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Love at first sight

March 25, 2014
I was having a house warming party I had just bought my first house and Susan Reeves asked if she could bring a friend I said of course little did I know who was about to walk through my front door. I remember looking up and seeing the most gorgeous man I had ever laid my eyes on . He had his hair pulled thru the back of a baseball cap and was drinking a budweiser. He had me from hello of course I couldnt let him know that.

Funny moment

March 24, 2014

One day mom and I were sitting around and Robbie was in the shower. So I got the idea to beat on the door and yell fire. He came running out all frantic, he had soap all lathered in his beautiful locks of hair and was butt naked. Me mom fell out laughing. He just turned and went back in the shower. Sorry ladies no picture.

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