above gallery menu, then audio menu, then click arrow to play.

Robby did this 90 second audio rap tribute that he wrote the lyrics for.  
It can also be played by clicking Gallery tab above, then audio tab,  The music part of the rap is from a rap song that he liked by artist Haystack ("My First Day" on album Portrait of a White Boy)  His prophetic lyrics are about a rehab friend William that a while after he got out of rehab he later overdosed in 2010.  Robby's rap song also ended up becoming prophetic by describing some of his own six year personal struggle with substance use-disorder. 

New website with Robby's story and essential info for parents and friends 
"Parents For Opioid-Free Children"   
Empowering parents with quick and essential opioid addiction information with options, resources, tips, use of evidence-based treatments, detox, rehab facilities, & lessons learned.
If you have ideas for website improvements, changes or corrections, contact Robby's father George.  

Photos and Videos of Robby, friends and family:
Viewing these photos, videos and audio is a good way to remember some of the times you once shared with Robby.  Share a story with another friend when you think of him. 

Click on Gallery tab, then either photos or videos or audio for his rap song.  Then click on the actual photo to see the entire full size photo not just the cropped thumbnail version.   
There are a few very short videos of young Robby also. 
You can now add gallery photos, songs and videos directly from your phone or tablet. You can download a photo you like to keep or share on Facebook etc. by double clicking on photo to see full size then right click for options.

This memorial website was created in the memory of our loved one, Robby Andrew, who was born on December 30,1990 and died on June 2, 2013. We will never forget Robby. We will love and miss him forever.

The Services were held on June 8th, 2013 at: 
First United Methodist Church of Winter Park
125 N. Interlachen Ave.
Winter Park, FL  32789
       Thank you all for showering us with your warm thoughts, love, and kindness as we grieve over the sudden loss of our precious son, Robby. Please post any stories or memories you have of Robby. If Robby's life or death influenced your life, your story would be a great comfort to us and others that loved him.  Thanks for calling, writing or visiting us.   
     George, Theresa, & Sarah 

  407 592-6026 

June 2
June 2
This sad anniversary breaks my heart. I waited so long for my beautiful firstborn
grandchild. I loved seeing him grow into a fine young man. He looked so much like his grandfather at 16. And when Robby turned 16 everything changed, and his life, which began with such hope and promise, ended tragically too soon. How
do you go on after such a loss? Tova answers correctly, in "Bright Creatures." You
must move on. You move on for the sake of all the others who loved Robby, especially Sarah, the little sister he left behind.

Grandma Wiz

June 2
June 2
Like title of this site: FOREVER MISSED! Nothing could be more real than the longing for Robby’s presence. UJ
June 2
    “How did you, like, go on?” He looks down at her and swallows hard. “I mean, he was here one day and gone the next. How do you recover from something like that?”
    Tova hesitates. “You don’t recover. Not all the way. But you do move on. You have to.”

            Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt

    Our only son, Robby, died on June 2, 2013. George and I are so grateful for all the words of kindness Robby’s family and friends have expressed on this memorial website over the past eleven years. Going forward, although we will no longer be posting the thoughts we have of Robby, we will always treasure this website and the people who helped make it a wonderful tribute to our beautiful boy.

                         Theresa and George Andrew
December 30, 2023
December 30, 2023
In “Time Does Not Bring Relief; You All Have Lied,” Edna St. Vincent Millay describes what it feels like to live without someone you have deeply loved:

               There are a hundred places where I fear 
               To go,—so with his memory they brim. 
               And entering with relief some quiet place 
               Where never fell his foot or shone his face 
               I say, “There is no memory of him here!” 
               And so stand stricken, so remembering him.

Robby was such an important part of our lives that, although he has been dead for over 10 years, his absence can still feel almost as tangible as his presence once did.

I am grateful to all of you for writing tributes in honor of Robby on what would have been his 33rd birthday. And I am also mindful of the many friends and family members who also dearly loved Robby and who might not write tributes but, as Edna St. Vincent Millay so eloquently wrote, will often “…stand stricken, so remembering him.”
December 30, 2023
December 30, 2023
My only son Robster, would have been 33 years old today.
Two of your close friends, Timmy and Shea contacted us this week. Your mom and I met them and we all shared personal stories of you that brought smiles to us all. Although missing you brings tears, remembering the love and memories you gave us, continues to heal our broken hearts.
December 30, 2023
December 30, 2023
Happy Birthday! It is difficult to use the word happy when your absence brings heaviness in our hearts. But your presence in the 23 years you gave us is a gift that keeps on giving. We all Love ya and always will.
UJ, Britt, Wes and Korey.
December 28, 2023
December 28, 2023
Robby, I sure do wish I could wish you a happy 33rd birthday today. Your life and all of its potential was stolen from all of us - we miss you a lot. Aunt Jen
December 28, 2023
December 28, 2023
What would Robster do ...
- Write a wrap, write a poem, create a memory.

