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Robert Casey Kuhn passed away April 13th, 2017, at Peppi's Hospice, Tucson, AZ. He was born to Robert Frederick Kuhn and Elizabeth Casey Kuhn in Buffalo, NY on July 20th, 1943.

Casey spent his childhood along with his sisters Karen Smith and Julie Fredette in Roxbury, CT, where he formed bonds and memories that would last his lifetime.  He met the love of his life, Mary Herrington, at Thiel College.  They married in 1969 and eventually settled in Mary's hometown of Hillsdale, NY, where they raised their children, Carrie Kuhn and Sarah Campbell. Casey took immense joy and pride in his daughters and his grandsons, Tristin and Charlie Campbell, and shared his love and respect with sons-in-law, John Dandurand and Peter Campbell.

Casey joined the Herrington family business and bought and ran Herrington Fuels for 25 years. Through his business and community relationships Casey was generous and compassionate, quietly helping when he saw need.

Casey loved reading, golf and fishing trips, and he and Mary traveled often with close and valued friends. He was a philosopher, always motivated to do the right thing—Casey lived life with grace and courtesy. He had a fabulous memory, a dry, teasing wit, and a talent for easy company. Casey leaves behind a legacy of love and caring. We celebrate Casey Kuhn—a true gentleman, who made us all better just by being himself.

A Celebration of Life will be held June 24, 2017 at 2 pm at the Roeliff Jansen Park in Hillsdale NY. Driving Address: 9140 Route 22, HIllsdale, NY 12529

In lieu of flowers memorial contributions in Casey’s honor may be made to:
- Peppi’s House - TMC Hospice, 2715 N Wyatt Drive, Tucson AZ 85712;
- The Preston Robert Tisch Brain Tumor Center, DUMC Box 3624, Durham NC 27710 - Checks payable to Tisch Brain Tumor Center; or
- The Roe Jan Food Pantry, PO Box 343, Hillsdale NY 12529


April 14
April 14
Remembering a fine Man , Casey,forever missed for sure ,
Hugs to Mary and the family xxoo
Sandi Geller
April 14
April 14
Seven years have slipped by but thoughts and memories of my old friend will always be with me and will forever bring a smile to my face. Love to Mary, Carrie, Sarah, Tristan and Charlie, and to all who knew and loved Casey.
April 13
April 13
I miss you, old friend. Sure wish we'd had more time together. Thinking of you always, but especially on this day, the anniversary of your passing.
April 13
It is hard to beleive that 7 years have already passed. 
Casey will be missed always.
Love to his precious family.
April 13, 2023
April 13, 2023
Mary, Carrie and Sarah;
It is so hard to beleive 6 years have already passed but not a day has gone by without the ache in your heart that will last forever. He is gone - but never forgotten. May your happy memories bring you joy and peace of a life well lived.
July 20, 2022
July 20, 2022
Thinking of my old pal on his 79th birthday and all the wonderful memories I have of our friendship that began when we were four year olds growing up in Roxbury. Love to Mary, Carrie, Sarah, Tristan, Charlie, Peter, and John
July 20, 2022
July 20, 2022
Casey will always be remembered as a fine person and a really good neighbor. His family is testament to his good examples and his loving heart. He will always be missed as he left a permanent mark on most people he met. RIP ! 
April 16, 2022
April 16, 2022
Thinking of You Casey and the wonderful man that Graced this Earth,
May you forever Rest in Peace❤️
April 14, 2022
April 14, 2022
I think of you and your family often. Gone - but never forgotten.
April 13, 2022
April 13, 2022
Dearest Poppy Bear,
There isn't a moment that you aren't missed, celebrated and honored. Your legacy of kindness, love, friendship, humility, community, patience, forgiveness, humor and true connection lives on in every person who's life you touched. I'm incredibly grateful for you. Your lessons and love endure, your example continues to inspire me. Thank you for teaching me to be brave and open hearted. To receive the gifts of this life with a glad heart...the lightness, the darkness and every beautiful thing in between. I love you, forever.
April 13, 2022
April 13, 2022
Can it possibly be five years? A lifetime of friendship unlike any other friend I've ever known. The boyhood days in bucolic Roxbury where we spent so many hours/days just living our goofy little boy experiences, then on to Utah so many years later with our skiing, partying with close friends then on to babies being born, yours and mine, and our family excursions here and there in California, Minnesota, Vermont, Connecticut, etc. A lifetime of memories and happiness that you added to my life will remain with me for eternity.
July 20, 2021
July 20, 2021
Mary, Carrie and Sarah:

