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Share a special moment from Robert's life.

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April 18, 2019

There are so many stories to be told. One i will always remember is when Bob skipped school with his friends. .Mind you bob was pretty shy and did not do  those things often. He came  home that night and i ran and said Dad knows. We knew if he would lie where he was it would be worst. Saved his but on that one. 

Your Mini-me

April 16, 2019

 My favorite memory of you, was when you spent the night at our house. The next morning while you were drinking your normal black cup of coffee, Ethan came up to you and gave you a cookie. He proceeded to give himself one and watched the stairs to make sure Adam and I weren't coming down. He went to check on you to see if you ate your cookie, and you still had it on the table by your coffee. He told you, "Quickly papa, you have to eat before mom and dad come down." You laughed so hard and you told us about it when we came down. Ethan go upset at you, but you were so surprised that he could sneakily do something like that. You said it kind of reminded you of yourself and then proceeded to laugh some more. 

I love you grandpa and will miss you very much.

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