Your Heart to my Heart
Like clay i sqeeze to hard, my heart feels trapped
Yet so soft I cannot tell, my heart blocks the starts

Missing your quiet sounds that fill the room with memories
Missing ten years fills my heart with tears

Why cant I cry when your smirky smile was so clever
Your life too short but time enough to enlighten mine
June 5, 2023
June 5, 2023
I can’t believe it has been 10 years since you left us. You were a great young man who was loved by many. I pray for your family daily as I know your loss has impacted them forever. I pray you are walking around the streets of Gold with many who have left this life since you have gone. You will always be remembered by us as well. Love you lots.
June 2, 2023
June 2, 2023
Sarah said something very wise this morning. She said that Robby would want us to honor him by having gratitude for the lives we have. When Robby died 10 years ago, and for quite a long time afterward, I would not have been able to accept Sarah's advice to be grateful. Be grateful for a life without Robby in it? Impossible! But now, I can honestly say that I really am grateful for my life. I have family and friends who mean the world to me, and they make life worth living. And for those special people who once were in my life but are now gone--like my precious Robby or my sister-in-law, Sue--well, I have nothing but gratitude for the time they were part of my life.  
June 2, 2023
June 2, 2023
Robby, it has been ten years. Since June 2, 2013, I have missed hearing your voice and our day-to-day interactions. As I think of you or go into your old room, I remember a heartfelt moment we shared or conversation we had. Although this brings a needed smile, it soon turns into tears of my missing your physical presence. I really miss spending time with you.

You were cheated out of decades of your unwritten life chapters with sister Sarah, your mother, myself, extended family, your friends, and possibly a future wife and children. If I had a superpower or magic wand, you would be immediately restored to life in good health. Instead, I have memories of you, pictures, videos, and wonderful stories.

I remember once when a young Sarah had been spinning around outside with hands in the air, experiencing the physical exhilaration of a fast- approaching storm but unaware of its impending danger. You ran out to snatch your sister back into the safety of our home.

You were always so loyal to your family and friends. I remember one time, when you heard that someone had bullied Sarah, I had to stop you from immediately going down to the school to beat up the guy that did it.

Robby, you were smart, kind, handsome, funny, and creative. You loved your friends and family unconditionally. Robster, I will always love you, and I will never forget you.
June 2, 2023
June 2, 2023
Hey there Robby. It has been 10 years ago that you slipped away. We still hurt in many ways that your are not with us. The memories though helpful cannot fill the void of your presence. One by one you are joined with our loving family. I will continue to look forward to our reunion. Keep smiling on us and too laughing at us. Missing you ! UJ.
December 30, 2022
December 30, 2022
Today, your mother and I spoke of the things that you liked and that made us smile in your short life. Your family and friends will remember you with fond memories that they share with one another. I miss your dry sense of humor, your quiet spirit, and the brotherly love you had for your sister. Ditto what Theresa just said.
Love you, Robby.
December 30, 2022
December 30, 2022
Robby, in the only world that makes any sense to me, you would be alive and well and living out your best Robby life. You would be celebrating your 32nd birthday today—no doubt with an arsenal of close friends. You would probably be at a nice restaurant—maybe even your own restaurant—one you decided to start after culinary school. You would order your favorite thing---a rib eye steak. You would playfully remind your friends that, if they want steak, they had better order it for themselves because you aren't into sharing food. Perhaps you would be married, and you would have your spouse with you. Maybe Sarah would have flown to wherever you lived—Boston perhaps---to celebrate with you. She would take a terrific picture of your birthday celebration, and send it to me. And I would smile at your happiness, at the happiness of everyone with you, and be thankful that you were happy and healthy and part of all of our lives. That world, the one with you in it, is the only world that makes any sense to me.
December 30, 2022
December 30, 2022
Hey Rob today is your #32 same as Brittany. We all are missing you not just today but everyday. You would get a good laugh at your OLD man. He has turned real hip on us beard long hair etc. . We need your help to convince him a buzz cut is the New hip look.
When Grandma Mary joins you save her some of your heavenly Bday cake and ice cream. She still likes a touch of sweetness. My best to you Rob and give all our love ones a hug. UJ
June 2, 2022
June 2, 2022
Reminiscing in thought to hear Robby's voice once again to re-live precious moments we once shared, comforts my 9 year ache of missing my only son. 
Hug, kiss, tell them "I love you", will have no regrets.
Positive: Theresa, Sarah and myself here in NYC this day
Challenge: Geo dealing with Covid-19, and as of today, Theresa now has Covid-19 as well. 
Thanks for all who read these posts for your thoughts, loving comments and remembrance of our dear Robby.
June 2, 2022
June 2, 2022
Rob it is a great joy that I remember you and every moment I was blessed to be with you. You are the gift that brightened all our lives. I will see you again. UJ
January 3, 2022
January 3, 2022
Prayers for you George and Theresa, and all your family.
One never gets over the loss of a child.
My heart goes out to you.

