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September 8, 2022
September 8, 2022
非常懷念丁弟兄,2012-2014 我和太太素雲在ORLANDO, 丁弟兄那時身體不好,嗓子出不了聲音。我們拜讀了他的解經書,深受啟發!他的敬虔的生命狀態也常激勵我們。丁弟兄雖然離開了,却因信,仍旧说话。

崔彤宇、曹素雲 敬上
September 4, 2022
September 4, 2022


丁笠, 爭孜敬上

January 4, 2022
January 4, 2022



January 1, 2022
January 1, 2022
從丁弟兄的追思、見証聚會藉著家人和眾聖徒的分享,得以多點認識丁弟兄的服事不只在講台上, 也在家庭中、教會中, 生活中 。

從十一月彭廣纯弟兄特別聚會信息中,多次提到丁弟兄離開了, 但藉他帶下神的祝福仍留在神的家中。讚美神,恩典奇妙的作為。

月明、 偉誠
San Francisco, CA
December 30, 2021
December 30, 2021
Our dear Brother Ting has finished his testimony in Christ on earth and now is resting in Christ with hope and reward.

For those who know Brother Ting but still on earth are full of gratitude and encouraged to obtain the nourishment from the fellowship of Brother Ting in the past. Meanwhile, we all feel sorrow for the temporary departure though we know we will be reunited with our loving Brother Ting when the Lord is back and all wounds and tears will be turned into pearl and crown.

May our sister Ting be comforted by the Holy Spirit and tremendous love from many brothers and sisters.

Glory to God and peace with hope to His people.

-- Julie Kan from Rosemead, California
December 29, 2021
December 29, 2021

在塔城華人查經班和基督教會成長過程中,當年奧蘭多中華教會 Orlando Chinese Church 負責弟兄丁燕嬰博士對我們此地福音傳揚、團契靈命培育有至深至廣的見證影響。許多年來,丁弟兄和夫人陳燕君姐妹在我們最需要時,分享聖經中的感人深奥的精義,幫助新朋友和弟兄姐妹在生活生命上的造就,在聖詩裡體會信望愛。加拉太書五章廾二和廾三節、聖靈的果子從他們生命中見證岀來。來塔城福音佈道及培靈講道,他們常住在我們許多家庭中,他們家常生活言語見證,更讓大家體會到每日信心和行為印證。經聖靈引領和聖經話語感動,丁弟兄每年引導許多新朋友歸主並替他們施洗,如鍾金春、李榮英、鄭炳陸和遠在各地的夏康達 … 等弟兄姐妹們。

丁弟兄在師大附中和臺灣大學機械時曾和鄭炳陸弟兄同學,也是籃球校隊隊員, 在高雄中學時和我們有深交,Gainesville 查經班教會創始人中的楊照崑弟兄同學。他 1964 年畢業於臺灣大學機械系, 1967 年獲麻省理工學院航空工程碩士學位, 1971 年獲加利福尼亞大學科學與工程博士學位,畢業後在華盛頓海軍實驗室任研究工程師、和聚合物力學部主任, 他的學術研究著作列在 網站上。



1345 Kansas St. San Francisco CA 94107
2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 特別聚會講員。

Chinese Christian Mission Church
4528 Bennett, Memorial Rd. Durham, NC 27705

塔城華人基督教會 Tallahassee Chinese Christian Church

基督學房 聖經真理講座 2008_11_5-7

Chinese Immanuel Church

Jacksonville Chinese Christian Church




中華海外宣道協會 CMO


丁弟兄近年在家養病中, 塔城教會弟兄姐妹探望時, 他和夫人陳燕君姐妹常親切的和我們交通,感受到神家中團契的温暖。

─ Tallahassee夏良宇(L. Hsia)弟兄
December 29, 2021
December 29, 2021
My name is Tom Sung, and I was baptized by Brother Ting in January of 1997. He also baptized my Mom Luan in the early 1980s, and my wife Helen in the 1990s. My Dad Hsin Hwa also came to Christ in 2009.

When I think of Brother Ting, I remember the wonderful times that my family, and the church, had with him and Sister Ting. There were a lot of church picnics, retreats, and church weddings. They were such fun times! He and Sister Ting were such steady and comforting presence at those events.

