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March 12, 2021
My mate rob,what can i say...Knew him as kids from 1979...Great times,running around hawthorne place,playing knock and run at night,playing as rob called it BONOPOLY ,uhh thats MONOPOLY ROB.As we got older,the times i visited on weekend leave from the Navy at your Nans house,the trips we park...Jamberoo...where i came off tobogan,slid down hot tin,in shirts i might add...ran down hill and dove into boat dam...and what did you do rob....LAUGHED YOUR BLOODY HEAD OFF AT MY 3RD DEGREE BURNS....ABSOLUTE BEST OF TIMES...MISS YA HEAPS ME OLD MATE..RIP ROB...ILL SEE YOU SOON.

My brother

March 12, 2021
Its funny the things u think of when someone is fighting to live, like how we use to fight as kids or when he got hurt it made me ferl guilty of having fights as kids because i just hurt my heart all these emotions just came up and we didn't have enough time with u just going to palliative care just broke me i remember trying to get my self together just to walk in the door i would say i had to go to the bathroom just so u wouldn't see me cry u were so lost and scared we ask why u it'sĀ  not fair they got it wrong but no it was a nightmare we were living and rob was going threw u try everything to stay but it was not to be the Angels came that sad day of 1/4/05and took u on your journey up to the heavens above when your pain ended and ours had just begunĀ 

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