Cousin Sandy
December 30, 2021
December 30, 2021
Robby would have turned 31 today. On our walk this morning, George and I stopped by Robby’s tree in Dartmouth Park to remember him. We talked about what a great kid he was, how much he loved us and loved Sarah, and how much we both still miss him. We talked about how talented Robby was at art, and how we saved all of his art---even the little flip books he made in elementary school. We talked about how funny he was. I said that I remember always saying to him, “Really?” in regard to the elaborate stories he loved to tell me. He would give me a very serious look, then break into that inimitable Robby smile and say, “No, not really.” He had this hilarious phrase that he used in joking about the less-than-sane bloodline of our family. It went something like, “…bipolar, schizophrenic, homicidal, suicidal...” He also used
to say, “Mom, do you remember what it was like before you were born? No? Well, when we die, it will be just like that.” (He was paraphrasing Mark Twain, probably not knowing that he was doing so.)
As George and I started slowly walking away from visiting Robby’s tree this morning, I remembered two heartbreaking things that Robby once said
to me. When Robby was in elementary school, he told me that, in the future, there will be human cloning. I can still hear his excited little boy voice saying, “Mommy, if something ever happens to me, you can make another Robby!” The other heartbreaking memory was what Robby said to me right before he didn’t graduate from high school. He said, “Mom, if I had gone to Winter Park High School, I would have been captain of the football team and on my way to Harvard.” So sad. I will never forget Robby, my beautiful boy. He was my heart.
December 30, 2021
December 30, 2021
You would have turned 31 years old today. It's not fair you aren't with us now. Instead, I must reach for a fond memory of you to sooth my pain. I wonder what you would be doing today given an alternate reality. Love you and miss you.
December 30, 2021
December 30, 2021
Hey Robby,
Wishing we could do cake together. I miss you buddy but know you have some wonderful company to celebrate with. Save me a seat, your smile and laughter still fills our hearts.
Hugs to you
June 2, 2021
June 2, 2021
I'm so thankful to have this yearly reminder from forevermissed because I forget so many things ... but I don't ever want to forget your:

 * Gentle spirit
 * Raw honesty
 * Endless smile
 * Strong voice
 * Deep sensitivity
 * Strong convictions to be real

These are things I will never forget about you Robb(ie|y|ert) and I am grateful to remember some of these wonderful things about you. Miss you!

Lov, Uncle Steve
June 2, 2021
June 2, 2021
Robby, eight years ago today, your life ended and mine changed forever. And although I would still trade my life for yours in a heartbeat, I am determined to live my life to the fullest and carry you along with me in my heart. What choice do I have? "Our family's go-to choice in these matters," you say. To which I reply, "Go to your room!" :)

I forgot that today was the anniversary of your death. I had been thinking so much about Sue's death and the terrible hole she left in our family. (Uncle Jerry kindly said for you to give Aunt Sue a hug. I sure wish I could hug you both right now.) So when Jen called me to see how I was doing, I told her that I had forgotten it was June 2nd. She then asked me what we were thinking of doing. And I said that we would probably visit the tree in Dartmouth Park that was planted in memory of you. There is a little bird family living in your tree now. It makes me feel very good—that a bird family has a home because you once lived.

