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May 8
May 8
Hello Bob,

  Where are you? Glad you are not seeing what is going on down here, or are you? Please use your influence to bring about an end to the war in Gaza.
  We can't forget you and your inspiration.
  Bless us, please.
Ann Marie
July 14, 2023
July 14, 2023
Dear Bob,

  Your revolutionary life seems to be destined by the date on which you were born.
  I like to think that nowadays you are still advocating for us mortals, and maybe it is good you do not read the daily papers.
  Thank you for the many wonderful things you did and still inspire us
to keep up the fight.
   And thanks to the people in ForeverMissed for keeping this tribute alive.
   Ann Marie
May 8, 2023
May 8, 2023
Dear Bob,
You are forever remembered among those who still try to follow your example. I hope we can make a difference like you did.
Your humor is still with us too!
Thanks for all of that.
Ann Marie
July 14, 2022
July 14, 2022
On the 233 Aniversary of the French Revolución, my unforgettable friend lives in my heart
July 14, 2022
July 14, 2022
Dear Bob,

  It is wonderful to celebrate your revolutionary spirit every year, you, the unforgettable one. We thought you would stop the fascist takeover of the world, such as we see every day in our papers, but you deserve to rest.
 Thank you for showing us the way.
  Missing you,
  Ann Marie
July 18, 2021
July 18, 2021
Unforgettable friend, your revolutionary spirit stayed inside me fostering non violent demonstrations as you taught me.
May 8, 2021
May 8, 2021
Thank you for all the thought-provoking talks in your garden. We had a right-wing attempted coup d'état in the USA this year. Hopefully Democracy and the Environment can prevail!
July 14, 2020
July 14, 2020
If alive, what revolution would Bob be fostering against Covid and governments manipulating? 
Flora Fernández
July 14, 2019
July 14, 2019
Ann Marie Saidy said it better than I ever could. Rest in peace, Bob, where ever you are. All of mankind might be joining you in less than a century. The UN report states that we have only 12 years to get off fossil fuel, but the Corporate Gods will do everything in their power to prevent that.
July 14, 2019
July 14, 2019
Dear Bob,
   You continue to be unforgettable to us mortals. I supposed you would pull some strings for this sad world - wherever you are - but maybe you are. The Palestinians are not waiting for justice and have started to take resistance in their own hands. Surely you had something to do with that.
  We still think of you when friends gather, when we hear classical music, when we see sunsets and and have an intelligent laugh. Thanking you for having graced our shores.
   Ann Marie Saidy
July 16, 2018
July 16, 2018
I still miss you, Bob. However, things are so bad under Trump, that maybe it's better for you that you checked out before he came into power. I hope you are at peace. The USA is a mess. White supremacists in power, ever more military adventures abroad, and more threatened "regime change", and destruction of the environment, and willful destruction of our courts.
July 14, 2017
July 14, 2017
Our revolutionary friend celebrated on this date his birthday with a bit of pride for the coincidence with the French Revolution. Always in our heart.
May 8, 2017
May 8, 2017
Dear Bob, You are unforgettable. I imagine you are still challenging us and causing mischief on earth, without the pain. We have a clown for a president, and we could use some help in setting him straight before we all take an unexpected trip to paradise. Please, please help the Muslim countries because your lifetime of advice about justice has not reached our leaders, who mostly claim to be Christians. God help us. And thanks for all the good memories, great conversations, and memories.
May 8, 2017
El Reverendo Andrews sigue con nosotros. Su constante cuestionamiento nos inspira. Su amistad fue verdadera y constante.
May 8, 2017
May 8, 2017
It has been two years since Bob's passing, and I still miss his stimulating conversations and his refusal to compromise on JUSTICE and Human Rights. Too bad nobody has the time to continue hosting his stimulating conversation gatherings. I often think of Bob. Maybe it's better that he did not experience the horrors of the Trump administration. That would have really killed him. Rest in Peace, Bob, you deserve it.
July 14, 2016
July 14, 2016
Unforgettable. I would like to hear what he could have to say regarding the possibility FBI finds Hillary guilty and Bernie becoming candidate.
July 14, 2016
July 14, 2016
Bob, you will always be in our minds and your kindnesses will never be forgotten.
May 8, 2016
May 8, 2016
It has been one year today. Oh, I miss the stimulating conversations we would be having about the goings on in the US elections.
March 22, 2016
March 22, 2016
I am so sorry to miss Bobs passing, especially since I live here in Costa Rica....THANKS to Bob!  I met him many years ago in Delaware and he helped me out of an unfortunate situation which allowed me to move to Costa Rica 10 years ago.  I fell out of touch with this intelligent man and found out about his passing recently by Cristiano, which saddens me.  I loved his quirkiness and I am truly saddened at his loss, which is a loss to all who knew him and I hope his dreams and acts of kindness live as long as we can remember.
July 22, 2015
July 22, 2015
Bob's Memorial Service was on Sunday, June 7, 2015. Cristiano did a great job of organizing it, and Reverend Stacey Steck gave a wonderful, apropos eulogy. 
Ann Marie Saidy had made Tim Fulbright's photo of Bob at his 85th birthday last year into a almost life-sized, colorful banner. It was eery how life-like the photo was, as of Bob was there himself. Several people spoke about what Bob meant to them. Then we all walked to the gazebo in the back, and Rev. Steck spoke a few words, and Joaquín and Cristiano sealed the urn with Bob's ashes under the concrete seat facing the beautiful view. Then we walked back to Cristiano's patio and had a nice catered lunch with lively Marimba music to celebrate Bob's life. How I miss him.