I miss him, and so does our entire church family. We look forward to being all together again in God's kingdom where we will have endless fun fellowships, picnics, and retreats unhindered by the limits of this earthly world.

May God continue to bless Sister Ting and her whole family. In Jesus, Tom Sung
December 26, 2021
December 26, 2021

初次見到丁燕嬰弟兄和丁姐妹,是在我和我姐妹初信主後參加的第一次基督徒退休會。丁弟兄是那次聚會的講員。雖然我們帶著當時才兩個月大的女兒Grace去參加。但我們還是抓住機會在午休時間請教丁弟兄許多屬靈問題。雖然我已記不得問了什麽問題,但卻記得他在交通裏提到努力進天國,與基督一同作王的真理。我們當初聖經不熟,也從來不知道神對我們蒙恩的兒女還有這麽大的呼召。心中又喜樂又疑惑。特會結束后,我們回到家裏,身體有些疲憊,一家三口都很快就入睡了。到了半夜,我不知爲何醒來,連忙拿起聖經繼續查考所有與天國相關的經文,神藉著他的話開啓了我對於國度的認識, 在心中激動滿足中我又入睡了。隔天早晨起來,趕緊和姐妹分享昨晚享受主話語的經歷。哪知姐妹告訴我,她半夜也起來查考聖經天國的相關經節,也有相同的開啓。這是我們在日後追求主的道路上,很重要的一步。感謝神的恩典!藉著丁弟兄話語的服事,主實在激勵了我們初蒙恩的心,并且對于神的國度產生了深切的渴慕!



他們夫婦都是主忠心的僕人,也是主的見證人。希伯來書12:1-2 「我們既有這許多的見證人,如同雲彩圍著我們,就當放下各樣的重擔,脫去容易纏累我們的罪,存心忍耐,奔那擺在我們前頭的路程, 仰望為我們信心創始成終的耶穌。他因那擺在前面的喜樂,就輕看羞辱,忍受了十字架的苦難,便坐在神寶座的右邊。」 感謝神,藉著像丁弟兄和其他許多弟兄姐妹們這樣的見證人,如同雲彩圍著我們,激勵我們。在2008年底,我和姐妹同心答應主的呼召全時間服事主;我們的大女兒Grace也在四年前蒙召在校園裏全時間服事主直到如今。前面的弟兄姐妹們如何一直忠心服事主到底,他們的見證和榜樣也實在激勵我們,一同效法我們的主,仰望為我們信心創始成終的主耶穌,忠於主的托付一直到底!

主内 國華 廷茹 于德州休士頓
December 18, 2021
December 18, 2021
While growing up as a youth in Orlando, I was fortunate enough to listen and learn from the biblical lessons Dr Ting prepared for the Church. When our family faced uncertainty, Dr Ting with Mrs Ting were with us, sometimes quite literally - as in the person. At the time, I couldn’t comprehend the possible reasons why Dr Ting was so committed to the community.

After listening to Paul and Peggy’s moving reflections of their father, I finally understood why. If integrity is doing right when no one is looking and sincerity is showing care without reservation, he lived and demonstrated both to others.

December 15, 2021
December 15, 2021
感謝又真又活的神, 賜下活潑長存的道在我們的生命中,餵養我們的靈命,引導我們的人生 。 
December 14, 2021
December 14, 2021
As Christians, we are all called to be a “little Christ” and I have certainly witnessed our dear brother Ting taking that calling seriously. I am deeply impressed by his commitment to the Lord and to the saints locally, around Florida, and around the world. His joy and zeal for passing on what the Lord has entrusted him is undeniable. Our brother not only talked the talk, but he also walked the walk. For many years, he has consistently taught us on Fridays and Sundays the infinite richness of God’s word and the abundant spiritual supply we can find in the Lord. Bro. Ting was always on the lookout for saints who want to serve and he has often challenged them in areas beyond their comfort zone to help them discover their hidden spiritual gifts. As the lead co-worker serving the Lord, he has taught us to set aside distractions and focus on the mission at hand and to rely on the “small voice” within for guidance to preserve the unity of the spirit. I can never fully understand the ways of the Lord and why He allowed our brother to go through those years of physical struggle, but I submit myself under His sovereignty and trust that our brother has finally rested in God’s bosom with a heavenly welcome for the job well done. I can attempt to sum up our brother’s life with the words found in I Cor. 11:1 that says “Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ.” Thank you and see you soon brother! Maranatha!
December 13, 2021
December 13, 2021