When Colleen reached out to us today, I explained to her the origin of the confusion regarding the spelling of your nickname. George and I spell it with a "y," but Sarah spells it with an "ie." I thought about that when I went to your room today to visit you, to see the engraving on your cremains container. It says,

                     Robert George Andrew
                       December 30, 1990
                          June 2, 2013
                      We will love you forever.

When I was a children's librarian, and I met kids who were named "Robby/Robbie," I asked them how they spelled their names. At that time, when you were a baby, most people spelled it with an "ie." So we went with that. But when you turned 13, you changed the spelling to "Robby" with a "y." It might have been because your friend Bobby spelled his name with a "y." We will never know why you changed the spelling of your nickname. But George and I have spelled it with a “y” ever since you changed it. Sarah’s position is that you changed the spelling of your name because of your addiction and that your sober self would not have made that change. So she will always spell your name with an “ie.”

What’s in a name? My spending time in your room today, looking at the engraving on your cremains container, made me realize that it doesn’t matter at all to you how we spell your name. Most of these trivial things that we all spend so much of our lives fretting over—none of them matter much at all. What does matter is that you, Robert George Andrew, once lived. You were an integral part of our lives. We loved you and you loved us. And for those of us who loved you, we will be forever changed by your life and by your death.
June 2, 2021
June 2, 2021
Eight years now, I still cannot believe you are gone. Robby, you will always be my precious son. I miss our father-son time. Your dry sense of humor brought a smile to all. I didn’t realize it would be this difficult to let go of your personal effects that in part defined your choices in life. Still painful, your unopened suitcase and bedroom remain as you had left it. I loved you unconditionally.
June 2, 2021
June 2, 2021
ROBBY, here is looking UP to you. There are some difficult times down here especially when we look for your bright smile or joke to lift us up. We do carry on and our memories of you will never fade though our dementia may challenge that statement. You are forever in Our Hearts even after we reboot our brain from time to time. I am so proud to be your UJ. I love you buddy now go give Aunt Sue a hug for me.
December 30, 2020
December 30, 2020
George, Sarah and I want to thank you all---Jennifer, Mom, Colleen, Steve, and Jerry---for honoring Robby via Zoom on what would have been his 30th birthday. We were heartened by your wonderful stories of and kind words about Robby. Our goal was for all of us to share at least 30 stories about Robby. I tallied 54 total Robby stories! Well done, family! Love you!
December 30, 2020
December 30, 2020
Thanks Robby friends for remembering him in your thoughts on this special day. And thanks, family for participating in our video Zoom tribute today on the would- be 30th birthday of Robby. I now wonder what things Robby would have accomplished by today? Would he have successfully recaptured the sobriety he sought so hard to achieve? Would he have graduated college? Would he have gotten married? Would he have become a chef after studying at Culinary Institute of America? I told him culinary skills are always welcome by girlfriends or cooking for a wife one day. Would he be using his artistic talent as an animation illustrator?

I can only dream and imagine what life Robby might have had on his would be 30th birthday. So when I sense an overwhelming sadness of what could have been, I replace it and replay thoughts in my mind of these wonderful times Robby and I shared together over his short precious years. I loved Robby unconditionally, and he loved me despite my many flaws. I was proud to be his father, painfully miss him, and will love Robby forever.
December 30, 2020
December 30, 2020
Hey Rob....What are you cooking today. I mean it is your 30th and I know that the Heavenly Kitchen is your hang out. I saw your Dad working on the skill set you shared with him..."Cracking EGGS" I think he is pretty good at it. Check with Aunt Susan she probably has already made you a SWEET Birthday Cake. Sweet things run in the family. Just wait till GMA Mary joins you...Sugar High will be the norm of the day. Robby we all miss being with you but today we will ZOOM in on some wonderful memories and the laughs you gave us will be refreshing. You are the Best Bud... Give your Aunt Sue a BIG HUG for UJ... Happy Birthday Rob.
December 30, 2020
December 30, 2020
Robby, today you would have been thirty. I am sad we aren’t gathering with one of our big Andrew/Webb family parties to celebrate. I like to think Aunt Susan is dancing and singing around you giving you the best celebration yet though. I can envision your sweet grin. We love and miss you. Happy birthday Robster.
June 4, 2020
June 4, 2020
I pray for all of you who love Robby still and miss him every day.
June 2, 2020
June 2, 2020
Robby, it is the seventh anniversary of your death, and I still miss you beyond measure. You were my heart, and I will never be whole without you. Your dad, Sarah, and I honored your memory today by sharing stories about you and listening to music you loved. Sarah and I picked wildflowers, and we all went to Dartmouth Park and placed them at the foot of your tree. I will always love you, Robby, and I will never forget your love for me.
June 2, 2020
June 2, 2020
Seven years now, I miss seeing you and having our special father son conversations. We were able to keep your sister safe away from Covid-19 virus just before it became rampant in NYC. I still regret we were unable to keep you safe from the deadly opioids that took your precious young life. I wish I had a time machine to assist you during your life changing moments, given the benefit of hindsight.

