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In Memory of Uncle Bob

August 2, 2020
It was shocking to hear about the passing on of Uncle Bob.
I met Uncle Bob and his family through my brother, Mr Steve Benamaisia and since then Uncle Bob and his wife (the lovely aunty Rose) have been like a family to me. 
He was so helpful, kind and pleasant to be around. I remember the endless parties where we all danced, dined and laughed like there was no tomorrow. 
My heart goes out to Aunty Rose, his wife, who adored her husband and I cannot imagine how she will begin to cope without him.
I pray that God gives her the strength and wisdom to carry on the vision of her husband for their family. 
A big thank you to LONTAR for putting together this beautiful gesture.
My heartfelt condolences to his wife and family.
Vivian Ogbomah 

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