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July 14, 2019
July 14, 2019
Dear April, this just came through my e-mail to remind me that this is the anniversary of Robby's homegoing. I know firsthand that these days can be incredibly hard, but God is incredibly good. You and your children are in my thoughts and prayers today. I'm glad that you are off doing something fun today to celebrate Robby's precious and hugs!!
July 15, 2017
July 15, 2017
My toughts,love and prayers are with you!! Lots of love
July 14, 2017
July 14, 2017
This morning, Robby heard the words all of us long to hear if we are servants of Christ. "Well done, my good and faithful servant". My prayers are with the family today. Love you all.
July 14, 2017
July 14, 2017
The Father has been glorified through your incredible testimony. In this dark world, you were a beacon. Your light shone brightly for all to see, and and it will never be extinguished because you live on in our hearts. We all prayed for a miracle, and every day that you drew breath, God granted us a miracle. I am so sad that you are gone, but I am so thankful that I knew you. Your direction determined your destination, and your life, you story, your commitment and devotion gives me hope.
July 14, 2017
July 14, 2017
Although I never had the opportunity to meet Robby in person. The Television Ministry at FBC in Florence has meant so much to my life. Although I enjoyed Dr. Inabinet's sermons, it was always a joy to me when Robby filled in for him. I thoroughly enjoyed Robby's sermons every Sunday when he took over. I always taped his sermons to watch at a later time. His sermons meant so much to me. I will miss him dearly. God bless his family and friends.
July 14, 2017
July 14, 2017
Robby, answered the final call this morning at 6:28 and went to be with his savior. Robby has received his good and faithful servant. We are so glad that we got to know Robby, and his family. Our prayers are with April the children his mother, mother in-law and brother. We love all of you and you are in our prayers.
July 14, 2017
July 14, 2017
RIP Robby! You were such an inspiration to so many and I can only imagine the joy you felt when you looked into the face of God this morning and seeing Him with his arms outstretched saying,"Welcome home, my loving and faithful servant."
July 14, 2017
July 14, 2017
I've had the privilege to know Robby & April since high school and our days in the youth group at church. I remember when they first began dating and Robby saying that he was going to marry her one day! I have so many wonderful memories of the fun times we had. Like many after high school, we drifted apart. Then years later connected again when April was in Pharmacy School with me! Facebook allowed us to keep up with each other's lives and for me to follow Robby's journey with cancer. 2 & 1/2 years ago I got to see Robby & April when he came back to Charleston to share his story. God for sure hand his hand on all this because the very next day my brother was diagnosed with cancer. He knew what I was going to be facing and put Robby & April back in my life at just the right moment. I asked them so many questions about chemo and leaned on them both during the worst time of my life. Even though Robby was fighting his own battle, they were both there for me any time I reached out during my brother's 14 month fight with cancer. Robby was such an amazing man of God! I feel blessed to have known him and be able to call him my friend. I am praying for strength and comfort and peace for April & their children in the days and weeks ahead. Robby touched the lives of everyone he came in contact with. His story isn't over yet. In fact it is the beginning of a new one. Unfortunately for us it is "to be continued" until the day we are united with Robby again. ❤️
July 14, 2017
July 14, 2017
Sincerest condolences to April, the children & all of Robby's family & loved ones. What an incredible witness he was in the way he lived his life for Christ. I cannot comprehend the grief April & their children are surely experiencing. But, what an amazing eternal life Robby is now privileged to live with his Lord & Savior. May God give comfort to Robby's family & may they take some solace in knowing he now lives in the kingdom of Heaven.
July 14, 2017
July 14, 2017
I was not priveleged to meet Robby until late in his journey with cancer, when I attended him in the hospital as his nurse. We had many mutual friends and I had met April last year. I had also heard him speak at the Choice to M8ke Gala 2 years ago. It only took a few minutes of time with him to become immediately connected to him and to the Savior whom he served. Robby had the most incredibly sweet Spirit in the worst of times. His life was obviously not his own, but belonged to the Father. I grieve with April and with his children, but I rejoice with Robby as he has now touched the face of the Savior and is basking in the light of His glory.

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