You did make a difference during your short life by making a huge impact on me, your sister, mom, extended family and your friends. Each of us now educate and caution others by telling your story of how even a wonderful, kind, smart, handsome, funny and gentle soul full of potential can be taken down by deceptively deadly opioids.

We all learned lessons and gained valuable knowledge during your last chapter of life. As a result, lives can be saved though empowering parents with life-saving tools communicated on a website that was inspired by you. or  Robby you were a wonderful son to me. You knew I always loved you unconditionally. You loved me too despite my shortcomings.
June 2, 2020
June 2, 2020
Dear Robby,

I think of you so often and miss you dearly. I can't believe it's been seven years
since you left us. Life will never be the same without you, but life goes on. Your parents are entering their retirement years. I hope they can find find peace in this new phase, perhaps even some joy. Until we meet again___
Grandma Wiz
June 1, 2020
June 1, 2020
Dear Robby, It has been a very long year measured not by days but memories. You have some wonderful company this time around. I hope your Aunt Sue and Aunt Fran are not too demanding on your time. Then again time for you all is eternal as is the happiness you all must be sharing. I look forward more than ever to join in when God calls. Give Sue a Hug for me ! Oh by the way your OLD MAN has retired and sporting a HEAVY beard. Reminds me of CHEWBACCA in Star Wars. You better check in on him real soon. I know he misses you as do we all. Love ya...UJ
May 30, 2020
May 30, 2020
This has been quite a week Robbie. You are never far from my thoughts as I am continually reminded in many ways that you are no longer here with us. Last night as we honored your dear dad for his retirement, I of course thought of you We were on your cozy screened in porch where you loved to hang with your friends.  The fence that you and your dad built is still standing tall and will soon be decorated by lovely fragrant blossoms. Seeing your loving family smiling and feeling joy together was life affirming made me think of you. Somehow joy and sorrow coexist on this side. I miss and love you Robbie, and what might have been. I will never forget your gentle presence, and I so look forward to seeing you one day when we meet again.
December 30, 2019
December 30, 2019
You would have turned 29 today. When you were growing up, it must have been hard to have Christmas so close to your birthday. I always tried to make your birthdays special so you wouldn’t feel cheated. Now that you are gone, we are the ones cheated every year during the holidays, with your birthday firmly fixed between Christmas and New Year’s. This year we were alone for the holidays, as we will be for many years going forward. So we tried to escape our sadness by going to Savannah. As we walked by the River Street Inn, I remembered when, years ago, you and Sarah were certain that our room there was haunted. Back then, we all loved a good ghost story. This Christmas, Dad and I passed by many of the places that we all had been to as a family years ago. Savannah is haunted. My vivid memories of your having been with us on our family trips to Savannah now haunt me. They always will. 
December 30, 2019
December 30, 2019
I can not even begin to imagine the pain and feelings of loss as your family misses you Robbie. Although I never met you in person I feel I know you through all the posts and tributes. Family- I pray for you and for strength as you carry on. Especially you, dear George and Teresa. Perhaps the photos and journal would turn out to be comfort rather than pain. I wish that for you Teresa.