I took 84 photos. I will attempt to upload some here.
July 15, 2015
July 15, 2015
Bob era de esas personas que no son fáciles de encontrar en la vida. Tuve la suerte de conocerlo y compartir con el en muchas ocasiones. Siempre tan dispuesto a ayudar, siempre haciendo conecciones entre la personas. Siempre alerta de lo que pasaba en el mundo, alertándonos, despertando conciencia. Solidario, inteligente , sensible y necio!!!! Ja Ja Estoy segura de que quiere que lo recordemos con una sonrisa en la boca y un sentimiento de amor en el corazón... sino para que vivir.....
July 15, 2015
July 15, 2015
Hello my revolutionary friend, every year we would speak this day, not only to celebrate another anniversary of the French Revolution, but also because it was your birthday. I miss so much our long conversations every time we had chance to speak and "conspirate". Now you are in the light, while I keep on trying to understand the world we live in, now without your guidance and hints. Will love you forever and hope will meet again
July 14, 2015
July 14, 2015
I opened my schedule book today and realized from a note I made over six months ago, today is Bob's birthday. 

Happy birthday, Bob and thank you for the contributions you made to my life.
July 14, 2015
July 14, 2015
I'll write this to Bob. You have had a great influence on me, Bob. I had abandoned some of my strong commitments to world peace and justice because I was discouraged, then I met you. You have been a great role model and teacher to me and to many people I never will know. I'm not afraid to be outrageous anymore either. What a relief! Thank you for your intelligence, kindness and inspiration.
June 11, 2015
June 11, 2015
Many good things have been said about The Reverend Robert W. Andrews. His personal life, his beliefs, his energy, his commitment to justice, to help humanity and much more. I miss him for what he meant to me as a personal friend and brother. Through his meetings and personal conversation my knowledge and views of the world were greatly enriched. I always admired him for his strong commitment to fight for what he believed it was a right cause. We have lost a great fighter for the cause of Justice in the world. Rest in Peace my Brother Bob
June 6, 2015
June 6, 2015
From Peter Reynolds