I know today would be Casey's 78th B'day. I am sure you feel his loss everyday and always will. Let your heart be filled with the wonderful memories of days gone by and feel the blessing that his presence had in your lives.
April 14, 2021
April 14, 2021
Here’s to remembering 1 fine man , Casey Kuhn , may you rest in eternal Peace.❤️
July 20, 2020
July 20, 2020
Mary, Carrie and Sarah:

3 years have passed in a flash, but you are never far from the thoughts of those that knew you and were blessed with your kindness. The country is crazy now and scary too and I'm sure you would have a few wise things to say about the state of affairs of the world. You are missed by many and especially your family and friends. Continue to RIP !
April 13, 2020
April 13, 2020
So, another year has passed with your passing. I’m happy that you are not here to witness this crazy Coronavirus pandemic. World is on lock down and you are free of our worldly boundaries.
Miss you and hope that you are at peace.
July 20, 2019
July 20, 2019
Another year. Time passes quickly. I was honored to be there for your burial in Roxbury. The final physical resting place for you with your family. 
Your thoughts travel on and always will with your family and friends.
July 21, 2018
July 21, 2018
A Birthday. Mine is coming up soon too. Sorry you are not here to celebrate the event with your family and friends.
I will be celebrating mine in Africa! I’m remembering our trip to Africa so many years ago. Time keeps trudging on with us and without us. Miss talking with you. 
Best, Ed.
Rest easy my friend.
April 14, 2018
April 14, 2018
My heart clearly doesn't know how to tell time- to think it's been a year since you embarked on your next adventure is unfathomable. Filled with gratitude and love for you Dad- I miss you every moment.

'Unable to perceive the shape of you, I find you all around me. Your presence fills my eyes with your love. It humbles my heart, for you are everywhere.' 
Shape of Water, provenance unknown
April 13, 2018
April 13, 2018
Missing you often, my friend. A year already. Really hard to believe.
I hope that Mary and your family are doing well.
I have fond memories to remember you with and all of the family.
Rest now my friend and some day we/ I will join you to rest some more.
April 13, 2018
April 13, 2018
Mary, Carrie and Sarah:
It is so hard to believe a whole year has passed. His memory is so fresh on the minds of those who respected him and he will be forever missed. I was speaking of your loving family yesterday to a neighbor and was remembering his infectious laugh and smile. My thoughts are with you. Jeanne Silverberg SVVHOA
March 15, 2018
March 15, 2018
Dear Mary, Sarah,Carrie and family,
So Saddened to hear of the Passing of Casey ...I just happened to see this memorial site and want to send my Prayers and Hugs to you all.
I so enjoyed speaking with Casey as we often bumped into each other near the Hillsdale PO & in town ...A Fine Man has surely gotten through the Pearly Gates of Heaven. May the strength of family & friends help to ease you through these days & months as you grieve over the loss of Casey. Casey touched the hearts and souls of many and he will not be forgotten
October 30, 2017
October 30, 2017
Casey- Thinking about you today and often. I hope you are at peace but I am missing you. Ed
July 23, 2017
July 23, 2017
I know he's up there somewhere, fishing for stars off the tip of the crescent moon, with his Dad beside him. Maybe they're having a laugh at all of us for feeling so sad when they're having such a great time. What a great guy!!
July 20, 2017
July 20, 2017
Thinking of my old pal and best friend on his birthday. Also thinking of Mary, Carrie, Sarah, Tristan, and Charlie. And of course, Karen, Julie, John, and Peter. I miss you, old friend.
June 30, 2017
June 30, 2017
It was great for the short time that it was for Cindy & I to have Casey as our neighbor, getting the mail we would wrap -up the world events in 10 min....His sense of humor matched mine & that was great,,, He'll be greatly missed ,,,, Gary & Cindy
June 24, 2017
June 24, 2017
I won't forget the last time I saw Casey. He was in good spirits and in fact ..... the light in the room. His journey had brought him to an amazing place of peace that impacted me deeply. He was focused on daily acceptance and his gratitude for Mary and for the life he still had, laughing happily in anticipation of the winter holidays with all the children. His presence was a gift and I feel blessed to have been there. Thank you Casey and Mary
June 22, 2017
June 22, 2017
Dear Mary,Carrie,Sarah and family..was so saddened to hear the news of Casey's passing..I knew Casey for many years while I worked for Ed Herrington,Inc...we could always count on endless funny stories when he visited but didn't get much work done...a wonderful family man..he will greatly missed...
June 13, 2017
June 13, 2017
Dear Kuhn Family,
Thank you Carrie for all the wonderful memorial photos. Bob and I appreciated seeing Casey's beautiful life from beginning to end. Our
special time with Casey was with his parents Bob and Libby attending the delicious hamburger cookouts every February in Tucson. Best hamburger ever!!!! After the passing of Bob and then Libby, we were
then able to have lunch together again every February to enjoy the
company of Casey and family, which we plan to continue this February
in honor of Casey and to continue to celebrate the Kuhn Family!!
We were blessed to know Casey, saddened with his loss, and will miss him! Our healing thoughts and prayers to all the Kuhn Family,
With Love, Curtice and Bob McCloy
May 25, 2017
May 25, 2017
Dear Mary, Carrie and Sarah,

Casey was a special person, intelligent, wise and fun to be with, all rolled into one. He always made me laugh. He had his own spin on life and shared it willingly, making others positively affected. 