总的看,丁弟兄是神赐给奥兰多华人、和周边城市的华人的传道人。 对我和我的妻子来说,他是一个纯洁的传道人。因为他在3个方面为我们提供了纯净的灵奶。第一,我和我的妻子是2000年得救,进入甘城华人教会,之后的頭10年里,每2个月一次他来甘城讲道,丁弟兄的主日证道是我们最喜欢,最享受,听得最清楚的真理。 他讲的3个饼、和神的爱,如今仍清晰留在我们印象里。 因为不住在一个城市里,所以直接听他讲道的机会不多,然而我们有机会听到他纯正的证道,基本上都被我们吸收了。第二,最近10年里,丁弟兄在特会讲的信息、和他送的7-8本书,对我们的服事很有帮助。第三,对我而言,丁弟兄是一个很好的圣经教师。丁弟兄是基督学房的两门课的主讲老师。我是一个一般的学生, “罗马书”很丰富,丁弟兄靠圣灵充分准备了“罗马书”的教材,学了那一课、我觉得真理上确实使我成圣。“基督工人性格”题目很广大,学起来有可能会进入一个能上天、却下不了地的过程。丁弟兄独具匠心,精心安排“基督工人性格”的教材。我对那门课的体会、帮助我增加了对基督耶稣的信心和认识,和对丁弟兄的敬重。总之,他永远是我们的一位纯洁的传道人。感谢神!

回头看,丁弟兄每一次都是付出代价、把圣经吃透了再来讲道的人。他对待神的话的态度,他讲神的话的方式,他付出忍耐,对年轻的弟兄的关心爱护,对学房其他老师的尊重。丁弟兄确实背了他的十字架跟随基督。近年来,他身体有软弱,他比较多默想神的话,亲近主。他既有恩典,又有真理。 这些给我们留下清楚的印象。这些都留在我们里面。有3件事我们不会忘记。第 1件,多年前,甘城教会来了一位摩门教徒,他不仅参加了诗班和擘饼,而且还想要跟一位中国姑娘结婚。丁弟兄用电子邮件跟我们交通了几个方面的教会生活的真理。我们靠着那些真理,打了胜仗。第2件,多年来,有一句话,他重复地对我讲过很多很多次:当教会出现危机的时候,教会可以系统地学习圣经中一本书,比如使徒行传,或摩西五经,教会就能走出危机。虽然我没能完全明白他的意思, 但是受他的影响、 今天我最喜欢的服事、就是带初信者一节一节地、系统地一起学习一卷书,如,传道书,马可福音,约翰福音,罗马书等等。第3件,去年,我来看他,他请我吃饭,他给了我一句唯一的劝勉,“你现在在英文教会聚会,不要丢了中文圣经哪。”这对我是一个很重要、很及时的提醒。我现在坚持用中文圣经服事。

没有信耶稣的朋友,我愿意对你说一句话。今天你把丁弟兄的死这件事、放在你心里的时候,你是否看见,他的一生证明有一位圣经的神, God of Bible。这位神造就了他。 他的一生是明亮的,结了果子的。今天我们纪念他,100年后,我们也死了,就不可能再继续纪念他。 然而,因为他认识独一真神和一位死里复活的主耶稣,他们有关系,耶稣继续纪念他,耶稣永远纪念他。因为耶稣是活着的,耶稣能永远纪念他。 你也要信耶稣,让耶稣也永远纪念你吗?
December 12, 2021
December 12, 2021
Abraham and I joined the OCC in 2003. Since then, the loving guidance and shepherdship of Brother and Sister Ting have influenced us in our worship of the Lord and our daily living. Though we left Orlando in 2006, the piety and pursuit of purity that we learned from them have never departed. We miss Brother Ting very much. But as Sister Ting said, true love never ends with or without a physical presence. The knowledge that our brother is now with our Lord brings us comfort. We will meet again up there to join our Lord.
December 12, 2021
December 12, 2021