Bob had two rare gifts: intellectual integrity and moral courage. He was not just smart and well read—a lot of people are. But a lot of smart and well-read people use their minds to prove they are right and feather their nests. Bob did not do that. He used his mind to better understand the human condition. And when presented with new facts and ideas, he could re-evaluate what he thought he knew. What’s more, for Bob, intellect was not a collection of clever sayings: it was a channel into moral awareness. I remember a time when criticizing the Israeli treatment of the Palestinians was seen as the social equivalent of putting Hitler’s picture in your window—but Bob was not afraid to speak out. He learned what was going on, saw through the propaganda, and told anyone who would listen that Israeli policy is a tragic betrayal of human rights that cries to heaven for justice. That takes intellectual integrity as well as moral courage—and Bob had both. Of course I miss him. But even more significant, he will be missed by many he never knew for whom he raised the bar of social justice.
June 5, 2015
June 5, 2015
A friend from Virginia posted this on my Facebook page today to comfort a mutual friend who was grieving.. This posting brought 29 heartfelt replies to the Facebook entry from those whose grief was eased by the beauty of these words. If Bob was familiar with the words, I'm sure he would have approved:

“Death is nothing at all. It does not count. I have only slipped away into the next room. Nothing has happened. Everything remains exactly as it was. I am I, and you are you, and the old life that we lived so fondly together is untouched, unchanged. Whatever we were to each other, that we are still. Call me by the old familiar name. Speak of me in the easy way which you always used. Put no difference into your tone. Wear no forced air of solemnity or sorrow. Laugh as we always laughed at the little jokes that we enjoyed together. Play, smile, think of me, pray for me. Let my name be ever the household word that it always was. Let it be spoken without an effort, without the ghost of a shadow upon it. Life means all that it ever meant. It is the same as it ever was. There is absolute and unbroken continuity. What is this death but a negligible accident? Why should I be out of mind because I am out of sight? I am but waiting for you, for an interval, somewhere very near, just round the corner. All is well. Nothing is hurt; nothing is lost. One brief moment and all will be as it was before. How we shall laugh at the trouble of parting when we meet again!”

Written by Henry Scott Holland (27 January 1847 – 17 March 1918).  He was Regius Professor of Divinity at the University of Oxford.
June 1, 2015
June 1, 2015
From Nicole Sault

I can't believe Bob went so quickly. But I am grateful for that, for his sake, as it was a blessing. Though it is very hard for those who remain, never having their last words with him and goodbyes.
And I know Cristiano and Joaquin are in pain at their loss.

Bob was a giant of a man, with a heart that reached across the mountains and oceans to encompass all who suffered from injustice, and of course the Palestinians.
Like a comet, some people's lives flash across the skies and burst into flame. That was Bob. No wallflower, not one to mince words or worry about niceties.
We need more like him who will speak truth to power, and do the behind the scenes negotiating to achieve what cannot be accomplished in public.
What interesting contrasts, that he could be brash in public and diplomatic in private. A statesman who teaches us diplomacy, which is so sorely needed these days.

I can see him sitting in the hanging chair on the patio, after being filled by a Ticadel presentation and a Thai meal, basking in the glory of it all, with his hands on his staff.
And now he is conversing with angels all along the path, as he greets the ancestors and all the others who went before him.
Never one to hold back, he is telling them what must be done now, not what should be done, but what must be done, and immediately.
He does not ask about possible options, he tells them his view as though it were God's all-seeing view, and we love him for his insight and courage, his unfailing full steam ahead attitude toward politics and life.

So angels and ancestors, open your arms wide and get ready for a bumpy ride, full of excitement and adventure, with Bob leading and prodding and cajoling and encouraging.
We miss you Bob, and know that your spirit moves among us when we answer the call to justice for others, particularly the most vulnerable and forgotten.

Un abrazo con cariño,

May 27, 2015
May 27, 2015
Siempre fue un gusto tener conversaciones con Bob. Su valentía y desafío de los poderosos y su corazón compasivo siempre serán una inspiración. Mucha admiración por su compromiso con las causas que asumió; y ese constante esfuerzo por reunirnos, porque compartamos ideas, tener lugares de buena tertulia, con sentido es una necesidad, en verdad es un derecho humano, como inherente a nuestros seres, ojalá esa tradición que tanto cultivó y quiso que se mantenga, continue, para inspirar acciones, será la mejor manera de honrar su memoria.
Le extrañaré.
May 25, 2015
May 25, 2015
From John Chisman in Europe

I admired Bob for many reasons. He was one of the very few I would be happy to call "Sir".

