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This memorial website was created in memory of our loved one, Robert Taglieri Sr, 62 years old, born on February 2, 1946, and passed away on May 20, 2008. We will remember him forever.
May 21, 2023
May 21, 2023
Hey Dad

After 15 years I still pray that you will pull up in the driveway honk your horn and yell I home.
I know that you’re watching over us, and resting easy I hope. Just know the years may go by but the thoughts of you, love for you, and missing of you doesn’t ever go by.

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May 21, 2023
May 21, 2023
Hey Dad

After 15 years I still pray that you will pull up in the driveway honk your horn and yell I home.
I know that you’re watching over us, and resting easy I hope. Just know the years may go by but the thoughts of you, love for you, and missing of you doesn’t ever go by.
Recent stories

Bob at camp.

May 22, 2021
I always laugh when i think of how Bob used to love to aggravate Carolyn by blowing his horn every time he went past her trailer. Also how he would always ask me about who sang songs that came on the radio and what year they came out. I think about Richie, me, Bob and Joan playing dice in the trailer in the winter time. We did have good times.
May 20, 2021
Simply the Best!
Love you Dad, miss you more then words could ever explain. Colton loves, misses you, and talks about you all the time. Your three grandchildren whom never met you, Nathan, Catherine, and James all talk about you as if they knew you. They do, they know you threw me, Robin, and Mom. They also love and miss you. Gone way to soon, but never forgotten.

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