I will never forget all the times we spent together; your wedding Mary, trips where we stopped for the night, before the kids were born, because we were passing by, longer trips to Alaska, Hawaii,and Italy. Trips to each other's home, sharing great food and good cheer!

I especially have to note the incredible friendship that your Casey and my Bob established (instantaneously) upon meeting! They were like two peas in a pod.....chatting and laughing together like two magpies!!!
It was that way up to the last....20 some years later life will forever feel empty without him.  Rest in peace, Casey
May 24, 2017
May 24, 2017
Thursday, May 04, 2017
Dear Mary, Carrie and Sarah,
I just heard Casey passed away. At about that same time, he crossed my mind and I was wondering how he was. I'm sorry I didn't reach out. Oh, the things you
put off and later regret.
When I first met Casey we really hit it off. He was so friendly and interesting it was easy for me to really like him. Sometimes I don't warm up too fast to people but not Casey, it was instant.
But, too many miles and other distractions kept us from spending more than few times together over the years. However we always started up where we had left off. Casey made that easy with his always interesting stories and doings.
Some people come and go through your life and make an impact. Casey was one of those and I will truly miss him.

Armand Sieper
~ Armand Sieper, Lake George, New York
May 22, 2017
May 22, 2017
Mary Carrie Sarah,
Over all of the years that we have been friends I will always remember Casey with friendship and respect. All of my visits to Tucson. All of our dinners in Kent. Our incredible trip to Africa! Casey, thank you for your friendship! I will always cherish our time. Thank you Mary. I am thinking about you..Best Always,Ed
May 22, 2017
May 22, 2017
To All the Kuhn Family,
We are heartsick for all of you as we found out the news this morning.
It was a singular blessing to know Casey and to have all of you in our lives. Sending many thoughts and prayers ... George and Kay
May 20, 2017
May 20, 2017
Dear Mary, Carrie, & Sarah,
I am so saddened to hear the news of Casey's passing. He was such a sweet, kind, funny man. I have such wonderful childhood memories of sleepovers and meals and lots of playing at the Kuhn house. He will always be in my heart and I will remember him with a smile. Sending my love and prayers to you and your families.
May 19, 2017
May 19, 2017
Mary, Carrie and Sarah:
My heart breaks for all of you as your loss is horrific. Having you as my neighbors for a short time was wonderful and every encounter with your family was pleasant. Casey always showed a high level of devotion to his friends and family and a superb love and respect for his incredible wife, Mary. I admire those attributes of character and by example he lived his life with integrity and kindness. I shall remember him for his amazing strengths, contagious laugh, storytelling, family values and common sense.
May 18, 2017
May 18, 2017
Casey was the brother I never had, and the memories of our unique friendship go back to the late 40's, before we started the first grade. We were best friends from first grade forward, right to the end of his amazing life. Thru all those years there was never an ill word exchanged between us. There were years when we live hundreds, even thousands of miles apart, and there were years we lived a few blocks from each other. We were in each other's weddings, took family vacations together, and shared the joys of weddings and fatherhood. He will forever be in my heart.
May 17, 2017
May 17, 2017
Dear Mary, Carrie and Sarah,

I was blessed to have Casey in my life. So smart, such a great sense of humor. He was the best. We will miss him and remember him always. We send our love to you and your families.


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Recent Tributes
April 14
April 14
Remembering a fine Man , Casey,forever missed for sure ,
Hugs to Mary and the family xxoo
Sandi Geller
April 14
April 14
Seven years have slipped by but thoughts and memories of my old friend will always be with me and will forever bring a smile to my face. Love to Mary, Carrie, Sarah, Tristan and Charlie, and to all who knew and loved Casey.
April 13
April 13
I miss you, old friend. Sure wish we'd had more time together. Thinking of you always, but especially on this day, the anniversary of your passing.
Recent stories

Missing you, Casey

April 14, 2019

Time is so short and yet so long. Missing my friend as time passes us by. Miss seeing you and Mary and your phone calls. Someday we will all be together. Not yet.

June 24, 2017
 I sold oil to Casey for years, beginning in the early eighties.  He was not only a good customer, but a good friend. 

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