He had a magic combination of mind, intellect, knowledge, experience, integrity, compassion and always positive and wanting to make a difference.

He was also far more forgiving than I am !

He was a bit of an irreverent rascal and I liked him all the more for it.

I will miss him.

So when Johana and I return from Europe, we will certainly go to visit him at TICADEL, have a quiet word and wish him well on his onward journey.

John Chisman
May 25, 2015
May 25, 2015
From Carolyn Charter

A Sonnet in Memory of Bob Andrews

Perhaps you view dear Bob as intellect.

Perhaps he’s one of Christ’s dear warriors true.

Perhaps he’s both of these with our respect,

Considering something else, so much eschewed. 

I am not God to know just what He views

In each of us, as offering for His plan.

I cannot know precisely how God hews

All humankind who worship Him, who can.

But this I know that faith must back with deeds.

God wanted both from us to do His works.

And He who measures everyone and feeds,

Has given out His love for all to share.

Yet we who love Bob so must spread this trust.

There’s plenty for us all, so that we must.

Carolyn Charter

The Canadian in Curridabat

A true Shakespearean Sonnet written with rhyme scheme ababcdcdefefgg, and a rhythm scheme, iambic pentameter.   The first 12 lines developed the theme, and the final rhyming couplet express the clausure or the denouement.
May 25, 2015
May 25, 2015
When a person commits to working for justice and peace, God does not promise the outcome one seeks. What God does promise is courage in the struggle. Bob's courage never waivered. He saw the world realistically as it is, and at the same time manifested a strong faith that working for justice and peace is living according to God's will.
May 22, 2015
May 22, 2015
Tuve pocas oportunidades de tratar a Bob Andrews, pero esas pocas veces dejaron una huella en mí que me indicaron cual era el camino correcto a seguir y me señalaron que los principios deben guiar siempre este camino.
Es una pérdida para todos nosotros pues es una de esas personas indispensables porque lucharon toda la vida.
¡Hasta siempre!
May 22, 2015
May 22, 2015
Bob Andrews.            Eulogy by David F. Sagel
Many of you only knew Bob through his appearances at the Democrats meetings. And his ability to invariably turn his comments to the Israel -Palestinian problem irrespective of his listener’s interest. Some were turned off and didn’t bother further conversions. This was a great mistake. Sometimes digging a bit rewards those who do the digging!
Bob was raised on the far north side of Chicago living with his family in a 3 family apartment building. The other apartments were occupied by a Latino family and the other by a Jewish family. This contributed to Bob’s broad and enlightened early education.
His mother was a member of one of the major choral groups in Chicago and from an early age accompanied her to many concerts. Bob’s love of music, especially the organ, was a lifelong enjoyment irrespective of whatever country he visited. He lamented the fact that CR didn’t have an organ to suit his standards!
Wheaton College in Illinois was the first stop in a thorough religious education. You may be surprised to learn Bob was a very active, and president, of the college Republicans Abroad! Belatedly the “penny dropped” and Bob became a liberal in more than name only.
    Two years at Princeton (where daily he saw Einstein shuffling across campus) prepared him for ordination in NY City. Eventually he arrived at the University of Delaware where he became the Presbyterian reverend. He remained there for more than 30 years.
His “church” was a privately owned house on the campus. It soon became the meeting place of every liberal group and labour union for many years. The University administration (and the DuPont’s who more or less owned the university) could not, although they tried, to evict him. These groups had nowhere else to go and he supported and joined most of their activities. Bob had many Jewish friends active in similar social and political activities whom he held in high regard.
Bob was in the forefront of dismantling the racial bigotry that existed in Delaware since the Civil War. He was exceedingly active with Martin Luther King and many others in meetings, petitions, marches, demonstrations and confrontational meetings not only in Delaware and Washington but around the country.
Traveling was much more than a hobby for Bob. With various non-denominational groups he traveled for more than 25 years and taught in Indonesia and Malaysia. He had many (non-military) friends fighting actively against the evils of the disgraced Nixon- war criminal Kissinger’s administration’s killing of hundreds of thousands in those countries.
Europe and the Middle East saw a lot of Bob where for many years he absorbed the culture, cooking and music of many countries. It was there he absorbed the political views of the Palestinians which became a major, some say sole, factor in his life. Many life-long friends came to CR to renew their friendships.
If you went beyond Bob’s immovable positions there was a very interesting man to learn from and to know. I’m proud to say I was one of them. The Democrat’s were fortunate to have Bob as one of our members.
I must recognize two of Bob’s loyal and trustworthy friends who gave him so much during his declining years. Cristiano and Joaquin deserve our thanks. To them lies the task of carrying on Ticadel (not the talks) for Bob.
And one more deserves mentioning. His first pet Lucas, the overweight Beagle hound, Bob grew to love. And vice-versa. He recounted with surprise, and a bit of admiration, about Lucas opening the apartment door, entering and eating whatever he could find including opening and clearing out the fridge!
Here’s to Bob --- my friend.
20 May 2015.
San Carlos, Panama.
May 21, 2015
May 21, 2015
This tribute was sent to me by Don Voelker.

