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The Market

June 30, 2020
We had the pleasure of seeing Rob and Sue most weekends at the South Melbourne Market. While I knew Rob and Sue through Mark, my now three and six year olds loved catching up. I enjoyed getting to know Rob, his wise counsel and fantastic critical thinking. But most of all I just loved that Rob and Zoe just loved hanging out. I don't know why but they just connected and all of us enjoyed seeing them hang out. Thanks for the great memories. Matt, Ren, GG and Zoe. xo
June 30, 2020
Like so many of us, I’ve also been lucky enough to have Sue and Rob in my life for so many years.

One thing I had forgotten up until yesterday was Rob’s love of music and music discussion, so thanks to everyone here for bringing that one back for me.  This alone brings back many fond memories, and yes I've also had a few musical “chats” with Rob over the years accompanied by some fine wine.

Away from the music, I often remember him opening up often about family history, both his and ours.  He had many stories from his childhood (life with Sue and Cas & Doug among others) which he told incredibly well.  Other highlights for me include the early years at Rye, and a one-off year of PASSH where I was lucky enough to share a lodge with the family, and ski lift or two with Rob and Sue.  He was a great coach too! - First time skier here, so I had a few falls.  Also, I have to mention how wonderfully he spoke at Mark and Lauren’s Wedding, so soon after losing Clare.

Fast forward to my last catch up with Rob and Sue, which was a Sunday night in Melbourne late last year before the news rolled in.  No music chat this time, but I was amazed at his level of fitness… I imagine he must have been at or near his peak.  We started late in the evening and in true style we were soon dining at the last open restaurant in Southbank chatting about life, love, our families today, and a bit of the old family history which I think was also a bit of a sideline passion of his.  Some serious philosophical chat too, and a few laughs of course. 

He looked happy and relaxed as always, obviously very content with his life. These are the memories that I’ll always have of Rob.  By all accounts he had a charmed life with Sue and his wonderful family.

We'll miss Rob greatly. 

The dad I wished I had

June 29, 2020
I lived in the same street as Clare and though we briefly went to primary school together, we didn’t properly become friends until high school. Fair to say that one of the highlights of my teen years was Clare and her family. Clare was special and as soon as I spent (a lot of) time in her home, I understood why. Rob was funny and smart, liked music that they didn’t play on EON FM and was unlike any father I knew. He drove a sporty yellow car that was the antithesis of a family car (which appealed to me immensely) and he sat around on weekends drinking coffee and talking about music and ideas and life, as opposed to mowing the lawn (also appealing). He took me and Clare to our first concert  - Crowded House at Festival Hall. There were many years where I did not see him, but reconnecting veryoccasionally as an adult was my good fortune. I don’t know how this works because I am an atheist, but still, I like to think he is reunited with his beloved Clare now. ❤️

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