December 11, 2021
December 11, 2021
I came from HongKong to Orlando, FL in the 1990s attended Orlando Chinese Church and baptized in Easter by Dr. Ting.
I participated many young adults fellowship during that time. I remembered one night at a retreat, when Peggy saw Dr. Ting, she ran to daddy and hugged him. Very sweet and lovely moment especially both of my parents already passed away when I was a teen.
I learned a lot of Bible knowledge from Orlando Chinese Church. I often sat in the front when Dr. Ting presented the sermon. His great love of God poured out scriptures from his heart, with the power of the Holy Spirit guided us live a holy life honorable to God.
I remembered I told Dr. Ting I had nightmares and was not able to sleep. He told me go home examine my heart & pray.
Dr. Ting & Sister Ting checked on how I was doing later, they shared these verses to me, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”
‭‭Philippians‬ ‭4:8‬ ‭NIV‬‬
Thank God I build up a strong biblical foundation from Orlando Chinese Church with brothers, sisters & families are always in my heart. 

December 11, 2021
December 11, 2021
That was a wonderful memorial service today. So many honest and heartfelt testimonies of a man who touched others with God’s love. I never met Mr Ting except maybe briefly at Peg and Jim’s wedding, but I surely witness the effects of his life of service to others. Mrs Ting, Paul, Joy, Peg, and Jim: May God comfort you as you grieve this huge loss and strengthen your faith as you hope in the promise of heaven.
December 11, 2021
December 11, 2021
Ting Shu Shu has had a profound influence in my life and my family's life. I was just a young teen when my family moved to Orlando. Now I am a grown woman with children of my own, teenagers. I am so grateful that Ting Shu Shu and his family were there for us and loved us like family during those formative years. There is a love for Jesus that was planted in our lives.

To this day still, I remember the clarity, depth, integrity, passion, and compassion in his teaching of God's word, Old Testament and New, weaving seamlessly the eternal truths of God's unfailing love and faithfulness, His kindness and steadfastness, His righteousness and mercy. 

Beloved Ting Shu Shu: you have run the race well, and been such a faithful servant, true to God's word, kind to His people, devoted to His church, the bride of Jesus, honoring the Lord through hardship, pain and declining health. 

When I sing the old hymns, "It is Well," or "The Old Rugged Cross"... and so many others-- I can still hear Ting Shu Shu's voice singing, and I know now that he is with the Lord, and welcomed home into the presence of Jesus, worshipping in His presence, seeing Jesus face to face. This longing, thirst, and desire for Jesus- is a great legacy you have left in the lives of so many you have touched.

1 Corinthians 13:12 NASB
"For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face; now I know in part, but then I will know fully just as I also have been fully known."

I would like to share below the lyric to the song by Matt Redman "One Day (When We all get to Heaven)" -- with Ting A-Yi, Paul and Peggy.

May the Lord's comfort and peace be with you.

With love,

Yen In


LYRICS- One Day (When We all get to Heaven)

"One day You'll make everything new, Jesus
One day You will bind every wound
The former things shall all pass away
No more tears

One day You'll make sense of it all, Jesus
One day every question resolved
Every anxious thought left behind
No more fear

When we all get to heaven
What a day of rejoicing that will be
When we all see Jesus
We'll sing and shout the victory

One day we will see face to face, Jesus
Is there a greater vision of grace
And in a moment, we shall be changed
On that day
And one day we'll be free, free indeed, Jesus
One day all this struggle will cease
And we will see Your glory revealed
On that day

And when we all get to heaven
What a day of rejoicing that will be
When we all see Jesus
We'll sing and shout the victory
Yes, when we all get to heaven
What a day of rejoicing that will be
And when we all see Jesus
We'll sing and shout the victory

Oh one day, one day
Yes, one day we will see face to face, Jesus
Is there a greater vision of grace?
And in a moment, we shall be changed
Yes, in a moment, we shall be changed
In a moment, we shall be changed
On that day

When we all get to heaven
What a day of rejoicing that will be
When we all see Jesus
We'll sing and shout the victory
We'll sing and shout the victory

We will weep no more
No more tears, no more shame
No more struggle, no more
Walking through the valley of the shadow
No cancer, no depression
Just the brightness of Your glory
Just the wonder of Your grace
Everything as it was meant to be
All of this will change
When we see You face to face
Jesus, face to face"

December 11, 2021
December 11, 2021
My dear Brother Ting was a tall man of deep devotion and genuine faith in the Lord. His serious pursuit of the Lord and quiet demeanor exuded strong trust and reliance in the Lord’s Word. Thanks be to the Lord for blessing me with the privilege of knowing Brother Ting in my life; and to witness his faithfulness and fervor in serving the Lord through the years. Thank you Brother Ting for sharing your incredible life and vision with us. We will miss you dearly. Thank you for your generous loving kindness and compassion. Thank you for your endearing and precious legacy for OCC.