Well the above was written a long time ago but I apparently didn't post it properly....
So now I write more. Years have gone by and I am sure the family still grieves. I am so very sorry. And now there is the added loss of Sue. You will have some special reunions when you reach Heaven. I still pray for the Andrew extended family.
I send my love
Sandy Collie
December 30, 2019
December 30, 2019
To quote Robby's song echo's my feelings best:
  "Lost alot of friends ... been a hell of a fight"
  "I miss you Dog ... till we meet again in Heaven !"
December 30, 2019
December 30, 2019
Happy Birthday Robby. Just to let ya know I am driving the Accura and wishing you were. I will take good care of it incase you ever need it back. I want you to do me a big favor. At your party today give our Susan a big Hug. Love UJ.
December 30, 2019
December 30, 2019
You would have turned 29 years old today. Would you have received your college degree, gone into a career position you wanted or maybe even married someone special? I can only imagine in my thoughts and dreams some of these possibilities. The pain of what could have been still haunts me deep within. So I try to heal by remembering the good times we shared together.
August 4, 2019
August 4, 2019
I thought of you this weekend Robby as we watched old videos and celebrated Grandma Mary Jane's 93rd birthday. Your dad as a young man looked so much like you! You would have liked the wonderful time at your family home with all of the Webbs! I would have especially loved to see you and the cousins having fun. I wish we had had more time to get to know one another Robby. I will always remember and miss you.
June 2, 2019
June 2, 2019
I miss hearing your voice. We had our last conversation six years ago today. 
My sister, your Aunt Sue, lost her nine-month battle three days ago to AML and will be profoundly missed. Now I will remember you both on this day and for years to come.
Time has become my friend, tempering the once chronic pain felt by your absence. My six-year wound has been reopened by your Aunt Sue’s demise. I remember how she took you in for a couple weeks at her sweet Alabama home, showing you love in your time of need. I hope you felt our unconditional love as we did yours. I will miss you forever, my precious son Robby. 
June 2, 2019
June 2, 2019
Hey Rob. I need you to show Aunt Susan around Heaven today. She brings Hugs and Love to you. Until we meet again.. UJ
June 2, 2019
June 2, 2019
Each time I add wildflowers to my garden and stop to admire the
maple tree we planted for you, I remember you. I think about
your love of nature and all the time you spent working with Dad
in our yard and with Uncle Jerry in his yard. Each time I draw or
paint, or laugh at a New Yorker cartoon, I think of all the art that
you left behind. I imagine all the art you would have created had
you lived. Our neighbor David told me that when he went to Steak
and Shake last month, he took a moment to look over at the grill
and remember you. I realize now that on every day, someone who
cared for you still remembers you. And now, as we all gather to
remember the life of Aunt Sue, I remember you both. As long as I live,
you and Sue will live on in my memory and in my stories about you.
I will remember you.


In the rising of the sun and in its going down, we remember them.
In the blowing of the wind and in the chill of winter, we remember them.
In the opening of buds and in the rebirth of spring, we remember them.
In the blueness of the sky and in the warmth of summer, we remember them.
In the rustling of leaves and in the beauty of autumn, we remember them.
In the beginning of the year and when it ends, we remember them.
When we are weary and in need of strength, we remember them.
When we are lost and sick at heart, we remember them.
When we have joys we yearn to share, we remember them
So long as we live, they too shall live, for they are now a part of us,
as we remember them.
(“We Remember Them” by Sylvan Kamens and Jack Riemer)
December 31, 2018
December 31, 2018
The Hour and What Is Dead
Li-Young Lee, 1957
Does he remember his earth, his birthplace set to torches?/
His love for me feels like spilled water/ running back to its vessel.// At this hour, what is dead is restless
and what is living is burning.
After great pain, a formal feeling comes – (372)
After great pain, a formal feeling comes –
The Nerves sit ceremonious, like Tombs –
The stiff Heart questions ‘was it He, that bore,’
And ‘Yesterday, or Centuries before’?
The Feet, mechanical, go round –
A Wooden way
Of Ground, or Air, or Ought –
Regardless grown,
A Quartz contentment, like a stone –
This is the Hour of Lead –
Remembered, if outlived,
As Freezing persons, recollect the Snow –
First – Chill – then Stupor – then the letting go –
December 31, 2018
December 31, 2018
I carry you with me always. A poem I wrote shortly after after your death:
Broken Bulb
Night Lamp epilepsy 
Electrical ghost
Of unchanged bulbs
Reflects on the vinyl outside
Your shadow waning & waxing
My reflection in the window
A crippled curl of lips
Neither up nor down
I recognize you
The corner of my mouth

An illusion’s tryst
I’ve known better
That you’d never be a ghost
Hardly memory
You are the absence of sun
The afterglow of eternity
December 30, 2018
December 30, 2018
    When Max’s nineteen-year-old friend Lowell died after surgery two weeks ago—on his birthday—my heart felt broken for Lowell, for his family and friends, and for all the young people who have died too soon.