“Rev. Bob Andrews was a Giant of a Man”

I am privileged to have known a few persons who are strong in their convictions regarding social justice.  Bob Andrews was one of them. As we followers of his Conversations at Ticadel can attest, Bob was unyielding in his sense of social justice in the Isreali-Palestinian conflict.  In regards to these Conversations in his garden, he was unyielding in his belief in educating people in the language of the alternative press, believing that the mainstream press was tainted by economic interests which generally contradicted the Truth. Bob Andrews was the ultimate Truth-Seeker.

For me, Bob Andrews also occupied a principal place in my Costa Rican Experience.  Along with enjoying the National Symphony, going to the beach, participating in a Costa Rica Birding Club outing, selling one of my paintings, I would include his Conversations at Ticadel as amongst my greatest pleasures in Costa Rica. Not only for the quality of the speakers, and the, at times, provocative subject matter, but also, just to meet prominent politicians and activists. After all, in how many places would we have had the opportunity to meet Luis Guillermo Solis, Costa Rica’s president. 

Bob Andrews was a Giant of a Man, and he will be missed.  

By Don Voelker
May 20, 2015
May 20, 2015
Querido Andrew, bendito sea tu camino hacia la Luz
Permaneceras en nuestros corazones desde el Centro de Amigos Cuaqueros de Costa Rica
Gracias por tu enriquecedor paso por nuestras vidas
May 19, 2015
May 19, 2015
Bob is one of the best teachers I've ever had, he taught me about Palestine, Justice as a way to achieve peace, finding new angles, as he used to say: "lets put it this way", confronting news and facts and not taking anything to be true without making many questions, but most important, he taught me most important lesson: love humanity and all living things. A man of God who loved Jesus Christ with passion in his heart. He's no longer among us, he is inside us, he got so deeply into our lives, we will carry him in our hearts for the rest of our lives.
May 18, 2015
May 18, 2015
The great loss of Bob takes a different form every day. At first it was the immediate impact, and knowing that he is out of his suffering. Then I remember how outrageous he could be, and how his faith was lived in real ways, not rituals, every day of his life. At the same time, he urged those close to him to do what they could for justice, the only road to peace, as he thought. Lately I wonder what the angels are doing with our wonderful, unforgettable Bob. He may even be using his influence to make a better world for us down here. Goodbye Dear Friend and hugs to those who will miss him across many continents.
Ann Marie Saidy

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