December 11, 2021
December 11, 2021
December 11, 2021
December 11, 2021
God has richly blessed my family through Brother Ting's ministry. We not only received the Gospel truth from Brother Ting's preaching; we were also challenged to grow spiritually through his teaching. On a few occasions, my brother and I had the opportunity to translate for him when he preached in Gainesville. My parents, brother and I all had the privilege of being baptized by Brother Ting, who also presided over my brother's wedding as well as my own. Brother and Sister Ting also indirectly introduced me to my future husband in a city that was almost a thousand miles away from home. I am simply filled with thankfulness whenever I think of Brother Ting...
December 11, 2021
December 11, 2021
在刚进入聚合物铁电领域时进行的文献调研中,初识R.Ting这个名字;而近10年后,在学房学习到《罗马书》时,才从学长学姐的口中得知,课程导师丁老师就是那位领域的R.Ting。蒙神恩典,能在属灵和学术两方面都得以聆听丁老师的教诲,而尤以《罗马书》学习的能 大大的得着,特别是认识到神全备的救恩和称义--成圣--得荣的过程,学习在神的心意中,一个基督徒所应有样式和生活。虽未能和丁老师面对面交通,唯盼主来那日,与丁老师相聚在主里!

16 我不以福音为耻,这福音本是神的大能,要救一切相信的,先是犹太人,后是希腊人。
17 因为神的义正在这福音上显明出来,这义是本于信以至于信,如经上所记:“义人必因信得生。”
December 11, 2021
December 11, 2021

December 11, 2021
December 11, 2021
Brother Ting came to share the message in our church a couple of time,
His message was very insightful and with wisdom from God. It was clear to me that all the brothers and sisters are edified by his message. 

December 11, 2021
December 11, 2021
  神賜給丁弟兄各樣的恩賜來服事主和祂的教會,我们感谢主!                     丁弟兄在1990年到2000年初期,他幫助了好幾個在弗羅里達州中、北部的華人基督教會和校園查經班。 他從Orlando中華教會風塵僕僕地來回奔波於Orlando和 Tallahassee 、Gainesville、Jacksonville、Melbourne 等地區之間,為的是要服事、裝備和造就各地的聖徒;其間,更為許多蒙神揀選的弟兄姊妹們施行浸禮,加入教會的生活。我們也曾經從各個不同的弗羅里達州華人基督徒特別聚會之中,領受過丁弟兄在主裡面的諄諄教導。
回顧30年來丁弟兄在我們當中為主所做成的點點滴滴,我們不但感謝主,也懷念我們的弟兄。同時,我們很清楚的知道:我們的弟兄已經到了主的那裡了,那真的是美好無比的。 阿們。
December 10, 2021
December 10, 2021
感谢丁弟兄多年来在主里的服侍。我还记得刚来OCC时,是在一次丁弟兄讲道的主日举手信主的, 后来在学习圣经方面也从丁弟兄那里得到了指导,周五查经小组也给了我们很多帮助。

December 10, 2021
December 10, 2021
Dear Brother; we missed you so much always, not just for servicing the Lord loyalty, but also a great role model of Ting's family member, Mom & Dad, Clara & Sam, we all are proud of you ....... We believed that we will meet in God's Kingdom on victory day and stay forever !