     Robby, I had two dreams about you after Jen told me that Lowell died. My dreams about you always start the same way—I look up and you are there, smiling at me and reaching out to hug me. My surprised confusion melts into a surge of exhilaration when I realize that you aren’t dead, that it was all a terrible mistake. Then I feel a rush of overwhelming love for you, a happiness that you are alive, and a sense of soaring hope. But then a strong feeling of urgency overwhelms me, a feeling that I must immediately do whatever is necessary to keep you safe. You slowly turn and start walking away as the cognitive dissonance of my soaring hope collides with the piercing realization that you are, in fact, dead. Then I wake up. I know that Lowell’s family and friends must be having similar dreams right now.

    The other day, I had a vivid memory of our stopping to purchase notebooks, sketchbooks, and art supplies for you right before you entered your final rehab in Rhode Island. It is comforting to know that you actually did use all the notebooks and sketchbooks that I bought you over the years. I found one of your many notebooks recently, and it was really nice that it contained a copy of your note to Aunt Sue that you wrote to her when she turned 60. It was written the year before you died. I sent her a copy of it after she was diagnosed with leukemia this fall.

    Robby, your birthday note to Sue brings back a wonderful time of celebration in our family, a time of happiness, love, and hope. And it captures the essence of the loving, loyal person we all knew you to be. So instead of mourning today, the day that should have been your 28th birthday celebration, I will choose to remember the big celebration our family had when Sue turned 60. And I will think of the wonderful young man that wrote this loving note to his aunt. I miss you, Robby.

Dear Aunt Sue,

        Happy 60th birthday! I will always remember when you gave me a place to stay in my time of need. That was very sweet of you to open your home to me, and I appreciate the love and hospitality you gave me. I enjoyed spending that time with you and Uncle Jerry and feel closer to y’all since then. Family is everything, and I love you very much, Aunt Sue. I wish you a happy birthday! By the way, you look and act at least 10 years younger than you are!


December 30, 2018
December 30, 2018
Robby, today I think of how you and your Dad built the fence around the back of your house together. What a joy it was "constructing" those memories with each other. In later years you even helped me repair the fence at our rental in Eustis, that was great one on one time. Now we need your help oversee a future fence project at Grandma Mary's. If you can spare a few hours, more like DAYS, please remain open to providing "heavenly over-sight" of your Dad, Uncle Steve and UJ in this event. I know you will laugh sharing with us in our futile efforts to convince one another the correct way to build it. No doubt we will seek your arbitration in the negotiations. Your heavenly counsel trumps our earthly decisions. We will look forward to spending moments like these again with you. Robby you remain forever with us. Aunt Sue sends her love and reading your letter is the next best thing to wrapping her arms around you and hugging you. See ya at the fence !....UJ and AS.
June 3, 2018
June 3, 2018
Your many "faces" and life will forever impact each of us in different ways. We will always miss you and look forward to the time we are reunited...Though in the meantime our lives are forever changing, our love is forever constant & helps us with our choices today to care deeply for our family, friends, and even strangers! Loving you Robby!
Aunt Sue
June 3, 2018
June 3, 2018
Robby, days come and go yet your physical absence is always painful. I know it is that way when a loved one has left us. Then I recognize how much we love you and how blessed we were to share our short time together as family. I wish you could be here with us.... your fun "clowning around" self. At the lake, I know you would be the WET, somewhat WILD and JOYFUL one. You would have us laughing and feeling good about the day. When I think of the fun moments vice the battles you fought I realize how you would want us to hold onto those happy times and go forward. Robby thanks for being with us in a realm that one day we will better understand. Till then we will laugh & share the memories of how you added so much to our life......
Love Ya !.... UJ
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June 2
June 2
This sad anniversary breaks my heart. I waited so long for my beautiful firstborn
grandchild. I loved seeing him grow into a fine young man. He looked so much like his grandfather at 16. And when Robby turned 16 everything changed, and his life, which began with such hope and promise, ended tragically too soon. How
do you go on after such a loss? Tova answers correctly, in "Bright Creatures." You
must move on. You move on for the sake of all the others who loved Robby, especially Sarah, the little sister he left behind.

Grandma Wiz

June 2
June 2
Like title of this site: FOREVER MISSED! Nothing could be more real than the longing for Robby’s presence. UJ
June 2
    “How did you, like, go on?” He looks down at her and swallows hard. “I mean, he was here one day and gone the next. How do you recover from something like that?”
    Tova hesitates. “You don’t recover. Not all the way. But you do move on. You have to.”

            Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt

    Our only son, Robby, died on June 2, 2013. George and I are so grateful for all the words of kindness Robby’s family and friends have expressed on this memorial website over the past eleven years. Going forward, although we will no longer be posting the thoughts we have of Robby, we will always treasure this website and the people who helped make it a wonderful tribute to our beautiful boy.

                         Theresa and George Andrew
Recent stories
June 2, 2014

Dear Robby,


How has a year passed by without you? I guess it doesn’t feel like an entire year because I really haven’t been without you at all. I still talk to you, feel your presence and see you everywhere. When I pray, I pray that you have met Chris’ dad and that he is guiding you and that you walk together, laughing and telling stories about us on Earth. When I’m really having a bad day or missing you guys, all I have to say is, “Robby and Ronnie, I really need your help.” And an instant peace will come over me. Then a memory will enter my head, something funny that makes me laugh out loud. For instance, I will remember you being a total goofball and doing anything just to get a smile out of me. And instantly you are there, wherever I am, I feel you next to me. I am so grateful for the time we had together. You are the only close friend I have ever lost. However, I want you to know that I will never say goodbye.


I love you and I miss you everyday,



A Naloxone Kit Could Have Saved Robby

January 28, 2014

Dear Dr. Kolodny, 

We are writing to you because our only son, Robert George Andrew, died of an opiate overdose on June 2, 2013, two days after finishing the drug abuse treatment program at Phoenix House in Exeter, RI. Our son Robby was handsome, smart, charming, funny, loving and loyal. He should have had a very bright future and a wonderful life. If an inexpensive, easy-to-use naloxone kit had been provided for our son when he left Phoenix House, Robby might still be alive today. Please take a look at Robby’s memorial website and try to imagine our loss. This letter is posted there. 

When you were the Director for Special Projects for the New York City Department of Health, you saved many lives by implementing a naloxone overdose prevention program. Now that you are the Chief Medical Officer of Phoenix House, we hope that you will implement a naloxone overdose prevention program for everyone who seeks treatment at the 123 Phoenix Houses for which you are responsible. By building on the success of your New York City program, you could create a lifesaving legacy and profoundly transform the outcome of drug abuse treatment at Phoenix House and beyond. 

Thousands of teenagers and young adults, who in previous generations would never have become addicts, are being given opioid painkillers for sports injuries or wisdom teeth extraction, only to become hopelessly addicted. Young people who successfully complete drug treatment in rehab or prison are at high risk for deadly overdose once they are released. Providing naloxone overdose prevention kits to these recovering addicts can make the critical difference between life and death. A dead addict cannot be rehabilitated; only a living addict has the chance to fully recover from addiction. Robby will never have that chance. But others could have it.   

Miriam Hospital in Providence, RI, 30 miles from the Phoenix House in Exeter, does have an overdose prevention program: Preventing Overdose and Naloxone Intervention (PONI).  This program is in partnership with many organizations that help addicts. It should be in partnership with the Phoenix House in Exeter. A naloxone kit distributed by PONI costs around $15.00 and can reverse five overdose events. 

You have shown exceptional leadership as the president of Physicians for Responsible Opioid Prescribing. We support your courageous effort to change the labeling require- ments for painkillers which will help reduce opioid abuse and overdose. In addition to this important cause, we hope you will consider the tremendous good you could do if you build on the success of your New York City naloxone overdose prevention program and champion naloxone overdose prevention kits for Phoenix House. Think of the countless lives you could save. 

Respectfully yours, 

Theresa and George Andrew 









The Trampoline

January 2, 2014

    I remember back when we had the big king size trampoline in our backyard and we had a family party for who knows which birthday. All of us kids, Sarah, Emily, Maureen, Robby, and I (the littlest and most forgotten) were all jumping on the trampoline and i loved tickle fights back then so i pocked the girls and they clearly weren't interested. So i bounced over to where Robby was and drove my finger into his rib cage, tickling him, as he showed his cute, fun smile laughing and chuckling. His laugh and smile always made me smile and laugh. It was one of those where you couldn't help but laugh too. So anyway, i kept pocking him and he never once said stop or "EILEEN YOUR ANNOYING STOP" like other people sometimes did, he just kept laughing and trying to fight back poking me. I will never forget that smille and squinted laughing eyes Robby had that night back when we were all so little. I miss you Robby, not a day goes by that i somehow don't think about you and your affect on me. You always understand me, i love you.
Love, Eileen 

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