Brother & sister-in-law - Albert & Marie Ting
December 9, 2021
December 9, 2021
December 8, 2021
December 8, 2021
從我18歲住在丁家 (我的大姨丈,大阿姨家)大姨丈給我的感覺ㄧ直是 學問深厚,知識廣博, 再加上他長的那麼高, 真是高人一等, 世上有什麼難倒他嗎?
直到有一天, 應為我自己對信仰的疑問,我問大姨丈 : 大姨丈,為什麼你信神?
大姨丈回答 : 應為我能力不足。 
我完全傻掉了, 這樣ㄧ位在我眼中, 最有能力,最有學問的長倍,竟然說出這麽 humble 的話。 這ㄧ句話, 永遠都在我的腦海裏, 影響我一生, 隨時題醒我,為什麼我要依靠神。
December 7, 2021
December 7, 2021

主内 敏培,凡超,Samuel,Lemuel
December 7, 2021
December 7, 2021
It was about 20 years ago when Brother and Sister Ting first stayed with us in California. Brother Ting was the guest speaker for our church that weekend. The moment they entered our house, our, then, 3 yo daughter looked at him with a wide-eyed stare. Shockingly she whispered to me, "What happened? What did his kids do?" In the past, I taught our daughters to be obedient and not to upset me because I would get a gray hair each time I got mad. Thus, she thought Brother Ting would have been upset a lot by his children. However, since the moment Brother and Sister Ting entered our home, they have been nothing but the most affectionate grandparents, "Ting yeh yeh, Ting po po," to our daughters. Through the years, they have made a few more visits and we loved and treasured each visit. Our daughters have found the most loving, sweet grandparents. Our daughters put up skits and made Nintendo Wii characters for Ting yeh yeh and Ting po po, and the Tings made sure they set apart time aside from being the guest speakers at our church to spend with our daughters. To our daughters, brother and sister Ting were their grandparents: down-to-earth, personable, and authentic.

We are blessed to have Brother and Sister Ting in our lives. They not only shared God's words with us, they have poured out their love to our daughters. Ting yeh yeh would be truly missed.

Tim & Mercy
Hannah & Rachel
December 5, 2021
December 5, 2021
思念 丁燕嬰弟兄一生









(五 ) 君王來遲(憂中之樂)


(六)教會呼聲 (歡欣鼓舞)


Paul Lin
December 2, 2021
December 2, 2021


December 2, 2021
December 2, 2021
December 2, 2021
December 2, 2021
December 1, 2021
December 1, 2021
論到死人復活, 神在經上向你們所說的,你們沒有念過嗎?他說:‘我是亞伯拉罕的 神,以撒的 神,雅各的 神。’ 神不是死人的 神,乃是活人的 神。”(馬太福音 22:31-32)

我們卻是天上的國民,並且等候救主,就是主耶穌基督從天上降臨。(腓立比書 3:20)

他們卻羡慕一個更美的家鄉,就是在天上的。所以 神被稱為他們的 神,並不以為恥,因為他已經給他們預備了一座城。(希伯來書 11:16)

因為他等候那座有根基的城,就是 神所經營、所建造的。(希伯來書 11:10)

December 1, 2021
December 1, 2021
UCSD 的幾年,是段何等美好的日子,讀書、查經、團契、聚會。之後,我們多有連絡。不知覺的,從壯年到中年再進入老年,孩輩們長大,都有了孫輩。感恩之外,也不禁嘆息。但在神預定的日子裡,我們有更美的家鄉,將來在天歡聚,好的無比。

December 1, 2021
December 1, 2021


明兴 弟兄
December 1, 2021
December 1, 2021

December 1, 2021
December 1, 2021
Our dear Brother Ting has finished his testimony in Christ on earth and now is resting in Christ with hope and reward.

For those who know Ting but still on earth are full of gratitude and encouraged to obtain the nourishment from the fellowship of Brother Ting in past. Meanwhile, we all feel sorrow for the temporary departure though we know we will be reunited with our loving Brother Ting when Lord is back and all wounds and tears will be turned into pearl and crown

May our sister Ting be comforted by the Holy Spirit and tremendous loving from many brothers and sisters.

Glory to God and peace with hope to His people.

December 1, 2021
December 1, 2021
Dear Ting Shu-Shu,

Thank you for serving the Lord faithfully and we all benefited from your work while you were amongst us.

Thank you for teaching us the absoluteness of the Bible and that there are treasures to be found in God's words.

Thank you for living your life as an example to us on how to pursue God and His truth.

Thank you for your prayers when we are in need.

啟示錄 Revelation 14:13

Yours sincerely,
Christina, Michael and Nathan

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